I'm Priest, What The Hell Is Acute Gastroenteritis Fulminant Surgery?

Chapter 15 The Horror Of Anal Fissure! Powerful Aoe Control!

Chapter 15: The Terrifying Characteristics of Anal Fissure! Powerful AOE Control!

"What kind of person are you?!"

The eerie figure reappeared and spoke in a very unpleasant tone, "What have you done?!"

"What have I done?"

Zheng Cheng smirked, "Can you guess?"

After his Acute Gastroenteritis Instant Burst was upgraded to LV3, it had transformed from a single-target spell to an AOE spell.

Each cast could target three individuals.

The moment Yao Zhixue froze the vines, he had already broken free from the vine's control spell.

As soon as he cast Acute Gastroenteritis Instant Burst, it hit both the eerie figure and the black wolf.

The eerie figure's level and strength were obviously higher than the black wolf's, otherwise, he wouldn't have avoided the attack for so long.

As if sensing something, the eerie figure's expression changed drastically and he roared, "Black Wolf! Finish him off!"

While panting, Black Wolf said, "C-Captain, I think I have a stomachache, I'm feeling queasy..."

At this moment, the middle-aged professional also reacted.

This was a life-and-death battle, what were they waiting for!

Wiping the dirt off his mouth, he held his breath and wielded his giant sword to strike.

"Die, damned Fallen One!"


The black wolf's face changed as he struggled with stomach pain and the position in mid-air, barely dodging the attack.

He clenched his sphincter, temporarily stopping the gushing liquid, and swiped his claw from below.

"Even if I have diarrhea, trying to kill you is like playing a..."


As soon as he made a move, his abdomen churned again, and he immediately relaxed his sphincter, causing a large mass of viscous liquid to gush out.


The middle-aged professional swung his sword again, and the black wolf, due to the pain in his stomach and the mid-air position, couldn't dodge in time!

With one strike, his right arm was severed at the elbow!


The black wolf screamed and immediately turned to run.

"Captain! I can't hold it anymore! My stomach, it's gurgling... Ah!"

As he ran, he couldn't stop, and another large mass of pure yellow viscous liquid gushed out.

The ground was covered with it, and even the hair on his legs was covered in the disgusting liquid.


The middle-aged professional angrily shouted and grabbed his giant sword to chase after him!

At this moment, Yao Zhixue suddenly reached out towards the direction the black wolf was fleeing.

"Damn it! Black Wolf, get out of the way!"

The eerie figure not far away's expression changed, and he loudly reminded.

Hearing this while running, the black wolf didn't hesitate and pounced forward.

But it was too late!

An ice and snow passage spread in front of the black wolf, freezing his figure.

If it were before, he could easily shatter this ice and snow passage with a little force.

But now, due to the severe stomach pain and the severed right arm, his instinctive reaction was greatly reduced.


The middle-aged professional finally caught up and struck the black wolf's neck with his sword!

The sharp and tough sword had no hindrance and cleanly severed the black wolf's head!

The wolfman's large body trembled violently and eventually crashed heavily to the ground.

Blood gushed out from above, and the hole below continued to emit yellow liquid.

"Damn it!"

The eerie figure cursed, his previously calm face now looking somewhat ferocious.

Seeing the middle-aged professional kill the black wolf and approach him, his eyes were full of resentment.

"This mission cannot fail!"



The eerie figure's face suddenly changed, subconsciously looking towards Zheng Cheng.

"Damn brat! What have you done?!"

He could already feel a sharp pain coming from his abdomen.

Even with his strength, he couldn't suppress this kind of pain.

Zheng Cheng smirked and turned to run.

Kidding, the boss is about to enlarge, and he's still LV0, with no power to bind the sky.

It would be terrible to be mistakenly injured.


The eerie figure cursed again, took a deep breath, endured the severe pain in his abdomen, and turned to pounce at Yao Zhixue.

"This little pain is nothing, as long as I catch the one Master wants, Yao Zhixue..."


The severe pain in his abdomen made his movements slow by three points.

Even his pouncing action became extremely strange.

Yao Zhixue's beautiful eyes lit up, feeling a deep understanding of this sensation.

A beautiful smile appeared on her face.

She waved her hand, and the surrounding ice fog condensed, forming three and a half meters long ice blades in the air, shooting towards the eerie figure.

"Young lady! Come with me!"

The eerie figure's strange voice came, and his figure flickered in the air, actually appearing as three different shadows.

Easily dodging these three ice blades, they all pounced towards Yao Zhixue.


In mid-air, the eerie figure suddenly screamed.

A large amount of liquid gushed out from his lower body, accompanied by a strong smell of blood.

Anal fissure!

The eerie figure forcibly suppressed the Acute Gastroenteritis Instant Burst, causing a delay in its effect.

However, it triggered the characteristics of Acute Gastroenteritis Instant Burst.

Anal fissure!

His entire anus had split open.

The kind of excruciating pain that reached the nerves was something that a small Fallen One like him couldn't bear.

At this moment, he collapsed on the ground like a shrimp, a large amount of liquid mixed with blood gushing out.

With each gush, his entire body convulsed continuously.

In just a few seconds, he foamed at the mouth and lost consciousness.


Yao Zhixue and the middle-aged professional were both stunned.

Among the three Fallen Ones, the eerie figure was the strongest.

But who would have thought that he would lose his combat capability so quickly?


The ice fog shrouding Yao Zhixue immediately dissipated, and her beautiful figure slowly walked out.

"Priest, you..."

"Hey! Who are you two? Can you explain what's going on here?"

The middle-aged man walked over, covering his mouth, and spoke in a muffled voice.

Family, who understands!

I was just about to have a rendezvous with my little lover, and before I could hit a home run, I was trapped in a small space.

There were also three fierce Fallen Ones.

If it weren't for my wisdom and martial prowess, I would have been killed long ago!

Yao Zhixue's expression changed slightly and apologized, "I'm sorry, sir, their target should be me."

"It's you?"

The middle-aged man was puzzled, "How could a young girl like you be targeted by the Daybreak Organization?"

"I am Yao Zhixue."

"Yao Zhixue, Yao Zhixue..."

The middle-aged man muttered to himself, then his eyes suddenly lit up, "The nine-star professional from No. 12 Middle School!"

"No wonder..."

"I am Huang Jiu, you can call me Old Huang."

As a newly awakened nine-star professional, Yao Zhixue's name had almost spread throughout the entire Xia Country.

Almost everyone was paying attention to this rising star.

With a strange expression, he looked at the people lying on the ground.

"Can any of you tell me what's going on here?"

Yao Zhixue looked somewhat embarrassed and explained, "This..."

As the eerie figure and the others died, the fog that had enveloped the surroundings was dissipating at a visible speed.

In the darkness, three Daoist figures rushed over.

"Huh? More people are coming!"

"Damn Fallen Ones..."

The three of them were on high alert, but they heard the newcomers' voices filled with surprise.

"Captain! The black fog is gone!"

"How did it disappear so quickly? Did the target get captured? Hurry in and stop them!"

"Ugh... Why does it smell so bad in here?"

Three figures soon appeared in front of Zheng Cheng and the others.

"Huh? Zhixue?!"

Well, after this chapter, there won't be any specific descriptions of this skill in the future.

If the readers don't want to see it, they can completely skip this chapter...

(End of this chapter)

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