Chapter 227 Griffin Cage! Hero Altar!

Zheng Cheng took it and took a look, and it was true.

Among these two architectural drawings, the first one is the barracks building of the six-star griffin knights mentioned by Shadel: the griffin cage.

[Name: Griffon Cage]

[Attribute: Barracks Building]

[Star rating: 6 stars]

[Building time: 6 hours]

[Function: After use, you can build a barracks building: the griffon cage, which is used to train the 6-star unit: the griffin knight. ]

[Resources consumed: 2500 iron ore, 4800 wood]

[Description: Griffin Knight, 6-star unit, air unit. It consumes 50 units of iron and 10 units of life crystals to train. Flying units, you can recruit griffins, equipped with chain armor, and equipped with bows and arrows, hammers, throwing spears, iron swords and other weapons. ]

[Requirement 1: The trainable arms must be long-range attack arms such as archers and spear throwers, and their attributes must be no less than 60 in agility and no less than 50 in strength. ]

[Requirement 2: Home Crystal LV6. ]

"Gryphon Knight, long-range air combat unit!"

Zheng Cheng's tone was also a little excited. With the construction blueprint, doesn't it mean that he can transform all the giant eagle shooters under his command into gryphon knights?

"Shadel, order all giant eagle shooters to return home within six hours and prepare to change their jobs to gryphon knights!"


After so many days of fighting, the resources he accumulated were enough to upgrade his home crystal to LV6, and to allow more than 300 of his giant eagle shooters to become gryphon knights!

Shadel said quickly: "By the way, my lord, please take a look at the second architectural drawing."

"the second one……"

Zheng Cheng took it over strangely and his eyes lit up slightly: "This is... the altar of heroes!"

"This kind of architectural drawings have actually been revealed!"

Shadel also said excitedly: "Master, with this blueprint, we can recruit more brothers and sisters."

Zheng Cheng also said with a smile: "You did a good job this time, and you are so lucky that you were able to break out of the Hero Altar!"

The so-called hero altar is a special building where heroes can be recruited!

Among all buildings, it is undoubtedly one of the most important.

Before entering the Secret Realm, he had checked the information. In the Secret Realm of Teito National University's 60-year strategy to protect the homeland, the Hero Altar only appeared three times!

The result of these three times was that the three freshmen survived for a month and recruited the strongest troops at the time: six-star troops!

But now, not only does he have a hero altar, but the strength of his troops has already surpassed that of his predecessors!

Zheng Cheng's eyes looked at the hero altar again.

[Name: Hero Altar]

[Attribute: Special Building]

[Rating: None ]

[Building time: 1 hour]

[Function: After use, a special building can be built: the hero altar, which is used to recruit heroes, heal heroes, resurrect heroes, etc. ]

[Resources consumed: 10,000 iron ore, 10,000 wood]

[Note 1: This altar can recruit heroes by collecting alien beast souls. For every 10,000 units of six-star alien beast souls, one six-star hero can be summoned. For every 10,000 units of seven-star exotic beast souls, one seven-star hero can be summoned, and so on. ]

[Note 2: This altar can consume the souls of alien beasts to treat the hero's injuries. The treatment consumption is defined according to the hero's star rating, level, and severity of injuries. ]

[Explanation 3: Honma can consume the souls of alien beasts to resurrect heroes who have left their original essence and blood on the hero altar. The basic resurrection requires ten times the cost to recruit the souls of alien beasts. And the stronger the hero is and the higher the level, the higher the soul of the beast is consumed. ]

"You can recruit, treat and resurrect..."

Zheng Cheng threw the space-time gap to the slug and let it devour it.

In the past few days, he has swallowed seven or eight Space-Time Gap, and nothing has changed.

Except it's a little more lively.

It seems that there is still a little less time and space to swallow.

He took Shadel outside the main city and directly chose to build the Hero Altar behind the main city.

"Shadel, after the hero altar is built, you can leave your original blood here."

Zheng Cheng ordered: "Even if you are unfortunately killed in battle later, I can still resurrect you."

Shadel pursed her lips and said, "My lord, you are just going to curse me to death like this. Fortunately, I have dedicated my body and mind to you!"

The corner of Zheng Cheng's mouth twitched and he said: "You must speak with conscience. I believe in giving your heart to me, but I haven't touched your body yet~"

As Sadele was a soldier he recruited, he could see her loyalty.

100 points.

Like Zhang San, Niu Jindao and others, they have reached the point where they will follow him to the death and remain loyal until death.

Never betray yourself.

But the body...

Once while fighting a strange beast, he accidentally took off the gauze covering Shadel's face, and she started clamoring to marry him.

They say that only her husband can remove the veil of a girl from the Tianmo tribe in the Canglan Desert...

To be honest, Sadeer under the veil is indeed beautiful and gorgeous.

The sky-blue pupils, the high bridge of the nose, the small, bright red lips, and the childish oval face exude astonishing power of temptation all the time.

Shadel came over with her breasts raised: "My lord, as long as you are willing, I can surrender to your crotch at any time..."

Listening to the increasingly explicit words, Zheng Cheng hurriedly said: "Stop it, stop it, it's going to be inappropriate for children."

"By the way, Sadele, I've always had a question."

"What questions?" Shadel asked strangely: "As long as I know something, I will definitely tell you..."

"Why are you so fluent in Xia Guoyu? And Zhang San and the others." Zheng Cheng said strangely: "I thought you were the ancients of our Blue Star Xia Kingdom before. I asked Zhang San before, and he said he didn't know either. , this is the language I learned when I was on a deserted planet..."

"I know this matter. Teacher Shapar of the clan once taught us."

Shadel said: "About sixty-eight years ago, our planet was attacked by a large number of alien beasts. The three Great Emperor countries and dozens of kingdoms were unable to resist and were quickly destroyed."

"The remaining people, a few Jedi such as the Canglan Desert, Dusk Plains and Pale Canyon are still resisting. Just when we were about to give up, a large number of gaps in time and space suddenly appeared in our world... That is what you, my lord, want The homeland crystal of knowledge.”

"Soldiers in our world would suddenly disappear, and later I found out that they were recruited by you to this place called Jiasha Island."

"Here, we can quickly improve our strength, and even gain strength to resist alien beasts with your help."

Shadel shook her head and said: "Unfortunately, the world of Jiasha Island is only open to people from our world for one month every year. During this month, every soldier and every hero in our world is praying. I hope I can be recruited by you!"

"This situation has been maintained for more than sixty years. And the people in our world have also learned the language of the humans in your world."

"More than twenty years ago, the few remaining major human cities jointly issued an order calling on all of us to learn your language..."

"I see."

Zheng Cheng suddenly realized that the Secret Realm of protecting his homeland had lasted for more than sixty years at the Imperial National University.

From that time on, the Blue Star Xia Kingdom formed an indissoluble bond with the humans in the desolate world.

At this moment, Zheng Cheng subconsciously looked up at the sky.

But Shadel on the side asked suspiciously: "Lord, what are you looking at?"

There was still a thick black mist in the sky.

But Zheng Cheng's tone was rare and serious: "This feeling seems a bit familiar... Radiation Island!"



The next second, there was a sudden strange fluctuation in the black fog in the sky.

It was as if something had forcefully 'squeezed' in.

The line of sight is infinitely improved.

Jiasha Island is located in the middle of the planet.

The rest of the planet is covered with almost endless black fog.

At this moment, a weak crack suddenly appeared high in the sky of the planet, and it was being torn open with stubbornness and struggle.

More than a dozen weak rays of light suddenly shot in from the small opening, dived into the thick black mist, and then disappeared!


Deep in the crack, a helpless sigh slowly came from.

Inside the home.

Zheng Cheng was looking up at the sky when a faint voice suddenly came from his ears, as if an old man was telling something.

"Classmate Zheng Cheng, I am Kang Yongchang, the principal of the first-year campus of Teito National University. Due to the sudden influx of beasts guarding the home, the opening and closing of the Secret Realm caused an accident. Now you have two choices."

"The first option is to give up this Secret Realm assessment and quickly withdraw from the Secret Realm to defend our home."

"The second option is to continue the Secret Realm assessment and obtain two optional tasks at the same time."

Although Kang Yongchang's voice was weak, it was very clear.

Zheng Cheng's eyes flashed, Kang Yongchang?

The principal of the freshman school district, an epic powerhouse!

This voice is definitely real and not an illusion.

He once felt the aura of an epic powerhouse on Radiation Island, which was very similar to the auras of the three seniors Xin Ruhuo, Xiao Tianfeng, and Quan Linfei.

Give up the assessment?

How is that possible!

He patiently continued to listen.

"Students who choose to continue this Secret Realm assessment, you will receive the following two optional tasks."

"First, continue to develop our homeland and guard our homeland crystal. We must hold on for at least a month while vigorously killing the alien beasts."

"Second, there is a high mountain called Heita Mountain where Jiasha Island is located, right in the center of Jiasha Island. Set foot on Heita Mountain, find a giant Home Crystal Home Crystal, activate it, and recruit humans from the desolate planet to the On Jiasha Island.”

"These two tasks are for you..."

Kang Yongchang's voice quickly disappeared, and Zheng Cheng quickly learned something.

"Jiasha Island? Black Tower Mountain? Home Crystal!"

"This world is called Jiasha Island?"

"On Black Tower Mountain, there is a giant home crystal that reaches directly to the deserted planet. Our mission is to find this giant home crystal!"

Zheng Cheng's eyes flashed and he immediately activated the Central Radar Life Detection technique.

The search column quickly wrote the ground of Heita Mountain.

The next moment, a winding green line appeared in front of him, and continued to spread towards high places in the distance.

"That close?"


"I'm right under Black Tower Mountain!"

Please vote for me, it’s the last day! ! !

I beg for a monthly ticket! ! !

(End of chapter)

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