Chapter 12: The Mysterious Girl's Request?

Lu Mengmeng's face changed slightly, but she still straightened her chest and her eyes became evasive. She spoke in a very coquettish tone, "Brother Zheng Cheng, can you tell me how you managed to attract so many patients?"

"I also want to learn~"


Looking at Lu Mengmeng, who was young but trying to pretend to be alluring, Zheng Cheng didn't hesitate to put his arm around her slender waist.

"If you want to know, then let's see what price you're willing to pay."

"W-what, I... I..."

Lu Mengmeng was startled and instinctively took a step back. "Why aren't you playing by the rules..."

"What rules?"

Zheng Cheng was not polite. "If you just act a little coquettish and call me brother, will I tell you everything?"

Pinching Lu Mengmeng's cute little face, Zheng Cheng smiled, "Little sister, it's very dangerous outside. You should go home quickly."

After saying that, he turned and left, ignoring her.

Lu Mengmeng's face turned red with anger as she glared at Zheng Cheng's back.

"Damn it, I must find out your secret!"

"If so many patients come to me for treatment, it would be so good..."

These past two days, she had been monitoring Zheng Cheng.

She didn't believe what people around her said about the Priest's skill causing diarrhea.

She knew at least a dozen Priests, and each person's skills were more or less the same.

Healing, detoxification, removing negative effects, and so on.

Where would a skill that causes diarrhea come from!

In Lu Mengmeng's view, Zheng Cheng's secret must lie in the medicine he gives to the patients!

On the third day, the number of patients coming for treatment remained high!

Unfortunately, due to the limitation of his mental attribute, even with the addition of clarity potions, Zheng Cheng could only treat about a hundred patients per day.

But even so, he was making a lot of money.

After deducting rent and the cost of purchasing clarity potions, his daily income was over a hundred thousand.

Until the fourth day, the number of patients gradually decreased.

In the following three days, the number of patients coming for treatment decreased day by day.

And the entire Priest's Guild gradually got used to Zheng Cheng's presence.

A miracle doctor who could treat "constipation"!

In the temporary treatment room, Zheng Cheng opened the skill panel, but his brow furrowed slightly.

[Acute Gastroenteritis Instant BurstLV2 (499/500).]

"It's almost at LV3, but why are there no more patients?"

Today was the seventh day since he rented the temporary treatment room, and tomorrow would be the last day of the lease.

Unfortunately, today, only four or five customers had come all day.

There was none of the previous bustling scene.

After closing the chat group, Zheng Cheng's expression turned somewhat unpleasant.

For seven consecutive days, he had treated all the constipated patients in Eternal Peace City.

His proficiency was stuck at 499.

Just one more point!

Just one more point, and his Acute Gastroenteritis Instant Burst would be able to reach LV3.

By then, there would be a chance to awaken the skill's special properties!

Zheng Cheng's gaze subconsciously turned to the next room.

"Should I let the Priests present try it?"

"Pick a lucky one at random and let her experience the feeling of relief."

"I think Lu Mengmeng, this little girl, is quite good..."

Just as he was considering it, someone suddenly knocked on the door of the treatment room.

At the same time, a pleasant female voice came in.

"Is anyone here?"

"A girl?"

Zheng Cheng's eyes lit up.

During these days of treatment, most of the patients who came to him were girls!

Later, he learned that due to different body structures, especially after pregnancy, women were much more likely to suffer from constipation than men.

"Come in."

The glass door was opened, and a tall, slender girl with long black hair that reached her waist, big round eyes, and a round, oval face walked in.

The girl's figure was still slender, like a willow branch.

Strangely, she was dressed in a red and white tracksuit.

She also wore a large mask that covered most of her face, revealing only a pair of bright, large, watery eyes.

For some reason, Zheng Cheng only glanced at her and saw hexagonal pupils in her eyes, like snowflakes.

He shook his head and quickly regained his composure.

He wasn't surprised by a girl dressing like this.

Girls were shy by nature.

Not to mention, there might be some embarrassing secrets.

He gave her a sunny smile and said, "Miss, do you need treatment?"


The girl with long black hair nodded gently, looked around the room, hesitated for a moment, and said, "Priest, can you treat me outside?"


"Yes... yes."

Zheng Cheng quickly guessed what was going on.

It was either the girl was shy, or it was for the sake of other patients.

Or maybe she just wasn't comfortable here.

"Since you're here, you should know what kind of illness I specialize in treating."

"Are you the patient?"

The girl nodded hesitantly. "Y-yes."

"I just awakened as a professional a week ago. Maybe it's because of the profession, but my stomach feels a bit uncomfortable, but..."

"I understand."

Zheng Cheng shrugged. "Where do you want to be treated?"

"I have a room in a hotel outside. Can you come with me?"

"A hotel..."

Zheng Cheng furrowed his brow, tapped the table, and began to consider.

The girl continued, "In a few days, our school will organize a student outing, and I'm really in a hurry."

As she spoke, she took out a shiny gold coin from her pocket and placed it in front of Zheng Cheng.

"As long as you can cure me, this gold coin..."

"A gold coin?"

Zheng Cheng was surprised and picked up the coin.

The gold coin was a pale gold color, with intricate patterns engraved on it.

There were no words on it, and among the patterns, there was a faint outline of a dragon.

A new professional could actually produce a gold coin.

It seemed that this girl came from a good family.

Reluctantly, Zheng Cheng said, "Since that's the case, let's go."

Soon, Zheng Cheng and the mysterious girl arrived at a hotel next to the professional guild.

After swallowing six doses of Gastroenteritis Relief, Zheng Cheng immediately used the Acute Gastroenteritis Instant Burst on her!

After the skill took effect, his Acute Gastroenteritis Instant Burst was smoothly upgraded to LV3!

Suppressing his curiosity, Zheng Cheng asked, "Is it effective?"

The girl on the other side looked a bit anxious, but soon calmed down.

"It... it seems to be effective. My... my stomach..."

After about ten seconds, the girl suddenly clutched her stomach and looked at Zheng Cheng for help.

"Okay, I understand."

"You may go!"

Zheng Cheng said and went outside, but he didn't leave.

Joking, he hadn't even taken the money, so why should he leave?

He then opened his personal attribute panel to check the skill.

He wondered what special properties LV3 Acute Gastroenteritis Instant Burst would have.

But suddenly, his gaze turned to another direction.

[You have initiated an attack on professional Yao Zhixue... ]

Already signed, my dear readers, come and support me!!!

(End of this chapter)

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