I'm Priest, What The Hell Is Acute Gastroenteritis Fulminant Surgery?

Chapter 14 Siege And Kill Yao Zhixue! Weird Nine-Star Profession!

Chapter 14: Surround and Kill Yao Zhixue! The Mysterious Nine-Star Profession!

Several seconds later, there was no response in the room.

The leader frowned and said, "Was the intelligence wrong?"

The woman shook her head and said, "How is that possible? My child saw her walk in with his own eyes."

A vine, like a snake, crawled onto her arm and kept wriggling.

"Hmph! Regardless, capture her first!"


*Splurt splurt!!*

Immediately, several emerald green vines broke through the door and rushed in!

Inside the suite, there was no sign of anyone.

But from the bathroom, there came the sound of water.

"There she is!"


The vines shot forward, and just as they were about to break through the bathroom, a sudden and intense explosion was heard.


Amidst the intense explosion shockwave, a large amount of icy breath rushed out, freezing all the vines in place.

The leader's eyes lit up and he said, "An elemental ice attribute professional!"

"Damn it... Elemental professionals are the most difficult to deal with, especially those with ice attributes!"

"So what? The three of us are all above level 30. Dealing with a newly awakened professional is a piece of cake."

The woman muttered to herself and then raised her hand again, sending more vines towards the faint figure in the ice mist.

The leader also took a deep breath, and in a flash, his entire body turned into a phantom and disappeared into the air.

"Be careful!"

"An elemental ice attribute nine-star professional, I wonder if it's the Frost Storm Master or the Ice Dragon Descendant?"


Another burst of ice mist, and Yao Zhixue's figure emerged from the mist.

She was wrapped in a large bath towel, covering most of her body.

Her fair arms and slender legs were exposed, emitting a dazzling light.

With a delicate goose egg face and snowflake-shaped hexagonal pupils, she exuded an inexplicable radiance.

"Who are you? How dare you attack in the Professional Guild? Aren't you afraid of being arrested?"

A pleasant voice with a cold and stern tone was heard.

In the ice mist, a middle-aged man's voice suddenly came, "It doesn't matter who we are. What matters is capturing you!"


The woman laughed, "Miss Yao Zhixue, I am Qingteng from Breaking Dawn."

"This visit is an invitation for Miss Yao Zhixue to visit our Breaking Dawn."


On the other side, the werewolf who had suppressed the unfamiliar professional also laughed, "Little girl, I am Black Wolf from Breaking Dawn!"

"Behave and come with me, or I'll break your legs!"


Yao Zhixue snorted, "Fallen One, I won't go with you."

"That's not up to you..."

In an instant, a black shadow appeared behind Yao Zhixue, and in the blink of an eye, it had rushed to her back.


Yao Zhixue shouted, and a fierce frost storm suddenly surged around her, rushing in all directions.

The black shadow was immediately frozen in place.

"Fallen One, I will send you to the Night's Watch..."

But the woman, Zheng Cheng, who was bound by the vines, shook her head.

Yao Zhixue's experience in facing enemies was still too little.

If it were him, he wouldn't give them a chance to talk...

"Young girl! Your experience is still too little!"

Another cold voice came, and the black shadow frozen by Yao Zhixue gradually dissipated.

And above him, another figure appeared.

With a single grab, he reached for her neck!


Outside the black mist.

Just as the black mist enveloped several rooms, three Daoist figures hurriedly rushed here in panic.

One woman and two men.

The woman, in her early twenties, was tall and had fiery red lips, exuding a bewitching charm.

"Captain! Yao Zhixue's locator disappeared here, what should we do..."

"Black mist... How could there be black mist here?"

Zhao Yunxiao took a step forward and reached out, capturing a trace of black mist in her hand.

A few moments later, her expression changed slightly, "Not good! This aura is the ability of the Lord of the Black Sun!"

"The Lord of the Black Sun? One of the Nine Days of Breaking Dawn! How could he be here?"

"Captain! What should we do? It's the Lord of the Black Sun himself who has intervened? Yao Zhixue..."

"No, it's not the real Lord of the Black Sun!" Zhao Yunxiao frowned, "This is just a spatial prop that can block the surrounding space, and Yao Zhixue is inside!"

"What should we do? The chief ordered us to protect Yao Zhixue, but we didn't expect her abilities to awaken so quickly, and she quietly ran here alone..."

"What's the rush?" Zhao Yunxiao said, "This is the Professional Guild, and everyone living here is a professional."

"Yao Zhixue's life force is still stable, which means she's not in danger."

"To break through the spatial prop, we must release an attack that exceeds its energy threshold in an instant."

"Or, wait for it to dissipate on its own when its time is up..."

"Captain, what should we do?"

Zhao Yunxiao said confidently, "Yao Zhixue has the treasure bestowed by the chief. Unless a Fallen One above level 50 personally takes action, they won't be able to capture her in a short time."

"For at least five minutes, she'll be safe."

"We must come up with a solution within five minutes to break through this black mist, understand?"

"Yes, Captain!"

Inside the black mist.

The sinister figure descended from the sky, about to grab Yao Zhixue.

But at that moment, Yao Zhixue's figure suddenly disappeared!

The sinister figure missed its target!

"Not good! It's an elemental transformation ability similar to the Firewalker's!"

As the ice mist enveloped the area, Yao Zhixue's figure appeared in another direction within the ice mist.

"Where do you think you're going!"

Qingteng shouted, raising both hands, and more than ten tough vines appeared on the ground once again.

Like strange pythons, they surged towards Yao Zhixue.

Under the attack of the vines covering the ground, Yao Zhixue hurriedly dodged.

Unfortunately, the terrain here was small, and the unfamiliar professional kept attacking.

In a moment of carelessness, her lower leg was directly entangled by a vine.

"Hehehe... She's caught!"

Qingteng laughed, and with a single hand gesture, the vine swelled in the wind, instantly enveloping Yao Zhixue's entire body.

"Mission accomplished!"

The sinister figure also revealed its true form and frowned at the other side.

"Black Wolf, why haven't you dealt with it yet?"

Black Wolf panted and said, "This guy is at least level 25 or above, and is a knight-class professional. Give me two more minutes..."


At that moment, the frozen Yao Zhixue suddenly exploded.

Yao Zhixue's figure appeared faintly within it.

In addition, another figure appeared on her, a figure that was only half the height of a person and was constantly shrinking.

In an instant, it shrank to the size of a basketball.

Looking closely, the figure was entirely frost white.

With delicate feet and an exquisite face, it bore a striking resemblance to Yao Zhixue.

She was dressed in a snow-white robe, holding a slender staff in her hand.

The most striking feature was the nearly transparent wings growing on her back!

"What... what is this?"

"An angel? But angels aren't this small, are they?"

"Is it a fairy?"

While the others were still astonished, Yao Zhixue, with her eyes closed, suddenly opened them.

The frost-white hexagonal pupils flickered slightly.

And the little fairy floating above her head also raised the staff in an instant.


In the midst of several incredulous gazes, a frost-white light shot out from the little fairy's staff.

In an instant, it struck Qingteng.

*Crack, crack, crack...*

The harsh sound of friction was heard, and Qingteng, along with more than ten vines around her, were all frozen into ice sculptures!

Inside the ice sculptures, Qingteng's surprised expression was frozen in place, lifelike.


At that moment, the little fairy floating above Yao Zhixue's head also turned into a beam of light and disappeared.


The sinister figure angrily shouted and once again pounced towards Yao Zhixue.

Yao Zhixue struggled, but after summoning the little fairy, she had exhausted all her energy and had no strength left.

In a moment of carelessness, she was injured by the sinister figure.

"Yao Zhixue! If it weren't for the Lord of the Black Sun's explicit order to personally capture you, you would have died at my hands long ago!"

Yao Zhixue remained silent, her snow-white pupils filled with stubbornness.

Another burst of ice mist surged, engulfing her figure.

But this time, the released ice mist was much less than before.

The sinister figure sneered, "Just a newly awakened professional, I want to see how long you can hold on!"

"Black Wolf! Quickly deal with that person and capture Yao Zhixue!"

"Don't worry, boss, I'm on it!"

Black Wolf shouted, and his claws mercilessly attacked the unfamiliar professional.

With continuous attacks, he was confident that he would soon kill the person!

And then...


A strange sound suddenly came from the wolfman's abdomen.

In the midst of swinging his claws and excitedly fighting, the wolfman's figure suddenly paused, and he subconsciously retracted his claws to cover his stomach.

"Stop, stop, I need to... go..."


Before he could finish speaking, his body, which had already torn through his clothes and exposed his large body, immediately spewed out a large mass of viscous yellow-black liquid.

The entire black mist space was immediately shrouded in a strong and pungent stench.


The unfamiliar professional closest to the wolfman was immediately affected by the foul odor.

Still panting heavily, he almost couldn't catch his breath, and with a nauseous feeling in his chest, he vomited directly.

For a moment, one person was crouching and defecating, and the other was lying on the ground vomiting, leaving the others looking at each other in astonishment.


A cold laugh was heard, and Zheng Cheng walked out from the limp vines.

"How could you forget about me in the midst of such a lively fight?"

(End of this chapter)

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