Chapter 13 LV3 Ability! Anal Fissure!

Yao Zhixue?

Zheng Cheng looked surprised.

He didn't expect that the girl who came to him for treatment was actually Yao Zhixue, the only newly awakened nine-star professional at their Twelfth Middle School!

"I thought her figure looked familiar, turns out it's her..."

A newly awakened nine-star professional.

That's someone everyone in the country is paying attention to.

As long as she grows, she will definitely be the cornerstone of the country.

She is a key figure in resisting the beast tide and other races.

No wonder she's so tightly wrapped up.

If others knew that Yao Zhixue, this proud woman of the heavens and a nine-star professional, came to treat such a stubborn illness, I don't know how many jaws would drop.

But he didn't care.

How about Yao Zhixue?

How about being a nine-star professional?

It has nothing to do with him.

"She'll be here in a while, let's wait for her in the lobby first."

Zheng Cheng suddenly realized, "No wonder a newly awakened professional like her has gold coins."

"I guess it's a reward from the school."

"High-level professionals are really awesome."

"Yao Zhixue is a big shot, she probably won't skimp on the consultation fee..."

As he walked downstairs, he checked the newly upgraded skills.

[Your skill Acute Gastroenteritis Instant Burst has been upgraded to LV3!]

[Acute Gastroenteritis Instant Burst LV3: Mutated skill, instant, group (1-3 people). It infects the target with bacteria, viruses, parasites, causing acute gastroenteritis, and makes all symptoms erupt instantly in a very short time.]

[You have activated the Acute Gastroenteritis Instant Burst ability 1!]

"Group attack? Damn it!"

The LV3 Acute Gastroenteritis Instant Burst changed from a single-target spell to a group attack.

At least one target, up to three targets!


The ability is anal fissure?

After seeing this ability, even calm Zheng Cheng couldn't help but curse inwardly.

He had seen this thing in a video before.

The pain of anal fissure can make an adult lie motionless on the ground, sweating profusely.

And when anal fissure occurs, if accompanied by diarrhea, it feels like passing glass shards.

This kind of pain is unbearable for anyone.

Most importantly, this kind of pain is continuous.

As long as you need to use the toilet, this pain exists.


"This LV3 ability is really terrifying, it's completely an attack skill, as long as..."

Zheng Cheng suddenly froze, he realized something.

"Wait, if the LV3 ability of Acute Gastroenteritis Instant Burst is anal fissure, does that mean I can't practice skill proficiency with ordinary people?"

"Skill proficiency..."

"Never mind, there are only a few hundred constipated patients in the entire Eternal Peace City, it's not quite right to take advantage of them."

"Let's think of another way, as long as..."

Just then, the elevator door opened, and three figures suddenly walked out.

Zheng Cheng subconsciously glanced at them, two men and a woman, looking him up and down unabashedly.

One after the other.

Zheng Cheng glanced at the woman's exposed melon-like chest, subconsciously moved aside to make way.

The leader suddenly looked at Zheng Cheng and said, "This kid was just with the target, grab him first."


Zheng Cheng was confused.

Before he could react, the gorgeous woman suddenly waved her hand and threw a seed-like thing at him.

"Sizzle, sizzle..."

In a few seconds, the seed grew into a huge and intricate vine, binding him tightly.

"Damn... what a calamity..."

Zheng Cheng cursed inwardly and struggled, but found that he couldn't break free from the vine.

"Giggle, little brother, stay with us for a while~"

Three men and a woman?

So eager?

Zheng Cheng was speechless.

The three continued forward, and the vine binding Zheng Cheng followed behind them like a snake.

Soon, the three arrived at the door of the room Zheng Cheng had just come out of.

Yao Zhixue!

Their target was actually Yao Zhixue!

After the three arrived at the door, one of them turned his hand and took out a constantly twisting black mist.


He whispered, and the black mist in his hand immediately exploded, turning into a dense and thick black mist that enveloped the room in front of them and the two rooms around it.

"Quick and decisive, this item was requested from the elders and can seal off the surrounding space."

The leader said, "We only have five minutes!"

Another man said, "Boss, I only need one minute!"

"It's just a newly awakened girl."

"Big Wolf, don't underestimate her," the gorgeous woman chuckled, "She's a nine-star professional, be careful!"

"What about the people around?"

"The left room is empty, and the right room is..."


Before the words were finished, the door of the right room was suddenly pushed open.

A middle-aged man with his upper body exposed walked out cursing.

"What the hell is going on, why is there black mist... damn it!"

"Who are you guys?"


Behind him, there was a scream from a woman.

The leader frowned and said, "Kill him!"

"Yes, sir!"

The Big Wolf roared, and his body suddenly grew, turning into a tall werewolf, pouncing on the middle-aged professional.

"Damn... this is the Professional Guild, how dare you... the space is sealed?!"

The middle-aged man also shouted, and a bright light flashed on his body, putting on a set of bronze armor.

A huge sword also appeared in his hand.

The wolf and the man immediately fought.

"Fallen One!"

"Damn it! You guys are Fallen Ones!"

The middle-aged man shouted, but the wolf around him was a seasoned warrior.

In the midst of his roar, the wolf's claws bypassed his greatsword and left a big gash on him.

"Hehehe, in front of me, you dare to use Spirit Partitioning."

"Die for me!"

After a successful move, the remaining attacks came like a storm.

It forced the professional to keep retreating.

"Fallen One?!"

Zheng Cheng frowned on the side.

He didn't expect to encounter Fallen Ones!

The so-called Fallen Ones are humans in the world who are recruited by other races or powerful beings from other worlds, willingly working for them.

They are also known as traitors!

In their understanding, the Blue Star had long entered its doomsday, and only by joining forces with a race stronger than the Blue Star could they survive.

In addition, there are also some desperate individuals, those seeking revenge, or those who join for money, power, resources, and so on.

These people are wanted and hunted by the country.

"Ah ah ah ah ah..."

In the room, the woman who was completely naked also screamed.

The gorgeous woman casually summoned a vine that pierced through her body.

Ignoring the commotion, the leader casually knocked on the door of the room where Yao Zhixue was staying.

"Miss Yao Zhixue, we know you're inside."

"We are from Breaking Dawn, and we invite Miss Yao Zhixue to join us!"

(End of this chapter)

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