I'm Priest, What The Hell Is Acute Gastroenteritis Fulminant Surgery?

98. Chapter 97 Attack And Kill! A Plan To Lure The Tiger Away From The Mountain!

Chapter 97 Attack and Kill! A plan to lure the tiger away from the mountain!

Underground river, shore.

Hundreds of orcs were scattered on both sides of the river, always paying attention to the situation in the river.

They had been patrolling for seven or eight hours but found nothing.

Many orcs have already started to light bonfires on both sides of the river to take a temporary rest.

Iron Ax and a dozen burly orc warriors surrounded Xingsha and came to a boulder.

Looking at the calm underground river, but with a large number of fish and shrimp floating on the surface, Tie Ax frowned and said: "Xingsha, it's been so long and this group of people haven't appeared yet. Are they dead?"

Xingsha shook his head and said: "They are definitely not dead. If they are really dead, their bodies will definitely surface."

"Our people have been paying attention to the river. Until now, no body has surfaced, and no black slurry fish-man has appeared. That can only prove one thing..."

Tie Ax asked: "What's the matter?"

"At the bottom of this underground river, there are passages to other areas. In other words, there is an underground cave where they can hide temporarily!"

Xingsha said: "But we have already investigated this river. It leads directly to the ocean and has no tributaries in other areas."

"That can only mean that there is an underground cave at the bottom of the river."

"They can stay in the underground cave for one day, but I don't believe they can stay for ten days!"

"By then, maybe they will all starve to death without us doing anything ourselves!"

Tie Ax's eyes lit up and he said, "Really?"

Suddenly, there was a noise in the distance.

A group of orcs held torches and chased into the distance. It was very chaotic. Iron Ax quickly shouted: "What happened over there?"

"Go and ask!"

Soon, a tribesman ran over and shouted: "Master Iron Ax! Master Xingsha Sacrifice! A big rooster rushed out of the river, and there were several Daoist figures, running towards the entrance of the ocean."

"They want to escape through the ocean!"

Xingsha's eyes lit up and he immediately said: "Send out the wolf cavalry to chase them back!"

"Yes! Xingsha Sacrifice!"

The orcs under his command immediately retreated to deliver the order.

Soon, half-orcs were riding on giant wolves, chasing in the direction of the noise in the distance.

Tie Ax grabbed the ax and said, "Xingsha, let's follow."

"Not urgent."

Xingsha shook his head and said: "Our previous investigation revealed that there are at least ten people in this group of humans. We killed one person and nine others!"

"But there is only one big rooster in that direction, maybe a human who has practiced the way of druid. But what about the others..."

"You mean...that big male is just a bait?"


Xingsha nodded and said: "Gather the clan members and distribute them on both sides of the river. Always pay attention to the situation in the river."


Soon, the resting orcs were brought out one by one and distributed on both sides of the river.

Staring at the river with his huge pupils.

Even Iron Ax came to the river with a big axe.


Suddenly there was a surging sound in the middle of the river. Under the gaze of hundreds of orcs, a huge black python suddenly emerged from the water.

"Black Water Black Snake!"

Xingsha's eyes on the boulder on the shore suddenly lit up and he said: "They are black water black snakes raised by the black jelly fish people. Master Mo Sha gathered the strength of the entire clan to snatch two young black snakes from the black jelly fish people. Water Black Snake, I didn’t expect there to be an adult Black Water Black Snake here!”

Iron Ax also turned around and shouted: "Xingsha, what should I do?"

Xing Sha said: "The black water black snake is born with the ability to control the water element, and its body contains highly toxic substances. Perhaps we forced it out because we put poison in the river."

"Force it to shore and catch it!"


With an order, the orcs on both sides of the river immediately took action.

They shot arrows, threw javelins, and kept pushing it toward the other side of the river.

And this black water black snake also swam further and further away.

As the river narrowed, the number of orcs on both sides increased.


Iron Ax's eyes suddenly moved, he grabbed a torch and threw it in the direction of the Blackwater Black Snake.

He grabbed another javelin, and when the torch flew to the top of the Blackwater Black Snake, he suddenly shot the javelin in his hand.


The torch exploded under the impact of the javelin, sending sparks all over the sky.

And taking advantage of this opportunity, Tie Ax also saw the whole picture of this black water black snake.

The whole body was pitch black, and the scales were illusory, as if they were made of a large amount of mist.

But at this moment, his eyes were all attracted by something in the mouth of the Black Water Black Snake.

Heart of the Earth!

Iron Ax was immediately surprised and said: "Heart of the Earth! Why are you here!"

He quickly turned around and shouted: "Xingsha, this black water snake has the heart of the earth in its mouth!"


Xingsha was also surprised and said: "Heart of the Earth? Is it the precious gem that the patriarch wants to seize?"

"Follow it and take back the Heart of the Earth!"



As soon as he finished speaking, he saw the black water snake roaring violently, charging onto the bank, knocking over a group of orcs, and swam toward the inside of the river bank.

"Catch it!"

"Hurry and grab it!"

When Iron Ax saw this, he immediately shouted, and a large number of orcs moved to the location of the Black Water Black Snake, intending to capture it.

The number of orcs in the minecart passage and around Xingsha has been reduced by more than half!

"I didn't expect that the Heart of the Earth would be here. It is said that this gem has the power of the earth. The leader of our clan practices the fighting spirit of the earth. If this gem can be embedded in a weapon, then..."

Xingsha murmured, suddenly thought of something, and subconsciously looked at the calm river.


"Something's wrong!"

"Where are the black pulp fishmen!"

"Isn't the Heart of the Earth in the hands of the Black Water Murlocs? How could the Black Water Black Snake take it out?"

"And that group of humans... Oops, they fell into a trap!"

Xingsha quickly shouted: "Hurry! Let Iron Ax bring the people back, we have fallen into a trap!"

Just as the personal followers were about to leave to deliver the order, a huge noise suddenly came from the black water not far away.

A total of seven black water snakes, all completely black, suddenly emerged from the river and started to kill the orcs on the shore.

The leader is a huge black murloc!

In his hand, he also held a huge hammer.

"Black pulp fish man!"

Xingsha's eyes suddenly changed, and he yelled: "Stop them!"


The remaining orcs on the shore immediately blocked Xingsha, and started fighting around the group of black water black snakes and the fish-man BOSS.

But for some reason, their weapons actually penetrated these black water snakes and fish-man bosses, as if they had struck the air!

Soul beast!

These black water black snakes and fish-man BOSS are all soul beasts summoned by Song Chaoyu!


Behind this group of soul beasts, Zheng Cheng and others also rushed out!

Qin Zheng and Bai Jingqi used arrows as arrows and rushed towards the boulder at extremely fast speeds.

Their goal is very clear, which is the star sand standing on the stone!


An extremely cold voice without a trace of emotion suddenly sounded on the battlefield.


There was a burst of explosions, and a large ball of condensed snowstorm suddenly appeared above the heads of many orcs, and suddenly exploded!

Fierce winds and extremely cold snowflakes swept from the sky, immediately covering these orcs.

The blow made them stagger around, and their speed dropped at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Yao Zhixue floated out slowly in the wind and snow.


Behind her, Li Zhen also raised his staff, and a jet-black light flashed out.

The orc at the front immediately screamed, his chest broken and bleeding, and was cut in half by Bai Jingqi's knife.

In addition, the seriously injured lemure was summoned again by him.

Although its loyalty was greatly reduced due to its previous serious injury, Li Zhen promised him unlimited blood food, which made it endure the injuries on its body and fight out again!

A bloody steel fork stabbed out continuously, knocking each orc to the ground and biting them wildly!

"Weakness Technique!"


Li Jiao was not to be outdone, and she focused her debuff skills on the Orc team leader and warrior.

It was affected by the blizzard and weakened by two major debuffs.

The strength of these half-orc warriors dropped by more than half, and they were cut down by Qin Zheng and Bai Jingqi very easily.

Zheng Cheng was hiding in the crowd, gradually approaching Xingsha.

This is their plan!

Tune the tiger away from the mountain!

First let Cai Shen and several orc soul beasts controlled by Song Chaoyu sneak out of the river, pretending that they are all running away to attract the orcs to chase them.

There is no light around the underground river, and ordinary half-orcs cannot detect the difference between the Perfected Being and the soul beast.

After luring the orcs away, Cai Shen could completely use his flying ability to escape from above the river.

Next, let a giant python soul beast take the heart of the earth to escape in another direction.

The goal of the orcs is the heart of the earth. When they discover the heart of the earth, they will definitely send troops to snatch it.

In this way, two shots of bait removed most of the orcs around the orc priest.

The mission of the rest of them is to attack and kill this half-orc priest as quickly as possible!

As long as this half-orc priest is killed, the remaining half-orcs will not be a concern!




At the front of the team, Bai Jing's flag looked like a crazy demon. His clan brother was killed and even the body was missing, making the anger in his heart burn like a flame.

He struck each one with a knife, his whole body filled with surging evil energy, and rushed into the crowd of orcs.

With one slash of the sword, a half-orc was often killed.

And with the death of the orc, a large amount of energy and blood was absorbed by the wild goose wing knife in his hand under the cover of inexplicable power.

This made the natural weapons in his hands sharper and his own combat power more and more powerful.

Eight-star profession, the King of Swordsmen in a hundred battles!

It is the most suitable profession for the battlefield.

When fighting, you can strengthen yourself by absorbing the enemy's blood.

The more people you kill and the longer you kill, the stronger you become.

It's like a tireless robot!

On the other side, there was Qin Zheng, who had already become half human and half dragon.

He didn't hold a weapon, he was just fighting with a pair of fleshy claws.

All the orcs in front of him were torn into several halves by him.

While they were fighting, the surrounding flames burned the surrounding orcs into charcoal.

Within minutes of the two of them rushing ashore, dozens of orcs died in their hands.

There is only less than a hundred meters away from the orc sacrifice on the boulder!


Looking at the female orc on the boulder, Bai Jingqi's eyes became even more murderous.

"A warrior of the human race?"

Xingsha said in a deep voice in the language of the Orcs: "Your bravery really astonishes me. Unfortunately, what you should not do is try to kill an orc priest with such a small force."

"Today, this place is your burial place."

"Kill them!"


As soon as she finished speaking, a huge figure suddenly appeared behind her.

This figure is four to five meters tall, with bulging muscles all over its body and an extremely fat belly.

The face is ferocious, with accumulated fat, and a pair of huge eyes are squeezed into triangular eyes by the fat, revealing a ferocious light.

He was still holding a huge and heavy stone pillar in his hand, and he suddenly jumped out from Xingsha's head.

Cave Troll!

It jumped high, and with the help of this force, a pillar was smashed down.

With a "boom", the earth shook violently, and a huge pit appeared directly on the ground.

The fish-man BOSS at the front of the team was directly smashed into powder by the cave troll pillar and scattered in the wind!

(End of chapter)

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