I'm Priest, What The Hell Is Acute Gastroenteritis Fulminant Surgery?

Chapter 19 Mutated Broiler Chickens Raised For Two And A Half Years

Chapter 19: Raising Mutant Chickens for Two and a Half Years


This is a large state-owned slaughterhouse located in the north of the city, providing support for the frontline human forces and the overall meat consumption of Eternal Peace City.

Every day, there are tens of thousands of mutant poultry and livestock being slaughtered.

Three hundred years ago, the world underwent a great change, with spatial fissures densely distributed and spiritual energy revived.

This led to countless mutations in the wild.

They became larger, stronger, more bloodthirsty, and more ferocious.

The poultry and livestock that had been domesticated by humans for thousands of years also underwent mutations.

They became larger in size, with more delicious meat and containing more energy.

Of course, they also became more ferocious.

But after all, poultry and livestock are just ordinary animals.

Under various means of humans, they were still subdued.

On this day, Zheng Cheng came to the personnel department of the slaughterhouse.

"Are you a newly awakened professional this year? Do you want to work at the slaughterhouse?"

The personnel manager lowered his head and looked Zheng Cheng up and down.

"Yes, here are my ID and professional certificates."

Zheng Cheng took out the documents and handed them to the personnel manager.

"I'm here to see blood and toughen up."

"I see..."

The personnel manager hesitated for a moment.

The number of newly awakened professionals each year is not large, and some professionals choose to toughen up their courage in various ways before entering the wilderness or dungeons.

They don't want to be scared stiff by a monster's charge as soon as they enter a dungeon.

Among them, professionals with power and influence choose to fight real low-level monsters to gain experience in combat.

Some ordinary-born professionals also choose to toughen up by working at the slaughterhouse and seeing blood.

After all.

Compared to real monsters, the poultry and livestock in the slaughterhouse are safer.

Seeing this, Zheng Cheng took out a letter of recommendation and handed it over.

"Manager Yang, please take care of it."

Manager Yang said solemnly, "Don't worry, Zheng Cheng, as professionals, you are the future of the country. As a national employee, I will definitely support you!"

With that, he sealed the envelope with a folder.

"Alright, I will arrange for you to work at the slaughterhouse now."

"By the way, which department do you want to go to?"

"Mutant chickens, Blood Jade Fattened Pigs, or Savage Bulls?"

"Let's start with the mutant chicken area. I heard that the mutant chickens there are very fierce."

"Sure, no problem," Manager Yang smiled. "Even if they are fierce, so what?"

"They have been anesthetized. All you need to do is use the alloy machete to slaughter them."


Soon, under Manager Yang's covert instructions, Zheng Cheng arrived at the mutant chicken slaughter workshop and became a glorious "butcher."

The entire mutant chicken slaughter workshop was filled with conveyor belts carrying mutant chickens that were over half the height of a person and had colorful feathers.

Around the conveyor belt stood butchers who were as tall as a person on horseback.


The conveyor belt started to move, and a mutant chicken over half the height of a person was immediately brought to Zheng Cheng's side.

"Mutant chicken..."

Looking at the mutant chicken in front of him, Zheng Cheng immediately picked up the nearby alloy machete and chopped down.

Random Dissection!

A surgical scalpel appeared in the air, drawing an arc and slashing the mutant chicken.


The mutant chicken over half the height of a person was immediately torn apart and turned into a pile of meat.

Chicken legs, chicken wings, chicken head...


Zheng Cheng was puzzled. "There's no system prompt. Does that mean it failed?"

"N-No, it's not a failure."

"It should be that the grade of the mutant chicken is too low, so no valuable items were dissected!"

Thinking of this, Zheng Cheng couldn't help but frown.

Does that mean he's doing useless work?

He glanced at the skill proficiency and found that it had increased a little.

Including the dissection of the black wolf yesterday, it had now reached 2/100.

"Never mind, even if no valuable items were dissected, it still counts as an increase in proficiency."

With that in mind, he pushed the chicken meat to the side and brought another mutant chicken.

One chop!

[Skill successfully executed!]

[You have obtained an ingredient: Mutant Chicken Heart.]

"Huh, it worked!"

He quickly looked down.

In his hand was a chicken heart the size of a peach, with an overall dark red color.

[Item: Mutant Chicken Heart]

[Quality: One star]

[Effect: Eating it permanently increases 1 point of constitution, limited to 30 uses.]

[Description: The mutant chicken heart raised for two and a half years tastes great.]

"Permanently increases 1 point of constitution!"

Zheng Cheng's eyes lit up.


The secret of his Random Dissection lies here!

Being able to dissect special ingredients that increase attributes!

"The mutant chicken heart can be used 30 times, which means I can increase my constitution by a full 30 points!"


Thinking of this, he became even more motivated.

He put the heart into the item box.

In the item box, the same items can stack up to 99.

He brought another mutant chicken and made another chop!


This time, it failed again.

But he was not discouraged and continued dissecting.

[Skill successfully executed!]

[You have obtained an ingredient: Mutant Chicken Heart.]

Another one!

With the temptation of the mutant chicken heart, Zheng Cheng's dissection speed became faster and faster.

Whenever his spirit was about to run out, he quickly took a bottle of clarity potion to restore his spirit.

This was not the time to save money.

As long as he could obtain a large number of mutant chicken hearts, what's a little money spent?

Soon, a day passed.

Zheng Cheng dissected over a hundred mutant chickens, and the quality was very high.

Chicken legs, chicken heads, chicken wings, clearly categorized, each piece of meat was as if it had been measured with a ruler.

The workshop supervisor widened his eyes in amazement.

And in Zheng Cheng's item box, there were a total of 35 mutant chicken hearts!

The success rate of dissecting mutant chickens was roughly around 30 percent.

And these over a hundred mutant chickens had raised his Random Dissection level to LV2!

The workshop supervisor found Zheng Cheng and said, "Xiao Zheng, your dissection speed is too fast, and the quality is high. You've done the work of two people alone, which is really amazing!"

Zheng Cheng explained, "After all, I am a professional with occupational bonuses."

"Professionals, no wonder..."

The workshop supervisor's eyes changed, with admiration and a hint of respect.

"By the way, Zheng Cheng, are you coming tomorrow?"

"I am!"

Zheng Cheng nodded. "But can I switch to a different department tomorrow?"

"I want to try the poultry in other departments."

"Sure, no problem!"

The workshop supervisor guaranteed, "With your abilities, you can go to any department!"

After a tiring day, Zheng Cheng finally returned home.

He didn't have time to rest and immediately took out a mutant chicken heart, threw it into a pot, and started boiling it.

Ten minutes later, a cooked chicken heart was scooped out.

Eat it raw?

Aren't you afraid of parasites?

And he's not a savage person.

"Good thing I dissected a few more hearts. I wonder if a cooked heart still has the effect of increasing constitution?"

He poured some soy sauce, vinegar, and salt, then fried some hot oil, green peppers, and minced garlic, and a bowl of spicy sauce was ready.

He tossed the fully cooked mutant chicken heart into the spicy sauce and took a big bite.

"Mmm, tender and juicy, sour and spicy, it tastes good."

As he swallowed, a surge of heat suddenly flowed through his body, circulating throughout.

[You have consumed the ingredient Mutant Chicken Heart, and your constitution attribute has permanently increased by 1 point.]

"Indeed it works!"

(End of this chapter)

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