I'm Pretending To Be A Mystery In The Fantasy World

Chapter 887 Reverse Wearing Karma, Mural Loulan 【Please Subscribe For Monthly Ticket】

After the situation that the Taiqing World Lord was going to be destroyed and sealed, Su Li's will in the Great Karma has been discovered.

Combined with a series of Karma in the fantasy world, Su Li has vaguely judged that there is a very huge secret.

At this time, the world has not reopened, and the other party's Karma cage has not been planted again.

But this last Karma, Su Li felt he had to be cautious.

Because after seeing the Karma of Taiqing World Lord, Su Li has realized a very important problem, that is-this time he used part of Taiqing's ability in the other party's truth, and it was Meditation. ability to deceive.

But the other party has already 'made' the Demon Taiqing, the so-called Taiqing World Lord.

So, what about Karma, the previous "God-piercing"?

After Su Li re-opened in Luoxia Barren Mountain, he killed the will of the dark Heavenly Dao, and later he derived the Heavenly Dao with "Eight Nine Mysteries", and then slaughtered a piece of gods.

Is that something like Karma, after the other party suppressed his heavenly soul, will he re-enact that scene and create a 'Tongtian Jiezhu' similar to the 'Taiqing Jiezhu'?

According to the backlash Karma of the Taiqing World Lord, if the existence of the Taiqing World Lord is not discovered by him, Su Li, and has not been recognized, or even commits suicide, then the Taiqing World Lord cannot exist!

So is there such a celestial master with a similar Karma?

Will there be such a 'Yuqing World Lord' with a similar Karma?

After thinking about it over and over again, Su Li felt that it was possible.

If you could ask about 'Immortal Light Blue', she'd probably know.

At this moment, when Su Li thought of 'Immortal Light Blue', Su Li couldn't help but suddenly felt a tingling pain in his body and mind, as if he was hit by some terrifying nail at that moment.

"A thorn in the eye?"

"Nailhead Seven Arrows Book?"


Su Li froze in his heart, and immediately realized that it was a 'thorn in the eye'.

"Not good - Immortal light blue is probably dangerous!"

"what's going on?"

Su Li's will faltered slightly, and his mentality suddenly became unstable.

Such an anxious state of mind made him unable to condense his instincts, so that he could hardly maintain this will in the spirituality of the Great Karma.

That is to say, if he continues to be in such an anxious state of mind, the elf will probably alienate him.

Su Li repeated Meditation in an ethereal state, maintaining his inner stability, and at the same time a very silent anger grew in his heart.

There is no doubt that such a situation means one thing - the other party is jumping over the wall!

"Either it's a real dog jumping over the wall, or it's a change of approach!"

"Big Karma... elf baby, if—if you were one of those bad guys, Devil, what would they do?"

Su Li pondered in his heart, and then summoned the elf baby of the Great Destiny Technique again.

In such a 'gap' time state, Su Li is the safest, because the other party does not feel that something abnormal will happen in this 'time fixed' state.

Even the other party felt that since it was "formatted" or "reverted", there must be no traces left.

In fact, this is indeed the case, but Su Li's special ability just avoids all this.

Su Li began to carefully inquire about the Three Thousand Avenues.

At this time, his heart was already chaotic - he clearly sensed that Immortal Light Blue had encountered a fatal crisis, and it should have been traumatized.

And what can hurt Immortal Light Blue?

Apart from Su Wangchen's side, I am afraid there will be no other aspects.

And everything in the past was also during this time period, when the tomb of the Great Emperor opened, Su Wangchen's bastard began to appear.

So this time, is Su Wangchen going to end?

Or is Su Wangchen's end itself a 'representative meaning', that is, Su Wangchen does not represent Su Wangchen, but represents a powerful existence that robs the system?

Then what is this existence?

Who can guarantee success on the ninety-ninth shot?

Even if it is not guaranteed to succeed, it will not fail so ugly?

While thinking about it, Su Li also sent some past information to the little babies such as the Great Fate of the Three Thousand Avenues and the Great Karma and Samsara.

These things are a special kind of information, they will remember when Su Li gives it, but they will forget when Su Li takes it back.

At present, their brains probably only have that much capacity. It is like water that is put in. If you put it in, there will be water. If you don't put it in, they will pay attention to the outside Karma and analyze it by themselves. The answer is passed on to Su Li. They don't care after that.

It is that kind of quiet state, without Karma itself.

In such a form, Su Li is not worried about the leakage of secrets, that is... just take back the information after it is used up.

This seems to be more useful than being recorded in the "Sutra of Chaos Destiny" or "The Book of Emperors of the Emperor".

However, if possible, Su Li still does not want the three thousand avenues themselves to be involved in too much Karma.

Right now, there's just no way out.

With this method, Su Li clearly discovered a series of changes in the Three Thousand Avenues.

In the midst of such changes, some of the avenues of the Three Thousand Avenues were also actively merged together, forming a more stable Karma change.

Then Su Li vaguely saw the answer.

Among the results presented by the Three Thousand Avenues, there was a change.

The appearance of this change will change the outcome of the ninety-ninth time that the opponent must fail - if this development also has inertia, then the ninety-ninth time will also fail because of inertia.

Because the first ninety-eight times have all failed, ninety-nine times will not be special.

So this is the core reason for the failure.

But after the change this time, this changing trend turned into a breath of Karma and fell into Su Li's perception.

Like a flash of light, Su Li 'captured' the crux of the matter at once.

Li Juan!

"If Li Juan came forward to claim credit, cracked the reason for each of the ninety-eight failures, then pointed out the shortcomings, and a brand new method... and then led the alien..."

"Then if I were Li Juan, how would I deal with myself?"

"When I thought it must be false, it became true? When I thought it was true, the details were false?"

"This is how Su Wangchen used the 'three days' time to kill the wolf three-star bracelet before, will it be subdivided into the 'true and false'?"

"Is this possible?"

"If Li Juan shot, she would not have such ability - unless the upper level gives her powerful ability."

"So what is the most powerful ability?"

"This time, the Netherworld appeared, and Que Xinyan seemed to be suppressed to the depths of the Netherworld... In other words, Samsara's authority in the light blue world has been lost..."

"If that's the case... if Xia Xinyan is Xiaoqian's next life, and if Li Juan is in control of Samsara's authority in the light blue world again... Xia Xinyan has become Xiaoqian again, and this Li Juan is another ...become the existence of a dryad grandma?

Or just become an old demon-level existence in Montenegro? ? ? "

"So the roots and Karma are still in the world of beautiful women, and they have changed a layer of skin..."

"Then will the upper echelons seize the top-level authority of the Netherworld Sea and give it to Li Juan?"

"What if Li Juan had discovered the Achilles heel of Immortal Light Blue long ago, and then obtained such an ability to perform a lore and hit Immortal Light Blue?"

"is it possible?"

"I'm afraid it is also possible!"

"As long as she hits Immortal light blue heavily and shows strong value, she will be cultivated by the core, then the trial against her will be Li Dai Tao stiff, get a fake Li Juan to go to trial, and then the real Li Juan will change her name... "

After repeated calculations, Su Li gradually grasped the Karma and direction that the other party may have derived.

It is also because after grasping these, Su Li is indeed a little tired, and some feel that her scalp is numb.

Don't be afraid of the stupidity of the enemy.

Not afraid of the enemy's viciousness.

I'm afraid that the enemy is not only vicious but also very smart, which is difficult.

"It is estimated that most of this is the method, and then... If you pull Karma, how will Su Wangchen appear... Or how someone similar to 'Su Wangchen' will appear, you need to pay attention."

Su Li pondered, at this time, the void began to change like shattering, and then the void of the outside world directly returned to the ruins, turned into chaos, exploded, and then directly pulled Su Li out.

It was still the dark dragon that breathed out his Su Li.

But this time, Su Li clearly sensed the thick and terrifying aura between heaven and earth.

As soon as his mind moved, Su Li still derived the avatar state of the incarnation technique outside the body, but did not directly derive the Taiqing avatar.

At this time, his incarnation outside the body is the main body, and the main body and will still exist temporarily in the spirituality of the three thousand avenues.

There is nothing wrong with existing like a wisp of dust or a wisp of residual thoughts.

He had been through this all the time before, and now everything is still going very smoothly.

But this time there was something different.

Because whether it was the heaviness between heaven and earth or the powerful shocking breath, Su Li realized that the real guy was here.

Except that the scene where he was sprayed out by the other party was a little fake, all the rest were real 'props'.

"It seems that my judgment is correct, so pay attention to the places that need to be paid attention to."

Su Li's mood was a little more awe-inspiring, but there was no emotional change on the surface.

"Huh? There are abnormal spatial fluctuations - oh, isn't this a slave in the realm of sin? It came out? Huh... Talent is not bad."

The image of this woman at this time, on the contrary, is very natural, containing a faint light source breath, and at the same time very pure.

This kind of character looks a bit like 'Ice Crown Princess Athena'.

It's an almost complete replica.

Su Li was stunned for a moment, and then showed the same sluggish state as before.

"Tsk tsk, it actually contains a source of hope? It's not all slaves to the realm of sin, but if you can maintain a bright heart, adults should like it better."

This woman's language is also Taichu rune language, but it is more pure and natural, and it is not the genetic rune model of Hua Taichu, it is a very local model.

In this respect, it shows that Hua Taichu's Taichu rune has learned from the other side.

While the woman murmured, Su Li easily understood the other party's words without using the ability of the 'chip'.

"This fairy—"

As soon as Su Li spoke, the woman couldn't help but smiled faintly and said, "I'm Grave, I'm different from your practitioners in the realm of sin, you can call me a 'goddess' instead of a 'fairy', this is very offensive It's impolite to call him."

The woman's tone was very natural, and it was millions of times stronger than the previous 'Grave'.

"This... real guy, alien..."

Su Li's heart froze slightly, then he cupped fist and said, "Goddess Grave."

Grave smiled and said, "Well, you male god, what's your name?"

Su Li said, "My name is Su Li."

Grave was stunned when he heard the words, then showed a slightly exaggerated expression and exclaimed, "Oh, my God, so you are the legendary god of mysterious light source - Su Li! You are here! I found you, Ou, my God, it is really a gift from the empire, a blessing from the goddess."

The way and tone of this speech is indeed very westernized. If you add a sentence like "Ou Mai Kar", it will be very rich in image.

Su Li "..."

Su Li said, "So, when talking, can Goddess Grave relax?"

Grave shrugged and said, "Oh my God, that's definitely not possible, because according to legend, you are like the invincible God of War Linchen, very powerful, a powerful male god - although from The sin domain is the origin of the slave of the sin domain, but it must also be taken seriously. So this order shackles the male god Su Li, you should feel wronged and wear it first, and then you will see our adults, you should think about it. "

Grave said, the chain of gathering order was wrapped around Su Li's body, which prevented Su Li from exerting many of his strengths.

This time it was a real guy. If Su Li really acted rashly, he would probably be killed if he was beaten to death.

So Su Li also calmed down a lot.

The point is that Graves is real and not contrived, but not so disgusting.

Of course, her dress is indeed very exaggerated and bold, very revealing.

However, judging from her performance, she is very natural and decent, and everything seems to be commonplace.

All of this makes Su Li feel much better.

Later, Su Li went through a similar experience and was taken to an old castle.

Along the way, I did meet Gretel and Greffi, and there were actually two other aliens named Greer and Gleisher.

And this time Su Li encountered some aliens along the way. Although these alien cultivators did not seem to be high in strength and appearance, their bright and pure aura was very fiery and powerful.

And the light wings behind them are also very clearly presented, some are like butterfly wings, some are like bat wings, and some are like dragonfly wings.

Anyway, there are all kinds of wings, and the colors are transparent and gorgeous, as if blessed with a ray of sunshine.

Not very bright, but extremely gorgeous.

Its main tone is mainly white and transparent, and after the various bright colors of the seven colors are transparentized, it is not particularly obvious, but that kind of radiance...

Good guy, if this is a pair of wings in the page game, I am afraid that countless players will want to vomit blood.

Isn't this too fancy?

With Su Li's temperament, he couldn't help staring at these wings for a second time - as for the previous 'reopening' experience, go to his uncle, these aliens don't show wings - euphemistically called privacy Can't peep.

In fact, it is a special effect of five hairs, which cannot be presented.

The truth can't be presented, and this is also a group of parallel imports.

"I'm afraid of you with this real power?"

"Anyway, my system in the ancient city of sacrifice to the sky can still be set up in a decent manner, you group of lo's are too realistic, and these alien wings can't be set!

There were five or six alien races on such a huge purgatory warship?

Where is it like now, at a glance, all of them are guardians of foreign races, in groups, standing guards are generally everywhere.

And each one is real, powerful, blood is mysterious and contains the breath of light source, and wings are dense and radiant.

"It's not wrong for you to fail ninety-eight times - what is the nature of this real alien, you don't have any special effects, and you lie to me? I haven't seen a real alien, right?"

Su Li also had a feeling of vomiting blood - it felt that he was really despised to the core, this is how despised he is to use such lo!

"Yo Xi, Grave, it's you, why do you want to be happy with adults again?"

At this time, a man in golden armor, Grace, appeared, and even said something like 'Yo Xi'.

This statement almost made Su Li stumble, thinking that he appeared in some strange place.

Then Su Li glanced around and was a little speechless after confirming that it was right.

What are these words of tigers and wolves, what is the situation of these people?

"Yo Xi yo Xi, Billy Billy, Haha Xi yo. Of course I'm here to be happy with the adults, the adults are not happy, how am I happy, I'm not happy, where are you happy days, Billy Billy, haha ​​play contest."

Grave didn't care, but responded with a casual smile.

This performance is enthusiastic, generous, and very responsible.

Just don't care what other people make fun of.

Su Li was dumbfounded, but this time he really didn't understand.

Su Li showed a suspicious look and said, "What are you...what are you talking about?"

Graves said, "We just said hello, nothing, he teased me, and I teased it back."

Su Li "..."

Su Li said, "Your languages ​​are rather strange, can you teach me?"

Graves said, "You don't need to teach it, you will naturally know it when the time comes. In fact, you can speak any language you want. The language itself is just a manifestation of conveying meaning, so it's okay to say it."

Grave said, and said again, "Alou, Gulongdong?"

"Do you understand what I mean now? The language I speak casually is what I express now, but I express it in another form, so don't listen to the surface when you are obedient, just be obedient with your heart."

Grave's statement almost broke Su Li's three views.

This alien, can't talk?

This strange alien.

Su Li took it seriously and said, "Ah, you ha-hong, um-la-sai? (So I can say that too)?"

Graves said, "Better Fan, that's what I said, isn't it very simple? Well, in the small test, Su Renhuang is still very obedient, hahaha, but - congratulations on your trick, you have already listened to my words, Very sincere."

Su Li said speechlessly, "Is this obedient?"

Grave said, "You not only obeyed, but also did what you did."

Su Li said, "Amazing, how did you get all these messy methods."

Graves said, "About such a great heritage, it's going to be a long-term plan. It happened when-"

Su Li said, "Speak human words, keep it simple."

Grave smiled and said, "It's innate, understand?"

Su Li said, "Well, I get it, it's like I'm born obedient."

Grave was stunned and said, "The great Emperor Su, immediately recovered your obedient performance by such means."

Su Li said, "This is the innate ability, just like your ability. If you don't think this ability is innate, then your own innate ability is not trustworthy."

Grave shrugged and said, "Okay Damn it guy, you are the one who can speak well. If you see Lord Graevan later, just talk well and be obedient. You are as difficult as the legends say. deal with."

Su Li smiled and said, "It's average, the third in the world."

Graves "..."

Grave "Really? Well, let's see."

Saying that, Grave has already led Su Li into the castle.

Then the castle this time made Su Li understand what a palace is, and the previous castle was probably a real medieval castle that collapsed and was rebuilt with a layer of yellow mud.

This is simply a world apart.

There was also a clear shock in Su Li's eyes - indeed, only after seeing the mountains did he realize that those small hills were not worth shocking anymore.

Su Li has seen the perfect world of Shushan, but compared to such an ancient castle, such a building is still a bit inferior.

Where is the inferiority?

On the one hand, that kind of momentum and temperament.

On the one hand, it is the difference in the underlying background.

Just like the difference between a villa and an ordinary garden house, it is not that the garden house is not good, but that some things can be seen at a glance that they contain spirituality and temperament.

An ancient castle, inside and outside people feel the terrifying atmosphere of all things, and feel the activity of the light source, which is beyond imagination.

Although the perfect world of Shushan is good, the buildings in it, etc., lack the ultimate spirituality, that is, they lack the foundation of animism.

And this ancient building is like a profound and terrifying old man, as deep as abyss, but he is extravagant, and at the same time, he will truly be the top of the mountain, and the real star can be picked up.

Under the impact of such a background, Su Li even had a very strong feeling - it was like a person standing in the universe watching the endless Star, feeling his incomparable insignificance.

This insignificance is not a means of other people's display, but it is to present the reality and form a real contrast!

Can the means be more deeply rooted in the hearts of the people than the real reality?

It's like mentioning 20 to 30 million and it doesn't seem like a lot, but if you change it to real money piled up there, it can pile up into a mountain.

The continuous combination and impact of the virtual and the real have a very terrifying effect.

At this time, Su Li was completely sure that Li Juan did this scene.

She is really powerful in shaping details, men and women, and character.

And she contains a very powerful 'cognition', which is a cognition of 'doing nothing'!

That is, when she wants to make a lot of money, she doesn't "seek the top to get it", she directly seeks the bottom!

What does that mean?

As long as she can achieve a small goal, she thinks it's worth it, it's worth it, and the rest, no matter whether she wins or loses, doesn't matter much to her.

That is to say—if she wants to dig out a secret in this truth, she thinks it is a profit.

It doesn't matter what the secret is.

And if you can dig out more, you will earn blood!

It is equivalent to a test paper. Others ask for a perfect score or a pass. She only asks for a single-digit score. If she can achieve it, she will earn it, and if she can surpass it, she will earn blood! The premise is that the things she gets are really important things!

People with such a mentality are very rational and very calm and terrible.

I am not afraid that you will ask more, but I am afraid that you will take less.

"It's hard to deal with, I don't know exactly where her methods are, what cage is waiting for me."

Su Li pondered in his heart, and at the same time felt a little more fearful.

The stronger such a person is, the more difficult it is to deal with.

However, he still has no means to restrain Li Juan.

Yes, there is almost no means to restrict Li Juan-because Samsara's authority Su Li has hacked Li Juan's authority by 30%, but he can't take it out.

The frozen 20% authority can be activated at any time with hope.

Once the other party is in charge of the light blue world again, and if 20% of Samsara's authority is merged into it, Su Li will lose that 20% authority forever.

For Su Li, it's 100 miles and 90 miles!

Don't say 20%, as long as 10% is lost, it will be really difficult for Samsara to be incomplete.

"Su Renhuang, how is it, our purgatory castle has a good overall atmosphere, right?"

At this time, Nag Laiyun was sitting on the throne above the Great Hall of the ancient castle. After seeing Su Li, he stood up and said with a hearty smile.

Su Li has always stretched out his hand not to hit the smiling person.

Besides, such an alien powerhouse and superior, of course Su Li would not ignore it.

"It turned out to be Lord Gleiyun."

Su Li responded politely.

He didn't call him a 'male god'. As a man, it seemed very awkward to call others a 'male god'.

At least Su Li didn't like it.

"Human Emperor Su, let's just say it straight, as a pure source of hope, you have a special physique, and you have the characteristics of the polar light source of my Emperor Yu Clan's Light Wing Clan, and your Talent is exceptionally good.

Therefore, on behalf of the Guangyi branch of the Diyu Clan, I extend a sincere invitation to the Su Renhuang. "

This Graiyun came over, his attitude was extremely pious.

This gesture caused the scene to fall into a state of silence.

At the same time, this scene also passed through Su Li's figure and a series of environments on the scene, and fell into the eyes of the Master of Heaven.

It's just that the scene that Tongtian Jiezhu and others saw was not a real scene, but a virtual scene.

What's going on here?

Because in the real scene, they have no ability to spy on aliens.

Not to mention a special quasi-Immortal-level powerhouse like Graywan, who peeks at aliens?

Since it is impossible to peep, it is natural to build a reality that is not very depleted, all of which are constructed from very low-quality resources.

The kind with too many special effects.

It is similar to a group of pixel wind screen scenes.

In such a virtual 'Minor World' scene, reality can be synchronized instead.

That is, what happens in reality, what is synchronized in the real and virtual scenes, so that you can both peep and determine part of Karma.

Because the time is locked, just three days.

Because the change is also locked, the final result is to enter the world of Qian Nu of Tongtian Tower.

Then there are some points in the process. If you don't deviate, the details may be different, but most of what happens in Karma can be "expressed".

"Previously, Su Li refused when he was invited, and then his tone was unpleasant, resulting in a conflict, and then he killed all the existences of the Diyu clan such as Gray Yun. I don't know if this will be the case this time."

The Master of the Heaven-reaching Realm said solemnly.

Li Juan said, "Mostly there will be no conflict."

Chaodao "How can you be sure?"

Li Juan said, "You have to understand that Su Li's way is to live in the current reality and live in change, that is, it will change all the time, because of changes in emotions, mentality and other changes.

This change is the most elusive thing.

And if you look at the current Su Li, his mood is obviously very good - this kind of good mood means that he generally does not turn his face easily.

If you don't turn your face, your words won't be unpleasant.

His words are not ugly, plus the reason for the freedom of speech of the god feather clan, there will be no conflict.

Then there is no possibility of killing and wearing.

Furthermore, for those people, it's nothing if the words are ugly. They really attach great importance to talents. For the existence of Su Li, who comes from the realm of sin and can derive the source of hope, for them, do not kill. The value is far greater than the value of killing.

Of course it won't kill you. "

Li Juan explained.

Chao and Tongtian Jiezhu and others did not speak, but watched silently.

Sure enough, Su Li, who originally thought he would turn his face, did not turn his face because of such a solicitation by Graiyun, but responded in a very gentle tone.

"I'm sorry, Lord Gleiyun, thank you very much for your appreciation and attention, but Su has never thought of serving others, because Su Li himself is a Taoist, and the Tao he created is the prehistoric royal family and the corresponding living in the moment. way.

At the same time, I, Su Li, are the emperor of the Honghuang royal family.

If that's the case, then naturally there is no need to-"

Before Su Li could finish speaking, he was interrupted by Gleiyun.

"Su Renhuang will continue to think about it, and there is no need to rush to conclusions."

At this time, Nag Laiyun spoke again.

He wasn't angry either.

Su Li said, "Well, in terms of Lord Gleiyun's ability, why don't you also learn about the Tao of my prehistoric royal family? Let your existences like Grace and Grave try to learn from me. The Tao of the Honghuang Royal Family?

This kind of way, special question-"

Before Su Li finished speaking, Gleiyun interrupted by saying another word.

It is not always polite to interrupt someone.

Graiyun is by no means an impolite person, but at this time he still interrupted, why is this?

Because I can't afford it!

They tried to recruit King Peacock Daming before, but a bunch of clansmen ran to believe in the light and became a heresy of their race. That behavior was simply too 'light', and they even jumped out and said something to clear the source of light. Originally clearing the source, it is necessary to wash all the Light and Dark Wings with blood, suppress the bloody, suppress the darkness with light, and make the darkness invisible - Oh my God, can this be the words that the Lightwing clansmen can say?

And the clansmen of the dark wing clan did not say anything, and they were directly washed brighter than the light wing clan - none of the emperor feather clan who penetrated into the world of the Tongtian Tower Great Plane, none of them succeeded, all of them were planted in the Kong Lindao and in the hands of his disciples.

Today, unless his brain is flooded, Graiyun will never listen to Su Li's "sermon" to them.

Not only did he not listen, he also planned to strictly forbid anyone to "discuss Taoism" with Su Li. Once discovered, he would be dealt with as a heretic and expelled from the Diyu clan.

Not only that, any existence that communicates with Su Li and implements some of Su Li's 'suggestions' will suffer the same penalty.

Because the suggestions of people like Su Li are often poisonous, very bizarre, and often change people's original heart and temperament unknowingly.

It is said that it is difficult to change the nature of the country, but this Su Li and his series of strange Taoist systems have even reversed the nature of people, which is terrifying.

After Graiyun stopped him, he just said with a pity, "It seems that Human Sovereign Su still hasn't figured it out - Grave, keep Human Sovereign Su and let Human Sovereign Su think about it, but you can't neglect it. distinguished guest."

Grayyun said so, but Su Li knew that this was a kind of captivity in disguise.

Not to mention that this group of Emperor Yu clan is still very particular, so there is no such situation as strong action.

And such a scene is indeed as Li Juan judged.

It is precisely because of Li Juan's precise judgment that such a conflict did not occur, so that the eyes of Chao and Tongtian Realm Master immediately became a little less friendly.

Chao said solemnly, "Since you have determined such a possibility, why didn't you remind it before?"

Li Juan pondered for a moment, and then said, "I actually thought about this before, but on the one hand, the information is insufficient, and on the other hand, you are all full of confidence, so I opened my mouth at will, but it seemed that I was showing off or taking credit. Kind of, it will give everyone a very bad impression.

Not to mention, without the traction of many previous information changes, I can't make such an accurate judgment now.

So mentioning it at the time was actually useless.

Because there were enough opportunities at that time, and every time everyone would summarize the mistakes, etc., and then they were more confident.

In fact, one of the key factors is that the polishing of all aspects of the alien race is too poor——

It's like that kind of blockbuster movie, it can be fooled once or twice, but after many times, existences like Su Li are hard to be fooled.

However, for some reasons, they still buy tickets appropriately and check it out occasionally.

But once you encounter a real blockbuster, no matter how precious it is, you will definitely buy a ticket.

That's it.

If I mentioned this as a 'bad movie' before... I am not convincing myself, but you are regarded as an underdog, and my own Karma also failed before, so I don't have the confidence to speak out.

Now I dare to say that it is because everything is currently expected. As long as this 'normal development' is completely consistent with the reality I simulated, then it can continue to 'fit'. "

Li Juan explained it in great detail.

Such a statement also suddenly relieved the existence of Chao and Tongtian Realm Lord.

"It's a pity that the Taiqing World Lord has already gathered."

It is still a pity that the Heaven-passing Realm Lord.

How is this not a pity?

After all, this is a high-level building that cost a lot of money to build, and it's not a pity that there is no such thing?

Li Juan said, "Since one can appear, the second one will certainly appear in the future. Although the truth I built before has failed, everyone has seen the overall effect and the overall effect.

Moreover, when it comes to exploring the bottom, obtaining the background, and how much you have obtained, everyone understands in their hearts.

Otherwise, how can everyone deal with the truth this time? "

The Master of Tongtian pondered, "That being said, but Li Juan's existence will gradually keep a low profile in the future, but you can make more use of the Karma methods of 'Zhuge Qianyuan'."

Li Juan smiled and said, "That's natural. Well, the real good show has just begun."

Li Juan's equally beautiful face showed a special strange color.

That is the ultimate confidence, and the ultimate control-like sneer.

Since Li Juan transformed from Li Juan to 'Zhuge Qianyuan', her appearance has reached a state of extremes, and she will be absent from time to time after watching too much.

This appearance has the shadow of Gongcheng Qingdie, but it also has the shadow of Zhuge light blue.

But that is just a similar shadow breath, in fact, it is not - it is such an existence, Li Juan has long since used Guan Qiushui and others to carefully create it, and knows the most perfect template.

Therefore, the identity and origin of this 'she', that is, this 'Zhuge Qianyuan', is incomparably 'pure'.

At the same time, she also built herself into a state of 'silent and cherishing the stream', which is the gateway of the holy beast, the White Tiger. Anyway, it is all kinds of perfection.

Of course, only she herself knows this, and all the other beings will not know that she has such a perverted hobby.

And such means, for what purpose?

Just to cover something of Su Li. ,


Su Li still doesn't know about the changes at the top.

At this time, Su Li had been led by Nagrave to the lower area of ​​the Purgatory Warship, that is, the area under the deck.

It's like a dungeon there.

It's just that the environment is not bad, but it is still worse than the environment in the castle.

After Su Li came to this 'lower' area, he clearly sensed that this was the place of the cage.

It is a prison of blockade and repression.

However, the other party euphemistically called it 'guest room', so Su Li had nothing to say.

If it was in 'Illusion', Su Li could still kill the opponent under the pretext of being in trouble - but now this is the reality. After pulling a lot of Karma, there is only one result, and that is being beaten to death by the opponent.

"Su Renhuang, for a while, you will live in this room first.

This room is not big, but there are also some special murals. If you are bored, you can enter the mural Minor World to be the master of destiny and have a good time.

In those mural worlds, there are also many strange women, you can do whatever you want. "

At this time, Grave said lightly.

After she said this, Tsukuru bowed and retreated silently.

Su Li nodded and said, "Thank you, Goddess Grave."

Graves smiled and said, "It's fine, as long as you don't preach to me, everything is fine."

Su Li said, "It's not actually a sermon, it's just asking the heart—"

Just as Su Li was halfway through speaking, Grave's figure was gone, and if he really came, he rushed and rushed - he just disappeared.

This speed is too fast!

Su Li is also speechless - is this "questioning heart" so terrible now?

After Graves left, Su Li looked at the room that was about 70 to 80 square meters - it was indeed a room, but it was a real 'family with four walls'.

Except for the four frescoes all around, everything is bare and nothing.

It was said to be a room, but it was empty without basic furniture.

There is not even a futon on the ground, and if you want to sit, you can only sit on the clean and clean floor.

And this kind of floor is made of pure light source and spar, so that when Su Li looks at the floor, it is like looking in a mirror, and he can see himself in the mirror.

Then the mirror will reflect the picture of the mural.

So when you look closely, you can still see some changes in the picture.

In short, such a scene also made Su Li gradually relieved.

"What's the situation? This..."

"This time, was it suppressed here? The opponent is very strong, and it seems that the opponent's Taoism is also extremely powerful."

"My many methods are limited and not very useful."

Su Li pondered and muttered to himself.

"Of course it's not easy to use. You are being controlled by the chain of order. Since you are controlled, you must be conscious."

At this time, a voice came from the mural.

"Huh? Who?"

Su Li frowned slightly, then looked around.

But Su Li didn't see anyone.

"Don't look at it, look at the floor, you can see me in the reflection of the third picture on the floor, but you can't see me in the picture scroll."

At this time, the voice appeared again.

This time, Su Li followed the reminder of the other party and looked over. Sure enough, Su Li saw a shadowy man appearing in the reflection of the reflected picture.

This man's appearance and temperament are a bit like Zhuge Qingchen who hasn't seen him for a long time.

Su Li hesitated a little, and said, "I saw you. According to what you said, I'm already in custody now? I can't break free?"

The man whose temperament was very similar to that of Zhuge Qingchen said softly, "Yes, it is true that he has been detained and imprisoned, and he can't break free.

And the more they are locked up here, the more they will be gradually eroded and assimilated, and all the information and core secrets of the body will be stripped away little by little. "

The figure spoke lightly, and then the figure soon disappeared.

"Wait, what's the name of this friend? Can you come out and meet?"

Su Li pondered and asked.

"Going out will only die faster, and entering the mural will be a little more comfortable."

Even though the man said so, it turned into a light and flew out from the third desert mural.

"I'm Loulan Fengqi, what is this friend's name?"

"Su Li."

The third update of 110,000 words is here~ 420,000 words have been updated today, and there will be an update around 4:30 in the afternoon~ Tears for full subscription, monthly pass and recommendation ticket, bow and thank you~

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