I'm Pretending To Be A Mystery In The Fantasy World

Chapter 827 Heavenly Secrets, Invincible Extortion

The life king Yamina was in a bad mood.

At this time, her blood pressure really rose completely, and she had the urge to vomit 18 liters of blood again and again.

Finally, the scandal was covered up in the process of refining the virtual and returning to the truth, and Bing Yuli and Bing Yuying replaced Karma - the key one is not enough for the livestock to harvest... harvest!

So alive stuffed two past fills.

What's the result?

In reality, was Karma topped by the peak of the sheep?

Where did this sheep peak come from!

This matter is so hidden, in the time when Su Li was harvested, it was obviously stuffed into practice, how did it become the peak of the sheep?

Su Li is the pinnacle of sheep? ? ?

Yamina, the king of life, has repeatedly deduced and even used the heart and eyes of the life spirit to peep, but there is still no answer - how could that beast thing at the peak of the sheep be Su Li!

"I'm catching this beast on a horse and I won't kill him!!!"

Yamina almost ran away, and then she finally couldn't help it, and she spit out a mouthful of blood.

The key is - it doesn't matter if the blood spurts, as long as the foundation is there.

But this mouthful of blood spurted out, and 90% of the foundation was eroded by the unknown truth, and it was instantly exhausted.


Yamina can't say anything about me, I really failed in refining the virtual.

So much so that if this incident is not immediately characterized as Yang Ding's humiliation of Bing Yuli and Bing Yuying, and if Su Li is forcibly cited, the truth will be overturned at once.

It doesn't matter if the truth is overturned, but when the truth is overturned and Huang Yuqian is exposed by Su Li's real process of "picking", then Yamina can really die.

Although she is the King of Life, her power and ability have surpassed that of the Seven-colored Emperor, and she is still the golden-robed king of the older generation.

Although the most senior one.

If this scene of her is 'hidden' by her and the truth of 'refinement is true' is overturned, then the society will be completely dead.

Therefore, Yamina immediately and decisively gave up 90% of her heritage and completely disconnected all Karma from Huang Yuqian.

In this way, she really failed in refining the virtual, and her traction on Su Li failed.

Then, the so-called 'time traceability' effect will naturally fail.

More details are revealed, which naturally corresponds to everything about the peak of the sheep.


At the scene, after Yang Dianfeng disappeared with a strange smile, Bingling also completely 'awakened'.

Because at this time, the effect of the 'Extreme Soul Poison' suddenly collapsed.

How can ordinary practitioners be qualified to pull things like this?

Extreme soul poison, such an uncontrollable thing, let alone ordinary Tianjiao, even existences such as Feng Xiyan, Zhuge Qianlan, etc., may not be able to attract the slightest.

Therefore, there is no doubt that once Huang Yuqian, the King of Life, Yamina, broke Karma, the soul poison of extreme emotion dissipated, and the scene immediately became more 'rational' and 'sober'.

At the same time, many geniuses discovered that they seemed to believe Bingling's words inexplicably, and formed a wrong understanding of Su Li and Su Renhuang.

"Strange, Su Renhuang is not particularly brutal, is not particularly lecherous, and is particularly easy to fall into the devil?"

"Yeah, could it be that my memory is wrong?"

"I seem to remember... Su Li seems to have been enchanted."

"He seems to have killed a lot of Tianjiao? Everything seems familiar."

"Should he be dead?"

"The chaos broke out in Lihe Village? Or did I remember it wrong?"


"Is it really related to the lost half day? But I remember that I was flying here before, and now I am here, and it seems that no time was lost in the middle."

"What was I doing before? I was also thinking about the problem and realizing it. It seems that time has passed before I know it."


There was an uproar at the scene at first, and then there was an afterthought.

Immediately, many people found out that Su Li didn't do anything, why did he suddenly feel that Su Li was scary, cruel, and easy to be infatuated with?

There are even many cultivators who think that Su Li killed them and refined them to death...

And it seems to be able to vaguely tell part of the experience.

This scene also made the scene a little dead silent for a while.

Afterwards, the sound of Heavenly Dao from the Tower of Babel reverberated in everyone's hearts.

"Because the master of Samsara, Li Juan, led Samsara, he built the illusion trap of reality in advance, and pulled everyone into reality and pulled the huge Karma...

This will affect the changes in reality, causing the collapse of the law of reality time, and will be severely punished.

After the trial of the Heavenly World of Tongtian Pagoda is completed, Li Juan's monstrous crimes will be publicly judged.

At that time, those who have merit will be rewarded for their merits, and those who have sins will be strictly convicted and tried.

Among them, Li Juan, Jiang Yan, Jiang Xinli, the evil king Ji Xie, Ji Jia Ji Fa, Ji Chang, the cold-blooded king Zhao Sikong, and the Qingniu king Yin Tianshu who seriously violated the rules and regulations. "

With the announcement of the sound of the road from the Babel Tower.

Su Li's eyes narrowed slightly at this time.

It is not surprising that Li Juan, Jiang Yan and Jiang Xinli were severely punished.

The Ji family had been messing around publicly before, and they had also broken down the time fault points, so it was certain that they would be severely punished. It just happened that most of the disturbances in the timeline this time were related to it, so it was normal to be severely punished.

But what about the cold-blooded king Zhao Sikong and the Qingniu king Yin Tianshu, aren't they two of the China Eight Immortals?

To be tried in public?

This is……

"This is a double-cut method."

"It doesn't matter if Li Juan is cut, everyone is miserable together, either they will be protected, or they will all be abandoned."

"This method is 'injury-for-injury', which is a bit disgusting."

"The key is that apart from the upper class, the middle and lower classes don't understand, and they feel that even the king has been severely punished. This is what 'Qingtian' does. This is the performance of 'the heaven and the earth have righteousness'. They will applaud and feel that the world has become full of hope again! "

"dammit, the upper-level games are really black."

"That's how you can backhand with two Eight Immortals."

Su Li felt a little weird when he heard this statement.

This method is actually not very clever, but it is definitely very useful.

It can even be said that if he hadn't passed Karma before Su Li, he would have known that such a situation might occur this time, so he had already ambushed in advance, I am afraid that this time he would be calculated firmly.

Fortunately, in the fantasy world of the past, a similar scene appeared in the tomb of the Great Emperor Qingyunzhong.

Otherwise, it won't work out.

Thinking of the former Karma, Su Li couldn't help but look at Xia Xinyan and Que Xinyan beside her again.

In the fantasy world of the past, Que Xinyan also wanted to pick up Su Li, but as a black-faced and ugly Fatty, he also glared at him, and the disgusting Su Li got goosebumps.

Later, after turning into Que Xinyan, Su Li was very frustrated and did not dare to touch.

Instead, it was another Xia Xinyan who made Su Li feel good about him.

This seems to be the three stages of a person's life.

At first, it was disgusting and perverted and a little sincere, but it was disgusting and boring.

The second is to reluctantly approve, but to respond to others.

Once again, it is perfect, virtuous and graceful, but has been bound to some kind of Karma of Death, Xia Xinning repeatedly begged to let him Little Sister live.

Su Li didn't know how to let it go and how to kill it.

Then I often see him holding Xia Xinyan in the snow and ice - the scene where Xia Xinyan was killed by him and died in his arms.

What does Karma mean like that, Su Li is also completely different.

Now, combined with the experience of the world of Qiannu, isn't this the complete Karma?

At the beginning, Xiao Qian was 'Que Xinyan', and both of them actually felt disgusting when they got close to him.

Then reluctantly accepted, Xiaoqian was reluctantly moved by his self-destruction, because she became 'Que Xinyan'.

When she finally turned into Xia Xinyan, Xiaoqian died in Nirvana.

In other words-because everything is true and false is controlled by Su Li, Su Li is the 'behind the scenes', so in the end Xiaoqian is strictly speaking died in the hands of Su Li.

But when Su Li promised Samsara, all Karma came to an end.

So - if Su Li didn't approve it at the end, then back to reality, Xia Xinyan would die unexpectedly and die completely.

Then there will be an unusual and unknown Karma coming, Xia Xinyan falls into his Su Li's arms, and then manifests the scene of ice and snow.

Snow and ice - Su Li is going to vomit in this scene, how could she not know that this is the ice and snow Karma similar to Mu Qingyan?

Often this kind of environment occurs, either a dead woman is a dead woman, it is simply bloody.

Su Li now has a shadow on this environment.

So it can only be said that this time the blood is not a loss, and there is really no place to lose.

The only thing that was lost—maybe a little bit of Realm, as well as two top Magic Treasures, and Jiang Yuning's Primordial Magnetic Slaying Evil Sword, a heaven-defying weapon.

Of course, there may also be Lin Xueyao's Karma - it's a pity that this Karma was not dug up.

But——also because this Karma is too involved, Su Li is not too daring to dig deeper.

Reality is not invincible - Su Li has deeply realized it this time.

Because in the past, even the Meditation Chaos Clock destroyed the world, and it was similar to the destruction of the Minor World of the heavens and the world, and it was not even the kind of world that was small.

Now in terms of his Su Li's background, if he transforms into Realm in the real and virtual realization, the upper limit will be raised all of a sudden, and then he will be pulled to the Immortal level, and he will be pulled into Karma of the world.

And when you reach the level of the Great Thousand Worlds, you can't reach the upper limit of true and virtual understanding, and it will be very dangerous.

It can only be said that this time, fortunately, he has harvested enough to withstand the war.

Otherwise, it will be the result of another blood metrorrhagia!

It's a fluke, but it has a great relationship with some Karma traction on the Three Thousand Avenues!

If it wasn't for the Six Great Three Thousand Great Daos—and even the extra Cataclysm Technique, it would have been another result.

Because of this, Su Li paid more and more attention to the Three Thousand Avenues.

Now the top six and ninth catastrophe techniques of the Three Thousand Avenues are all on him.

But the seventh Great Space Technique has not landed, the eighth Great Five Elements Technique has not landed, and the tenth Great Merit Technique... It is a complete run away, and there will be no hope in a short time.

Because his whole body of merit was wiped out by Su Yan, and he was wiped out without the ability to condense great merit skills... This can only be said to be a blood mother's loss.

But this thing...

Su Li felt a little scary, but it was a good thing not to be there.

Otherwise, it will be the law of heaven and earth, and the upper limit will be terrifying.

As for the Great Five Elements technique, the Innate Wufangqi was very promising originally, but this time it was sacrificed inexplicably.

Fortunately, this time, the Eight Trigrams Array and the Eight Trigrams Spirit's profound meanings have absorbed part of it, so Su Li has deepened his understanding of the formation and his own Twelve Capitals.

In reality, he only needs to consult Feng Xiyan and others again, and then he can 'learn' again.

Of course, such an ability Su Li will not be used in a short time in reality.

Therefore, Su Li thinks there is still hope for the agglomeration of the Five Elements technique, but it seems that there is not much hope.

The big space technique is obviously related to the time-space lock soul tower.

But this Karma was disconnected instead, and the time-space lock soul tower disappeared. This big space technique had to find another way.

And the three thousand avenues from the eleventh to the twentieth...

Su Li couldn't help but call up the system to check it out.

The eleventh is the Great Hearts Demon technique, the twelfth is the Great Origin Technique, the thirteenth is the Great Chaos Technique, the fourteenth is the Great Yin & Yang Technique, and the fifteenth is the Great Astrology Technique (Great Star Technique).

The sixteenth is the great Conferred Gods technique, the seventeenth is the great liberation technique, the eighteenth is the great soul cleansing technique (large-scale transformation technique), the nineteenth is the great blood soul technique, and the twentieth is the great soul technique.

Su Li focused his attention on the 18th place, Sanqiandao.

This is Karma of the eighteenth floor of the soul wash.

This step on the horse showed the effect of 'transcendence' and 'degree change' of eighteen layers of soul cleansing.

So the eighteenth level of soul cleansing in this world is really the 'Dadu Huashu' in the Three Thousand Avenues?

That is to say, the so-called soul washing is the supernatural means he used before.

But that was only very superficial.

Now the 'Great Soul Cleansing Technique' in the Three Thousand Avenues has been presented by the system.


Su Li couldn't help trembling when she saw the Great Soul Cleansing Technique, the eighteenth place.

This thing, like that great merit technique, is Wang Zhan—he is still somewhat confident in getting it.

But if you get it, if your words and deeds will lead others, and the degree will be changed, then the upper limit will immediately rise rapidly. This...

This is never a good thing.

"These two can't be touched for the time being... But if I don't touch these two, it's hard for anyone to get them."

"Let it go first!"

After Su Li's mind was taken away from the Great Soul Cleansing Technique, it was inexplicably placed on the rest of the Three Thousand Avenues.

It was really every item that was so tempting that he couldn't wait to jump on it immediately.

He rode the horse stronger.

It would be really nice to have these available!

Su Li pondered in her heart, and then she stopped imagining—but her thoughts returned to reality.

Alas, there is no way to be too smart, and it is too easy for Heavenly Horse to stray.

Su Li turned his attention back to Bing Yuying and Bing Yuli, who were derived from the Goddess of Time.

At this time, judging from such a Karma, there is no doubt that in the fantasy world, the scene of "Su Li's evil" seen by Bing Ling in "The Way of Time" is actually true.

That was a glimpse of a part of the scene where Su Li did bad things to Huang Yuqian.

It's just that Karma is entangled... Huang Yuqian replaced it with Bing Yuli and Bing Yuying.

In other words - it was Su Li who did it.

This... is outrageous.

"Dammit, the timeline of this world is really poisonous, and what happened in the present turned into the past or the future in the blink of an eye.

But what happened in the past happened in the future. "

"It's typical that I didn't kill Boren, but Boren died because of me."

"It turned out that I did bury Bing Yuying and Bing Yuying thickly. Later, there were many Bing Yuying and Bing Yuying, which made me numb, but I didn't want to be named after them."

Su Li thought to himself, but his expression was very calm and indifferent.

Today, the Six Paths of Reincarnation formed by the three thousand avenues permeates him, and his abilities and thoughts cannot be spied upon.

In addition, "Mysterious Art" has reached an unprecedented height, and the terrifying background of the Heavenly Secret Saint Master level, even if he exerts the power of Heavenly Secret, he can instantly kill the existence of Fengzhishui level.

Such combat power...

The world is waiting to cry.

Su Li made an analogy in his mind and found that he seemed to be a lot stronger, but the upper limit was lower.

Probably it is to change the water storage pond into a reservoir.

"You bastard, don't let me catch it, or you will look good!"

The goddess of time scolded coldly, and once again derived the chain of seductive order, trying to lock the hair - the hair from the peak of the sheep.

But before the hair was locked, a sudden 'hum' turned into a ray of thunder like a thunderous flame, and it burned itself directly and turned into nothingness.

This time, the Goddess of Time was really lonely.

With her character, her mentality almost collapsed, and her face was icy cold.

It was as if someone owed her tens of millions.

Su Li shivered a little - if this woman was aggressive, it would be very scary.

Well, rbq can't afford to mess with it.

Su Li silently retracted his gaze and decided that he should keep a low profile.

At this time, the Goddess of Time turned her gaze on Su Li.

"Su Renhuang, this sheep peak seems to like to play the role of Su Renhuang. Could it be that there is some... deal between you two?"

A word from the goddess of time immediately attracted the attention of everyone on the scene.

Zhuge Jiufeng is even more interested in that... transaction, and seems to want to know if it is the legendary y transaction.

Of course, she didn't dare to ask or express the corresponding meaning, mainly because she was afraid of being cut.

Now Su Li is her boss!

Su Li breathed for a while, and then his face turned black.

He glanced at the goddess of time, you are a law enforcer, you are amazing!

The Goddess of Time said unpleasantly, "Why, doesn't Su Renhuang not explain it?"

Su Li wasn't used to her this time, and said lightly, "Then check it out, why, you don't have the ability to catch the peak of the sheep, and you blame me? My "Eight Nine Mysterious Art" is almost abolished, I don't know if it is Whoever did a good deed, my six-soul banner and Innate's five-square flag Magic Treasures disappeared inexplicably, and lost it inexplicably for half a day.

These are my personal things. I am not in The Three Realms, I am not in the Five Elements, and I do not contaminate your Karma, but you are deducting my things privately. Can you explain it?

Also, my Samsara permission was sold before. After you took it away, you gave me a lot of good fortune.

As a result, all these resources became air in my hands. Is there such a rogue?

Now that I have dispelled all of these, as a result, this heavenly good fortune has become precious again?

There is also inexplicable me like I have lost my lifespan, and I am getting old inexplicably. Who will compensate me?

What about my royal life and even my Pangu blood, Azure Dragon blood, Vermillion Bird blood? Who has pumped me out?

Could this be a human thing to do?

I didn't find anyone to complain, but instead they came to suppress me?

Is this the reason why sheep are not allowed to survive by plucking their wool, and they still have to eat their flesh and sleep their skins?

This vicious?

Still want to put the Karma of Sheep Peak on my head? "

Su Li ranted wildly and turned into a super troll.

This also made the Goddess of Time a little stunned.

On the other hand, An Ruoxuan's expression was even more weird. The way she was holding on to a smile but not smiling was outrageous.

But Su Li doesn't care whether it's outrageous or outrageous.

Damn, so many people are paying attention now, if he doesn't take advantage of the topic, it won't be him Su Li.

Now that the ability of heaven and magic has given him a super eloquent eloquence, this ability is not fooling, no, when does this ability need to wait?

So Su Li said coldly again, "As for why this sheep peak chooses me to take the lead, all kinds of top sins-isn't the reason why three-year-old children can understand it?

Have you done less about using my Su Li to top Karma?

I still have a feeling of harvesting again and again, so I won't say it.

After all, after being promoted to Heavenly Secret Master this time, I can still see that the five aggregates are empty and feel a little bit.

It's not just you, ask the many geniuses present, who in the background did not imitate my Taoism and learn my methods, all kinds of mixed benefits?

I don't say it doesn't mean I don't know!

Also, why are you pretending to be me to do things?

That's not because I, Su Li, are the source of hope, but the incarnation of light. Isn't this what the Ji family has been doing all the time?

It's no secret that the 20,000-year time fault point has collapsed, right?

Ji Family Lei Pond contains evil spirits. This is because he knows the law and has violated the law without seeing any trial. This is all real evidence and no trial. Now the false charges are found to be someone else's impersonation and they will be detained on my head?

Afraid that the dirt on my body is not enough?

Continue to pour some sewage, anyway, why do you want to add guilt, right? "

"So, everyone, don't contain any source of hope in the heart of light, the world is so dark, and it is necessary to force the honest people to have no way to survive!

Hua Taichu was forced to death like this before. Could it be that you are happy now that you have to force me to death like this again?

Is it really wrong for me to have a heart for 'eternal peace'?

And I just created a prehistoric royal family for the people of China's ancestral land, so what's the matter? There are all heavens, all realms, all heavens and all races, can't I tolerate a prehistoric royal family like me? "

Su Li questioned directly, which made the Goddess of Time speechless - am I just a little suspicious?

After all, if I don't ask other people, I will also involve Karma like this. I'm looking for a reason to find fault. It's easier to deal with it if I ask you first.

Is there something wrong with you, so mad?

The Goddess of Time originally wanted to run a few words, but thinking about the illusion, Su Li was forced to Nirvana and lost a lot of precious blood.

It's not that you can't hide it.

But Su Li had it before departure, but now Su Li is gone!

This is indeed unreasonable.

At this time, Xuan Zhen wanted to die.

Seeing that this situation has been pulled in, since it is marked that he is a just person, and he was run on by Su Li like this, the good guy has to give him an explanation, otherwise this matter will become a big problem.

I'm afraid there are millions of arrogance watching this scene.

Before the Tongtian Tower, in order to let the arrogance of the heavens and the world know the trial of Li Juan, some scenes were projected.

Precisely among them is Karma from Su Li's side.

At the same time, it also projected the scandal of Su Li - this thing should really be 'safe'.

After all, Su Li didn't have a little bit of defense and no experience in coping.


I don't know that the sheep peak that popped out of the pimple did this, and the projected "scandal" of Su Li did not come out, but instead exposed the situation of Su Li being "harvested".

The key is that Su Li questioned himself in the name of the emperor, which was not easy to handle.

Everyone knows what is going on in this side of the world. First of all, after this time, the wool is too ruthless, and it sucks up everyone else's imperial qi and imperial qi, and makes everyone else a lot older!

It seems that it has also deprived a lot of life?

Also drained the blood of the wild holy beast, the blood of Pangu, the blood of Azure Dragon and the blood of Vermillion Bird?

This is really inappropriate!

Everyone has no doubts, no doubts about the authenticity of this matter.

Because this is what the upper echelons of this world like to do.

But this time, the upper echelons were really wronged - because all the ghosts were swallowed up by the illusion.

And the illusion of true and false also collapsed, resulting in the shattering and annihilation of the world of Luoxia.

Even the upper-level Qian Nu world has been revised, and now it is extremely fair.

Otherwise, the Tower of Babel cannot be opened.

As for the benefits - the benefits are a ghost, this Su Li burned Nirvana himself, and let the world of Honghuang mythology earn blood!

Therefore, the Great Plane World of the Babel Tower thinks that it is the blood-earning world of the prehistoric mythical world-after all, the secret realm in the water has been promoted to become the Immortal secret realm. Isn't this blood-earning?

However, the world of Honghuang mythology thinks that the world of Tongtian Tower is too disgusting, and refining the virtual has really swallowed up all the benefits of the true and false, and it is not a rafter to ride a horse, and it will not give Su Li any benefits, let Su Li Li, an honest man, took the opportunity to confront him.

Good guy, this is such a mess, and the scene is suddenly full of sighs.

Many Tianjiao are also in danger - this is indeed too much.

Su Li is powerful, but such a forcible harvest is too not wanting face, right?

The atmosphere at the scene immediately became weird.

At this time, Su Li felt a lot more comfortable in his heart.

Sure enough, after possessing the ability of "God's Secret", his ability to draw Karma is extremely strong, and it makes people have to deal with it.

This thing is beautiful.

No extortion this time, oh no, not asking for a large amount of mental damage, Su Li will never give up!

The Goddess of Time hesitated and said, "You - you are not involved with the peak of the sheep, why are you so excited?"

Su Li said, "I'm still like this, and I'm not excited? No matter how much I muffled, I will be called a default by you. Or if I don't bring it up again, then next time you will only make it harder!

I think everyone should stand up and oppose such a violent harvest!

If you don’t stand up this time, next time you are harvested, no one will stand up again.

One day, if Su Li falls, it will definitely be your turn—"

Su Li said, and can't wait to talk about righteousness songs and stagnant water immediately.

Fortunately, the Goddess of Time saw that something was wrong, and immediately stopped her and said, "It's alright, alright, in the end, your matter has little to do with the upper echelons. Someone knows the law and breaks the law."

Su Li said, "That is to say, in the final analysis, the existence of the above caused me a heavy loss. Excuse me - should I pay more for this?"

The Goddess of Time gave Xuan a helpless look and said, "Should I be compensated?"

Hyun's mouth twitched - this is not a rafter thing, let me answer?

Xuan was helpless, but he still insisted, "It should be compensated, indeed, it should be compensated—but didn't he secretly give Heavenly Dao blessings and let him be promoted to the Master of Heavenly Secrets?"

Su Li said, "First of all, I'm about to be promoted to the Holy Master of Heavenly Secrets. With my mystic skills, I have already reached the level of seeing the five aggregates empty, and I am not qualified to be promoted to the Holy Master of Heavenly Secrets? Is this your favor? the benefits of?

Secondly, if you want to say this, then I will say another thing about my background.

I've already lost it at this time, and I'm not afraid of being exposed - may I ask where you cut my Tianmai True Listening Eye?

What is this ability?

It is the Tianmai, Tianshu Shenyan, and it is the only one in the world! Immortal forever! It can illuminate the darkness and extinguish the light, and it can transform the darkness and ignite the light. You can watch The Three Realms Five Elements, Six Paths of Reincarnation, good fortune, and Karma origin!

Excuse me, did you harvest this thing directly and give me a little benefit?

Don't admit that you didn't take it away!

This thing is taken away. If it weren't for my profound magic ability, I would be like an idiot now, I can't see anything clearly and can't hear anything.

You took this thing away, and instead put a filthy charge on me, ready to secretly suppress me, so that my huge benefits that have been harvested will never be seen, so that everyone will not know, right?

So you can hide from the sky? "

Xuan Gang wanted to sneer - you're not imaginative, you still have such ability?

But after he glanced at Zhuge Qianyun, he immediately stopped talking.

Because Su Li not only has this ability, but also gave Karma like Zhuge Qianyun, and the blood eye ability is actually a replica of Su Li's "Heavenly Heart Listening Eye" ability research and real-time update.

If this were to be denied, it would immediately be cast aside by countless arrogances.

After all, this secret is almost not a secret - but what is extremely painful is that they have not harvested any Tianmai Listening Eyes at all!

It is the recycling of the ancient city of Jitian on its own!

But this explanation...

Can this be explained?

This involves truth and falsehood, and it also involves the ancient city of sacrifice to heaven!

Su Yan and Yanyan are involved when the ancient city of sacrifice to heaven is involved, so Karma is even bigger.

Then this time, the truth can't be contained, and it will be completely exposed directly.

What's even more frightening is that if the Karma of King Lei Yan Su Yan is activated, causing the flames to come out, it will be even worse.

"I owe it! You don't know whether to say compensation or not, and you have to draw more out. You don't think it's big enough?"

The goddess of time scolded Xuan.

An Ruoxuan said coldly, "Are you with him?"

Xuan Wenyan almost vomited blood - you are with him, your whole family is with him!

Of course, Xuan didn't dare to scold. After all, these two women are very cruel, and he still doesn't want to provoke them for the time being.

As for the follower's retinue, 'Xiao', he was completely ignorant and foolish throughout the whole process, and he didn't know how to deal with it at all.

He was the one who was numb from start to finish, either shocked or shocked, or beaten badly.

In short, he has been a law enforcement officer all his life, but he has never been so exciting, so unforgettable, and so insignificant.

The fourth update is here~ Today has been updated with 360,000 words~ Tears for full subscription and monthly and recommended tickets~ Bow down and thank you~ I am very grateful~

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