I'm Priest, What The Hell Is Acute Gastroenteritis Fulminant Surgery?

229. Chapter 228 Home Crystal Lv6! Recruit Magicians!

Chapter 228 Home Crystal LV6! Recruit magicians!

"Two missions? In fact, there is only one mission, which is to go to Black Tower Mountain and activate the giant home crystal!"

In the underground passage, Chu He listened to the voice in his ears and immediately shook his head and chose to refuse.

"With my current strength, I can only protect myself and cannot go to the top of the Black Tower."

"Is there a tide of beasts? It seems that there are not many students in the entire Secret Realm, otherwise the principal would not be able to personally issue the mission..."

He shook his head and continued to be immersed in thoughts of how to develop his home.

On the other side, in the city protected by countless giant trees, Cui Xiabing looked at the densely packed strange beasts outside the city, shook his head and said with a bitter smile:

"The task of exploring Black Tower Mountain has been assigned at this time, how can it be completed!"

"Hold on, hold on as long as you can!"

She looked at the soldiers who were fighting hard, especially the hero Ran Mou who was surrounded by dozens of Earth Dragon Tanks and Gale Mantis, and her eyes became firm.

After a few breaths, a melodious and vast chant suddenly sounded in the ears of all the soldiers on the battlefield.

They saw their lord, Cui Xiabing, raising her hands to the sky, and bursts of emerald green light centered on her, rushing in all directions.

In fact, behind her, the shadow of a giant tree appeared.

The giant tree is a hundred feet high, lush and green, covering thousands of miles, like a dome or a canopy.

Almost at the same time, light green raindrops fell from the sky and landed on the ground.

peaceful! ! !

All the troops under Cui Xiabing were bathed in this green drizzle, and they immediately felt that their injuries were recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Even the spirit is constantly recovering and morale is high.


Ran Mou also sensed this energy to heal and strengthen himself, and immediately shouted loudly, killing several tank dragons that surrounded him, and once again faced the gale mantis falling from the air.

Fighting in all directions at night!


Another place in the dark mist.

Zhuang Shuai pinched his slightly stiff face and said with a smile: "Exploring Black Tower Mountain and activating the giant home crystal? I am good at this job!"

"Brothers! Go quickly and get rid of the strange beast behind you. Mr. Zhuang, I will take you to eat and drink well!"

Behind him, there were originally hundreds of soldiers, but now there were only a dozen or so left.

But these dozen people were in a very high state of mind. Against the black skin all over their bodies, only a row of white teeth could be seen.

Don't tell me, this dark skin is actually a natural protective color in the black mist.

Except for a few alien beasts with a particularly sensitive sense of smell, ordinary alien beasts are actually unable to detect their presence...

"Thank you, my lord!"

"Master, please bring some more food, I'm so hungry!"

"Yes, my lord, it has been three or four days since I followed you to Black Mist. Many brothers have died..."

Zhuang Shuai took over and said: "Brothers, come on! When we find Heita Mountain, Master Zhuang will let you eat for three days!"


"Lord? What's wrong with you?" Shadel asked strangely.

Zheng Cheng said: "Shadel, do you know Black Tower Mountain? There is a giant home crystal on it."

"I know."

Shadel said: "Everyone on our desolate planet knows this. It is a crystal that connects the largest home of our desolate planet. Through it, people on our desolate planet can teleport to Jiasha Island at will."

"It's a pity that Jiasha Island is surrounded by countless strange beasts, and we can't reach Jiasha Island at all."

Zheng Cheng's eyes flashed and he said: "What if we activate the home crystal..."

"Never, Lord!"

Shadel quickly said: "Once the home crystal is activated, the alien beasts here can also enter our desolate planet! With our current strength, there is no way to stop the alien beasts..."

"Is this so..."

Zheng Cheng hesitated and said, since the giant home crystal has such big drawbacks, why does senior Kang Yongchang want me to activate it?

Once activated, the desolate planet will face a full-scale attack by the alien Zerg, and it is very likely that the entire army will be annihilated!

"My lord, my lord..." Shadel whispered: "Are you going to Black Tower Mountain?"


Zheng Cheng said directly: "I just received a mission. I need to go to Black Tower Mountain to activate the giant home crystal."

"Ah... then, then our planet..."

"Don't rush now. We still have more than half a month to think about it in the long term." Zheng Cheng said with a smile: "The top priority now is to improve our own strength and recruit more heroes."

"According to what you said, that giant crystal is surrounded by countless alien beasts. There is a high possibility that there are nine-star alien beasts."

"With just the few people we have, we can only deliver food."

"Even if you are going, you must be fully prepared."

"Okay, okay...my lord."

Only then did Shadel feel relieved.

At the same time, the home crystal behind the two people suddenly emitted a bright light, and the entire crystal also changed slightly.

The dark blue light gradually occupied half of the crystal area.

Zheng Chengdao's eyes flashed and he said: "The Home Crystal has been upgraded to LV6!"

He immediately took out the drawings for the construction of the gryphon sill cage and chose to build it on the side of the armored soldier barracks.

As for the hero altar, it will be built in ten minutes.

He first came to the Home Crystal and checked the specific attributes of the Home Crystal after it was upgraded to LV6.

[Name: Home Crystal]

[Attribute: Gap of Time and Space]

[Function: Summon the life of the corresponding race]

[Host: Zheng Cheng]

[Level: LV6]

[Current unit: 1000/3000]

[Resources: Wood*24550, Iron Ore*14555, Life Crystal*8500, Space Crystal*650]

[Ancillary buildings: Blacksmith Shop*1, fence*6, cave*85, arrow tower*218]

[Durability: 10000/10000]

[Tip: You need 20,000 units of iron ore and 3,000 units of space crystal to upgrade to LV7]

Click on it to summon the troops, and a light flashes in front of your eyes, and a page of attributes immediately appears.

Shockingly, they are all six-star troops!

[Currently summonable unit 1: Shield Sword Guard. ]

[Shield Sword Guard: A six-star unit, with dual specialties of strength and constitution, comes with a tower of thorns shield and a two-handed sword. Recruitment requires 8 units of iron and 12 units of life crystals. Recruitment is limited to 200 people]

[Currently summonable unit 2: Court Magician. ]

[Palace Magician: a six-star military unit with spiritual specialties. He is randomly good at the four magic systems of earth, fire, wind, and water. Recruitment requires 20 units of life crystals and is limited to 50 recruits. ]

[Currently summonable unit 3: Heavy armor cavalry. ]

[Heavy Armored Cavalry: A six-star unit with dual specialties of physique and strength. It comes with war horses, armor, iron spears, iron spears and other weapons. It requires 10 units of iron and 15 units of life crystals to summon. It is limited to 200 recruits. ]


Zheng Cheng asked strangely: "Is there a limit on the number of six-star troops?"

Shadel on the side said: "Yes, my lord, the six-star or above military units are already the backbone of our planet. The number is limited, and only a part can be recruited at a time."

"As for the seven-star or above units, the number is even smaller, especially the legal units and the mysterious units..."

"Mysterious unit? What is that?"

Shadel thought for a moment and said: "I don't know exactly. I just know that these arms have special abilities, such as the divination of prophets and the prayer ability of our Canglan Desert Imam..."

"Is that so..." Zheng Cheng's eyes suddenly lit up and he said, "There is a limit on the number of recruits for the six-star and above military units, but there seems to be no limit on the number of the six-star unit gryphon cages we just built."

"Doesn't that mean that as long as we have enough resources, we can recruit a large number of gryphon knights!"

"What is needed is just low-star units with basic attributes that meet the standard. For me, I can have as many basic units as I want!"

Shadel was stunned for a moment: "Okay, it seems like this..."

Zheng Cheng said immediately: "Recruit magicians first! Recruit all 50 magicians."

As soon as they finished speaking, the home crystal in front of the two of them suddenly emitted a burst of dazzling light.

The next second, fifty figures wearing robes and holding staffs appeared in front of Zheng Cheng.

Court magician!

Fortunately, due to the improvement of the home crystal level, the area of ​​the main city has also expanded a lot.

Otherwise, it would be quite crowded with so many people coming out suddenly.

Zheng Cheng looked up and down at the group of court magicians. Everyone was wearing white robes and holding very similar staffs, as if they were standard equipment.

In addition to these, each of them also wears a special badge on the left chest.

Some are like flames, and some are like water droplets. They are roughly divided into four types.

While Zheng Cheng was sizing up the group of magicians, the first man, about thirty years old, with golden lace embroidered on the edge of the magician's robe and a fire badge on his chest, took a step forward and said respectfully:

"I am Baker Roland, the leader of the court magicians of the Bauhinia Empire on the deserted planet. I have met the respected Lord Chosen One!"


Before Zheng Cheng said anything, Shadel suddenly said: "Your surname is Roland? Are you from the royal family of the Bauhinia Empire?"

"Just a person who was lucky enough to be born into an imperial family." Baker smiled calmly and said: "You are Her Highness Shadel, the princess of the Golden Scorpion family of the Tianmo Clan in the Canglan Desert. I have long heard that Her Highness Shadel was recruited by the Chosen One. I didn’t expect to meet you here.”

"Your father, the great Golden Scorpion King Morton would be proud of you!"


Shadel hesitated for a moment and said, "How is our home?"

Baker shook his head and said: "The situation is still very corrupt, but for some reason, the attack of the alien Zerg suddenly slowed down, and we got a lot of breathing space."

"Some people speculate that something unexpected happened on Jiasha Island, which caused this situation."

"So our three major cities and the Golden Scorpion family have mobilized elite legions within their respective spheres of influence, and are always ready to be recruited to Jiasha Island."

"Unexpectedly, the first one to respond to the call was our palace magician army."

Baker's tone suddenly changed: "It's only been a week, and there are actually chosen ones who can recruit six-star troops."

"This is really... incredible!"

Shadel raised her head and said with a proud smile: "Hey, hey, Uncle Baker, let me introduce our lord to you!"

"Mr. Zheng Cheng!"

"He will be the savior of our desolate planet, the destined chosen one!"

"I believe in him!"

"Savior? The Chosen One?"

Baker's tone became calm again, and he looked at Zheng Cheng with calm eyes: "Zheng Cheng... Sir, Sir Shadel is a hero. Anyone who can be recognized by her will be convinced by ordinary people like us."

"I hope you can really save our home like the 'Savior' and 'Chosen One' that His Highness calls you!"

"I'll try my best." Zheng Cheng nodded and said, "By the way, you are a magician, not a hero?"

Baker shook his head and said: "Master Zheng Cheng, I am just an ordinary magician, not a hero."

"What you want to ask is probably the difference between us ordinary magicians and heroes."


(End of chapter)

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