I'm Priest, What The Hell Is Acute Gastroenteritis Fulminant Surgery?

Chapter 99 Put Poison In The Water? Die For Me! ! !

Chapter 99: Poison in the Water? Die for me!!!

"Hoo... Boom!"

Under the combined abilities of Yao Zhixue and Xue'er, a blizzard once again descended upon the sky.

A group of half-orcs were blown about by the blizzard, and even the dozen or so half-orc warriors who were attacking Bai Jingqi and Qin Zheng were affected.

However, the giant python spirit beasts controlled by Song Chaoyu were not greatly affected.

Under Song Chaoyu's command, these giant python spirit beasts charged forward once again.

The half-orcs blocking their path were either sent flying or killed.

Especially the fishman BOSS spirit beast, with its burly figure, was invincible.

Zheng Cheng followed closely behind, but when he was still dozens of meters away from the giant stone where Xingsha was located, he suddenly stopped.

He reached out and grabbed two huge copper hammers, each as tall as a person, appearing in his hands!

These two copper hammers were the weapons used by the fishman BOSS earlier.

Moreover, these two copper hammers were Zheng Cheng's spoils of war and could be brought out of the Secret Realm as weapons and equipment!

[Name: Black Sludge Heavy Hammer]

[Durability: 3560/5000]

[Category: Weapon/Heavy Hammer]

[Grade: Bronze]

[Equipment Requirements: LV15, Strength 100 points, Constitution 80 points, Spirit 40 points, limited to use by Warriors, Knights, and Martial Warrior class professionals.]

[Effect: Strength +15]

[Attached Skill 1: Heavy Strike (Passive), when using this weapon to attack an enemy, there is a high probability of dealing a heavy blow and knocking back the enemy.]

[Attached Skill 2: Chain Attack (Active), this weapon can use the iron chain connecting the two hammers to perform a chain attack, causing a large amount of damage.]

[Explanation: A heavy weapon crafted by the Black Sludge Fishman Chief for the Blackbeard Dwarf clan. Each hammer weighs 250kg, and the iron chain weighs a total of 550kg.]

[Note: This equipment is unique and can only be dropped after killing the Black Sludge Fishman BOSS for the first time.]

The two hammers, along with the iron chain connecting them, weighed a total of 550 kilograms.

A thousand jin!

At this moment, these two Black Sludge Heavy Hammers were light as a feather in his hands, very easy to handle.

Zheng Cheng's profession is a Priest, so theoretically, he should not be able to equip these two heavy hammers.

However, Zheng Cheng's strength has already met the equipment requirements of the Black Sludge Heavy Hammer, but he is not currently equipping these two hammers.

Instead, he is using them as ordinary weapons.

It's just that he can't activate the two skills attached to the Black Sludge Heavy Hammer.

But even so, these two Black Sludge Heavy Hammers are still formidable weapons!

Zheng Cheng's gaze looked towards the direction where the half-orc shaman disappeared. He took a few steps back, and then forcefully threw the Black Sludge Heavy Hammer in his right hand!


Immediately, a violent explosion resounded through the air.

This Black Sludge Heavy Hammer, which was as tall as a person, was heavily smashed into the giant stone not far away, amidst the swirling and blowing snow.


A huge rumbling sound came, and Zheng Cheng's first-layer hammer directly smashed a large pit into the nearby giant stone.

The shattered pieces of stone flew in all directions like hidden weapons, instantly knocking several half-orcs to the ground.

"So... so powerful..."

Behind the camp, Li Zhen subconsciously swallowed his saliva.

What kind of power is this?!

A hammer as tall as a person was thrown out, directly smashing a giant stone into a big pit.

How did Zheng Cheng manage to do that?

How strong must his power be!

But Li Jiao jumped up excitedly and applauded, saying, "Brother Zheng Cheng is amazing! Fantastic! Crush those damn half-beasts!"

This loud noise also alarmed the surrounding half-beasts.

They instinctively turned around, and several of them hurriedly rushed towards the direction of the boulder.

The sacrifices of the clan must not die!


In the distance, groups of half-beasts appeared.

The leader was the berserk Iron Axe!

He heard this loud noise, especially when he saw the snow covering the battlefield, his eyes were filled with killing intent, and his charge became even faster!

"Zheng Cheng! The half-beasts that were taken away are coming back!"

Yao Zhixue, with the strongest perception, immediately shouted.


Zheng Cheng pulled again, switching the second heavy hammer from his left hand to his right hand, and continued to sprint.

The black sludge heavy hammer trembled slightly in his hand, and then it was thrown again!



The heavy hammer flew, and the iron chain connected to it was rapidly pulled away.

But Zheng Cheng did not let go, instead, he tightly grabbed the iron chain.

His entire figure was directly carried dozens of meters away by the black sludge heavy hammer, and once again smashed onto the boulder.


The violent airflow exploded again, and countless small stones shot out, knocking all the half-beasts who were running to protect the sacrifices.

Some of the half-beasts were even pierced by dozens of flying small stones, and blood mist filled the sky!

In the instant when Zheng Cheng's figure collided with the heavy hammer and the boulder, he leaped into the air and discovered the figure behind the boulder.

Two brave half-beast warriors were hit by the collapsed boulder and fell to the ground, covered in blood.

There was also another slightly slender female half-beast, staggering and running towards the rear.

"Trying to run?"

Zheng Cheng said coldly, and in mid-air, he drew out the Bloodthirsty Staff and immediately cast Acute Gastroenteritis Instant Burst on her.

At this moment, Xing Sha was in a panic. They didn't expect that when these humans were still dozens of meters away from her, someone could attack her.

What's more, she still didn't know what had attacked her until now!

The entire boulder was smashed to pieces, and when a large number of debris flew, two followers from the clan stood in front of themselves at the critical moment.

And when the second attack occurred, they directly pushed themselves away from the direction of the collapsed boulder.

Otherwise, they would undoubtedly be dead!

Just as she was in a panic and wanted to escape, a Daoist-like figure suddenly appeared beside her!

"Damn it!"

Xing Sha cursed angrily, staggering and running. Seeing that the human was about to catch up, she immediately shouted, "Gale!"

"Come save me~!"



With a roar, the massive figure of the Gale Demon Wolf immediately appeared by her side.

But at this moment, the Gale Demon Wolf looked even more miserable.

Its whole body was covered in blood, and there were two large holes on its head.

Especially its front paw seemed to have been torn apart, limping as it ran.

The whole person... the whole wolf is not well, panting heavily, with eyes full of resentment.

"A demonic pet for sacrifice?"

"Zheng Cheng! What about the sacrifice?"

Behind him, Qin Zheng's figure appeared at the right moment.

His figure was burning with blazing flames, like a Daoist-shaped torch.

"Orc sacrifice! Damn it! They all deserve to die!"

Another violent voice sounded, and Bai Jingqi also caught up.

The blood-colored aura on his body became even stronger, setting off his whole person like a battlefield Asura.

He pointed his goose-winged knife at Xingsha from a distance, ferociously saying, "Kill you! And that half-orc with the iron axe..."

"Kill you all!"

"No, no, no, no..."

Xingsha shook her head anxiously, "I... I am a newly appointed sacrifice of the half-orc clan, respected by the whole tribe."

"How can I die here, how can I die here!"

While shouting, she grabbed the wolf fur on Lie Feng's body and climbed onto his back.

"Lie Feng! Run! Run quickly!"

"And Iron Axe, Iron Axe, come and protect me, you bunch of useless..."


Suddenly, a strange sound came.

Xingsha's body suddenly stiffened, her face turned red, but soon she screamed in pain, "Ah... my stomach, it hurts... puh..."

"Quick! Run... puh!"

Lie Feng suddenly turned around, a gust of wind swept across his whole body, and he immediately rushed towards the distance.

"Stop it!"

"Don't let it escape!"

Qin Zheng and Bai Jingqi shouted almost at the same time, and the three of them immediately chased after.

But Zheng Cheng was still the fastest!

And at this moment, Lie Feng, who was originally running wildly, suddenly stopped.

He swung his body violently, and actually threw Xingsha off him!

Xingsha's lower body had been spraying half-orc manure all along.

On Lie Feng's back, in addition to a large amount of blood stains, there was even more flowing out from Xingsha's body...

As a demonic pet for sacrifice, it actually despised the sacrifice on its body...

Directly throwing the sacrifice off!

"Lie Feng~!"

Xingsha screamed in despair, but it was already too late.

Zheng Cheng's figure had already flown to her side.

He reached out his hand, and the Yunxiao Sword appeared in his hand immediately.

"You damn well poison the water!"

"Die for me!"

Zheng Cheng shouted inwardly, and the Yunxiao Sword came down without hesitation!

"Don't... Ah~!!!"


The sword light flickered, and Xingsha's head immediately soared into the sky.

Turning around, another sword strike.

Random Dissection!

[Skill successfully executed!]

[You have obtained a special ingredient: Half-Orc Sacrificial Heart.]

[You have obtained Half-Orc DNA molecules.]

[You have obtained the complete structure of Half-Orc DNA molecules, permanently increasing your damage to the Half-Orc race by 10%.]

[You have obtained the complete structure of Half-Orc DNA molecules, with the characteristic of being an omnivorous creature.]

[Omnivorous Creature: Your stomach function is highly efficient and can digest any substance.]

[You have obtained the complete structure of Half-Orc DNA molecules, allowing you to replicate them at any time by consuming mental and physical energy.]

"Half-Orc Heart?"

Zheng Cheng furrowed his brows and looked at his palm.

A small reddish heart, about the size of a peach, appeared in his hand, still beating slightly.

[Special Ingredient: Half-Orc Sacrificial Heart]

[Quality: Four Stars]

[Effect: Consuming it permanently increases mental energy by 5 points, physical energy by 1 point, and digestion ability by 1%. Limited to twenty uses.]

[Description: A rare sacrificial item among the Half-Orc race, possessing the ability to use war songs and enhance fellow tribe members.]


Zheng Cheng gritted his teeth and stuffed it into his mouth, swallowing it in two or three bites!

Mental energy increased by 5 points, physical energy increased by 1 point!!!


With Zheng Cheng's slaying of the Half-Orc Sacrificial, a fierce wind immediately raged.

It unexpectedly turned around and launched a suicidal attack towards Qin Zheng and Bai Jingqi.

The Half-Orcs with the berserk and agility auras on them instantly lost the power of the war song.

"Zheng Cheng!"

Bai Jingqi and Qin Zheng joined forces to kill the Fierce Wind, and suddenly shouted, "The Half-Orc army is coming, retreat quickly!"

Zheng Cheng turned around and, as expected, saw the riverbank filled with the figures of one Half-Orc after another.

Leading them was none other than Iron Axe!

"Retreat! Quick, retreat!"

Li Zhen, Li Jiao, Song Chaoyu, and Yao Zhixue also ran over. Li Zhen even pointed to a large hole not far away and shouted, "Go there!"

"Use the speed of the minecart to leave this place!"


Everyone shouted and ran towards the direction of the minecart cave.

As for Zheng Cheng, his gaze also flickered over the body of the Half-Orc Sacrificial, and his hands slid over it, quickly finding a few things.

A wolf tooth necklace hanging around its neck.

A ring worn on the ring finger of its left hand.

And a pouch tightly wrapped around its waist!

As for a dried bone flute, it had long been broken and was reluctantly abandoned by Zheng Cheng.

After looting, he waved his hand and stored the body and head of the Half-Orc Sacrificial in the spatial ring.

The Half-Orc race's sacrificial items might have research value.

After completing all this, Zheng Cheng quickly left.

Soon, the entire battlefield was left with only the bodies that Zheng Cheng didn't have time to collect.

And the Iron Axe group rushing towards him.


(End of this chapter)

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