I'm Priest, What The Hell Is Acute Gastroenteritis Fulminant Surgery?

244. Chapter 243 Fly Hero! A Long-Awaited Trump Card!

Chapter 243 Fly Hero! A long-awaited trump card!

A series of ten hellfires were summoned by Baker Roland. They were tall and powerful, with black-green lava flowing all over their bodies.

Any step on it would leave a big hole in the ground.

The blazing flames and magma rolled, and the giant flies and beasts around them all screamed and were burned to charcoal.

A group of giant flies also flew over and attacked Hellfire.

Unfortunately, Hellfire is an elemental creature, and its body is made of boulders, magma and fire.

To Hellfire, their attacks are exactly like tickling.

Instead, it was the flames and magma from the hellfire that burned these giant flies to the point of crying for their fathers and mothers.

The wings, mouthparts, and limbs couldn't withstand the flames for long.


At Baker's call, the giant fly that rushed out first resisted for less than an hour before being completely defeated.

Army, keep moving forward!


Ten hellfires opened the way, and the army of dragon knights and griffon knights behind them gradually moved forward, constantly encroaching on the giant fly's territory.

Behind the team was a formation of ten silver-backed armored dragons, guarding a tall totem.

Pillar of Life.

For this battle, Zheng Cheng even moved the Pillar of Life.

Under the light of life, as long as the head is not bitten off for a while, it can always recover.

With such continuous advancement, Zheng Cheng stepped into the depths of the mountain forest without even raising his hand!

Three days later, Zheng Cheng's large army finally encountered a tenacious attack!

A group of giant flies, as tall as a person, flew out along with densely packed other flies.

Around them, there was still an extremely dense black mist, which seemed to turn into a pitch-black ocean and sweep over them.


These giant flies are real adult giant flies, and they are born with extremely terrifying plagues.

Any creature that inhales a little bit will be infected by the plague, and then become seriously ill and die!


The vanguard under Zheng Cheng's command is protected by a penicillin phage shield.

After a wave of killing, the mage army will burn a circle with fire. All plague viruses will die!

Especially the existence of hellfire is a natural nemesis to the plague.

These days, Baker almost holds the Pillar of Life in his arms, just to maintain his spirits.

After the ten hellfires dissipate or are destroyed by suicide attacks, summon ten more!

Afterwards, large troops moved in to clear out the stray animals.

After three days of continuous fighting, Zheng Cheng's army also suffered heavy losses.

But with the protection of the Pillar of Life, he still has the strength to fight.

After killing all these giant flies, Zheng Cheng discovered something.

The number of six-star soul beasts in the Hero Altar has once again reached 10,000.

In other words, two more people can change their profession to become heroes.

"Niu Jin Dao! Yang Hou'er!"

"My subordinate is here!"

The two men, covered in blood and minced meat, rushed over and half-knelt in front of Zheng Cheng.

"The souls at the Hero Altar have been accumulated enough. It's time for the two of you to change jobs."

The two of them said in surprise: "Thank you, Lord!"

Afterwards, the two of them returned home, one riding a silver-backed armored dragon and the other riding a gryphon, to change their hero's profession.

And the large army continued to move forward.

Finally, on this day, after losing more than half of the army, they finally arrived at a huge... maggot seaside!

Looking around, the dense forest is almost filled with maggots as big as an adult's head.

They were mixed in the thick mucus, constantly surging, as if they were swimming.

As if sensing the approach of strangers, the maggots closest to the human troops immediately began to surge, crawling towards the fastest velociraptor team.

"Hurry, go and report to the lord!"

Soon, Zheng Cheng arrived here with a large army.

Sure enough, a dense sea of ​​maggots caught his eye.

It was also the first time for Zheng Cheng to see such a large scene, which was even more terrifying than the dry toilets in school when he was a child.

There was a vast expanse of white, and there were at least tens of thousands of them.

"So many bugs..."

Shadel was also startled and hugged Zheng Cheng tightly.

Zheng Cheng comforted: "Don't be afraid, these are just maggots and the larvae of giant flies. They don't pose any threat to us!"

"A fire can... burn it all down!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the maggots at the front suddenly exploded, and a large group of black tiny mosquitoes all swarmed towards Zheng Cheng and Shadel.

To be precise, it’s Zheng Cheng!

Capture the thief first and capture the king!

As long as Zheng Cheng is killed, so many human soldiers... will collapse without a fight.

However, as soon as this group of tiny flies rushed out, Zheng Cheng took a step forward, punched out, and with a flash of blue light, he immediately defeated the group of mosquitoes!

"You're the one I've been waiting for...!"

With the Central Radar Life Detection technique, Zheng Cheng has already discovered the target hiding in the sea of ​​maggots.

The hero of the fly clan!


With another punch, the figure in black who had just rushed out suddenly stopped and rose into the sky.

At the same time, he opened his mouth and spat out, and another large cloud of dense smoke composed of tiny mosquitoes and flies enveloped Zheng Cheng.

But at the same time, the cyan light on Zheng Cheng's body flashed again, scattering the mosquitoes and flies.

"How can it be!"

The figure in black roared: "You are not affected by the power of my plague. Who are you?"

"Even the magician's protective shield cannot completely seal the whole body..."

Zheng Cheng sneered, stepped forward, and rushed towards the figure in black.


The figure of the old woman in black continued to retreat, and two pairs of colorful and almost transparent wings suddenly appeared behind her at an extremely fast speed.

"Don't think that our Fly Clan is so weak. If it weren't for cultivating my most loyal children, you would have been devoured by my clan!"

"Children! Your food has arrived, wake up quickly!"


Along with her roar, the maggot sea suddenly exploded, and another giant fly rushed out.

Different from the previous black and green flies, these new flies are larger in size, their wings are colorful, and the fluff on the surface is pale gold!

"Buzz buzz..."

Under the buzz of the old woman in black, the group of giant flies rushed over immediately.


On the human camp side, Baker also roared angrily.

Arrows, flames, and strong winds exploded immediately, attacking the giant flies.

But... this is the temporary base of the Fly Clan, and the old woman in black has cultivated a large number of giant flies here.

In particular, the last group of giant flies were born from her first and grew from eating a large number of giant trees cultivated by tree shepherd Cui Xiabing.




"Kill these giant flies!"

"Buzz buzz..."

Countless giant flies collided with the griffin knight, and every moment a giant fly was penetrated by the griffin knight's weapon.

There were also many griffin knights whose heads were bitten by giant flies, and their bodies were smashed to the ground together with the gryphons.




Ten hellfires rushed toward the center of the battlefield under Baker's order, but were surrounded by hundreds of giant flies, charging at them without fear of death.

One of the fastest Hellfires was even knocked to the ground by dozens of giant flies, biting madly.

Zheng Cheng frowned. The strength of this group of giant flies far exceeded the giant flies just now.

In this case... one of the killing moves that has been prepared for a long time can be used.

He grabbed it with his backhand, and a scarlet jade pendant appeared in his hand, which he threw away.

Accompanied by faint chants, prayers and murmurs, the entire battlefield was almost enveloped in this faint scarlet light.

In an instant, a huge scarlet figure appeared in the center of the battlefield!

(End of chapter)

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