I'm Priest, What The Hell Is Acute Gastroenteritis Fulminant Surgery?

97. Chapter 96 Distribution Of Ingredients! Song Chaoyu Night Attack?

Chapter 96 Distribution of ingredients! Song Chaoyu night attack?

"Of course."

Zheng Cheng nodded and said: "There are more than a hundred corpses of black slurry fishmen on the bank, and I killed many more at the bottom of the river."

"There are probably more than forty black slurry fish-mermaid beads found on them."

These more than forty black pulp fish mermaid beads are actually special ingredients that Zheng Cheng used to dissect them using Random Dissection.

Originally, I planned to keep it to sell and exchange for what I needed, or to give it to Chen Xiao and Cai Shen.

But now that the mission has encountered difficulties, and there is a danger of team destruction, we can only use it now to enhance the strength of teammates.

As for whether it would arouse the suspicion of Li Zhen, Qin Zheng and others, he was not worried.

Now the entire black jellyfish clan has been exterminated, and he is the only one who has the body of the black jellyfish.

Everyone knows that special food is produced in the Secret Realm that permanently increases four-dimensional attributes.

You can take out the special ingredients you dissected yourself for this reason.

"More than forty!"

Li Zhen exclaimed, his eyes changed immediately, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

"What more than forty?"

Qin Zheng and Bai Jingqi also came over, while the others were still resting.

Li Zhen glanced at Zheng Cheng, who nodded, and then handed the black mermaid bead to the two of them.

"Zheng Cheng found this from the body of the black pulp fishman..."

"Special ingredients?"

Bai Jingqi took it strangely and his pupils shrank suddenly: "Three-star ingredients! And it has double attributes, including toxin resistance and underwater breathing!"

"This, the value of this black pulp fish-mermaid bead is far higher than the special potion of your Li family."

"It's even better than some four-star and five-star special potions!"

Li Zhen said: "I guess it may be because the black jelly fish people are the only race in this Secret Realm that they can produce such high-quality special ingredients."

"The only race?"

Several people were a little confused, and Li Zhen explained: "You usually mainly practice Martial Dao, but I am different. My cultural class score is even first in the entire school!"

He adjusted his glasses and said, "I have never seen the black murloc clan in "One Hundred Thousand Common Alien Races"."

"A total of three races have appeared in this Secret Realm so far, black-bearded dwarves, half-orcs, and black-slurry murlocs."

"Needless to say, black-bearded dwarves and orcs, they are all vassal races of their respective races."

"Especially half-orcs, they are considered a slave race in the orc empire and can only be regarded as cannon fodder."

"And this is the first time I have seen this clan of black-slurry fishmen. It is our first kill to get so many special ingredients!"

"I see."

Several people suddenly realized it, although they had not read the book "One Hundred Thousand Common Alien Races".

I don’t know what you are talking about, but I think it’s awesome.

Zheng Cheng was noncommittal, but did not explain.

Since you think it is the first kill of a foreign race, then it is the first kill.

Li Zhen said again: "Zheng Cheng, these black jellyfish mermaid beads are your spoils of war. How do you plan to distribute them?"

"Of course, we will never let you waste these special ingredients and will give you a reasonable price."

"We faced a strong enemy, so of course we were evenly matched."

Zheng Cheng said concisely and concisely: "The black pulp fish and fish beads add 2 points of agility and 1 point of spirit respectively, which is very suitable for everyone present."

"On average, each person can get five black pulp fish-mermaid beads, which is 15 free attribute points!"

"15 free attribute points..."

Qin Zheng and Bai Jingqi's eyes lit up slightly.

If this is really the case, their strength will be greatly enhanced.

Bai Jingqi couldn't help but said: "My main attribute is strength, but if I can add some agility and spirit, my resistance will increase a lot."

Qin Zheng also said: "Zheng Cheng, thank you, these special ingredients... I won't let you suffer when you leave Secret Realm."

"We are all colleagues and teammates, why are you so polite?"

Zheng Cheng smiled and said: "As long as we can leave this Secret Realm safely."

"I disagree!"

A calm voice suddenly came from Li Zhen's mouth.

Everyone was stunned.

Bai Jingqi couldn't help but said: "Li Zhen, what are you talking about? Why don't you agree?"

"Do you want to eat these special ingredients all to yourself?"

Qin Zheng also frowned and said, "Li Zhen, don't you want to hold an auction at this time?"

"Or do you want to buy all these black pulp fish-mermaid beads?"

"You Li family really like to do business anytime and anywhere!"

The main influence of the Li family in Eternal Peace City is many chambers of commerce, shops, pawn shops, and auction houses!

The entire Eternal Peace City, no, it should be said the entire auction house in Qinzhou Province, 70% is the property of the Li family!

In terms of financial resources, brother and sister Li Zhen and Li Jiao were the richest among the eight people present.

"No, you misunderstood me." Li Zhen shook his head and said: "I think these black slurry fish and mermaid beads should be gathered together and distributed to those who need them more, not all of us."

"For example, you two, as well as Yao Zhixue, and Song Chaoyu!"

"You four are the strongest among the eight of us and have the highest professional star rating."

"If you share it with everyone, each person can only increase 15 attribute points. If you share it with you, each person can increase 30 free attribute points!"

"With these 30 points of agility and spirit, your panel strength will increase by at least one-third!"

Li Zhen said seriously: "When the time comes, with the four of you in charge, we will be more confident to fight out!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Zheng and Cheng all fell silent and considered the proposal carefully.

Zheng Cheng had actually been convinced by Li Zhen. As Li Zhen said, more than forty fish beads were distributed equally to everyone, and 15 free attribute points could not change anything.

But if divided among four people, ten pills for each person would add a full 30 points of agility and mental attributes.

This is an extremely valuable asset even for Qin Zheng and Yao Zhixue.

Both of them are nine-star professionals. Upgrading to LV10 only has 90 free attribute points.

And now, a full 30 points of agility and mental attributes are also a great temptation for them!

"I agree."

Zheng Cheng was the first to say that no matter who he gave it to, he would not suffer any loss.

After all, he had already eaten 30 black pulp fish mermaid beads, and eating more would have no effect.

Qin Zheng said frankly with a smile: "Li Zhen, you have convinced me."

Bai Jingqi said: "Would it be unfair to others if we do this..."

"It doesn't matter whether it's fair or unfair." Li Zhen said: "Let's talk to everyone honestly. In order to complete the task and survive, this is the only way we can do it."

"Of course, I won't let everyone suffer."

"I will compensate the others."

"What are you talking about?" Bai Jingqi glared at him and said, "Each person is responsible for one, and you can't just take away five special ingredients from them."

"As for the forty black pulp fish-mermaid beads that Zheng Cheng brought out, they will be purchased by the three of us together!"


Seeing Bai Jingqi's serious eyes, Li Zhen could only nod helplessly.

"In that case, let me explain it to everyone."

Li Zhen nodded and immediately walked towards Yao Zhixue, Song Chaoyu and others.

After a few minutes, everyone knew the whole story.

Cai Shen was the first to pounce on him: "Damn it, Brother Cheng, you actually have such a good thing? Are you willing to give it out?"

Li Jiao also said: "Brother Zheng Cheng, you are such a good person. If it were my brother, I would have eaten it secretly!"

Li Zhen and Zheng Cheng were both a little embarrassed.

Especially Zheng Cheng, what are you talking about?

Yao Zhixue and Song Chaoyu also looked at Zheng Cheng in surprise and some admiration.

Normal people would hide such a precious thing.

Unexpectedly, Zheng Cheng was willing to share it with everyone!

The character is really great!

I was indeed right!

"Do you have any objections?"

"No comment."

"I'm sure I'll be fine if I can go out."

"Oh... I want to eat it too. Forget it, for everyone, I will endure it!"

Several people also agreed with Li Zhen's allocation. After all, his method was the most appropriate.

Then Zheng Cheng took out forty black pulp fish mermaid beads and gave them to Yao Zhixue, Qin Zheng, Bai Jingqi and Song Chaoyu.

The four of them also ate a black pulp fish mermaid bead.

The remaining few people stared at them without blinking.

Cai Shen asked hurriedly: "What, is it effective?"


Bai Jingqi was the first to say: "My agility has increased by 2 points, and my spirit has also increased by 1 point!"

As he said that, he quickly swallowed all the remaining black pulp fish-mermaid beads, for fear that someone would come and snatch them from him.

"Me too."

"It works for me too."

"Agility, it would be great if you increase your spirit!"

The other three people also spoke one after another and swallowed all the remaining fish beads.

Soon, the panel strength of all four people increased by one-third, making them stronger!

"Stop getting excited and rest first."

After dividing the fish beads, several people found a place to rest.

After not sleeping all day and night, these young people simply couldn't hold on.

Especially Cai Shen, he secretly found a secret corner and transformed into a human form. He put on the clothes he had prepared and fell asleep.

Zheng Cheng also leaned next to Cai Shen and was about to fall asleep.

Suddenly, a person walked over quietly.

Zheng Cheng opened his eyes subconsciously, and saw a huge black python head staring at him.


Zheng Cheng suddenly jumped up, but he quickly restrained himself.

"Zhao Yu! What are you doing!"

He glared at Song Chaoyu inside the giant python and couldn't help but ask.


I'm sleeping, and you have such a big snake crawling over...

Song Chaoyu came over and whispered: "Don't worry, my soul beast is watching everyone, no one pays attention to us."

Zheng Cheng suddenly started to stir.

Is this... a night attack?

I didn’t expect that Song Chaoyu, who is so well-behaved, would play like this.

But when she thought about being influenced by the profession of soul-sucking banshee, she felt relieved.

Soul-sucking succubus?

I think a semen-sucking succubus is more suitable!

Zheng Cheng hesitated and said: "Well... Chaoyu, this place is not suitable, why don't we go back and find a quiet place?"

"Or do you like wild battles?"

Song Chaoyu reacted quickly and glared at Zheng Cheng: "You are so big in the field!"

She stretched out her little hand and gritted her teeth: "Quick! Hand it over!"

Zheng Cheng's eyes widened and he asked, "What are you paying for?"

"Fish beads!" Song Chaoyu glared at Zheng Cheng with big eyes: "You must have extra fish beads on your hand, give them to me quickly."

"I want fish beads~"

Zheng Cheng was a little pity. She thought Song Chaoyu was too courageous.

In this case, don't blame yourself.

"I want fish beads, is this your attitude?"

"Ah? What about that?"

"At least call me brother."


Song Chaoyu's face turned red, but he still whispered: "Zheng Cheng...brother, give it to me~!"


Zheng Cheng changed his posture, "I've been running for a day, and my arms are a little sore."

"I'll press it for my brother~"

"Well, go down, use some force, feel comfortable~"

"Hmph~ Don't give it to Yao Zhixue later, she is just a prude! I want all the fish beads you have left!"

"Well...it depends on your performance~!"

"Don't worry, brother Zheng Cheng, I won't let you down~"

(End of chapter)

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