Chapter 11 Conquering the Priest Guild!

The effect of Acute Gastroenteritis Instant Burst is undoubtedly extraordinary.

Qian Baifeng, who had been holding it in for half a month, can finally let it all out.


Zheng Cheng overlooked the most important thing.

After all, Qian Baifeng is just an ordinary person.

And, he is obviously a middle-aged man with hypertension, hyperlipidemia, and diabetes!

Ten minutes passed without seeing him come out, Zheng Cheng remained calm.

Twenty minutes later, Zheng Cheng started to feel nervous.

What if... something happened?

It wasn't until half an hour later that the door of the restroom was timidly pushed open by a figure.

"Help, help..."

"My legs, my legs are numb..."

Zheng Cheng forgot something again.

The public restroom of the Priest Guild is a squat toilet.

Poor Qian Baifeng, not only did he relieve himself, but he also squatted for half an hour, almost losing feeling in both legs.


As he lay on the stretcher, he still tightly held Zheng Cheng's hand.

"Doctor, thank you! Thank you so much!"

"I haven't felt this relieved in a long time!"


"Even more than finding a pearl!"

"I'll come find you next time...!!!"

This enthusiasm sparked discussions among the surrounding Priests and onlookers.

"What's wrong with that fat guy?"

"I heard he was in there for half an hour and almost got paralyzed!"

"Damn... so amazing?"

"What's the deal with the new Priest?"

"I heard his novice skill can cause diarrhea."

"Damn? There's such a bizarre skill?"

"Being able to endure for half an hour, it's really terrifying..."

"Even immortals can't resist it..."

Listening to the discussions around him, Zheng Cheng paid no attention and promptly returned to his own medical office.

For this case of Qian Baifeng, he followed the front desk's suggestion and charged two thousand yuan.

After deducting the rent, he made a net profit of one thousand yuan.

This speed of earning money is much faster than copying documents.

"Beep beep beep..."

At this moment, his phone also vibrated.

Looking at it, it was indeed the group of people discussing Qian Baifeng's situation.

"Have you guys heard? The Priest Guild has a divine doctor who specializes in treating constipation. A chronic constipation patient went to him and ended up having diarrhea for half an hour!"

"Damn? Is it true?"

"It's true! My wife's friend's sister's colleague's brother is a Priest. I saw it with my own eyes today!"

"So amazing, I want to go see too."

"Let's go together!"

"I wonder if it will work for me? A few days ago, I was craving and ate a strange fruit, and I'm still holding it in."

"Hey, you're so daring, eating wild, unknown fruits?"

"I'm a pharmacist, I tested the fruit and it's not poisonous, so I definitely want to try its medicinal properties."

"Damn! Even professionals are like this?"

"Do professionals also have such a big appetite?"

"Hehehe, with the resurgence of spiritual energy, the world is changing drastically. There are countless mutated plants outside now, as well as those mutated wild beasts. Our Xia Country is so good at eating..."

Zheng Cheng turned off his phone and nodded slightly.

As the people in the group said, in today's world, it's not just humans who have awakened professional abilities.

Plants and animals all over the planet have also undergone mutations.

To test which plants and animals are edible, people have to try them out themselves.

Some people simply eat strange things out of stimulation and cravings.

Most people end up in a poisoned state, experiencing hallucinations and diarrhea, just like eating mushrooms.

And some people eat plants rich in fiber but still can't relieve themselves.

For Zheng Cheng, this situation is undoubtedly good news!

He then opened the skill panel.

[Acute Gastroenteritis Instant Burst LV1 (4/100).]

"My proficiency has increased by 1 point, this is really great!"

Satisfied, Zheng Cheng closed the skill panel and sat down leisurely.

"Ten days off, I wonder how much my skill proficiency will increase."

"And Chen Xiao and the others..."

As expected, in the next half day.

One patient after another came to find Zheng Cheng, both men and women, and there were even professionals!

After taking Zheng Cheng's carefully prepared Intestinal Calm, the Acute Gastroenteritis Instant Burst immediately took effect on this group of patients.

On that day.

The people of the Priest Guild were overwhelmed by the fear of constipated patients!

A sour and fishy smell permeated the entire temporary medical office area of the Priest Guild.

On that day, the proficiency of Zheng Cheng's Acute Gastroenteritis Instant Burst increased to 27 points!

The next day!

As soon as Zheng Cheng arrived at the medical office, he saw a long line at the door.

"The doctor is here!"

"So young?"

"He comes from a family of traditional Chinese medicine!"

"What a handsome young man, I should have worn a mask..."

"Doctor, help me..."

Yesterday, there was only half a day, and the patients who had a long way to travel couldn't make it.

But today is different.

Under the promotion of many people in the group, especially Qian Baifeng's testimony, many patients rushed over overnight.

Looking at this group of people, Zheng Cheng seemed to see his skill proficiency soaring.

He immediately said with a smile, "Everyone, don't worry, one by one."

Under his guidance, one patient after another received treatment.


The public restroom of the temporary treatment room was crowded with patients, and they were all occupied.

Unable to do anything about it, they surged into other areas of the Priest Guild.

Even the public restrooms of the neighboring Formation Master Guild and Pharmacist Guild were also occupied by them.

Professionals coming and going looked bewildered at this group of people.

"What's going on? Why are there so many people..."

"I heard that the Priest Guild next door has a divine doctor who has attracted many patients."

"Divine doctor? What does he treat that attracts so many people?"

"It seems to be for constipation..."


The second day of treatment attracted over a hundred people.

Zheng Cheng's mental attribute is only 11 points.

Each time, he can only release the Acute Gastroenteritis Instant Burst ten times, leaving 1 point to ensure that he won't faint.

In desperation, he had someone go next door to buy ten bottles of a clear potion that can restore mental clarity.

Under the continuous release of the skill, his skill level soon broke through LV1 and reached LV2!

"It's already LV2, I'm about to break through to LV3."

"Let me see, it requires 500 points to increase proficiency from LV2 to LV3."

"Does that mean I have to release Acute Gastroenteritis Instant Burst 500 times?"

Excitedly, Zheng Cheng said, "After the skill reaches LV3, there's a chance to acquire a special attribute."

"I wonder what the special attribute of Acute Gastroenteritis Instant Burst LV3 will be?"

"Hey handsome, are you here to increase your skill proficiency?"

Suddenly, a cute girl from next door pushed the door open and walked in.

Zheng Cheng casually said, "Of course, why else would I be here?"

Lu Mengmeng seemed a bit jealous, "Your novice skill is really bizarre... you must have made a lot of money these past few days."

Zheng Cheng was puzzled, "What's your intention?"

If everything goes as planned, I'll be able to sign today, so come and show your support!

(End of this chapter)

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