I'm Priest, What The Hell Is Acute Gastroenteritis Fulminant Surgery?

227. Chapter 226 Great Changes In Homeland! Six-Star Barracks Building!

Chapter 226 Great changes in homeland! Six-star barracks building!



In the black mist, a soldier covered in black armor slashed with a sword, immediately cutting the head of a tank dragon the size of a bus into two halves.

The sword energy was flowing horizontally and even left an obvious mark on the ground.


"Brothers! Kill!"

Beside him, there were hundreds of soldiers who also wore black armor and had superhuman strength. They all used long knives to kill the tank dragons one after another!

Behind them, a hail of arrows shot at extremely high speeds pierced the sky, leaving obvious traces in the sky, turning the gale mantises that soared into the sky into hedgehogs!

This battle only lasted for more than an hour, and thousands of Tank Earth Dragons and Gale Mantis were slaughtered!

Even a tank dragon BOSS, which was larger in size and had two sharp horns growing on its head, was killed by more than a dozen black armor soldiers!

As for one of the gale mantis bosses with four wings on its back and constant screams, it was also killed by dense arrows and flames all over the sky!

Finally, on the messy battlefield, a soldier who was a little thin but still wearing black armor quickly walked up to a huge crystal and smashed the huge home crystal with one punch!

As the home crystal was shattered, the black fog that originally surrounded it dissipated at a speed visible to the naked eye, revealing the original appearance of the mountain forest.

Then, holding a space-time gap that was only the size of his palm, he came to a tall, gorgeous woman.

"Lord Shadel! This is the last space-time gap in the alien beast's lair. Please keep it."

Shadel's beautiful eyes were steady, and she took it over: "Okay, Zhang San... Captain, does the lord have any other orders?"

She is still not used to the identities of Zhang San and others.

It has only been a few days. How could Zhang San, who was originally just an ordinary hard worker, have increased in strength so much!

Its comprehensive strength has even surpassed the Golden Wolf Cavalry of their Golden Scorpion family!

What a joke!

The Golden Wolf Cavalry is a seven-star unit, and they are all cavalry, and can be promoted to LV70!

These hard workers can only rise to LV10...

Everything is because of... our lord!

Zheng Cheng!

Zhang San said solemnly: "My lord ordered that after the five-star alien tank dragons are cleared, arrow towers, walls, and caves should be built on the spot, and they should be upgraded to LV6."


Shadel's beautiful eyes suddenly lit up: "Our home crystal level has been upgraded to LV6? So fast!"

Zhang San shook his head and said: "Not yet, but it will be soon, two or three hours at most!"

"I see."

Shadel nodded and said: "I will personally deliver this space-time gap to the Lord."

"Thank you, Lady Sadele, then I will take my leave!"

After that, Zhang San saluted, turned and left, and began to order the surrounding armored soldiers to clean up the battlefield.

At this time, Niu Jindao, who had also changed his profession to an armored soldier, walked over quickly and handed the other two trophies to Shadel's hands.

"Lord Shadel, these are the architectural drawings that were revealed after killing the Tank Dragon BOSS and the Gale Mantis BOSS. There is actually a barracks building in it. Please return home quickly and hand it over to the main attacker."

"Barracks building?"

Shadel's expression became extremely serious. She looked at the barracks building exploded by the Gale Mantis BOSS and nodded slightly, "I'll go back right away."

"Subordinates resign!"

Shadel put her small hands as tender as green onions into her mouth and blew a loud whistle.


Soon, a large, colorful bird, as tall as a person, flew out of the dense forest and landed on Shadel.

Shadel turned over and slapped the bird on the head. One person and one bird quickly flew up and rushed towards the back.

Around her, there were such big birds flying up and down from time to time.

And on the back of the big bird, there are shooters riding on it.

This is a five-star unit, the Giant Eagle Shooter, which can be trained from one to four-star ordinary units. It is an extremely rare flying unit.

Flying in mid-air, Shadel's thoughts became dazed again, and she couldn't believe the facts in front of her!

After seeing the strength of ordinary soldiers that day, she no longer dared to underestimate Zheng Cheng and his men.

They wiped out the four-star alien beasts Scarlet Centipede and Three-Headed Snake in the black mist with their devastating power. Unexpectedly, a large number of Earth Dragon Tanks and Gale Mantis suddenly appeared.

Just when she thought this home was about to be destroyed, the lord took action!

He actually launched a single charge towards the group of alien beasts, slaughtering hundreds of five-star alien beasts and dragon tanks with one person and one sword!

And the men he led also blocked the battlefield and fought desperately, killing the strange beasts that were rushing in one by one!

Later, with the help of the resources and supplies dropped by these strange beasts, their homeland experienced a major outbreak.

The number of units and buildings increased tenfold.

The home level was soon raised to LV5.

At the same time, the five-star armored soldier barracks building was quickly constructed.

Most of the one-, two-, three- and four-star ordinary soldiers in the homeland have been trained into five-star armored soldiers and have learned many abilities.

Especially after a copy of the Giant Eagle Archer's barracks building was revealed, another batch of ordinary soldiers in the entire home were also trained to become Giant Eagle Archer.

Long-range air combat unit!

With the push of armored warriors on the ground and the assistance of giant eagle shooters in the sky, the sudden appearance of the five-star alien tank Earth Dragon and Gale Mantis were unstoppable and were easily strangled!

Now the area occupied by their homeland has occupied the entire valley, and has also spread to a large part of the surrounding areas.

All of this made Shadel extremely convinced and shocked at the time.

Her loyalty to Zheng Cheng surged to 100 points in just two days, and she pledged her loyalty to him to the death.

It was then that she learned the biggest secret of her home, or Zheng Cheng.

"Lord Zheng Cheng's strength is really terrifying. He can actually plunder the power of alien beasts and give it to his troops!"

"Those foods that contain the power of alien beasts can permanently enhance your own strength after eating them..."

"This kind of power is really terrifying!"

Shadel's beautiful eyes were full of admiration and belief: "Only this kind of man is worthy of me... No, no! He can conquer me!"

"As long as the lord is here, our Golden Scorpion family will definitely drive those strange beasts out of the Canglan Desert!"

The giant eagle was extremely fast and quickly approached its home.

From her sight, she could see that there were giant arrow towers more than thirty meters high surrounding her home.

Ten crossbows were built on each arrow tower, which were managed and maintained by thirty soldiers.

LV5 arrow tower!

Under these arrow towers, there are slightly raised bunkers.

That was the LV5 cave, now it is more appropriately called a bunker.

Bunkers protect your home, and they can even form a huge underground city.

There are more than three hundred soldiers living under the bunker, guarding their homeland.

Continuing forward, there is the city wall!

The whole thing is made of huge rocks mixed with steel, more than 20 meters high, and the whole thing is shaped like a human body.

It is about fifteen meters wide at the top, enough for an army to pass through.

Every ten meters or so, there are shooting ports and solid walls.

Every 100 meters or so, there are watchtowers, gate towers, archery towers and other buildings for soldiers to rest and defend.

The entire home is surrounded by arrow towers, bunkers and city walls!

Flying over the city wall, Sadele descended quickly.

The Lord has ordered that no flying units are allowed to fly in the main city area.

"Lady Sadele!"

"Lady Sadele!"

"grown ups!"

Shadel walked quickly towards the direction of the home crystal. The same soldiers were coming and going in the city.

Iron-armored soldiers and giant eagle archers.

Oh no, there is also a lot of hard work.

Their mission is to cut down trees!

As long as a certain amount of wood is harvested, Zheng Cheng can grant the power of alien beasts and gain the opportunity to be trained as an armored soldier or a giant eagle archer.

In addition to these units, there are also a large number of Blacksmith Shops, tailor shops, pharmacies and other living buildings on both sides of the street.

These living buildings are also the architectural drawings that Zheng Cheng and his soldiers killed the alien beasts and exploded from the alien beasts.

Each living building will come with one to five corresponding living soldiers.

As far as Shadel knows, the population of the entire home has reached one thousand!

Most of them are armored warriors and giant eagle shooters!

Five-star professionals for all!

If it weren't for the population limit of the home crystal level, with the current resources and materials, Zheng Cheng could recruit at least more than 5,000 people!

Moreover, Shadel also knew a terrible thing.

As long as the lord's troops are willing, or as long as they obtain the six-star or seven-star barracks construction drawings, they can be transferred to the corresponding troops in a very short period of time!

Restricting the basic attributes of ordinary soldiers from converting into high-star soldiers is not a problem!

Even if it's her...

Now the pure mental attribute has exceeded one hundred points!

If this kind of thing were spread back to the Canglan Desert or the desolate planet, I don’t know how many heroes would go crazy because of it!


Shadel quickly came to a tall building, which was a main city attached to the Home Crystal after it was upgraded to LV5.

At this moment, Zheng Cheng is in the main city.

He was sitting cross-legged, and in front of him was a slug that was constantly squirming, eating a crystal that looked like a diamond.

World wonders.

Shadel barged in carelessly, Zheng Cheng was not angry at all.

"Shadel, I told you not to be so rash, but you still forgot..."

Shadel's face turned red and she said coyly, "Yes, my lord, I will pay attention next time."

Zheng Cheng shook his head, looked up at Shadel, and asked, "Why, didn't you lead the team to encircle and suppress the last alien beast's nest? It's over so soon?"

"Yeah!" Shadel nodded vigorously and said, "Lord! We won. The last nest of the five-star alien beast has been destroyed by us."

"This is the space-time gap in the lair, and there are two trophies that exploded from the Earth Dragon Tank BOSS and the Gale Mantis BOSS."

"One of them is the six-star military construction drawings that you have always dreamed of, my lord!"


Zheng Cheng's eyes lit up and he said with interest: "Homeland is about to be upgraded to LV6. I didn't expect that there would be a six-star barracks construction drawing so soon."

"What kind of military unit is it?"

"Gryphon Knight!" Shadel's tone suddenly became very strange: "There is another architectural drawing that seems to be related to me."

"With you?" Zheng Cheng's eyes flashed: "Hero?"

It’s the last day, begging for monthly votes!

(End of chapter)

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