I'm Pretending To Be A Mystery In The Fantasy World

Chapter 491 Fighting Grass To Startle The Snake, Hunting And Killing It

Soho is indifferent.

This indifference runs to the core.

But in the final analysis, it is just a childish performance of some aspects of a little girl.

Even if it is a little more excessive, for Su Li, it does not make any sense.

The reason why Su Li agreed is only because of a family love and a redemption.

This is also a kind of concern for Little Sister as a big brother.

"Well, I have no idea, just out of concern for you."

Su Li said calmly.

"Hehe, cats cry mice, fake mercy!"

"Also, when have you been so kind? Do you think that if you do this, I will forgive you? Impossible, impossible in this life!"

Su He said every word, his tone was extraordinarily firm.

It's just, saying the most ruthless words, but Su Ho also compromised and followed Su Li out of school.

Su Li couldn't help but find it interesting.

If Soho was really willing to fight him, then Soho wouldn't go to Starbucks.

Obviously, more or less, Soho also has some insistence on her own.

Beside Su Ho, Lu Yiyi never spoke.

It's not that I don't want to talk, but I don't want to get involved too much.

At the moment, the situation of Su He and Su Li is not very clear, and although she usually knows that Su He's big brother is very bad, but now that she sees it, it has obviously exceeded her expectations.

That luxury car alone is enough to crush all her previous impressions of Su Li.

More importantly, all the impressions she obtained about Su Li before came from Su Ho's dictation.

The worst thing is to see Su Li's photos from Soho.

And the photos of the past - Su Li used to be very loafer and unremarkable.

In particular, without that kind of temperament, Su Li's whole person looks very gloomy, and such an ordinary person is really difficult to attract people.

Even the first impression will cause others to dislike it. In this case, Su Li's impression will naturally not be better.

In addition, Su Ho has been 'defaming' in various ways. In this case, Lu Yiyi naturally cannot have any good impression of Su Li.

"It's impossible in this life, so it's possible in the next life. This is actually not bad."

Su Li laughed.

Su Li didn't quarrel with Suho like he used to, and he didn't show a particularly strong side.

This made Su He a little bit astonished - is there something wrong with this person, after all that was said about him, he could still laugh, and his tone was so gentle?

Su He glanced suspiciously, but at this very moment, he saw Su Li's incomparably clear and incomparably gentle gaze.

At that moment, her heart could not help trembling, as if she was attracted by such a pair of eyes for a moment.

It's a feeling that's hard to describe.

And it was such a feeling that Su Ho couldn't say anything even more cruel.

In the end, her anger and resentment made it impossible for her to say anything more ruthless.


Su He snorted lightly, his breathing was a little short, and the whole person gradually calmed down and didn't say anything more.

Of course, whether it was resentment or hatred, it also dissipated a lot inexplicably.

Seeing this, Su Li just smiled, as calm as ever.

If it was in the past, he would definitely quarrel with Suho, and even act stronger than Suho because of Suho's attitude, and maybe even slap her a few times.

But now...

Su Li has experienced the precipitation of endless years in the fantasy world, and her mind has fully matured.

He will never care about ordinary people or even the terminally ill Little Sister.

Why is this, in the final analysis, it is still love and hatred.

After all, the previous Su Li was really bad in every way. At this moment, Su Li was still stupid and didn't recognize his own problems.

This naturally made Su Ho even more angry and full of resentment.

It's just that the worse situation has not happened yet, so Suho's hatred is not particularly strong.

Su He angrily pulled Lu Yiyi, and soon overtook Su Li and walked to the front.

But Su Li saw more problems from the backs of the two.

Before, he was not very good and stared directly at Su He or Lu Yiyi.

Now, it is much more convenient to see their backs.

But this time, Su Li just observed it through the means of psychic psychic magic, and he already had the fate information of Su He in his mind.

After seeing Su Ho's fate message, Su Li frowned slightly, and then fell into deep thought.

Su Li's information on the fate of Su Ho was very accurate, only less than three months!

Yes, less than three months to live.

This time is too short!

However, this is the fact that Su Li has judged.

And this, in the eyes of Su Li, who has forgotten the world, is not wrong - in the case of no special accident, Su Ho's life is indeed coming to an end.

What Su Li pondered was not the current life situation of Soho, but—since Soho could only live for three months now.

So, how did the former Soho survive three years later?

There is no doubt that something must have happened to Soho that her fortunes had changed dramatically.

At this point, Su Li can of course solve Suho's problem very quickly.

Because, whether it is a problem of the body or the problem of the soul, through the power of merit, it can still be repaired.

What's more, Suho's problem was not caused by Su Galaxy Cluster and Mu Qingya, so he didn't bear the corresponding Karma karma, so it was not difficult for Su Li to improve his body.

But Su Li clearly knows that Soho is like a cage, and it is obvious that the huge Karma is also involved.

What Su Li was thinking about was whether or not to startle the snake.

As long as he improves Suho's body, there is no doubt that it will be a shock.

But if you don't do this, but wait for Suho's situation to reach the limit, then you can indeed discover more secrets.

But during this period, Soho may face great danger.

This is what Su Li was thinking about.

In addition, Suho undoubtedly knew about her own situation, but Suho never mentioned it!

Then, even if Su Li communicated with Suho directly, Suho would probably continue to conceal it.

While pondering, the off-campus Starbucks store has arrived.

Suho and Lu Yiyi chose a seat by the window, then scanned the code and ordered two macchiatos.

Su Li sat down across the table from the two and ordered a Lafite.

Then, the three fell into silence.

Soon coffee was served.

The brown coffee has some creamy milk foam on top, mixed with a faint fragrance.

Su Li took it, took a sip, and then calmly said, "I'm here this time because of my parents, and I want to see you."

Su He snorted softly and said, "Come and see if I'm dead?"

Su Li said, "If you think about it, it will take about three months at the earliest."

When Su He heard this, Jiao's body trembled, and the cup holding the coffee almost fell.

At that moment, her face was very complicated!

Even after his eyes were shocked, they turned red in an instant.

Then, tears of grievance filled it quickly, but it was strong enough to endure it.

"Ha ha."

Suho smiled noncommittally, and the smile seemed a little contemptuous and a little self-deprecating.

Su Li added, "Dad's "Mystic Art and Spiritualism", I have already learned all of it, and I have even mastered it, so I can solve your problem."

Su He sneered and said, "Bone cancer, terminal illness, can you solve it? Do you think you are an immortal?"

Su Li said lightly, "Immortals? What are gods? I don't know how many I've killed."

Suho sneered, "Is this joke funny? Why, you know I'm going to die, so you start to care about me generously?"

Su Li said, "In the past, I just wanted to learn mysticism and channeling better, and the reason for this is because I saw our results in advance.

Ten years of life and death are boundless, without thinking, since it is unforgettable.

People often always know how to cherish and regret after they have lost.

And seeing the results in advance, you should try to avoid them.

You are trying to hide, and I am desperately changing. "

Su Li's words were still light.

However, Soho could understand.

Soho is not very old now, only eighteen years old.

However, if a person has faced Death for a long time, his mind is actually more mature than some ten-year-old people.

Because Death can always make a person quickly mature and sensible.

Even if this person is just a child.

Such is life. When a person understands the despair of death, he will understand the meaning of life.

Sohoby everyone understands.

Because she faced all this almost every moment, faced those dreamlike experiences of Death.

So, in this case, she made herself good enough.

But even so, she couldn't save her father, and she couldn't save her big brother's severe schizophrenia.

And this incident is also because big brother Su Li is too disobedient, too jerk...

The past is unbearable.

Soho didn't want to think about it either.

Because of those things, she couldn't let go.

After a while, Su He said coldly, "So, you're like this, thanks to me, and you don't have any responsibility at all?"

Su Li shook his head and said, "Everything in the past has no meaning, doesn't it? There are only two things I want to do now.

First thing, fix all your hidden dangers.

The second thing is to protect your parents and you. "

Su He said coldly, "You don't deserve to say such things!"

Su Li said, "When I was in danger, I saved Mu Yusu but not you because I knew that if I didn't save her, she would die. But you, but not."

Su He's face was even more ugly, and he said, "Let's not talk about what happened in the past, this will only deepen my hatred for you! Yes, outsiders are very important, you Little Sister is a cheap life!"

Su Li said, "It was all premeditated, in order to split our brother and sister's feelings - and, if they could kill Mu Yusu, that would also be their purpose."

Su He said, "Really? What are you? What am I? Is it worth someone else's careful arrangement?"

Su Li said, "We are really nothing, but at present, only we have the bloodline ability of "Mysterious Spiritualism", and at the same time, only I can wake up from my own spiritual illusion."

When Su He heard the words, a look of shock appeared on his face, "What are you talking about? I don't understand! Also, don't talk nonsense, there's nothing here—"

As Su Ho said, he looked around and suddenly realized that the surroundings were already dark.

It was as if everything around him had fallen into a picture of absolute time stillness.

"Here—where is this place?"

Su He said and looked at her side again, only to find that Lu Yiyi was no longer there.

Just now, Lu Yiyi was clearly by his side.

"Here, you can call it a dream. Now, you have fallen asleep because you are a little tired, and I have entered your dream.

And this layer of dreams is not an ordinary dream, but belongs to the third stage of sleep - the deep sleep stage.

It can also be said that I have now entered the third floor of your memory forbidden zone. "

Su Li's words, like a thunderbolt, shook Su Ho's heart.

Su Ho didn't seem to have thought that Su Li even knew the secrets of the memory-forbidden zone!

Moreover, she can even enter her dream!

But, she didn't know when she fell asleep!

"Do you want me to continue to give you some popular science? Believe this information, you also know it."

Su Li continued to speak calmly.

The reason why he wanted to talk in the memory-forbidden area is because there are some things he really doesn't want others to know.

As for Suho's memory-forbidden area, there is no such concern.

"What do you want to say?"

Su He hesitated for a moment, then said solemnly.

At this time, she was much more normal, without the resentment and hatred she had before.

This is the third floor of her forbidden memory area, which is her deep dream.

If there is hatred, the law between heaven and earth will specifically exclude Su Li, then Su Li will not stay here for long, and will even be punished by the law.

"The period of rapid eye movement is the first layer of dreams, which corresponds to the first layer of forbidden memory.

The light sleep level is the second-level dream state, which corresponds to the second-level memory forbidden area.

In the deep sleep level, it is the third layer of memory forbidden area, and it is also the key memory forbidden area. "

Su Li said.

Su He pondered for a while, and said, "You know this? Now that you know, you should understand how dangerous what you are doing now is!"

Su Li said, "I do know, but it doesn't matter. I thought about it for a long time this time, and I just made the final decision!"

Su Hexiu frowned and said, "What are you going to do?"

Su Li said, "Kill the grass to startle the snake, hunt and kill it!"

Su He said, "You—how much have you learned about my father's mysticism? Since you know my situation, you can wait until my deadline comes."

Su Li said, "No need, I won't take the risk of kissing Little Sister myself."

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