I'm Pretending To Be A Mystery In The Fantasy World

Chapter 413 Usurping The Secret, Heaven-Defying Changed His Life

Su Li called up the system panel and glanced at it. He glanced at Li Ruyan lightly and said, "Oh? Who do you want to kill? What kind of hatred does this person have with you, so that you can even accept me as a Human Cauldron? fate?"

Li Ruyan pondered for a moment, then looked at Su Li with clear eyes, and said in a serious tone, "Because my parents were once killed by that person because of a chance. It's enough to grab the chance, because that one." Chance, this time, that person felt that my parents' chances were not exhausted, so he wanted to continue to deal with us.

This time, my sister and I went out to look for an opportunity, but also to find an opportunity for revenge. "

Su Li stared at Li Ruyan with a hint of playfulness in his eyes, and said, "The person you want to kill is someone from Tianji Pavilion."

When Li Ruyan heard the words, her beautiful eyes suddenly widened a bit. She looked at Su Li with a moved expression, as if she was a little surprised that Su Li already knew this.

"Senior, is this the part of Karma who already knows to leave home?"

At this time, Li Ruyan asked carefully.

Beside Li Ruyan, Li Ruxi, who had fallen into a coma because of being attacked, has also woken up at this time.

She was startled at first, and then immediately seemed to have found something, and she behaved a little flustered.

But soon she found that Little Sister was still fine with Ruyan, so she felt a little more at ease.

"Senior, senior, let me stay. You, let me go, Little Sister. In any matter, my sister is definitely better than my Little Sister."

Li Ruxi didn't know what happened, but at this time, she immediately started to maintain Li Ruyan.

Su Li glanced at Li Ruxi lightly, and said, "You don't need to say these words, you actually know me, right? In fact, you even know that I will definitely appear at the edge of the flaming wasteland in the Nether Sea area, right? Even, you guys Before you came, you already had the idea of ​​getting in touch with me, right?"

Su Li asked this, so that Li Ruxi and Li Ruyan were immediately stunned.

However, the two still wanted an instinctive denial.

However, Su Li put it aside and said lightly, "There is no need to deny it, it is meaningless, for me, I still have a strong ability to deduce the secret in this world, so your origins, I am more than you. clearer.

In addition, the person you want to kill also really wants to kill, but before you want to kill him, he has already controlled you, but he has cut off your memories, so you don't know anything, I thought I really had a chance to deal with him. "

Su Li said, raised his hand and wiped it, a powerful soul power surged towards Li Ruxi and Li Ruyan.

The two of them were shocked, and the strange and somewhat strange hidden order chain soul energy on their bodies was directly broken.

The next moment, more memories emerged, and immediately, Li Ruxi and Li Ruyan completely froze in place.

Su Li looked at the two of them quietly, her expression as calm as ever.

If it was in the past, facing this kind of girl who could sacrifice their lives to deal with each other, Su Li's heart would definitely be full of goodwill.

But this time, Su Li was very indifferent.

Although the performance of the two is also from the heart and sincerity, there is no problem with the two's actions under normal circumstances, let alone acting - unfortunately, the memory of the two is damaged, and even this scene was actually arranged.

These are two very simple cages. It is meaningless to kill, and if you don't kill you, you will be discouraged.

As Su Li said, he is not a devil and will not bully the meaningless weak.

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He also promised Meier once, and also mentioned a promise to the human emperor Nuwa - that is, not to oppress ordinary people, not to destroy conscience.

Treating villains and enemies, Su Li doesn't mind the extreme viciousness.

However, when dealing with ordinary people and normal practitioners with conscience, he will have his own persistence.

Therefore, even if Li Ruxi and Li Ruyan's identities were exposed at this time, Su Li did not care too much.

He has pointed out all this, and even completely released the memory taboos of Li Ruxi and Li Ruyan.

At this moment, the two immediately shivered and their faces were pale.

"Ruyan, see Su Shensuan."

The two bowed and saluted, their attitudes were extremely respectful and extremely pious.

The strength of the two has not improved much, and it is still the original strength, but because of the recovery of the erased memory, the expressions of the two are also extraordinarily complicated, and their emotions are extraordinarily sad.

"I'm sorry, Su Shensuan, we didn't expect that it was already controlled by that person and became a cage in his hands.

Su Shensuan, if you want to do it, do it. It was our sisters who were abrupt and offended Su Shensuan. "

After the two returned to normal, they said similar words almost simultaneously.

Su Li shook his head and said, "If I want to kill you, then the hidden dangers in you will not be eliminated.

Now, you have two paths to go. "

When Li Ruxi and Li Ruyan heard the words, they immediately bowed and saluted, and said, "Please ask Su Shenju to give me some advice."

Su Li said, "The first way is to make an oath of the soul and be loyal to me, and then I will do whatever it takes to help you kill that person."

When Li Ruxi and Li Ruyan heard the words, their hearts trembled, and there was a bit of hesitation on their faces.

After pondering for a moment, Su Li said, "The second way is to leave directly, as far as possible, and leave the area of ​​Mingshan Mansion. In this way, you should still have hope of returning to the Cangshan Soul Clan in the future. I hope to become a goddess-level genius of the Cangshan Soul Clan."

Li Ruxi and Li Ruyan looked at each other, then hesitated for a while, then bowed to Su Li and said, "Su Shenshou, with our strength, what can we do for Su Shensuan?"

Su Li said, "At present, it really can't help me, so you can choose the second way. Don't worry, I, Su Li, will do what I say, and I will never use any tricks to let you leave. ."

Hearing this, Li Ruxi and Li Ruyan bowed to Su Li very politely.

Li Ruyan said softly, "Su Shenju, we have also seen the projection of the Soul Requiem Tablet, and we know that you are really a benevolent and righteous person. Our sisters have never doubted and will not doubt Su Shenju's character. It's just that before Our memory was erased, so we didn't know Su Shensuan before, so that Su Shensuan saw a joke."

Li Ruxi said, "Su Shensuan, we believe in you very much. Right now, we can't leave either. After all, Lijia... Once we leave, Lijia will be completely wiped out.

Su Shensuan, our sisters are willing to swear allegiance to Su Shensuan to the death, so we are also willing to make a soul oath, but when we are loyal to Su Shensuan, whether..."

Whether or not, Su Li has the answer in his mind.

After all, he owns the system, so the ideas of Li Ruxi and Li Ruyan can generally be presented in the file information.

The system at this time is very strong, it is not a level 1 system, and false error messages can still appear.

Therefore, Su Li knew the concerns of Li Ruxi and Li Ruyan.

Because, the two are willing to give allegiance to Su Li, but the premise is not to betray the country for glory.

This means that if Su Li becomes an enemy of the whole world in the future, they will not help the tyrants, but will protect the light blue star.

Besides, they are also unwilling to do things like bullying ordinary people and robbing practitioners of their souls.

This is the concern of both of them.

Su Li interrupted Li Ruxi's concerns and said, "I just look at your sincerity, and now it seems that you are not really against me, let alone calculating, so you can go.

As for allegiance, it is not necessary. "

Hearing this, Li Ruxi and Li Ruyan stayed where they were, and their faces showed even more anxiety.

"First of all, I'm sorry to tell you a very cruel fact - Wuyue City Changhe Town did not leave home, that memory is false.

Secondly, the reason why you were chosen by that person to meet me is that some people have noticed that I am in a state that can easily confine you, so you are all ready Human Cauldrons.

Even, this should actually have something to do with the Cangshan Soul Clan behind you.

Your memories are covered with the memories of 'Leaving Home' in the 'Mural World'.

In fact, Li Ruyan's physique is a special physique of a mysterious woman, while Li Ruxi's physique is similar to Hua Ziyan's purple air body. Moreover, at this moment, for some reasons, once you Follow me, maybe next, I will be horny because of some situation, and then dual cultivation with you.

Unfortunately, you are all poisoned.

You don't need to think too much, you are pure, but you have hidden poison in your body and soul.

This has nothing to do with you either, it is your voluntary choice. "

Su Li speaks some truth again.

This scene made Li Ruyan and Li Ruxi sluggish again. At this time, Su Li called up the system panel and took a look. The truth cage plus the heavenly secrets and divine calculations, this round, is the 100,000 heavenly secrets plus 2 Karma points and 2 merit points.

The once systematic function of convincing people with virtue obviously still exists today, but it is only integrated into the divine calculation.

Li Ruxi and Li Ruyan suddenly became completely depressed.

But just like that, the two of them were also filled with deep unwillingness and deep anger.

Because, when everything is revealed, they discover, what are they?



Not even a bit of status.

Su Li raised his hand again, and after calling up the information panel of the two of them, he directly reached out and erased the Karma information on it.

This is the special function of Heaven's Secret Calculation - a means of eradicating fate and tampering with fate.

At this time, Su Li used it on the two of them.

This is a test.

Use these two people to test the good aspects of the divine calculation.

Su Li wanted to see what the outcome would be.

But the moment Karma smoothed it out, Li Ruxi and Li Ruyan suddenly trembled, and then a large amount of white smoke and black mist suddenly appeared above their heads.

That scene was very bizarre and very strange.

Soon, after the white smoke and black mist above their heads disappeared, their Cultivation Base suddenly rose to the Ninth Stage at a speed visible to the naked eye. Divine breath.


After the two came back to their senses, they seemed to recognize the reality, and suddenly understood how many layers of cages they were shrouded in.

Therefore, the eyes of the two are extraordinarily complicated.

The next moment, Li Ruxi and Li Ruyan suddenly knelt down towards Su Li extremely piously and respectfully.

"Li Ruxi pays a visit to Su Shenshu."

"Many thanks to God Su for Ruxi's thorough cleansing of his soul and all the cages on his body. Ruyan, who will be completely loyal to Su God for all his life, Su Li, willing to rub his liver and brains on the ground, and go through fire and water at all costs..."

This time, Su Li didn't say anything, the two of them bowed to Su Li very simply and saluted, and made a soul oath with great piety.

This time, the two of them not only have no fear of their status, but also no longer have any concerns.

Instead, Su Li felt a little strange.

But he didn't say much, but called up the information of the two and watched it carefully.

Through the character's psychological information and the character's life file history, Su Li did not find anything special.

If there's anything special about it, it's that this time, Su Li has a vague sense of a special feeling -- or the ability to control.

It's as if Li Ruxi and Li Ruyan are like his clones after he separated and became independent.

Su Li glanced at Li Ruxi and thought, The next moment, his vision suddenly changed.

Then, the feeling of a 'women's clothes boss' who used the killing eagle clone was born again.

However, this time, he seemed to be holding Li Ruyan in his arms, and he was one with Li Ruyan in body, mind and soul.

It's a strange feeling, but it's also very real.

Su Li immediately realized something.

When Su Li retracted her consciousness and looked at Li Ruxi again, she found that Li Ruxi fell into a short-term sluggish state.

Then, after Li Ruxi came back to his senses, he obviously didn't know what happened before.

Su Li called up the system panel and looked at his Karma value and merit value. Immediately, his expression changed slightly.

Originally, he gained 2 merit points, and the merit value reached 29 points.

But at this time, his merit value was only 9 points.

He lost 20 points of merit and 100 points of Karma when he changed his life for Li Ruxi and Li Ruyan's good heaven-defying!

His Karma and Merit became—

Karma value 43.

Merit value 9.

Also because of these 20 points of merit and 100 points of Karma, it seems that there is some kind of relationship between him and Li Ruxi and Li Ruyan similar to the relationship between the main body and the avatar.

Or is it a master-slave relationship?

"So, Su Wangchen turned Zhuge Chunqiu, Gongcheng Tiancheng, Feng Han, Zhuge Jiayue and others into clones. In fact, it was not a real clone, but because he helped them heaven-defying to change their lives, so that he Can it come to them?"

"Also, that's still in the world of archives. In reality, Su Wangchen probably hasn't used such means yet."

"Otherwise, in reality, Su Wangchen has already risen, and he will not be so submissive."

Su Li found out part of the truth.

Immediately, Su Li called out the system elf light blue.

"Light blue, is what I judged the truth?"

Su Li asked.

Thinking in his heart, of course the light blue elf can perceive it - in this regard, Su Li did not hide the light blue elf.

"Yes Master, so the power of Transcendent's Heavenly Secret Master is that heaven-defying changed their lives! Since the master has helped them change their heaven-defying lives, then their heaven is the master, and their life is also the master, So allegiance is inevitable!

In addition, since the master has inquired about this matter, then, whether in the archive world or in reality, all practitioners who have used the Medicine Pill produced by the system have been changed by heaven-defying. Heaven is the heaven established by the master. , life is also the life of the master!

At present, Soho is still struggling, because Medicine Pill is taken in the prison of sin, and the effect will have a great impact, but it will be sooner or later to be changed by heaven-defying.

So, Soho is the master who can save it.

In addition, the situation of Nangong Wan'er and Mei'er is also the result of being changed by heaven-defying.

Among them, Su Ye is also included. "

The light blue elf told Su Li the corresponding information.

Hearing this, Su Li felt a lot more relieved.

On this point, he has already made a judgment in his mind.

Obviously, Meier's situation is already a clear illustration.

Then there are Yun Qingxuan, Zhuge Qingchen and Que Xinyan.

I'm afraid, none of these people can escape the ending of being changed by 'heaven-defying'.

However, Su Li had other ideas.

"So, very good."

Su Li responded to the light blue elf with satisfaction, and then he looked at Li Ruxi and Li Ruyan again.

"Get up, I actually just tried to use my celestial deduction ability, and then I noticed some of your shortcomings.

Now that it's unraveled for you, you can go.

As for your enemies - now it seems that it is not necessarily a deep hatred.

However, I don't care whether you have any hatred with him, because, next, I will indeed be involved with him. "

Su Li said softly.

Li Ruyan said hesitantly, "God Su thinks this, don't you want our sisters to be loyal? If Su looks down on our sisters, our sisters will leave here. Our sisters will keep in mind the great kindness and virtue of Su God's calculation, and they will never be forgotten. Forget it. If there is a chance in the future, there will be a spring in return."

Su Li said, "I promise your allegiance, but I don't need you to do anything for the time being, you can do what you need to do. In the future, if it is of use to you, I will contact you again at that time.

After I used the secret method to eliminate your cages, I also have the imprint of your soul, so the communication is very convenient.

But you don't have my communication method on your side - so you don't need to take the initiative to contact me, if there is something, I will take the initiative to contact you. "

Su Li said.

In this area, he did not deliberately block the heavenly secrets, but he knew that when he changed his life from heaven-defying, there would be no more peeping in this world.

At least, now he Su Li is not in the Karma of this world, so it is impossible to be peeped.

It is to be revealed, the identities of Li Ruxi and Li Ruyan are indeed very hidden - of course, even if they are discovered, Su Li has nothing to lose.

These are just the two dark lines he left behind, and they may never be used in a lifetime.

"Yes, Su God calculates."

Hearing what Su Li said, Li Ruxi and Li Ruyan were relieved.

Afterwards, Su Li waved, and the two stood up again, bowed and saluted, and then left respectfully.

Su Li called up the system panel and glanced at the information about the practitioner who set up this Karma's poisonous cage this time, and his eyes were a little more fierce.

The Son of Heaven - Zhuge Liancheng!

Nether Mu clan - Mu Qingluan!

The real Son of Heaven in the Heavenly Secret Pavilion!

The real goddess of the netherworld!

And Zhuge Qingchen of Tianji Pavilion, according to the results of a series of information side links on the Tianji Divine Calculation information panel - very unfortunate and sad.

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