I'm Priest, What The Hell Is Acute Gastroenteritis Fulminant Surgery?

Chapter 10 I Am Treating Constipation, Why Are You Giving Me Enteritisin?

Chapter 10: I have constipation, and you give me Changyan Ning? What the hell?

Inside the bustling Priest Guild.

Qian Baifeng wiped his sweat while squeezing towards the innermost area.

Most of the people around him were professionals, so he walked cautiously.

In the outside world, he was a well-known multimillionaire.

He owned two factories and had four or five houses.

But here, he was just an ordinary person.

Once he offended a professional, even getting beaten up would be considered mild.

"A58, A58, we've arrived!"

Qian Baifeng's eyes suddenly lit up, and he walked quickly.

"This is the famous old Chinese doctor mentioned in the group... Why are there so few people around?"

He felt a bit puzzled, but since he had already come, they shouldn't be deceiving him.

He looked up: "Ancestral Chinese Medicine Specialist Priest, specializes in treating constipation caused by various reasons, allowing you to relieve yourself..."

"This is it."

"Those who can rent a treatment room in the Priest Guild should all be professionals, maybe they have some skills..."

Qian Baifeng hesitated for a moment, but still knocked on the door.

"Come in."

A somewhat hoarse voice came from inside. Qian Baifeng straightened his clothes, revealed a smile, and pushed the door open.

"Doc... Doctor, hello..."

"Please sit."

With a creak, the door of the neighboring Little Deer Cute Medical Clinic was pushed open, and Lu Mengmeng ran over like a thief.

"This guy must have a secret, hmph!"

"Priest who can't perform healing spells, what kind of Priest is that!"

"I'm Lu Mengmeng, I must expose your fake Priest identity!"

Inside the temporary treatment room, Zheng Cheng wore a white coat and a mask, deliberately lowering his voice and said, "Please sit."

Qian Baifeng sat cautiously, hesitatingly said, "Um... Doctor, I came because of your signboard, you treat constipation, right?"

Zheng Cheng nodded, "That's right."

Only then did Qian Baifeng relax a little and complained, "Doctor, I often have social engagements and almost eat rich food every night."

"Half a year ago, a friend recommended me to eat at a restaurant run by a professional... I don't know what I ate, but since then, I've been constipated!"

"At the worst, I couldn't go to the bathroom for almost a month."

"I always have the feeling, but I can't relieve myself. It's so uncomfortable."

"In the past six months, I've seen many doctors, both Western and Chinese medicine. The medicine worked at first, but now it has no effect at all..."

"Doctor, please save me. I haven't..."

Zheng Cheng waved his hand and said, "I roughly understand the situation. Follow me."


Qian Baifeng stood up foolishly, where were they going?

Shouldn't a Chinese medicine specialist Priest first take the pulse?

Zheng Cheng opened the door and led Qian Baifeng towards the innermost area of the guild.

Behind them, Lu Mengmeng quietly followed.

Nervously, Qian Baifeng asked, "D-Doc... Doctor, where are we going?"

"You'll know when we get there."

A few minutes later, the two arrived at a corner.

"The restroom?"

Qian Baifeng was puzzled, "Doctor, why are we here..."

"Of course, it's for treating your constipation."

Zheng Cheng smiled faintly, took out a green box from his white coat pocket, and then took out a pill from it.

He picked out six small bullets and handed them to Qian Baifeng.

Qian Baifeng looked confused. He clearly saw the appearance of the green medicine box in Zheng Cheng's hand.

"Changyan Ning?"

"Doctor, isn't Changyan Ning used to treat gastrointestinal inflammation? Why..."

Zheng Cheng said, "Who said that? Here, it's used to treat constipation."

"What, don't you believe it?"


Qian Baifeng was startled and quickly shook his head, "H-How could I?"

"I-I'll take it..."

Qian Baifeng took the Changyan Ning, furrowed his brows, and threw it into his mouth.

After all, it was Changyan Ning, and it wouldn't kill him.

"Go ahead, drink the water from this faucet."

"Oh, oh..."

Qian Baifeng walked in with a mournful face, originally planning to hide the medicine under his tongue.

After drinking the medicine, Zheng Cheng checked again and found that Qian Baifeng had indeed swallowed the medicine. He nodded approvingly.


"Huh? Where?"

"Obviously, to the restroom."

Impatiently waving his hand, Zheng Cheng gestured for Qian Baifeng to enter the restroom with a mournful face.

Damn it!

Once I'm out, I'll definitely complain to the Priest's Guild about you!

A58, I'll remember you!

Qian Baifeng walked into the restroom with a mournful face. He had been so eager to come here.

But now...

Unnoticed behind him, Zheng Cheng extended his hand and unleashed an Acute Gastroenteritis Instant Burst, which immediately hit Qian Baifeng.

"Ah, I'm really unlucky this time, encountering a quack doctor, I..."


At that moment, a muffled sound suddenly came from his stomach.

Qian Baifeng was initially stunned, but then he became delighted.

"This, this feeling, I..."


He quickly opened the restroom door and squatted down.


A rush of hot liquid gushed out like a flood.

The entire restroom was immediately filled with a foul stench.

Outside the restroom, Zheng Cheng quickly walked away.

"Fortunately, I ran fast, otherwise..."


Just as he turned the corner, he collided with another figure.

Instinctively, Zheng Cheng reached out and caught a soft figure in his arms.

"It's you again?!"

Looking at the golden-haired beauty in his arms, Zheng Cheng asked curiously, "Are you following me?"

Lu Mengmeng struggled to break free and angrily said, "Who's following you! I can't use the restroom!"

"The restroom?"

Zheng Cheng looked puzzled and stepped aside, saying, "Please."


Lu Mengmeng snorted like a proud swan and walked towards the restroom.

After taking a few steps, she suddenly stopped.

She saw several people running out of both the men's and women's restrooms.

They were running while covering their mouths.

"Damn! It's so damn stinky!"

"Who made the restroom smell like stinky tofu and canned fish? Damn, it's so stinky!"

"I can't stand it anymore, move aside..."

Several people shouted as they ran over. Lu Mengmeng was also confused, "What's going on, this...urgh..."

She also smelled a strong odor and ran back in a sorry state.

"What did you do...?"

Surprised, Lu Mengmeng asked. She remembered the electronic banner at the entrance of Zheng Cheng's treatment room.

Specializes in treating constipation?

And the chubby guy who just walked in?

No way...

Priests can treat constipation?

Zheng Cheng also felt helpless and laughed bitterly. He pitied himself too. He also wanted to be a normal Priest.

In order to improve his skill proficiency, he could only choose this method.

"What, do you want to try it too?"

Lu Mengmeng immediately darted out in fright.

"Don't, don't come looking for me, I, I'm fine~!"


(End of this chapter)

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