I'm Priest, What The Hell Is Acute Gastroenteritis Fulminant Surgery?

Chapter 16 Night Watchman? The Effect Of Random Dissection!

Chapter 16 The Night Watcher? The Effect of Random Dissection!

"Sister Yunxiao!"

Upon seeing the newcomer, Yao Zhixue excitedly waved his hand.

The three of them covered their mouths and noses as they walked over, asking in surprise, "What on earth happened here?"

"Just wait a moment..."

"Xiaoding! Clean up this place quickly."

"Okay, Captain!"

The young man called Xiaoding agreed and waved his hand in the air, causing a gust of wind to rush out, clearing the air in the entire corridor.

Only then did the few people feel much better.

"Wang Ning, check on these people."


Another team member also agreed and came to check on the three people from the Ghost Disaster.

Yao Zhixue said, "Sister Yunxiao, I was targeted by the Fallen One's Daybreak Organization, thanks to Senior Huang Jiu and... and this Priest."

"Senior Huang Jiu?"

Zhao Yunxiao looked at Huang Jiu, who still seemed wary.

"You are..."

"The Night Watchers."

"The Night Watchers?!"

Huang Jiu's eyes immediately became eager. "So you are official personnel. I knew it. How could a newly awakened nine-star professional not have official protection..."

Zhao Yunxiao said, "Huang Jiu, thank you for this. The Night Watchers will reward those who have contributed."

"You can come with us to the Night Watcher branch later to receive your reward."

Huang Jiu chuckled, "Hehe, thank you."

Zheng Cheng also recalled the rumors about the Night Watchers. Overall, they had a mixed reputation.

They were the official violent organization of the Xia Country, with their presence in almost every city.

They wielded immense power, and some cities were even constrained by their presence.

However, they were also very hostile towards ordinary professionals, especially professional guilds.

They believed that professionals should be free, and any matters should be decided by the professional guilds themselves.

As a result, conflicts often arose between the two parties, and some professional families were also very dissatisfied with the Night Watchers.


Zhao Yunxiao suddenly said, "Did you handle these people? Are you interested in joining the Night Watchers?"

"Join the Night Watchers?"

Huang Jiu was taken aback at first, but then shook his head. "No, I know my own capabilities. I can't afford to join the Night Watchers."

"Besides, I didn't handle these people."

"The specific situation, I think this young man is more qualified to speak about it than I am."

At this point, everyone noticed that there was another person here!

Zheng Cheng!

Zhao Yunxiao was even more puzzled, looking Zheng Cheng up and down. "You... are also a newly awakened student this year, right?"

Zheng Cheng nodded, "Yes."

"Did you do all this?"

Zheng Cheng smiled bitterly, "Yes, it was me."


Zhao Yunxiao's expression became even more peculiar. "Is your profession a pharmacist? Or a poison master? Did you use a laxative..."


Zheng Cheng said awkwardly, "My profession is a Priest... I used skills."


Zhao Yunxiao's expression became even more colorful. "Are you saying that your novice skill allows professionals to be controlled..."

Zheng Cheng nodded helplessly.

He didn't want this either.

Although the control effect of this skill was indeed good, and it had an even more terrifying characteristic, for normal people, the effect of this skill was simply too outrageous!


Unexpectedly, Zhao Yunxiao suddenly patted Zheng Cheng's shoulder and laughed heartily. "Young man, would you like to join our Night Watchers?"

"We need outstanding talents like you in the Night Watchers!"


"How about it, little brother, consider it?"

Zhao Yunxiao walked over in a carefree manner, putting his arm around Zheng Cheng. "The benefits of joining our Night Watchers are very good, especially for you new professionals."

"And there are many beautiful women in the department. Look, that Yao Zhixue, the newly rising nine-star professional at No. 12 High School this year, she is also one of our Night Watchers!"

"How about it, pretty nice! As long as you join our Night Watchers, I will help you pursue her~"


Before Zheng Cheng could speak, the young man called Xiaoding walked over helplessly. "Don't you know? You've already used up your quota for recommending people to the department this year."

"What? So soon?"

"Captain! Come over here! This Fallen One is still alive!"

Wang Ning, not far away, shouted, causing Zhao Yunxiao to hurry over.

"What's going on?"

"This Fallen One... is the member of the Daybreak Organization, the Ghost Disaster! We have his information in the Night Watcher's files!"

"Breaking Dawn?"

Zhao Yunxiao's expression changed. "What about the other two?"

"They've been identified too!"

Wang Ning said, "The woman frozen by Yao Zhixue is also from Breaking Dawn, a five-star professional, a plant controller named Qingteng!"

"The other Fallen One who was killed is also from Breaking Dawn, a five-star professional, a werewolf fighter named Black Wolf!"

"Among the three, the Black Wolf is dead, the Ghost Disaster is unconscious, and we don't know if Qingteng is alive or dead..."

"So, one dead, one unconscious, and one in an unknown state?"


"Send the Ghost Disaster and Qingteng back to headquarters as quickly as possible. I want to interrogate them personally!"

"Yes, Captain..."

While Zhao Yunxiao was giving orders, Zheng Cheng had come to the side of the Black Wolf's body.

A faint light was shimmering on the Black Wolf's body.

"What's going on? How could this body..."

He was stunned.

In his line of sight, there was an illusory inscription flashing.

[Can dissect].

"Can dissect? What does that mean..."

Zheng Cheng wondered, but quickly reacted and subconsciously opened the skill panel.

[Random Dissection (External/LV1): Mutant skill, can be used on any corpse or target in a state of unconsciousness, paralysis, or semi-paralysis. Upon success, the target's body or a specific organ can be dissected.]

The Black Wolf had been killed and was now just a corpse.

In other words, he could dissect the Black Wolf's body!

Looking back, the Night Watcher's people were all around the large ice sculpture that had frozen Qingteng, trying to get her out.

No one noticed here.

Zheng Cheng subconsciously released Random Dissection on the Black Wolf's body.

[Random Dissection release failed!]

[Requires the use of bladed weapons such as knives, swords, or axes.]

"This skill also requires equipment?"

Zheng Cheng wondered, but he did want to test the power of Random Dissection.

Looking around, his eyes suddenly lit up.

Not far away, there was a sharp ice blade inserted into the ground.

It was the ice blade that Yao Zhixue had just released.

He took two steps forward and grabbed the ice blade.

The ice blade... could also be considered a bladed weapon.

Muttering to himself, he directly cast Random Dissection on the Black Wolf's body!

[Skill cast successful!]

In an instant, an illusory surgical knife appeared on the Black Wolf's body.

It slashed fiercely towards the ground!

[You have obtained an ingredient: Werewolf's heart.]

A heavy heart suddenly appeared in his hand.

Resembling a dragon fruit, bright as blood, with black patterns on it, and sticky blood flowing around it.

Seeing the heart in his hand, Zheng Cheng's hand subconsciously trembled, as if he was about to throw it away.

However, he was still caught by it.

"Darn... I've dissected a heart!"

(End of chapter)

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