I'm Priest, What The Hell Is Acute Gastroenteritis Fulminant Surgery?

Chapter 20 Use Form To Make Up For Form? Use Your Kidneys To Make Up For Your Kidneys!

Chapter 20: Shape for Shape? Waist for Waist!


On the bus, Zheng Cheng burped, drawing the subconscious attention of the surrounding passengers.

A few girls even covered their mouths and giggled.

No choice.

In order to increase his attributes, last night he forced himself to eat thirty mutated chicken hearts!

Boiled chicken hearts, stir-fried chicken hearts, pan-fried chicken hearts, roasted chicken hearts...

In the morning, he ate several more chicken hearts.

Now his mouth is full of the taste of chicken.

However, the benefits are obvious.

His physical attributes have increased by a whopping 30 points!

Now, his four-dimensional attributes have changed significantly.

[Strength: 5]

[Physique: 34]

[Agility: 4]

[Spirit: 11]

As a newly awakened professional, his physique attribute has reached 34 points!

If this were to spread, who knows how many jaws would drop in shock.

Soon, the bus stopped at the slaughterhouse area.

Under the guidance of the workshop director, Zheng Cheng arrived at the slaughterhouse where he would work today.

Blood jade fat pig!

This is a kind of livestock that has mutated through spiritual revival.

Each fat pig is as tall as a person, with snow-white skin, thick fat, and large hooves. An adult blood jade fat pig weighs over two thousand catties. Some, after careful feeding, can weigh over ten thousand catties!

Even with the presence of anesthetics, it would take at least three butchers working together to dissect a blood jade fat pig.

"Zheng Cheng, these two are your assistants for today," the workshop director introduced. "It's not easy to slaughter a blood jade fat pig, so you should learn first..."

"No need," Zheng Cheng glanced at them and walked up to a huge snow-white fat pig.

The two workers behind him whispered to each other.

"Is he the professional that Zhu mentioned?"

"He looks quite young, similar to my nephew. Is he a new professional this year?"

"To slaughter a blood jade fat pig alone, is he kidding?"

"We used to..."

*Click, click...*

As the two were discussing, Zheng Cheng picked up the alloy machete next to him and started to randomly chop at the unconscious fat pig.

Illusory surgical knife shadows appeared, and before the others could react, a large amount of bright red blood suddenly surged from the fat pig's massive body, flowing into the trough below.

Chunks of flesh and blood fell like scattered dominoes.

The two butchers were immediately stunned.

"Wow... so fast!"

"How did he do it?"

"In just a few seconds, a few thousand catties of blood jade fat pig have been slaughtered like this..."

The workshop director quickly reacted and said, "Quick! Go help sort the meat!"

"Alright, Director Zhu, we'll go now."

"He's amazing, young man, your profession must be a butcher," one of the butchers excitedly waved his hand. "To slaughter this fat pig with just one stroke, you're much better than the butchers in our factory."

Zheng Cheng asked in surprise, "Are there other professionals here?"

The workshop director hurriedly said, "Of course!"

"Seven or eight butchers, and a few chefs, all of them have skills related to slaughtering livestock."

"Their monthly salary can reach fifty to sixty thousand, and they also have social security and benefits!"

"Hey, young man, do you have any interest in joining our factory..."

Zheng Cheng said directly, "No interest. I'm just here to practice..."

He shook his head again. This blood jade fat pig did not yield anything useful.

"Next one!"

A few minutes later, the two butchers cleaned the operating table, and another blood jade fat pig was brought up.

Four blood jade fat pigs in a row.

Finally, when dissecting the fourth one, Zheng Cheng received a prompt from the heavens.

[Skill successfully executed!]

[You have obtained an ingredient: Blood Jade Fat Pig's waist.]

"Huh, it worked!"

Looking down, he held a large crescent-shaped pig's waist in his hand, a whole lump.

There was also sticky fresh blood dripping continuously.

[Item: Blood Jade Fat Pig's waist]

[Quality: One star]

[Effect: Eating it can permanently increase physique by 1 point, limited to 30 uses.]

[Explanation: Shape for shape, waist for waist. Young man, you understand~]

"Another one that increases physique?"

Zheng Cheng frowned. His goal today was not to increase physique.

He turned and said, "Director Zhu, I want to buy this pig's waist. How much?"

"Want to buy?"

Director Zhu looked at what Zheng Cheng was holding and his smile changed, saying enthusiastically, "Young man, I'm the workshop director, not in charge of sales. But don't worry, I'll talk to the counter and make sure you get a fair price."

"Thank you!"

The mutated chicken hearts from yesterday were small in size and didn't attract much attention, so he could easily stash them in his inventory and take them away. But this blood jade fat pig's waist was too big, weighing at least forty to fifty catties. Moreover, pig's waist was a relatively important ingredient, and the factory workers would definitely notice if a few were missing. Besides, there were several workers nearby.

Director Zhu said again, "Young man, shall we continue?"

Zheng Cheng shook his head and said, "Let's change to another workshop. I want to try other poultry and livestock."


Under Director Zhu's guidance, Zheng Cheng spent the whole day wandering around the slaughterhouse.

He dissected seven or eight types of poultry and livestock.

Unfortunately, none of them were what Zheng Cheng wanted.

It wasn't until the last workshop in the afternoon that Zheng Cheng's eyes lit up.

"Huh? Director Zhu, can this animal also be bred?"

Wuwuwu, because of contract issues, the author didn't make it into this week's trial recommendation, so we can only wait until next week for the recommendation.

So frustrating, can you guys please vote and support a bit, wuwuwu...

(End of this chapter)

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