I'm Pretending To Be A Mystery In The Fantasy World

Chapter 826: Strong Su Li, Framed And Killed

Su Li did not immediately respond to Bingling's statement.

Bingling doesn't know the truth, nor does Karma know the truth, but instead he talks about his appearance.

Then you can talk about it well.

"Why, there's nothing to say? Who doesn't know that you have some evil hobbies in Renhuang Su? It's one thing in front of people, and it's naturally another thing behind people!"

Bingling's statement is a bit extreme.

Su Li glanced at Bingling with the ability to call up the system function 'Mysterious Calculation'.

Today's Tianji God is very powerful, not only contains life files, future files and various deduction abilities, but also can see through some Karma.

So Su Li just glanced at the ice, and Su Li knew the answer.

What is the answer to this?

Actually very interesting.

Similar to the system's 'pre-update' capability, this 'real-time update' also has a performance similar to pre-update, that is, Su Li is a thug in the sunset world, not only likes to kill innocent people, but also has a black heart. He also ravaged that Huang Yuqian!

That is the life king Yamina!

In a word, the fate of that Yamina was the death of a living being, almost similar to the situation of Bingyu Li Bingyuying in front of her!

However, at this time, Bing Yuli and Bing Yuying were slightly better.

Because, Huang Yuqian's fate is actually even more unsightly - of course, it is not that Su Li is cruel, but that it will indeed be like that after being harvested in reverse.

Su Li won't pretend to be kind - if Huang Yuqian didn't come down with ulterior motives, and didn't want to harvest and suppress her, how could this be?

At this time, these things happened in the real and virtual realization, and it happened several days later - of course, it is impossible for such a thing to happen in reality.

Because Huang Yuqian or Yamina has experienced this kind of thing once, she has experienced it in Li Juan's truth and falsehood, but because of the truth and falsehood, she has lost 90% of her background in reality. .

But this 90% was not lost to Su Li, but to Zhen Xu——

This time, all the losses were carried by Li Juan's truth and Karma.


Neither Su Li nor the system cost anything, it can be said that it is a waste of money.

The same is true, that sunset world cannot appear - what if such a Karma really appears?

However, the sunset world does not appear, but some of Su Li's 'trends' are 'known', so there is a 'preview' update, so in the eyes of some people, Su Li is an extreme existence, bright At the same time, it is also incomparably dark, and it also cultivates the poison of hope, and also likes to ravage and repair all kinds of beautiful and strange women, it is the ultimate pervert!

Ice Palace Palace Master Bing Ling said that, of course, it is not a big problem.

Some geniuses also instinctively have such a 'cognition'.

Where does this perception come from?

Naturally, it is also an inexplicable identification from blood inheritance.

Like some kind of Mandela effect, the memory itself may be wrong, or maybe the world has changed, but their memory is misaligned.

The Karma that caused all this, Su Li is naturally very clear, he is the witness.

However, after turning on the magical calculation at this time, Su Li found that this ability was super awesome.

So Su Li glanced at Bingling lightly, but instead stretched out his arms to wrap his arms around Mu Yusu's waist.

"Do you explain? Do you want to humiliate Mu Yusu in public? Then show that you are amazing? Or do you want to kill people and kill us all?"

Bingling said coldly.

At this time, the movement here also attracted countless Tianjiao onlookers.

However, Bing Ling did not cover the naked Bing Yuli and Bing Yuying, and allowed them to show such a scenery while being so naked.

After a lot of Tianjiao saw it, almost all of them had huge heads, and they even wanted to jump on them immediately.

And some other female arrogances couldn't help but secretly spit, but couldn't help but watch the repeated comparison with some of their own structures, and then there was a look of envy in their beautiful eyes.

On the contrary, Zhuge Qiyan immediately gathered the spirit armor to evolve the defense, covering the two of them, preventing them from showing that special scenery again.

Is this a good thing?

Is this the minimum respect for a corpse?

No matter what happened in life, it is too unbearable to be so desecrated in death.

After Zhuge Qiyan did this, Mei Mu instinctively looked at Su Li again, without the slightest suspicion in her eyes.

She used "Shura Slashing Soul" to kill herself completely. Now, when she sees Su Li, she can't wait to run up to take a few bites... Her heart can't hold back anymore.

"This backlash hasn't been resolved yet, it's definitely not that I'm a lecher."

"Well, yes, it must be so!"

Zhuge Qiyan tried her best to convince herself, her bulging chest felt uncomfortable for a while, and she really wanted Su Li to help rub it.

Especially after she helped Bing Yuying cover her body, she only felt extremely hot all over her body.


After exhaling a breath, Zhuge Qiyan found that this breath was fiery.

"Be careful, the woman's door is filled with poison. You help her cover the scenery, but it is directly poisoned."

"This kind of poison, you can go to the Su Renhuang Indistinguishable Dao to remove it later."

"Be generous, and then invite him privately. He probably likes this kind of delivery."

Zhuge Qianyun joked in his heart.

When Zhuge Qiyan heard the words, she immediately reached out and grabbed Zhuge Qianyun.

Zhuge Qianyun's delicate body trembled slightly, "What are you doing, let go!"

Zhuge Qiyan said, "Let's be poisoned with our sisters, so that we can be together forever, and then we can ask her out together."

Zhuge Qianyun said angrily, "You are crazy, you are going to die! I am the main body, believe it or not, I will cut you!"

Zhuge Qiyan said, "I don't believe it, you are always like this. You sound fierce, but you are actually very good. I am not afraid anymore."

Zhuge said in a rhyme, "Don't mess around, you're a bit poisonous, it's hard to deal with..."

Zhuge Qianyun said, and instinctively looked at Su Li, and then his eyes gradually became watery.

Zhuge Qiyan "..."

Zhuge Qiyan took the initiative to let go, but it seemed that she was really infected.

Su Li also noticed the abnormality of Zhuge Qiyan and Zhuge Qianyun at this time - the key is what are these two people doing here?

Are you really not afraid of death?

Now that Zhuge Qianlan is involved, there will never be anything good for these two to get involved.

But Su Li didn't say anything, he wrapped his arms around Mu Yusu's waist, and said in a flat tone, "Bing Yuli and Bing Yuying are not bad, and they are indeed rare and strange women, but how is it compared to Mu Yusu next to me?

Mu Yusu is still intact, so they are what I did?

Why do I suddenly change my appearance and temperament?

I wanted to know this too, but suddenly it happened.

It must be someone doing something stinky and trying to hide something.

But that would never be me Su Li!

In addition, did you not realize that time has been lost for half a day?

This time, before I came here, I was promoted to the Master of Heavenly Secrets, and I realized some Karma, so I realized that my memory seemed to be erased, and the real time was cut.

This is really a big handwriting! "

Bingling sneered and said, "Why, do you want to cover up this fact with a major event? "The Way of Tracing the Origin of Time" comes from the time law area, and it is the real core method of the way.

Although I'm not particularly good at it, I can do basic derivation.

That Bingyuli's Karma has already evolved, and there are many witnesses!

Now this Bing Yuying's situation is exactly the same, and I know you won't respond.

But it doesn't matter, "The Way of Time" can present the truth of the past by reversing part of time Karma!

Do you have the guts to see it live? ! "

Su Li said, "What if it wasn't me?"

Bingling said coldly, "If it weren't for you, Su Renhuang, then I would kneel down to apologize, kowtow and bow, and bow three times and nine times in salute."

Su Li said, "It's okay to kneel and kowtow or something. I dislike it a little bit. Then you can apologize with the most sincere sincerity."

Bing Ling said, "That's no problem, but what if it's you?"

Su Li said, "That's up to you!"

Bing Ling said, "Everyone has heard it, I hope Su Renhuang will keep his word!"

Su Li said, "What I promised, I haven't done yet!"

Bing Ling said, "Very well, I really don't shed tears without seeing the coffin. Bing Yuying's situation is exactly the same as Bing Yuli, you still want to deny it? There won't be any mistakes!"

Between the words, Bing Ling directly performed "The Way of Tracing the Origin of Time".

When he used the way of tracing the source of time, Su Li also clearly judged the strength of Palace Master Bingling, the limit of the guardian, and the combat power comparable to Feng Zhishui.

The upper limit has been raised a lot.

But it is still far from the level of the gray robe.

As long as it's not at the level of the gray robe, it's actually not a big problem.

Anyway, for Su Li, it is a second kill.

"It's really shameless. I have secretly updated it at least three times in real time, but because I have reduced my strength, now they are stuck and can't continue to update."

"And after updating some in advance, their direction is very different from mine, just like Bing Yuli's 'swearing oath' this time, but it's actually completely wrong."

"The more it evolves like this, the more wrong and farther the direction of their Dao is. When my ability changes, they will only be like a bow that is drawn, and there is no turning back."

"Either just cut the update and reconnect, or it will only get worse, or it will be a mess."

"A painting is almost finished, and if it needs to be changed to another painting temporarily, it can only be completely scrapped, not to mention that it needs to be revised several times..."

Su Li sneered in his heart - this time, if you don't pre-update in advance, most of these geniuses will actually be saved.

However, if it is pre-updated in advance, all of it will be misdirected by Su Li's previous "transformation", and it will be completely pulled by inertia.

At that time, even Su Li's core Taoism was wrong, so how could the "advance update" of this group of people be right?

It could only be terribly wrong.

Su Li doesn't even have the heart to scold you anymore - they all tell you that the way of daddy is living in 'change', that is, it changes in real time, and it is reasonable to change daddy, but instead you update your own in advance. The road is blocked.

Su Li suddenly felt as if this group of people were really mentally retarded.

Or...is this the effect of raising half a level from the seventeenth level of life awareness and wisdom?

"No, this time Qing Lan said that I can laugh - I am the seventeenth and a half layers without the blessing of Tianmai's listening ability and other abilities! This is actually equivalent to raising two layers of wisdom awareness directly from the fifteenth and a half layers. level!

And they were greatly affected because Karma was cut off for half a day, and they felt that my ability was low, so after synchronization, it is estimated that there are only fourteen or five layers of wisdom awareness.


In my eyes, these people are all idiots.

Then this heavenly mystery is not a fool's errand! "

"That's so interesting."

"Isn't this just the cool mode?"

Su Li couldn't help but get a little emotional.

And Bingling sneered, "Don't be so excited, don't worry, you can't escape!"

Su Li glanced at everyone around, but also found that Feng Xiyan's group were watching from a distance.

After Su Li glanced over with a 'not too unfamiliar' look, Feng Xiyan and the others immediately responded with their eyes.

However, when Su Li didn't see it, he was rather indifferent - after all, he was not familiar with it in reality.

Moreover, many of Su Li's memories are kept in the system page and not carried on the body. They will only be displayed by the Great Karma when they are used, so as not to show that he 'remembers' the true and false in the details, so exposed.

Although the real virtual realization has ended so perfectly that no one is going to investigate anything further.

But for a short time, Su Li didn't want to be careless, so as to bring huge trouble to Immortal Light Blue.

"Excited? Did you all find anything? It seems that the Ice Palace Palace Master has been hammered to death. I must be that kind of shameless person, and I am also very strange?!

I lost half a day for inexplicable time so I won't talk about it, and my memory and many important secrets seem to have been cut off for me.

How can we, such arrogance, have anything to say about ourselves?

Then Heavenly Dao said that he would cut and he would press, and he would reap when he said that he would reap?

What are we?

Are there basic human rights? "

Su Li spoke lightly, but his tone was loud.

After being reminded by Su Li, many Tianjiao at the scene discovered the truth that time was lost for half a day.

But the connection up and down is very smooth, so they actually already have some guesses in their hearts.

And some special talents will still know what happened, so the real loss - in their opinion, it is indeed Su Li.

Su Li was immortal, and exposed a lot of heritage along the way, but was pulled into Karma, and the ego Nirvana was almost destroyed.

Now the blood of the emperor and the blood of the four holy beasts are all gone.

This is really too unfortunate.

The same is true, some Tianjiao's faces showed some complex colors.

People like Feng Xiyan, Feng Yuwei, and others wanted to rush over to exchange a few words with Su Li, but they held back—what did they say? No one knows them now!

Seriously... I have poured so much emotion into the world over there in vain, and I have left nothing, not even the slightest impression.

Several people were also quite regretful, but they also knew that it was a good thing to have no impression. If Su Li had an impression, the matter would be even worse, and the consequences would only be worse.


Feng Xiyan sighed, and after thinking for a while, she looked into the distance again.

At this time, the people from the Nether Sea also came.

Kameko's turtle head stretched and shrank, standing on the huge Zulong boat.

Beside her, Xia Xinyan was wearing a blue gauze skirt and robe flying, her black hair fluttering like a waterfall, and she looked extremely beautiful.

And elegant and dignified, everyone's ladylike temperament is undoubtedly revealed.

She is better and smarter than before.

On the other hand, Que Xinyan's black Fatty is more real - the Karma of the two is completely broken and independent.

Next to Que Xinyan was Que De with a pair of huge mouse beards, which was also an ugly image of a black-faced fat Taoist priest.

Next to Que De, were Xia Xinning and Zhuge Jiufeng.

At this time, Zhuge Jiufeng was very leisurely talking to Su Musheng and Su Taiqing.

Feng Qianwei and Feng Yao also smiled and stood on the other side.

In the distance, when a group of people came over, they all turned their attention to Su Li.

When Su Li saw Feng Yaofeng Qianwei, she couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

This time, the overall situation is actually fine. In reality, everything is stable and has not been affected.

There was no such thing as betrayal.

Moreover, Su Li gave Feng Qianwei and Xia Xinyan a peculiar look through the power of divine calculation, Feng Qianwei had no catastrophe, and Xia Xinyan had no fatal crisis.

As if the "mortal" Karma was finally disconnected.

After Xia Xinning saw Su Li from a distance, her figure flew over voluntarily.

"Su Renhuang, thank you very much."

As he spoke, cupped fist saluted.

Su Li asked, "Thank you for what?"

Xia Xinning said, "Thank you for saving my Little Sister."

Su Li understood in a second.

But he looked surprised, "Saved your sister? Miss Xia Xinyan? What did you save her?"

Xia Xinning said, "I want to ask for a painting, can Su Renhuang give one?"

Su Li said, "My painting skills have always been very realistic. Are you sure, this Karma will probably attract a lot of attention."

Xia Xinning said, "The painting is like this..."

Xia Xinning showed the similarities of such a painting.

That was exactly the painting that Ning Caichen needed to draw, and Xia Xinning asked for it in advance - this was Ying Karma.

But this will lead to the cracking of the real and the virtual - Li Juan's real and virtual cracking has nothing to do with Immortal light blue.

But Xia Xinning and these people are all iron-headed babies - it's none of their business!

Their Karma should do just fine.

Su Li heard this and looked at Xia Xinyan.

Xia Xinyan smiled with her beautiful eyes, and said, "There is a Laosu Emperor."

Su Li smiled and said, "Fairy likes it, so Su is willing to do so."

Su Li said, "Do you need any questions?"

Guizhenzi said, "After the Su Renhuang has finished painting, it's enough to put a stamp on it to represent his identity. Don't worry, we are absolutely reliable when we do things in the Netherworld."

Su Li glanced at Kamiko and said, "Reliable? You are not reliable."

That said, but according to what Xia Xinning said, he took out a good fortune pen, derived the pages of the book on the other side, and painted such a picture.

Then, Su Li himself inscribed a poem like that - let's go.

"Leifeng Pagoda swears that the Bridge of Helplessness lasts 100,000 years. If anyone lives to 95,000 years, they will stand and wait for you for 5,000 years."

Su Li just finished the question.

Guizhenzi snatched the painting and shoved it into Xia Xinyan's hand, "The Emperor Su has proposed a marriage proposal (inscribed with a seal of marriage)."

Su Li "..."

Su Li really didn't expect this old turtle to show his face on the spot with a homonym.

Then looking at Su Li's stunned face and Xia Xinyan's blushing face, Guizhenzi's head stretched and shrank, "Could this not be your seal?"

Su Li looked at the shameless and arrogant appearance of Kameimako, and really couldn't refute it.

"Okay, it will be your dao company from now on, and you have written this promise in person, and you will not regret it! I will bet on Wangchenhuan!"

"Anyway, you're sincere in 'proposing marriage'! Everyone can see that you are very attentive."

Guizhenzi said, yawned and said, "Old turtle will retire first. Bye bye, you don't need to call me 'father-in-law'. Next time we get together, we will hug the emperor's grandson."

Kameko was probably afraid of being beaten to death, so she ran away instantly.

She left Xia Xinyan's pretty face blushing and embarrassed.

Xia Xinning was also a little stunned.

The rest of Tianjiao looked at the same wonderful expressions - why don't you be so shameless, just force it?

The key is that Emperor Su Li's blood is exhausted, and the two bloodlines of the Four Holy Beasts are gone!

Is it worth it?

Su Li didn't know whether to laugh or cry at this time, but he still sighed and said, "I'm in trouble right now, and I've lost more than half of my strength, Fairy Xinyan... I'm really aggrieved.

I also know that this is actually a matter of your intentions to make up for the secret realm of the underworld, but there is no need to make you sacrifice like this. "

Xia Xinyan hesitated for a moment, and then said, "Su Renhuang, if Xinyan is actually not a sacrifice... If Su Renhuang doesn't dislike it, Xinyan will follow Su Renhuang in the future."

Xia Xinning was also a little shy, but she still said very direct words.

This is actually the biggest difference between the world of Tongtian Tower and the world of Shushan.

It's really very direct here.

Relatively speaking, Xia Xinyan was actually quite reserved.

On the one hand, she is in charge of helping to run Wangchenhuan and has some past Karma with Su Li.

In addition, she can also see some Karma, and also knows that she has a relationship with Su Li for a long time.

Including when it was 'Que Xinyan'.

So actually don't resist.

The reason for this embarrassment is that her father Kameiko was so direct, he simply robbed Su Li and pressed Karma directly, ignoring the face of his daughter's family and forcibly grabbing her husband.

The rest is left alone.

This is simply bandit behavior - this is the twisted melon - it doesn't matter if it's sweet or not, just quench your thirst.

Su Li was married by Kameiko in the former fantasy world, and she agreed, but it didn't work.

Because the world itself has not fully developed.

This time, it's good, and he will be pitted in one sentence!

It really came by surprise.

The key is - Su Li just felt that his life awareness level reached the seventeenth and a half levels, and then he felt that everyone else was an idiot.

Then he also used his powerful celestial calculation ability to see Xia Xinyan and Feng Qianwei, and felt that there was nothing wrong with them.

As a result, he slapped his face in an instant, and it was so direct.

"This is so..."

Su Li smiled bitterly and said, "That's Su's honor."

When Xia Xinyan heard the words, she immediately breathed a sigh of relief, her beautiful eyes were particularly bright and beautiful.

She didn't know—how all this came about.

Everything in the past, everything in the past, everything in the future, she would not know and could not know.

But Su Li knew that was enough.


Bingling snorted coldly, breaking the beautiful atmosphere in reality.

There was a Nirvana flame in Zhuge Jiufeng's beautiful eyes, as if he wanted to strangle Bingling to death.

Obviously, she likes to eat melons, and she can't wait to see Su Li and Xia Xinyan get married on the spot, or even enter the bridal chamber.

Now that she was interrupted by Bing Ling's performance, she was not happy.

Feng Qianwei was a little envious, her beautiful eyes blinked, and at the same time she glanced at Bing Yuying's body from time to time, and then she became more confident-because Bing Yuying was inferior to her in all aspects, she was particularly proud. Particularly proud.

As for Bingling - in Feng Qianwei's opinion, she is really like a clown, and she is very funny!

I, Feng Qianwei, are so naturally beautiful, so beautiful, my body is cleaner than this Bing Yuying, I am bigger than her, and I am more protruding than her... The big brother of Ren Huang, oh no, the big brother of Ren Huang You didn't want me, um, what kind of woman are you in the Ice Palace!

Do you think that Karma of Yamina has already happened in reality?

Still taking the 'future' that evolved in advance as evidence?

Feng Qianwei thought to herself, but she blinked her big eyes hard, and made a cute gesture towards Su Li—Human Huang... The emperor's big brother can't favor one over the other, but I remember what I paid for this time.

Su Li also noticed Feng Qianwei's 'coquette' - originally Su Li thought that he should not have many beauties.

Now it seems that even Zhuge Qianyun's eyes are watery, not to mention Mu Yusu, who is surrounded by him, is all soft.

"What's the matter with this horse, why did all the Hongyans run over all of a sudden?"

"Immortal light blue, you don't have to make me so attractive, do you? You don't have to 'pain' me so much, do you? How do you let the rest of the strange men in the world live? I'm already so good..."

Su Li complained in her heart, but still responded with a gentle smile from Feng Qianwei.

As for Bingling - go to her uncle's.

Su Li didn't even bother to pay attention.

However, Bingling also really destroyed the atmosphere, making the scene very noisy, for fear of not knowing how Bingyuli Bingyuying was ruined.

Therefore, countless attentions have gathered again.

Then, after the aura of time in the void gathered, Su Li's figure appeared, and then Bing Yuying was harvested in a way similar to harvesting Huang Yuqian.

Not to mention the harvest, he also used the means of the nail-headed seven-arrow book to kill Bing Yuying's eyebrows to prevent her from having a clone or a special good fortune original body, which is equivalent to dead without proof.

"What else do you have to say!"

Bingling said coldly.

After this scene was presented, not only Su Li was a little surprised, but everyone else was a little surprised - because one of the scenes was very perverted but also very direct and vivid.

"You were promoted to Heavenly Secret Master precisely this time—but no one knew that both Bing Yuli and Bing Yuying had the celestial secret good fortune physique, which could improve the transformation of the Heavenly Secret Way.

And you just completed the harvest and supplement, and now you have transformed into a heavenly secret master.

Do you think you can ignore all this after you cut off Karma?

Think more!

The so-called Skynet is sparse but not leaking. People are watching the sky. If you want people to know nothing, you can do nothing but yourself! "

Bingling directly wanted to trap and nail Su Li.

However, although this time the framing was very powerful—that is, the scene where he humiliated Huang Yuqian was modified.

That is to replace Huang Yuqian with Bing Yuli and Bing Yuying, the process is exactly the same.

But it's just more rude and more ruthless.

So it all seems very real, because the process is real.

"To tamper with reality and then change it into reality to show it, isn't this a means of 'exquisite and exquisite'? My dear, how much has penetrated!"

"But this method couldn't kill me before, and it's even more impossible now!"

Su Li sneered in his heart, but his expression was extraordinarily calm.

At this time, Bingling was ready to summon the Law Enforcer - but before she called, the Law Enforcer Xuan had already appeared.

Even if it immediately uses the time order chain to lock Su Li.

But Su Li was faster, and instantly pulled out the whip, and volleyed the whip on Xuan's head.


Powerful and dazzling, he couldn't dodge this strike at all. After being hit by a whip, he screamed, blood exploded, and Immortal's aura immediately became turbulent.


Hyun said angrily.

Su Li said lightly, "What? Want to arrest me? If there is no evidence, it would be against the rules! Besides, I control Yulei Shenyan myself. Dare to arrest me at will?!"

Su Li said, raised his hand to transform the sky, and directly changed Su Li in the projected scene to Xuan.

Then the same thing was presented, and he said coldly, "Come on, arrest yourself, you rubbish that knows the law and breaks the law!"

This is the ability of the Heavenly Mystery Reverse Fate Technique!

This time, Su Li used it on the spot - this can't be used as evidence, but it is enough to make Xuan extremely afraid.

And Su Li "doesn't know" Hyun, so he doesn't know what Hyun is, so he shoots.

So Su Li regards Hyun as a group of Bingling, and it is wrong for the other party to "bully the small".

There's nothing wrong with that.

"Su Li, you are really arrogant, I am the law enforcement officer of the timeline management, you dare to be so rude, and the following is a crime—"

"Shang who committed f*ck, you are Shang? What is my emperor? You dare to call me 'shang' in front of me? Try to say this again?! Everyone listens! In terms of seniority, you even have a great-grandson. You can't even turn around, you foolish thing!"

Before that Xuan's words were finished, Su Li drank it all at once.

Immediately, without saying a word, Su Li pulled out another whip.

This whip is created, it is to smoke Immortal.

These things, to step into the Immortal level, must go through Karma in the world of wild mythology, and if they go through, they will be beaten by God.

This is the best protection Immortal Light Blue has given him.

Now that the system is stable, and the ability of the gods and gods to defy fate clearly explains everything, Su Li Su Li doesn't need to worry too much.

In such a lower plane, Xuan's ability will also be suppressed a little.

At the same time, there is insufficient evidence. Su Li has seen Li Juan's struggle, and he has learned this set a long time ago.

Li Juan can break free, and so can Su Li.

Will the background of Immortal light blue be worse than that behind Li Juan?

So want to suppress him Su Li?

It's not that simple now!


That whip, Su Li whipped even more fiercely, almost all the power of the fairy soul was gathered into the whip, and the whip shattered the world.

The whip was extremely tyrannical, and after it hit Xuan's head, Xuan's head and half of his face exploded again.

Blood is flying.

This time, he was even more miserable, and the chain of order derived from it was directly shattered by Su Li.

Hyun was instantly furious and was about to start.

Su Li said coldly, "You continue to do it? Could it be that the projection of the way to trace the origin of time that the ice crystal manifested is the evidence, but mine is not the evidence? Or is it that I, Su Li, the Human Sovereign, are not worthy of the evidence?"

Angrily, he said, "Your evidence is obviously modified!"

Su Li said, "There is no evidence, and you - yo, so you are a law enforcement officer, knowing the law and breaking the law, the crime is added one class! And since you are involved, you are a suspect, you should avoid it! Let another law enforcement officer come Judge!"

Xuan snorted coldly, The next moment, a law enforcer named 'Sao' came.

Su Li immediately ran the chaos of the heavens, transformed the heavenly secrets into exquisiteness, and changed the Su Li in "The Way of Tracing the Origin of Time" to 'Shao', which made it another stroke of the whip.

This Shao's strength is not as good as dazzling. He was beaten by a dozen god whips with a dazed face, and immediately a shivering head exploded, and he was almost frightened to the point of shit - pity him, a law enforcement squire, where have you seen such gods fighting? formation.

Seeing this, Hyun was so angry that she vomited blood.

"Oh? It turns out that this is your squire, so he will come after you're happy, right? It's really a nest of snakes and rats, and they're all in one accord. Do you really want officials to protect each other?"

Su Li sneered.

At this scene, everyone at the scene couldn't help but take a breath of cold air.

This Su Renhuang is too conspicuous?

Such a beer?

However, some people sneered in their hearts - the more mad the better, the more the upper limit can be raised...

Unfortunately, this time, the idea is doomed to be in vain.

Because Su Li's Realm has dropped a lot - it seems that it has only dropped by a small percentage, but it is a real high-level fairy soul-level drop.

This is the upper limit but lower.


As long as the real-time update is going to go backwards.

And it was updated three times in advance, and now it can't be refunded, and it's stuck.

Therefore, those who think that Su Li's combat power will increase the upper limit are destined to be disappointed by the window.

Su Li looked at Xuan coldly and said, "I'm sorry, I also have real evidence, and you all have to be suppressed. Could it be that you can suppress me with such false evidence, but you turn a blind eye to the real evidence?

And this Bingling, so framed, I think this matter should be dealt with properly. "

Xuan said fiercely, "Very good, very good, I will see how you will deal with it later!"

This time, Xuan directly pulled the Goddess of Time and An Ruoxuan over.

In his opinion, the goddess of time has a grudge against Li Juan but no grudge against Bingling!

Moreover, the Goddess of Time and An Ruoxuan are the most ill-fated and hate the following criminals the most.

If the two were "framed" by Su Li like this, they would immediately have all kinds of heaven-defying means to suppress him.

So, although she didn't want the Goddess of Time and An Ruoxuan to participate in this matter, Xuan still sent a message to the Goddess of Time and An Ruoxuan and invited them over.

The next moment, after the Goddess of Time and An Ruoxuan appeared, they did not immediately do anything to Su Li or Bingling.

An Ruoxuan looked at Bing Yuying with a bit of coldness in her beautiful eyes, and there was a bit of disgust in her eyes.

The goddess of time, on the other hand, looked at Xuan with cold eyes and said, "The result of violent and forcible law enforcement was severely beaten? Deserving it! Why is there an obvious problem with the source of time, but you can't see it? You can't understand the good way of tracing the source of time?

Relatively speaking, Su Li's evidence can almost be faked.

Since you can find that this evidence is fake enough to be fake, you can't help but this purely tampered evidence is fake? "

When Xuan heard the words, he couldn't help but be stunned for a moment - this is all true, and let Bing Yuli and Bing Yuying replace Karma, who died of Huang Yuqian's replacement, how can this be fake?

Isn't this what Su Li is really picking up in the truth?

Isn't that what Huang Yuqian experienced?

Although this is a scandal from the upper levels, and it was locked up by the life king Yamina, and replaced by Bing Yuying and Bing Yuli, then the evidence of Su Li's crime is solid!

Although Xuan was annoyed, he also said solemnly, "Where is the fake?!"

The Goddess of Time sneered and said, "The process is indeed true, and the atrocities are indeed true! But you are optimistic, look at that Su Li is Su Li?!"

The goddess of time said, and derived a time law that is almost like a time axis.

This is the terrifying law of time that is like the real magic of time.

Under the law of time, that Su Li flashed a ray of light all over his body.

In the dim light, Su Li's whole body exuded the color of "Eight Nine Mysteries".

And after the color of "Eight Nine Mysterious Art" gradually dimmed, the figure of Yang Fengfeng will come out completely.

"Tsk tsk tsk, it's amazing, someone can actually crack my 'Gong Zhonggong' version of "Eight Nine Mysterious Art"? I think it should be an existence like the Goddess of Time? But...hahahahaha, this ice jade Li and Bing Yuying are really fresh!

Its flanking technique is particularly powerful, it really makes my sheep peak to survive and die!

Put it down, next time there will be more strange women who have such an experience, it is really refreshing and happy!

Well, since it has been exposed, I will not put the blame on Su Renhuang. The poor Su Renhuang is the source of hope, and his image is too majestic.

Is this okay?

This is not good, so we are going to pull him and let him learn to enjoy some beauty. At the same time, we can also prove to the world that Su Renhuang is definitely not incapable, nor can he only be strong for three seconds, right?

After all, I've been doing these two beauties for hours!

Isn't it a good thing to be named like this?

It’s a pity—but it’s okay, if it doesn’t work this time, there’s still a chance next time!

Dear arrogant men, please be optimistic about your dao company, maybe you will be green with my sheep!

Of course, ladies and gentlemen, please be optimistic about your husbands, maybe they will be conquered by the peak of my sheep one day.

Hey hey hey hey. "

The sheep peaked with a smug smile.

At this time, the goddess of time was furious, and immediately gathered the chains of order, and violently evolved the means of going back in time, hooking the soul of the peak of the sheep.

It's a pity that this invincible method is hooked on Yang Fengfeng's body, but it has not hooked anything - and it can't be said that it is hooked, because it is indeed hooked.

A hair was caught.

It is like the life-saving hair of Sun Monkey, but it is not a life-saving hair, but an ordinary fine hair.

This is precisely the feathers of the peak of the sheep.

This means nothing more than - you can catch a hair, my grandfather is ever-changing, the upgraded version of "Eight Nine Mysterious Art" combined with mysterious transformation techniques, invincible, thousands of people and thousands of faces, all evil but you just can't catch it!

This time, there was an uproar at the scene.

And that Bingling almost vomited blood.

It was not Bingling who vomited blood more, but the life king Yamina.

Because—if Karma could have brought Bing Yuying and Bing Yuli to the top, then Su Li molested the two of them, Karma, and she could get back 90% of her lost authority through the truth.

This time...

All were destroyed by Sheep Peak.

Yang Dianping has humiliated Bing Yuli and Bing Yuying, so she can't get rid of such Karma at all.

In this way, all her efforts are in vain, and she has to compensate Su Li again through Bingling!

Otherwise, it is illegal to show off this practice - forcibly arresting the victim, isn't it illegal? !

The third 10,000-word update is here~ 280,000 words have been updated today~ Tears for full subscription and monthly pass, recommendation ticket~ There are still 120 votes away from 1,000 monthly passes, and there are only four days left. Let’s all vote for monthly passes~ Bow down~

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