I'm Priest, What The Hell Is Acute Gastroenteritis Fulminant Surgery?

99. Chapter 98 Surrounding And Killing? The True Strength Of The Children Of The Aristocratic Family

Chapter 98 Siege? The true strength of the children of the aristocratic family!

Not far away, Zheng Cheng's pupils shrank.

This cave troll... actually defeated the soul beast that the fish-man BOSS transformed into simply by relying on its own strength!

Soul beasts are not soul bodies, so are they immune to physical attacks?

how come……

Zheng Cheng turned around subconsciously and asked Song Chaoyu: "How is the fish-man BOSS spirit beast?"

As a soul-sucking banshee, Song Chaoyu can monitor the current situation of each soul beast at any time.

For example, how and when the soul power dissipates, or what they are ordered to do.

Song Chaoyu immediately said after meditating: "I was just defeated, and about one-fifth of my soul power was dissipated..."


As soon as he finished speaking, he saw the cave troll roaring after defeating the fish-man BOSS spirit beast.

Grasping the stone pillar with both hands, he fiercely blasted towards Bai Jingqi who was charging to the front!


The ground shook violently, and Bai Jingqi jumped up to avoid the attack.

But his dodge caused him to rush into the crowd of orcs and break away from the front line formed with Qin Zheng.

More than a dozen orcs roared and rushed over, surrounding him tightly, and smashed their weapons towards his head and face.

Bai Jingqi's face was serious, and he took a deep breath, and the bloody evil energy that had gathered around him immediately condensed.

Wrapped around the Wild Goose Wing Knife in his hand, the light of the Wild Goose Wing Knife surged.

"Bloody battle in all directions!"

He roared angrily and slashed out with the Wild Goose Wing Saber in his hand.

The sword energy condensed from eight blood-colored evil spirits immediately exploded and killed all the orcs.

At the same time, he took advantage of this gap and rushed out, surrounded by blood mist, like a humanoid ferocious beast!



The sword flashed, and he quickly approached in the direction of the cave troll's stone pillar.

The wild goose wing knife in his hand even slashed out a crescent moon when approaching the cave troll!

"The crescent moon breaks through the sky!"


The sword energy was flowing horizontally, and the blood-red sword light instantly slashed diagonally from below, drawing a sharp arc in the air, and immediately chopped off the head of the cave troll!

The scene of cutting off the cave troll's head with one knife appeared in the eyes of everyone present.

The eyes of ordinary orcs are full of fear.

O cave troll!

Among their kind, one cave troll is enough to rival a dozen orcs.

Unexpectedly, he was killed by the human in front of him!

This kind of power is comparable to the elite warriors in the Orc Empire!

Xingsha's pupils on the boulder also shrank, and his face immediately became more ugly.

"Kill! Kill him for me!"

"If anyone can kill these two people, I can personally accompany him for three days!"

"Huh, huhu..."

As soon as she finished speaking, the breathing of the dozen orc warriors who had been protecting her immediately accelerated.

Two people were left to protect Xingsha, and half of them rushed towards Bai Jingqi!

The other half rushed towards Qin Zheng!

As long as these two people are killed, the remaining humans will have nothing to fear.

the other side.

Along with the attack by Zheng Cheng, Qin Zheng, Bai Jingqi and others, Iron Ax, who was far away on the other side of the river and was killing the giant python soul beast and robbing the heart of the earth, also immediately reacted.

He suddenly turned his head and looked in the direction of Xingsha, his eyes immediately filled with blood, like a madman.

"go back!"

"Go back to me quickly!"

"Get out! Get out!"

After giving the order, the hundreds of orcs he brought out immediately turned around and ran to the river, rowing towards the other bank.

The group of orcs who took the lead in chasing Cai Shen also rushed back anxiously.

"Xingsha! Wait for me!"

"Don't let anything happen!"

At the front of the ship, Iron Ax's eyes were full of anxiety.

"Quick! Row quickly!"

"Everyone hurry up!"

"These damn humans!"

On top of the boulder, Xingsha's eyes were filled with murderous intent.

"Lord Xingsha."

The follower beside him suddenly said: "You should stay away from the battlefield. These human warriors are no less brave than us orc warriors. If something happens to you..."

"Wait a mininute!"

Xingsha said coldly, and suddenly took out a gray-white, bone-shaped flute from his waist, put it to his mouth and started playing.

A series of melodious and powerful flute sounds began to echo throughout the battlefield.

Li Zhen, who was fighting, suddenly changed his expression and shouted: "War song!"

"That priest is about to release a war song, stop her quickly!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Qin Zheng, without any strong man to stop him, suddenly got rid of the orcs that entangled him.

He actually got down on all fours, like a cheetah, and rushed towards the star sand on the boulder at an extremely fast speed.

On the other hand, Bai Jingqi was entangled by the dozen orc warriors and unable to escape.

He was confident that he could deal with two orc warriors.

But there are more than a dozen orc warriors, and they are good at joining forces. Now he can only protect himself.


Qin Zheng's figure was once again blocked by two orc warriors.

In the midst of lightning and flint, Qin Zheng twisted his body and pounced, grabbing with both hands, scratching the chest of an orc warrior.

But this half-orc warrior also used his life to stop Qin Zheng.

A blood-red halo suddenly exploded from the flute in Xingsha's mouth.

It turned into smaller rings of light and fell among the surrounding orcs.

Crazy war song!

At least ten orcs were affected by the madness war song, and a madness halo appeared under their feet.

Under the influence of the frenzied war song, their attacks became sharper and faster, and their own pain was temporarily blocked.

Now, they were like wild wild dogs, attacking Bai Jingqi, Qin Zheng, and Zheng Cheng like crazy.

Together with the soul beasts wandering on the battlefield, they were also attacked frantically.


A roar suddenly came from the battlefield again, and the fish-man BOSS soul beast that had just been defeated by the cave troll gathered together again.

Its body size has become smaller and its soul power has also been reduced a lot.

But it is still the most powerful spirit beast among the spirit beasts present!

He suddenly jumped into the battle group besieging Bai Jingqi, and immediately knocked away the two orc warriors, screaming and falling to the ground.

Almost at the same time, Song Chaoyu gathered the seven giant python soul beasts that were wandering around the battlefield and rushed towards the star sand.

All the orcs blocking the way were scattered by them.

On the other side, the evil demon summoned by Li Zhen also showed great power.

The steel fork in its hand stabbed several orcs to death one after another. It originally wanted to feast.

But under Li Zhen's order, he still grabbed the steel fork and rushed towards the orc sacrifice on the boulder.

On the boulder, another cyan halo erupted.

Aura of agility!

With the blessing of the agility halo, the attack speed of these orcs increased by at least one-third!

With the blessing of the two amplifying halos, this group of orcs exploded with far beyond ordinary combat power, firmly blocking Bai Jingqi, Qin Zheng and others.

Although the battle lines continued to advance inward, the speed was very slow.

Xingsha breathed a long sigh of relief and said: "Damn it, if I hadn't used the slow halo scroll given by the teacher last time, otherwise none of these humans would have thought of leaving here!"

“And there’s Gale Song!”

"That damn old man, Da Feng Song, an attack song that can be learned by low-level priests, is unwilling to be handed over to me."

"If I could use the Great Wind Song, I would have killed these humans long ago!"

"Lord Xingsha!"

The follower beside him said again: "Please step back quickly, this group of humans is about to rush over."


Qin Zheng's figure once again broke through the obstruction of the orc warrior.

Using his hands and feet, he kept running and fighting at extremely high speeds.

Coupled with the effect of the dragon's power, the effect of the frenzied war song on the orc warriors surrounding him was greatly reduced.

His figure is less than fifty meters away from Xingsha!

"Come here?"

Xingsha sneered: "How is that possible! Even if they rush over, I can still kill them!"

"However, you have to prepare in advance."

Her thick green fingers lightly touched the bronze badge on her chest, and with a burst of light, a larger one-eyed wolf with gray-white hair all over its body suddenly appeared in front of her.

"The Gale Demonic Wolf! A four-star magical beast, good at wind magic and close combat. This is the demon pet that was captured for me after more than twenty members of the clan died."

Xingsha stroked the Gale Demon Wolf's hair, his eyes even more murderous.

"Gale Wind! Go and kill the half-man, half-beast human first."

"He is the strongest among this group of humans. As long as he is killed, this group of humans will collapse!"


The Gale Demon Wolf roared, and with just a slight jump of its limbs, it rushed out more than ten meters away.

He jumped again and stopped in front of Qin Zheng.

The sharp claws clawed hard at Qin Zheng.

After giving orders to the Gale Demonic Wolf, Xingsha slowly retreated, surrounded by his two followers.

Although the orc priests can step into the battlefield, they cannot fight in person.

Their best attack method is to increase and strengthen their tribesmen in various ways, and use the power of tribesmen, followers, and magic pets to tear the enemy into pieces!

"Warcraft? Sacrifice's magic pet!"

Qin Zheng's eyes lit up.

Under normal circumstances, the magic pet is the last of the orc priest's hands to be broken off.

In other words, as long as this demon pet is killed, this orc priest will definitely die.

He thrust his hands and feet on the ground, and immediately jumped up to avoid the giant wolf's claw attack.

At the same time, he stretched out his hand to grab, and the flames that originally surrounded him immediately surged away, covering all the gale demon wolves in it.


The Gale Demon Wolf roared angrily, and the violent wind exploded from his body, forcing all the flames back.

But in the flames that filled the sky, Qin Zheng's figure did not retreat but advanced.

Among the sparks in the sky, Qin Zheng's claws protruded and became pitch black.

Around his hands, two illusory divine dragon claws suddenly appeared.

"Dragon's Claw!"



Amidst the explosion of flames, Qin Zheng's two claws directly grabbed the head of the Gale Demon Wolf.

Bones were shattered and flesh and blood spurted out.

He immediately scratched out two huge wounds on Gale Demon Wolf's head.



The severe pain on its head made the Gale Demonic Wolf scream, but it also aroused its ferocity.

The fangs and claws immediately began to bite Qin Zheng crazily.

In the center of the formation, Zheng Cheng's eyes also moved.

"Is this the strength of a dragon-veined person?"

"The four-dimensional attributes are balanced. He is good at melee combat and natural spells. He has no shortcomings."

"Even if you face a powerful monster, you can still fight it on your own!"

Song Chaoyu on the side looked at the stars and sand disappearing in the distance, and said hurriedly: "Zheng Cheng! That orc priest is running away!"

"Do it quickly!"

"Want to run?"

Zheng Cheng sneered: "This distance is enough."

"Zhixue, stop her first."


Yao Zhixue said calmly, stretched out her hand to raise her staff, and Xue'er surrounding her also raised her hands.

The next second, the sky is full of wind and snow!


(End of chapter)

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