I'm Pretending To Be A Mystery In The Fantasy World

Chapter 888 Little Star Technique, Loulan Fengyu

After Su Li responded to the man who looked like Zhuge Qingchen, he was quite speechless.

His mood was extremely complicated.

The good thing is that because this place is a complete set of true and false, Su Li can properly mobilize the system - but for the sake of safety, he is useless.

Because this is like Su Wangchen who owns the three-star bracelet to kill the wolf.

It is only three days, but if this world is subdivided into usage time—that is, time is counted when it is used, and time is not counted when it is not used, then this threat is extremely terrifying.

In reality, Su Li certainly had no problem using the system.

But reality is interspersed with unknown truth and falsehood. Once one does not pay attention, the system leaves some traces, and it is really finished.

There is no doubt that such means must be done by Li Juan.

And this time, the alien powerhouse Loulan Fengqi's abilities in all aspects - even the way of names are almost completely similar. This is a very strange trap.

Such a trap...

Purgatory ships, murals, mural world, and as Graves said, let's have a good time in the mural world...

These combinations correspond to which Karma in the fantasy world of the past?

Su Li doesn't even have to think about it, that's Karma with Yaolan Indistinguishable Dao.

The Karma where Yaolan became the God of the Sword God.

That Karma involved the Nether Sea, the Ancestral Dragon Warship, the Ancestral Dragon Murals, the World in the Murals, the Tianyu Clan, and the Heavenly Dao Sword God Karma, etc.

At that time, he and Yaolan Qingshuang Indistinguishable Dao also had a double kill.

It was a scene that made Su Li remember very clearly, and Su Li still remembered the scene at that time - entering Taoyuan hand in hand, the scenery circulated together; planting beans at the foot of Nanshan Mountain, the grass was thin and the bean sprouts were happy.


At that time, Su Li was indistinguishable Dao with Yaolan, Qingshuang, and even in the heart and mind. The two places were born in love, the three lives were good fortune, the Four Divinities blended, the Five Elements possessed, the six paths were perfect, the seven ups and the eight downs, the ninety-nine Return to Self, ten Cozy.

Among them, the most wonderful Indistinguishable Dao insight is not enough for outsiders.

In short, how could Su Li forget that scene?

This is almost one of the core memories of the time.

After all, he didn't have many happy 'days', did he?

And all that at that time, chain and incomparably complicated, made Su Li realize that the incomparably vast Karma always seemed to have some indescribable taste - always felt that something was wrong, but he didn't know what was wrong.

Because at that time, An Ruoxuan and Que Xinyan were accompanied by An Ruoxuan, and they were guarded accordingly.

Moreover, under the circumstances at that time, Su Li also saw the statues of Yaosuo and Yaoling who had been killed by him in the altar of the Yuzu that day, and they were all half-shaped statues, like discarded toys. was thrown aside.

This is a tragic end like a corpse in the wilderness.

At that time, Su Li's memory was particularly deep.

And the person who led the way at that time was named Yaolun.

Now, this series of Karma, Su Li re-presented in the big Karma scene.

But this time, because the memory is not serial, but scattered, so the big Karma technique is also a bit confusing - it seems that I can't figure out what connection those Karmas have with the present.

"It turns out that there are times when you are confused."

"In fact, if it weren't for the combination of several similar conditions, it would be hard to imagine that the fantasy world I once experienced was actually assembled! Has it been tampered with like this?"

"This is a completely spliced ​​past! This is really bizarre!"

"Is this a world of system splicing? Or... a world modified by means such as Tianji Chaos Tianji Linglong? Is this too powerful?"

Su Li thought very fast in her heart.

This situation is very special - a puzzle that can be put together in a different way to make another very complete puzzle?

Then dismantle the puzzle and re-apply it, can the present be spelled out again?

If you want to do this, you must and must be familiar with the future!

At this moment, Su Li realized - he may have really succeeded!

In other words, he succeeded in the future, but not completely!

Why do you say that?

Because if it succeeds, there will be no present and no past!

Specifically, he may have come to a very dangerous area in the future, and he needs to stitch the past and the 'present' together before he can cross that hurdle.

Otherwise it will fail.

Re-splicing the past and the present is equivalent to the future changing the present and the past, and it is equivalent to the future directly changing the past from the future.

If the future is still trying to change the past, it means that something terrible happened in the past, leading to some kind of irreversible terrible ending in the future.

And this possibility...

Must be great!

But so far, Su Li has not felt any special regret for the time being! It's the kind of thing that regrets the past!

Even if Karma like Su Meng agreed, even if Hua Taichu died with regret, and Su Yan ended with regret, but there was no huge regret.

So what great regret will happen?

"Immortal light blue?"

Su Li thought of Immortal light blue inexplicably, and the sudden throbbing and tingling feeling between his eyebrows, his mind, and even his soul, and he couldn't help but tremble in his heart.

Immediately, Su Li's expression became solemn.

"Loulan Fengqi? That's a really good name."

After Su Li reported his name, while thinking about it, he also responded directly to Loulan Fengqi.

Loulan Fengqi gave Su Li a very strong feeling of Zhuge Qingchen - if Zhuge Qingchen went to the world of Shanhe Shejitu and completely cut off Karma, Su Li would almost suspect that it was Zhuge Qingchen.

Loulan Fengqi, Zhuge Qingchen.

Such a name method, as well as that special pronunciation pattern, is almost exactly the same pronunciation according to the phonetic system of rune in the beginning.

But at this time, Su Li probably didn't understand 'Taichu rune', so Su Li naturally didn't understand that the name was pronounced the same as 'Zhuge Qingchen' taichu rune.

"Su Li... This name is really not a good name. I don't understand why someone named it after 'Li'."

Loulan Fengqi opened his mouth, a little sighed.

Su Li asked, "Is this name bad?"

Loulan Fengqi said, "The word Li, in the middle is a big 'fierce' fierce word, and the lower part is a structure of 'inner', but the person inside is 'broken'.

And 'in', the word usually combined is 'calamity', so according to the meaning of this word, it means that this person has a great omen in the middle of his life, and he will definitely be under the control of the door in the future, and there will be disasters. , easy to die. "

Loulan Fengqi said, and developed the once ancient astrology deduction method, and then glanced at Su Li again and again, and said, "The life of the dead."

Having said that, he was a little more interested.

As if he had discovered a new and interesting thing to study.

Su Li was slightly stunned, and said, "Brother Loulan is really powerful, you can see that? Generally, no one can deduce my Karma, and most deducers are somewhat ominous."

When Loulan Fengqi heard the words, he couldn't help but smile and said, "I saw it, so I used this."

Su Li looked up, only to see that Loulan Fengqi had transformed into a paper figure, with four ancient rune-like characters written on it - Zhu Xie and Escape.

Afterwards, these four words burned on their own, so that Loulan Fengqi itself was not affected.

That kind of situation that obviously has a fate backlash and other states, all impacted on such a paper figure.

After the paper figurine burned, a similar figure flew out of the mural again and landed in front of Su Li.

This person is dressed in white like a fairy, with extraordinary momentum, unrestrained and unrestrained, and his face is extremely handsome.

Such a strange man, Su Li has always been -- detested, because the face value of the other party is almost one-tenth of his.

So Su Li took precautions against such little white faces.

And this Loulan Fengqi is obviously such a little white face.

"Brother Su Li, we meet again."

Loulan Fengqi greeted warmly.

"Meet again? Didn't we just meet?"

Su Li tried to catch a small flaw in the other party's words.

"The one just now is in the past. I have seen it in the past, and goodbye means I will see you again. And the past is dead. I live in the present, and I live in the mural."

Loulan Fengqi smiled, took out a jug of wine, raised his head and drank it.

This performance is quite interesting.

"Drink, it's rare to see such a bizarre destiny. On this journey, I'm not alone."

Loulan Fengqi laughed.

The man has a pretty good temperament - at least he appears to be.

Although it is obviously an alien race, but this ancient Loulan civilization race, Su Li is not sure whether it comes from the Emperor Yuzu.

Because he did not see his wings.

Moreover, if he is the Emperor Yu clan, why should he be suppressed here?

That Gleiyun even wanted to recruit him, Su Li, wouldn't he leave a genius like Loulan Fengqi alone?

Su Li did not judge Loulan Fengqi's strength and talent, because there is no need to judge - any deduction of his existence of Su Li must pay a heavy price.

But only this Loulan Fengqi was fine.

Not only was it okay, but after deduction, he replaced all disasters with a paper figurine - his astrology is obviously very powerful.

This point is similar to Zhuge Qingchen's way of heaven.

But to be honest, Zhuge Qingchen's way of heaven is not even a little bit worse than this Loulan Fengqi.

The most crucial point is that if Su Li asks Zhuge Qingchen to deduce him, then Zhuge Qingchen will definitely refuse with a black face, or simply say—Brother Li, you should just kill me directly.

But this person, after discovering some of his Su Li's characteristics, immediately deduced it in this way, and at the same time broke the past Karma to protect himself.

That's really awesome.

This seems ordinary, but it is precisely because he also understands the secrets and deductions that Su Li can really see what the other party can do.

"How do you say? With your ability, it's impossible to be trapped here and can't get out, right?"

Su Li looked at Loulan Fengqi strangely.

This man is indeed a little strange.

Loulan Fengqi said, "You don't understand."

Su Li heard the words and was speechless, saying, "Of course I don't understand if you don't say it, but what you said - I may and still don't understand, but I may also understand."

Loulan Fengqi said, "I am Loulan Martial King Loulan Fengqi. I'm here to avoid my sister. I have a very powerful sister. She catches me all over the world and asks me to go with a mysterious one. Odd woman Indistinguishable Dao.

Oh my gosh, the last thing I like is with a woman Indistinguishable Dao - I haven't had an Indistinguishable Dao either, but it's scary thinking about it!

It's hard for me to imagine how a confident man can get together with a woman who has a pit.

Is this still Indistinguishable Dao?

My God, I'm literally dying. "

Loulan Fengqi's speech also showed the 'exaggerated' way of speaking of the alien race, but this expression was very natural.

This is like an alien version of Zhuge Qingchen, but not Zhuge Qingchen.

Su Li heard the words and was speechless - listen, what is Versailles?

Forced to escape and the odd woman Indistinguishable Dao?

Is it the identity of Loulan Martial King?

Man, it's like running away from marriage - the point is!

With such a person's identity, status, and ability, would it be bad to be called a "Wonder Woman" who can be Indistinguishable Dao?

It is estimated that not only is it not bad, it is definitely the kind of peerless woman that the world can't expect!

Isn't this what a full man does not know when a hungry man is hungry?

Although Su Li is also a rich man, he still feels that this Loulan Fengqi is showing off rather than complaining - if it is really complaining, then Su Li is going to stay away from this man with a special fart. Otherwise it's even more disgusting.

Because most men who don't like women will like men very much.

And precisely this is the existence that Su Li can't see directly.

He wouldn't despise such an existence, but he himself would never have any interest - Jiang Tianyi's goodwill made Su Li goosebumps and shadows on his body and mind.

Now Su Li looked straight at Loulan Fengqi, with an obvious vigilance in his eyes.

"Look - I just said it, and you don't understand it - do you think that if I don't like women, I will like men?"

Loulan Fengqi looked at Su Li with a very contemptuous look.

This contemptuous look made Su Li a little embarrassed, so Su Li opened her mouth, but she couldn't say anything, because the next sentence of Loulan Fengqi made Su Li speechless.

"I have to say that your judgment is still reasonable. I seem to be more interested in men than women, but it's not the kind that I like, but the kind that I like to study.

It's a pity that my combat body is special, otherwise I would have sliced ​​myself and studied it carefully - you don't know, the skin is cut a little bit, the peeling process is very wonderful.

And if such human skin is made into mural paper or laid on the road, it will be particularly beautiful, tall and luxurious..."

Loulan Fengqi said with great interest.

Su Li said, "Unfortunately, you are only looking forward to these things and haven't touched them, so what did you say?"

Loulan Fengqi sneered, and said, "Why don't you think I'm like a nightmare, think I'm cruel and perverted? Oh, it's not fun."

Su Li said, "You haven't done this before, so naturally you can't pretend to be so imposing, why don't I pretend?"

Loulan Fengqi said, "Well, try it out, I'm very interested, like I know how—"


Su Li slapped Loulan Fengqi on the face with a slap in the face, causing Loulan Fengqi's face to be swollen.

Loulan Fengqi, as the Martial King of Loulan, and a powerful and aloof alien, probably never thought in his life that he would be suddenly slapped in the face by Su Li in such an environment.

He was completely stunned.

Su Li said, "How can the wicked say how wicked they are? They all started it directly! You just want to show your cruel, vicious and crazy side, and then disappoint your sister? Then give up persecuting you and the strange woman Indistinguishable Dao?"

Loulan Fengqi was stunned for a while, then silently touched his face and rubbed it several times, but the swelling didn't go away?

"Speaking of which - don't pretend to be serious, your Tongtian Palm is a bit powerful, but it still can't be swollen? Isn't my face going to be discovered by my sister?"

Su Li said, "No, or I'll give you a few more times, so that even if you stand in front of your sister, she won't be able to find you."

Loulan Fengqi "..."

Loulan Fengqi looked at Su Li repeatedly, and suddenly said, "The little guy is very interesting."

Su Li said, "Slapped with a swollen face... Oh, Dazong... You are also very interesting with a swollen face."

Loulan Fengqi said, "I can't read your mind at all, what astrology method are you using?"

Su Li said, "Tianji Soul Appraisal, do you want to learn it? I'll teach you!"

Loulan Fengqi said, "Are you really willing to teach?"

Su Li said, "My Su Li's speech has always been a spit and a nail. The key is that I dare to teach you and dare to learn?!"

Loulan Fengqi said, "Dare!"

Su Li said, "Yes, then I really teach you, you listen carefully, this day's secret soul appraisal..."

Then, Su Li really taught this Loulan Fengqi the Heavenly Secret Soul Appraisal Technique that was systematically taught to Su Ye.

And when the Heavenly Secret Soul Appraisal Technique was being taught to Loulan Fengqi, the other party, the upper floor of the Thirty-third Void, Li Juan and others showed a comfortable smile.

"Heavenly Secret Soul Appraisal Technique, his best at reading minds and other techniques—why did he teach it? Although it's only a basic chapter, and it's easy to get caught in the enemy's cage, it shouldn't be spread out!"

At this time, Chao couldn't understand it.

The Heaven Master and Yamina, as well as a group of mysterious men and women in dark golden robes, also showed some doubts.

It seems that they are also very, very curious about this issue.

Li Juan said with a smile, "On the one hand, Zhuge Qingchen's Karma setting and growth model at that time was actually the model of Loulan Martial King, and it was still the complete one.

But Zhuge Qingchen can only be said to be similar at best, and this is the real existence.

In this case, Su Li didn't know that 'Zhuge Qingchen' was completely 'lost', or he knew, but he would think that Zhuge Qingchen and Mu Yuxi still existed in a certain Minor in the world.

In fact, all the worlds of the thousands of hearts have been annihilated, and even the thousands of hearts are rotten, right?

Therefore, Zhuge Qingchen's group of people is actually dead, and even if they are not dead, they will surely sink forever like the Taiqing World Lord.

In this way, he will think that this Loulan Fengqi is Zhuge Qingchen, or someone worthy of friendship.

It was 'unreal' before, because some details were not in place, he would doubt it.

But now this is 'reality', so he is naturally aware of it, and he won't be afraid of anything. On the contrary, in such a situation, passing on the 'Heavenly Secret Soul Appreciation Technique' is beneficial to his rise.

And this is also an investment - Loulan Martial King's status is extraordinary, and his sister should have an even more amazing origin. With the appearance of Loulan Martial King, will his sister's appearance be worse?

So this Karma will be fun!

As long as Su Li is kind to Loulan Fengqi, then once Loulan Fengqi's sister finds Loulan Fengqi, she will naturally treat Su Li kindly.

In this way, wouldn't Su Li hug her thighs?

And precisely in this process, we actually paid nothing, and got paid through a method similar to 'auditing'.

As far as this Tianji Soul Appraisal Technique is concerned, if you find Master Tianji and Saint Master Tianji to study for 20,000 years 20,000 years ago, you can imagine how the effect will be!

That must be an extremely terrifying benefit.

As far as the harvest of the Heavenly Secret Soul Appraisal Technique is concerned, this time it is worth it, and the capital has been guaranteed. "

Li Juan spoke of these situations confidently.

And the people who were listening quietly also gradually showed their thoughts.

They also listened to Su Li's narration through the real-time synchronization effect of 'simulating the real and the virtual'.

With their abilities, they quickly derived a lot of Karma and gained great benefits.

This day, the soul identification technique was obtained like this, which was a result that was never expected in any case.

And the benefits are enormous.

There was a bit of admiration in the eyes of the Tongtian Realm Lord, and then he said, "In this way, Su Li has become a tool in our hands, forming a 'detector'."

Li Juan said, "That's right, that's right. Now this Su Li has given that Loulan Fengqi various benefits, right? And a person like Loulan Fengqi can even bear the slap of Su Li before. A person with a big heart. Would such a person arbitrarily take advantage of others?

Naturally not, as long as he gives back some benefits, then we also get the benefits.

In my opinion, he must have given Su Li some basic means such as "astrology" because he was curious about Su Li's "living dead".

At this time, as long as Su Li comprehends himself, we put a little bit of truth on him, then his comprehension and direction are all ours again.

Even if it is not Su Li's perception, Su Li himself has been in contact with the "star map", and this star map is of great significance.

In this way, if he understands 'astrology', we can comprehend astrology.

If because of this he accidentally gained the great astrology, what it means is self-evident.

As long as all of these are set in the truth, then we can capture the Karma of the great astrology one step ahead, and even take away this ability from him through refining the virtual!

This is born out of truth.

Great astrology is the great star technique. Among the three thousand avenues, according to the trend of Samsara, I will classify it as the fifteenth ranking!

The three thousand avenues of the top 100, what a heaven-defying ability this is, one can imagine it! "

Li Juan's tone was a little excited, and her eyes were shining.

"Top fifteen?"

After hearing such a distinction, Tongtian Realm couldn't help showing a bit of shock.

Li Juan said, "The previous top ten three thousand avenues are actually very famous, and everyone actually knows something, so there is no need to repeat them. Are you interested in knowing the top twenty? Of course, this is just my judgment based on Samsara and fate. It's not necessarily accurate, but I don't think it's wrong."

The Master of Tongtian Realm said, "Tell me about it."

Li Juan said, "The eleventh is the Great Hearts Demon technique, the twelfth is the Great Origin Technique, the thirteenth is the Great Chaos Technique, the fourteenth is the Great Yin & Yang Technique, and the fifteenth is the Great Astrology Technique (Great Star Technique).

The sixteenth is the great Conferred Gods technique, the seventeenth is the great liberation technique, the eighteenth is the great soul cleansing technique (large-scale transformation technique), the nineteenth is the great blood soul technique, and the twentieth is the great soul technique. "

The Sky Master pondered for a while before asking a mysterious man in a dark golden robe beside him, "Blood, what do you think."

The man named 'Blood' thought for a moment and said, "The distinction is the same as over there."

The Sky Master nodded, then looked at Li Juan again, and said, "There is a mysterious force that corresponds to the top twenty of the Three Thousand Avenues. This is the distinction.

Then - you'll be confused again. "

Li Juan immediately bowed and saluted, and said, "Lord Tongtian, please speak."

The Sky Master nodded, thought for a moment, and said, "Among the three thousand avenues you mentioned before, the destiny, Karma time, Samsara vision and good fortune are the top six.

This is no problem, the seventh is space, this problem does not seem to be a big problem, space is also a big space technique, a big void technique, it is indeed very powerful.

After all, time and space itself is a very powerful rule, and its corresponding Dao must be unusual.

But why is this big Five Elements ranked eighth? "

Li Juan heard the words and said very confidently, "Because all the supreme Taos in this world follow Yin & Yang Five Elements, but Yin & Yang itself manifests in the Yin & Yang of life, but it is quite basic.

The Five Elements manifest at the same level of subtlety.

In this way, Yin & Yang Five Elements are Yin & Yang in front and Five Elements in back, right?

Actually not, Yin & Yang are still Yin & Yang after all, but Five Elements are already all over the place.

Because Yin & Yang in this world is actually unbalanced, but Five Elements is balanced instead.

All of this is centered on the Five Elements domains of the Emperor Jin, Emperor Mu, Emperor Shui, Emperor Huo, and Emperor Tu.

So Five Elements is at the front.

And the Diyang Clan has become unorthodox even with the name, and turned into the Diyu Clan.

The Emperor Yin Clan even more... turned into the Emperor Soul Clan.

Yin... the emperor is gone, can this still be a woman? Is it still worthy to be called the Diyin clan? Turning into the so-called Emperor Soul Clan is even more ridiculous and generous, and was almost scared to kneel by a King Lei Yan. "

Li Juan said a word, and the scene was dead silent.

Even Yamina was smacking her tongue, darling, this car is driving with a slap in the face, this Li Juan really has something to say!

"Will the Three Thousand Avenues be affected by these?"

The Sky Master was also shocked, but he was shocked by Li Juan's terrifying knowledge and her ability to strategize.

This is really scary!

Such existence...

Well, good, good.

"Okay, you are very good! Now this Zhuge Qianyuan is you, this Karma, lock you for thirty years! That is to say, as long as you don't make a big mistake, the authority of the light blue world for thirty years is under your control!"

When Li Juan heard the words, she was immediately satisfied, knowing that she was really stable now.

This is a small assessment of the Heaven-reaching Realm Master, one is ability, one is ambition, one is courage, and the other is wrist.

These, Li Juan thinks she is very great.

And this is indeed the case, because Loulan Fengqi's words came out from the simulated 'light group' in reality.

"You are very good, you are really willing to give such an inheritance - so, I have an astrology map here, and my astrology is obtained from it. This is a special star map, given to is you."

Loulan Fengqi said.

His voice is very direct and very candid.

Su Li was startled.

At this time, Loulan Fengqi had already taken out the star map - it was the size of a flat plate, but it was a parallelogram.

There was a stream of pale yellow and ancient colors, which contained some dots of light.

This thing, Su Li looked at it at a glance - just one glance, this picture was imprinted into Su Li's memory.


Su Li knew that he earned it.

But again, he lost.

Earning is because this star map contains 'astrology', which is 'small astrology', which is 'small star'.

What does it mean?

It is Su Li's ability and background, and he is now 'born' in line with the Three Thousand Dao, so that he extracted astrology at a glance and turned it into a substantial astrology, and he was still an entry-level 'little boy'. Astrology'.

This is earning.

But the blood loss is that this thing fell into Li Juan's hands.

Because the time obviously freezes and returns to normal in an instant.

At the moment when his pupils condensed - this was completely unexpected, and it was also very, very abrupt.

And for Su Li, this process is as if he was in a daze - under such circumstances, no matter how capable Loulan Fengqi is, he will not find Su Li's abnormality.

And can Su Li confess that he has a 'time fault point' that evolves into 'true and false' at any time to cheat?

Obviously it can't - on the one hand, Su Li can't know this, otherwise what is the enemy's layout?

Secondly, there is no way that Su Li would know!

He is an authority, so he can't show his ability as a bystander!

Therefore, in Su Li's own situation, after obtaining the star map, he was sluggish for a while because he realized the small astrology technique.

It's the same, Su Li's heart skipped a beat, and then he decided that Li Juan had made a fucking bloody profit.

"Three thousand avenues fell into Li Juan's hands? No, the little astrology of the three thousand avenues is still in my body, and I cannot let it fall into Li Juan's hands!"

Su Li has no other ideas, his idea is one, even if he can't get it, he will never let Li Juan get it if he destroys it.

And according to the uniqueness of Three Thousand Avenues, Su Li decided to be more generous.

So, Su Li suddenly put the star map back into Loulan Fengqi's hands.

"Huh? What's wrong? Do you think what I gave you is fake, brother, or look down on me, and think it's useless? My astrology is the mysterious astrological ability that I have learned from it. It contains totem laws, and the immortal background is extremely strong. Inheritance! Brother Su Li, don’t underestimate it!”

Loulan Fengqi said in a serious tone.

At the same time, he was a little unhappy about Su Li's rejection, like a bold person being misunderstood as a stingy stingy, which is unbearable for such a person.

That can't be done, then you must prove that you are generous and forthright!

This Loulan Fengqi is such a person, and his personality is indeed quite real.

Of course, there are also aspects of condoms, but this is a common feature of different races, and Su Li has 'experienced' many times.

Su Li shook his head and said, "Brother Loulan misunderstood, it's not that he doesn't like it, but it's too precious - you can use the Heavenly Secret Soul Appraisal Technique to comprehend this star map attentively, and you'll know why I'm back!"

As Su Li said, some stars on the star map were directly lit up by small astrology, forming some special ladders and star trajectory patterns.

At that moment, this scene was also seen by Li Juan and others.

The breathing of a group of upper classes was completely rapid, and they looked like wolves who had never seen gourmet food...

But Su Li didn't know about this scene either, but Su Li knew that as long as he smashed this Karma in Loulan Fengqi's hands, Li Juan and others would never be able to snatch it away from Loulan Fengqi's body. !

So instead of fulfilling Li Juan's group, he might as well fulfill this Loulan Fengqi directly!

And it's just a small astrology not a big astrology.

Such a Karma, in such an environment, may not be the best protection to let it go.

Once such a small astrological technique is truly accepted, once it is forcibly cut out by Li Juan and other existences, it will be bad.

If only this part is cut out, it will be uncomfortable, but it is not necessarily unacceptable - but if it also strips out the breath or traces of the rest of the avenues, it will be like pulling out the radish and bringing out the mud, it is really difficult to handle.

With the special nature of the Three Thousand Avenues, once they get together, the breath of those little guys will definitely be 'contagious'.

Su Li could not afford to be hurt by such a danger.

Therefore, after learning astrology, Su Li's first step was not to improve and stabilize the good fortune, but to put some of the insights into the star map without hesitation.

In this way, Su Li is equivalent to not acquiring any inheritance at all.

At the same time, Su Li also automatically stripped this out.

In the eyes of Li Juan and others, it is Su Li who discovered the small star technique, but it seems that this Cultivation Technique Su Li is very afraid, and it may conflict with Su Li's "Mysterious Art" and the abilities such as Tianji Saint Master. It was not acceptable, so it was immediately discarded.

At the same time, tell Loulan Fengqi directly with such a secret, further obtain 'benefit', and at the same time show his own personality charm.

"This is really a good way to attack the heart. This little astrological technique is also a little star technique. It is obviously that he can't really get the corresponding recognition, or it is completely in conflict with his arbitrariness and other methods, so he can't succeed. .

Therefore, he activated this ability, and then gave up, just to attack this Loulan Fengqi! "

Li Juan analyzed.

There was a light of wisdom in her eyes, as if everything was under control.

But she would never have thought that she would die. Su Li was actually afraid of losing the big because of the small.

And—— Su Li's current Three Thousand Avenues is the balance of the 'big' Tao. If there is a small star technique with deduction properties, it will definitely destroy the balance.

Balancing this kind of thing is very hard to balance, but very easy to break.

In such a 'dangerous' situation, Su Li is going to break his own balance of the Three Thousand Great Dao. Isn't this what he is doing?

So although this little star technique is good, it is extremely worth the loss!

Therefore, Su Li knew that this time, Li Juan had at least peeped at a part of the small star technique, and combined with the super pit celestial soul detection technique, this guy definitely made a great contribution.

"This is holding her back, it's really disgusting."

Su Li was very upset - the key is that he can't show this situation yet.

So instead, he can only rely on the Karma of Loulan Fengqi—at least this alien is not bad.

Although I haven't had in-depth contact, if Zhuge Qingchen's template covers this person...

Alas, Su Li can only compare the rotten to the rotten ones, and choose a slightly less rotten existence.

Moreover, Zhuge Qingchen is not bad, this Loulan Fengqi is more like a little white face, still in the Tsundere state of 'fleeing', it should not have experienced much beating in reality.

If he was beaten badly, he would honestly go home and inherit the family property.

This is like a joke that I once saw in China Modern - if the box office is completely smashed, you can only go home and inherit hundreds of millions of properties.

For this Loulan Martial King, isn't that the case?

This is the envy of many people!

"Brother Su Li—you are... too noble, aren't you interested in men? But if you pay like this, then I won't be particularly moved and promise yourself! But I can still reluctantly try to repay it."

Loulan Fengqi smiled charmingly and shyly at Su Li, and then greeted Su Li with a flying kick.


Loulan Fengqi didn't fight back, but was kicked away by Su Li.

And he disliked it was not strong enough. After turning 720 degrees in the air, after a head fell, he made a cool pose very gracefully.

With this performance, Su Li has two words to describe it—two strokes.

Isn't this a second stroke?

Su Li could vaguely see that this person's temperament was very, very rough.

This character... escapes and waves, is this Su Wangchen's template?

Su Li couldn't figure it out, and was ready to continue to observe.

"Hey, as long as you don't have an idea, then I won't have an idea either. Don't worry, brother, we must take good care of this hard-won brotherhood."

Loulan Fengqi smiled.

However, Su Li always felt that something was wrong when he heard him say "grasping brotherhood".

Isn't this driving?

"Bring it here, I won't give it to you, this little star is so heaven-defying, it's a real waste to give you such a second-hand product!"

Su Li said with a dark face.

"Hey, you already gave it, so how can you go back? If you want it, you can say it. If you don't say it, how will I know you want it? If you say you want it, I won't give it to you, if you say you don't want it... …”

Loulan Fengqi began to incarnate as a drool-splattering 'Tang Seng', and he almost didn't say a word, 'A man is a human being born to a monster or a monster born to a monster and your mother's surname'.

Su Li knew that this person was too excited, so he let himself go.

So what is this person doing in the mural?

Su Li looked at the mural where Loulan Fengqi was located—it was an ancient ruins mural, and the place where it was painted was like an ancient altar, somewhat similar—the altar area of ​​the Tianyu tribe's ancestral forbidden area.

Just like the place where Tianjian Dao God once transformed, it has some distinctive features, but it is not exactly the same.

While the saliva was splashing, Loulan Fengqi honestly obtained the astrological Dao marks that Su Li cracked, and absorbed and refined it.

Soon, his whole body glowed, and he seemed to have a Star-like aura of guardian order.

Such a state of astrological protection also made his aura a little more mysterious and solemn, and a little less frivolous and frivolous.

It's just a pity that this mysterious and solemn atmosphere didn't last for three seconds.

If it weren't for the 'reservedness' that I first saw, it is estimated that at this time Loulan Fengqi had already begun to dance the thunderbolt, lightning, ghost and animal dance.

Although Su Li knew that the other party should not know, but Su Li had the urge to teach the other party.

As for the material - well, it is not suitable for the material at present - the only material that can be used is Su Pangu, but if Su Pangu is used to project Su Li, it will reveal the secret that Su Pangu is "invisibly" controlled by him.

As for Yun Ziye's dancing experience, it was what Su Li saw in the experience of the real and the virtual, and it was absolutely impossible to manifest.

So if you want to teach the thunderbolt, lightning, ghost and animal dance, you have to demonstrate it yourself...

That's fine, it's too hot.

Su Li's thoughts flashed, and he felt irritated, but the elves seemed to be interested...

Su Li's face suddenly darkened.

As for the reason for the black face, in the eyes of Li Juan and others, it was because Loulan Fengqi was too arrogant.

"Why is this Loulan Martial King like this???"

It seems that the Tongtian Realm Lord is also puzzled, and he can't understand this kind of idiot character.

Li Juan glanced at him inexplicably.

Chao's face couldn't help but turn dark, "Look at what I do, what am I... I'll never let myself go like this, okay?"

Li Juan said, "Su Xia sometimes likes to let go of herself like this. A person is cramping like a madman."

Chao Wenyan's face turned even darker, "You still remember what he did, you are Zhuge Qianyuan now, and you are not in debt."

Li Juan said, "I owe it, but do you dare now?"

Super humming no response.

The Sky Master, on the other hand, stared at Loulan Martial King for a while before saying, "Look at it this way—will he sense it?"

Li Juan said, "No, it's just a faint trace of truth and falsehood. The way of looking at it is taken from the eyes of truth and virtuality transformed from the true and false on Su Li's body. It is always true and false, like an invisible monitor. equipment, the other party can't sense it."

Yamina said, "Isn't the fixation on the eyes attracting Karma?"

Li Juan said, "Do nothing, we no longer have a purpose, don't we? So this is just no desire, we never thought about harming him, nor did we think about harming Su Li, we just let him go for a while, what's wrong? Since there is no, naturally there is 'no' Karma traction.

If you can continue to get the benefits, you will earn it, and if you don't get it, it's not a loss.

But this Su Li deserves to be the existence of "The Book of Chaos Destiny", we can't dig out this thing, but its reverse check and balance is still very powerful.

He didn't want this little astrological technique, but if he wanted us, it would have huge benefits, and it might not be able to maintain the state of 'no desire to be strong'.

And he himself is in this situation. At the same time, because of the consideration of "The Book of Chaos Destiny", he feels that the small star is more useful to Loulan Fengqi, and the kindness is greater.

At that time, Loulan Fengqi's status and any return from Loulan Fengqi's sister, he will make more money. "

The Master of Tongtian Realm said, "It's no wonder that every time you gain a lot no matter what, you will hardly lose much. The core reason is that you only ask for less, not more."

Li Juan said, "It's not that you don't ask for more, but that you ask for a lot, and when things go to extremes, there is less. In our ancestral land, a test was done on ordinary people, that is, they opened their eyes and ran after they were loaded, and the result was that this person ran a hundred times. Mi can't run.

Then blindfolded him and let him run, and kept telling him that it was almost 100 meters, and then he kept running.

So he ran nearly two kilometers.

Because in the end, he was running even though he was almost exhausted, because in the end it was inertia that caused him to run.

Then the man broke the limit again, ran three kilometers, and finally died of exhaustion. "

"And my approach is similar to the second approach. I will only get a little bit, get a little bit more, get a little bit more, and then squeeze out all the suppression. This is the real conspiracy and calculation, and it is also a real bargain hunter. The goal of 5,000 meters was set from the beginning, and this is not to seek it.

Why seek it out?

Wouldn't getting it time and time again not destroy your self-confidence and ability to execute?

Isn't every little success an inspiration for oneself? "

Li Juan's words are very common, and everyone in the upper ranks can understand them.

But it was only after they understood that they found that this kind of person was terrible-because everyone's goal was to start from the general direction, and a person like Li Juan first obtained all the Karma that could be obtained, and then based on it. The acquired information will increase by itself and continue to fish.

In this way, she has everything in her hands almost all the time.

This is very similar to a certain quality of Su Li's "living in the moment".

The Master of Tongtian Realm said, "Not bad, Chao you also made a contribution this time, and brought a real talent here."

He smiled and said nothing more.

Li Juan was very calm, and it seemed that she had already made up her mind about such a scene.


Loulan Fengqi had obviously activated the small star technique.

So he stayed in disbelief for a long time.

Later, he wanted to find someone to share this joy, such as a hug or something.

It's a pity that Su Li wanted to punch him a few times as soon as he saw his movements, so that he could know why the flowers were so red.

Therefore, Loulan Fengqi gave up.

Therefore, he can only hold it back by himself, sullenly, and giggle from time to time...

Anyway, this guy seems really a little abnormal.

Fortunately, after more than 300 breaths, the person finally became normal.

During this time, Su Li also finished reading all the murals on the four walls.

A wonderful world of murals.

Inside is a world dominated by 'wonderful women'. There are many women in it, very enchanting and charming.

In short, after entering, you can experience all kinds of strange Indistinguishable Dao background, anyway, it is conceivable, almost all can be realized.


That's what makes Su Li feel strange.

Isn't this Loulan Fengqi running away from women?

Why go into such a world of murals instead?

Could it be that he has some special hobby?

Su Li pondered, then glanced at Loulan Fengqi with a strange look.

"Ahem, Brother Su Li, in these murals, don't just look at the surface, the surface of these murals is indeed Yingyingyanyan, but it is actually very interesting.

You just need to pay attention to these scenarios.

In addition, if you are caught by a powerful woman among them, you only need to show a daughter's heart, a man's body, and then say that your own hobbies are normal - that is, if you are interested in men, you will be fine.

And in it, while maintaining the identity of men, they can become good sisters with them.

In this way, they will give you a lot of help, and even offer you as a guest. "

Loulan Fengqi said something very strange.

So, Loulan Fengqi's weird fart trend was raised like this?

Su Li said, "Well, it seems that Brother Loulan is very experienced in this kind of thing, but I won't go to this mural world, I'll just wait outside."

Loulan Fengqi said, "But the external energy is irreparable and will continue to be depleted. Although there are some problems inside, the overall number of women is not many - or there are not many living beings, and most of them are ancient ruins.

Among them are the ruins of the ancient city of my ancient Loulan civilization. Would you like to take a look?

I can accompany you all the way and give you some guidance. "

This time, Loulan Fengqi didn't mention the matter of repayment, because this kind of kindness could no longer be reciprocated - it was too heavy.

But his words were more sincere.

Su Li thought for a while, and said, "Forget it, I'm not interested in these things either. As for the energy loss, it's the loss. I think there are many traps in the mural world, and it's easy to fall into the traps.

If I was molested and took away my purity and innocence, then I would really want to cry without tears. "

Hearing this, Loulan Fengqi twitched the corners of his mouth and said, "Brother Su Li, you are thinking too much."

Su Li said, "That's because you don't know my charm, alas, you won't understand the sadness of being a strange man."

Loulan Fengqi "..."

In the end, Loulan Fengqi did not go to the world of murals. Instead, he told some experiences and pasts of the world of murals.

Specifically, ancient ruins, ancient cities, altars, weird mummies and other Karma scenes.

This is what happens in almost every ancient relic. It looks like the ancient city of sacrifice to the sky, but it does not have the terrifying scale of the ancient city of sacrifice.

"My star map is a picture scroll on a black coffin, and after I tore it off, I found it was a star map.

And the inside of the coffin under the coffin was all covered with human skin, which was the skin that Immortal shed, and it was very powerful.

If this human skin is worn in, it is directly equivalent to having an Immortal-level body, which is invincible.

And the skin of this man is very complete. Although it was cut open in the middle, the coffin was tightly attached, but if it was reassembled, it could be judged to be a strong and burly man.

The kind with stubborn muscles, the kind with lumps of iron. "

Loulan Fengqi described it.

And as he described, suddenly, the entire purgatory warship shook violently, and then the entire warship shook directly.

A terrifying aura permeated the four directions, and the whole world immediately felt like the end of the world.

With such a breath, Su Li immediately sensed a very dangerous crisis - as if such a breath formed a gust of wind, and if it blew through him, he would pierce through death.

Su Li's face changed.

Loulan Fengqi's face suddenly paled a bit, and at the same time, he also showed a bit of helplessness.

"Alas - my old sister is here, it's finished!"

"Little astrology is good, but because it's too clear and the breath is too strong, I'm exposed!"

"Hey... I really can't escape this damn time. It's useless to hide in the world of murals."

Loulan Fengqi had an expression of wanting to die.

Su Li "..."

Su Li suddenly envied that Loulan Fengqi had such an old sister who protects the calf, and there is also such a strong old sister-the calf-protector, also known as the 'Demon of Helping Younger Brothers', is second.

Although this attribute of the helper demon is not good, the Little Brother who is being helped must still be very cool.

Su Li also wants to be that Little Brother.

A breath almost overturned the purgatory warship - you must know that the purgatory warship today is a real guy, not a fake!

This is enough to see how powerful this 'old sister' is!

"Loulan Fengqi, if you don't come out again, I will dismantle all this purgatory warship, and smash the bones of the Graiyun one by one as toothpicks!"

A sweet, beautiful and beautiful voice came.

Su Li couldn't help but be startled.

The sound was fucking—a little too familiar, didn't it?

Isn't this the voice of Zhuge Jiufeng? I'll go!

Su Li was stunned for a moment, and then with a 'boom', an air current swept in, and Su Li was directly knocked into the sky.

Then he saw that a woman with a red flame, neon clothes, feathers, and gauze skirts, with a face that was very similar to Jiufeng, was coldly standing in the void. She stepped on Graiyun's head, Grave, etc. One by one, their heads drooped, their faces dead gray.

Su Li "..."

Su Li is sure that this person is not Zhuge Jiufeng.

But Zhuge Jiufeng probably pirated someone else's "Fate" or some similar temperament.

Just like Zhuge Qingchen pirated Loulan Fengqi.

Good guy, Tianji Pavilion is some kind of stuff...

Are they all pirated?

The key is that... they are all human!

This Zhuge Jiufeng has become a messenger around Meier, but it turned out to be a pirated copy?

Su Li is also extremely speechless.

"Sister, I was wrong, I pleaded guilty, but Brother Su Li is innocent, don't hurt him—"

Loulan Fengqi immediately didn't know whether to laugh or cry and bowed his head to admit his mistake - well, it seems that the Little Brother of Fudimo is not so good.

Su Li suddenly felt some sympathy for this Loulan Fengqi - this old lady is very strong.

"He? This guy is not a good thing, Su Li, Emperor Su, I know."

The woman glanced at Su Li lightly and recognized Su Li directly.

Loulan Fengqi was startled, a little dumbfounded.

But then he apologized, "Brother Su Li, this is my old... Well, my beautiful and lovely elder sister Loulan Fengyu, elder sister, this is my brother Su Li... You must not listen to any rumors from the outside world, you are wrong. my good brother."

Although Loulan Fengqi didn't know why his sister said Su Li was not a good thing, he still thought that it might be a rumor or something.

After all, the old lady likes all kinds of messy information, and she believes this very much.

She always thinks that flies don't bite seamless eggs, and if there is only some gossip, there is probably a similar Karma.

So she was particularly interested in these things.

Therefore, Loulan Fengqi actually didn't think that her sister was looking for him, she was just looking for him by the way, and watching the fun everywhere was the essential purpose.

The 4th update of 140,000 words is here~ 5.67 million words have been updated today, and will continue to be updated tomorrow~ Tears for full subscription, monthly pass and recommendation ticket~ Bow and thank you~

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