I'm Pretending To Be A Mystery In The Fantasy World

Chapter 490: After Going Home, Goodbye Soho

Su Li sensed a series of changes in Hu Chen in real time.

However, Su Li didn't care too much about Hu Chen's choice.

In this regard, Su Wangchen naturally has to deal with it.

At this time, there is enough money in hand, so Su Li will not deliberately embarrass himself.

At present, in this world, he still wants to live the life of some ordinary people, so, there are some things that need to be used.

So, Su Li bought a single-family villa and a Bentley Bentayga in the central area of ​​the city.

As long as the money is in place, buying a lot of things doesn't really need that much trouble.

In the purchase process of these things, there is no abnormal situation, and there is no situation that is despised.

Of course, what is more important may be Su Li's extraordinary temperament, even with ordinary appearance and clothes.

In terms of cars, there is not much difference between a car of several million and a car of tens of thousands.

The purchase of cars and houses is mainly for parents to have a more stable and better life environment.

At the same time, it can also show a successful career, so that parents can feel more at ease.

After dealing with all this properly, the time has come to night.

After Su Li drove home, it was inevitable that his parents would ask questions.

Su Li's answer did not lie too directly, but just said that he had completed a great cooperation with a rich man.

As for the name of the rich man, Su Li didn't even hide it, and directly mentioned the name of that special person.

Coupled with the transfer records, Su Galaxy Cluster and Mu Qingya were shocked, but they gradually became relieved.

After all, Su Li's current Feng Shui ability really makes Su Galaxy Cluster extremely gratified and satisfied.

With Feng Shui's ability like this, it is actually not difficult to make money.

Seeing that his parents were completely relieved about him, Su Li was also relieved a lot.

Next, Su Li slightly adjusted Feng Shui in the house, and then transferred 10 million to each of his parents.

actually is not wanting to turn more, but too much, and it really doesn't make much sense for parents.

Because they are equally inexhaustible.

With this change, whether it is Su Galaxy Cluster or Mu Qingya, it is obvious that they are completely relieved.

From childhood to adulthood, I have been worrying about Su Li, and now all aspects have been changed. Su Galaxy Cluster and Mu Qingya are also ready to stop doing the work they were doing before, and prepare to take a break for a while to cultivate | body.

For this, Su Li naturally agrees very much.

"Ali, since now you have such ability and capital, you can go see your Little Sister tomorrow."

Ten p.m.

Mu Qingya still didn't fall asleep, but suddenly walked out of the door of the room and said to Su Li.

At this time, Su Li was sensing part of Hu Chen's experience, hesitant to hear the words, and then nodded in agreement.

"Okay, Mom, then I'll go see Little Sister at the university tomorrow."

Su Li agreed.

"She actually has a lot of difficulties, and it's not that she really doesn't like you. There is nothing difficult between you brothers and sisters.

In any case, what we can't let go of now is the relationship between you and He He. "

Mu Qingya said with some worry.

"Well, I see. I'm going to see her tomorrow, and I'll take care of this problem by the way. Mom, don't worry, go to sleep, and buy some supplements for Dad tomorrow."

Su Li said.

He helped Mu Qingya and Su Galaxy Cluster to recuperate, but the effect was not very good.

Actually is not to say that it can't be changed forcibly, but because the situation of Mu Qingya and Su Galaxy Cluster is a kind of backlash similar to the way of heaven, and it takes time to recover gradually.

At the same time, it also needs a certain amount of Qi luck and merit breath to nourish.

In this regard, as long as they are dedicated to good deeds, do good deeds and accumulate virtue, and maintain a bright yearning, this kind of situation, which is similar to the addition of karma, will gradually improve.

In this case, Su Galaxy Cluster actually understands something.

Therefore, Su Li did not say it obviously.

The reason for this is that Su Galaxy Cluster has helped others to see too many Feng Shui before, and even dealt with some things similar to heaven's secrets.

The so-called secret can not be leaked, this is not just talk.

Even, just like him, Su Li, after working in the field of heaven for a while, he later saved all beings in The Underworld for three thousand years.

This is actually the same Karma entanglement.

It's just that the way of expression is different, but the nature has not changed in any way.

In this regard, Su Li has seen very clearly now.

When Mu Qingya heard the words, her face finally became more relieved.

Next, she couldn't help but talk to Su Li for a while about Su Li's childhood, and when she said it, she fell into memories.

And then, as a mother, she apparently felt sweet and beautiful about the memories of the past.

Even the past life in those memories is actually very difficult.

Su Li didn't get impatient, so he talked with his mother for a long time.

At about twelve o'clock, Mu Qingya yawned and finally couldn't help saying good night to Su Li, and then went back to her room to rest.

Su Li returned to his own room, and sensed Wang Chenhuan's situation again. After finding nothing unusual, he sat silently on Meditation.

The activation progress of the system has improved a lot.

It seems to be just around the corner from the complete activation of the system.

It's just that, in such a quiet moment of the night, Su Li misses that fantasy world even more.

This feeling is an indescribable feeling.

The more Meditation, the higher the recognition of that fantasy world.

At the same time, for the bits and pieces of real life, the more boring it is, the more meaningless it is.

Although, the reality of all this is his real foundation.

"In this world, there are too many Karma and too many secrets."

"Moreover, the changes in the future will be huge."

"The unknown crisis has also begun to come."

"It's just that there is no clear direction for where to start and where to deal with."

Su Li pondered, and then gradually let go of his thoughts, and at the same time began to organize all the memories from the fantasy world, and all the experiences.

Soon, the next morning has come.

After a simple breakfast, Su Li drove out of the house.

As for the neighbors or the people in the village talking nonsense - what to say about renting a car, Su Li didn't care.

It is no longer a level of cognition, and Su Li has no emotional fluctuations for these trivial things.


"Okay, Mom, I see."

Su He pursed his lips and silently agreed.

After hanging up the phone, Lu Yiyi, Suho's best friend, couldn't help joking, "Why, is it your big brother who disgusts you so much?"

Su He rolled his eyes at Lu Yiyi and said, "Can you shut up, Yiyi, what does this have to do with you?"

Lu Yiyi smiled tenderly and said, "Actually, I think, an honest person like your big brother is actually quite good, very suitable for a spare tire. When I can't move anymore, I'll come back to him. In this way, we can It's a family, and I, my sister-in-law."

Hearing this, Su He breathed for a while, then sneered and said, "Hehe, try it out. Also, you sound like you're talking a lot, don't think I don't know you've been in the mother's womb all the time."

Lu Yiyi smiled charmingly and said, "Isn't it that I haven't met a real rich second generation? If I really met, for example, driving a big g or some kind of Porsche 911, I promise to be able to fly. Well, it's all right. The one who doesn't treat me like a human."

Su He spat lightly and said, "Then, why are you so reserved, the one who opened 718 before?"

Lu Yiyi said, "You said it's a 718 too, it's a bit too loath-fuck, Bentley Bentayga? Beer, this is really arrogant!"

Su He lightly glanced at the brown Bentley SUV at the gate, which was shining brightly in the sun, his eyes slightly solemn.

actually is not what kind of luxury car she likes or what kind of thinking she wants to be next to the rich second generation, but she knows very well who this person is.

Bentley slowly entered the gate of the school gate, and stopped at a side of the road.

Immediately, many students looked there.

At this moment, the door opened and Su Li walked out.

He still looks very ordinary in casual clothes, and the whole person looks very ordinary.

But at this time, because of the blessing of the luxury car, he appears to be extraordinarily attractive.

Su Li saw Su Ho in the car and Lu Yiyi, the girl in the green skirt beside Su Ho.

This Lu Yiyi looks very much like Lu Yi.

Not only the appearance, but even some temperament, are so similar.

Moreover, this Lu Yiyi's name and Lu Yi's name really overlap a bit.

Su Li didn't think deeply.

But it is obvious that some imprints of the Fantasy world seem to have already sprouted in this world.

However, there are many things that no one knew at first.


Su Li walked towards Soho.

Su He frowned slightly, glanced at the people around him, and was a little shy about gossiping.

But she just hesitated for a moment, then she came over to meet Su Li naturally.

Lu Yiyi was stunned, and then a pair of beautiful eyes almost exploded!

This this this this this! ! !

This turned out to be that trash big brother from Soho?

Don't you mean it's useless?

This is the so-called hanging silk worm?

Is this unremarkable?

This is the ugly big brother with madness and violent tendencies?

This is your uncle's Versailles home!

"Unexpectedly, you are such a Hehe! Haha, let's break up!"

Lu Yiyi couldn't help but muttered in a low voice.

Su He gave Lu Yiyi a white look and said, "Go, come on. You can stop treating yourself as a human now!"

When Lu Yiyi heard this, she seemed to have thought of something, and she almost drooled with a smirk on her face.

Su He suddenly felt rather embarrassed, this best friend was really helpless.


Suho sighed softly.

At this time, she had already walked in front of Su Li.

The two were less than a meter apart.

Su He's face was cold and her attitude was also indifferent. She glanced at Su Li lightly and said, "What? I learned some tricks, and then I got money by any means, so I came here to show off and show off? Are you proving to me that you are amazing? ?"

Su Li said calmly, "It's just a mere car, there's nothing to show off. If you just think so, it's still a bit smaller after all."

Su He sneered, "Haha, isn't it? It seems that you are still very tall, but it's me, too petty, right?"

Su Li said, "I know the reason for your disgust, isn't it because of my split personality, there is a Little Sister with a completely different personality from yours? This multiple personality is also a mental disorder, a mental illness.

But now, this situation has completely changed.

However, since it exists, there is also Karma.

Therefore, it is impossible for me to obliterate or erase such a spirit, which is also equivalent to killing a life. "

Su He said, "It's high-sounding, but it doesn't cover up your stinky and disgusting thoughts."

Su Li said, "If you think so, then I won't say anything more. I'm here this time to have a good talk with you. I already know your situation completely, so you don't have anything to guard against. of.

You don't have any secrets anymore for me. "

Hearing this, Su He's face suddenly paled a bit, but then it became even colder.

She stared at Su Li with cold eyes and said, "What do you mean? Are you threatening me?"

Su Li smiled and reached out and patted Suho on the shoulder.

Su Ho slapped Su Li in the face with a slap in the face.

Su Li didn't dodge, but an unknown aura suddenly appeared, blocking Su Li's face.

So much so that Su He slapped hard, like hitting a ball of cotton, unable to touch Su Li's face at all.

"I have completely learned my father's mysticism and psychic means, so I can completely treat your hidden dangers and so-called terminal illnesses for you."

Su Li's tone was light.

Saying that, he reached out to hold Su Ho's hand, and gently took back the hand she had drawn out.

Su He violently broke free from Su Li's hand, and at the same time was a little flustered and at a loss for the first time.

"My business, don't you care! I live or die, and it has nothing to do with you! Go away! Go as far as you go, I don't want to see you!"

Suho snarled irritably.

Her voice was a bit loud and sharp, so that many students in the distance pointed again.

"Look what, my brother and I quarrel, it's none of your business!"

Suho scolded the crowd angrily.

A group of students immediately shut up and left.

Su Li couldn't help laughing - apparently, Su Ho was afraid of his reputation.

After all, this idea, the luxury car at the school gate, has always had a different meaning.

And now, since Su He cares about such trivial matters, it can only show that Su He seems to be cold and arrogant, but in fact it is only a kind of protection for his own.

Also, how mature can a girl at such a young age be now?

"Have you been involved in some archaeology recently? And have you laid down some ancient tombs?"

Su Li asked suddenly.

After speaking, he said again, "Come on, I'll treat you to coffee, your favorite Starbucks. Talk while walking."

Suho wanted to refuse, but after thinking about it, he still agreed.

"Don't try to coax me, I tell you, the hatred between us is endless!"

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