I'm Priest, What The Hell Is Acute Gastroenteritis Fulminant Surgery?

245. Chapter 244 Blood Guanyin! Two New Heroes!

Chapter 244 Blood Guanyin! Two new heroes!

Blood Guanyin!

Zheng Cheng's secret weapon only showed its ferocious fangs at this moment.

As soon as Blood Guanyin appeared, dozens of blood vessels surged out, like dozens of giant pythons, rushing into the swarm of giant flies.

Each giant fly was directly smashed into pieces, and at the same time, it was tightly trapped, and the entire body of the fly was strangled into pieces.

But these giant flies also became excited at this time. They buzzed and screamed wildly and pounced on Xue Guanyin's body and blood vessels.

Biting and devouring like crazy.

For these giant flies, the Blood Guanyin, whose whole body is composed of blood, is undoubtedly a great tonic!


The old woman in black also smiled gloomily: "For us, the Fly Clan, the power of blood will only make us stronger, even..."


Before she could finish her words, a dull sound suddenly came from the Blood Guanyin, which was already surrounded by countless giant flies.

In an instant, the gloomy and cold blood inflammation exploded and burned crazily.

The blood burned and turned into balls of sticky flames like tarsal maggots, clinging to the giant flies.

They screamed in pain, and their fragile wings and down were immediately burned to ashes.

Even the small amount of blood in the body began to burn violently.

The speed of this burning was simply unstoppable, and it spread to countless giant flies in an instant.

In just a few minutes, the entire maggot sea turned into a sea of ​​blood-red flames!

"Damn it!"

The old woman in black managed to escape the attack of a blood vessel. When she looked back, she found that most of her clan members were covered in a sea of ​​blood.

Angry, she swayed and turned into more than ten different phantoms, charging towards Zheng Cheng fiercely.

Killing this kid will prevent that weird magic item from taking effect!

In mid-air, she stretched out her hand and a black spear suddenly appeared in her hand.

His whole body and the spear in his hand almost merged into one body, shooting towards Zheng Cheng like more than ten black lightning bolts.


"It doesn't do anything to me..."

Zheng Cheng said indifferently, took a step forward and punched again!

In the Central Radar Life Detection technique, among the dozen or so figures, except for the third figure on the left, which is the real figure, the others are all false figures!


As soon as he punched out, there was even a violent and violent explosion in the air.

The spear in the black-clothed old woman's hand collided with Zheng Cheng's punch. The spear formed from its body was immediately shattered, and even hit her shoulder without losing any force!

With a "bang", the entire left arm of the old woman in black was smashed off, and her body was blown dozens of meters away. She hit a big tree hard, and black-red blood immediately flowed from her mouth. squirt.

"My lord is so strong..."

Behind Zheng Cheng, Baker and others stared at Zheng Cheng in disbelief with their eyes widened.

For more than half a month, all the wars in the homeland have been carried out by Baker, Zhang San, and Shadel, and Zheng Cheng has not taken any action.

And Baker and others don't know Zheng Cheng's true strength.

They also thought that Zheng Cheng was just a auxiliary hero who could deprive the power from the beasts and give it to them.

Unexpectedly...their lord actually has such power!

This power gave them the illusion... as if Zheng Cheng alone could kill these strange beasts!

Among them, perhaps only Shadel has a vague idea of ​​Zheng Cheng's power.

After all, not many men can last for several days in a row.

And...she had seen Zheng Cheng take action before.


Amidst countless shocked looks, a violent buzzing sound came from the sea of ​​maggots again.

Countless maggots were exploded by a burst of violent airflow, followed by a huge golden fly!

More than ten meters high, six pairs of colorful and almost transparent wings spread violently.

The most eye-catching thing is its abdomen, which seems to be transparent, revealing a scarlet light.

The huge mouthparts flowed with viscous liquid, making a series of corrosive sounds as it flowed on the ground.

At the same time, densely packed tiny flies were wandering around it, and an indescribable stench and fishy smell came in like a storm.

As for the rear, the soldiers who were not protected by the penicillin bacteriophage shield immediately became sick and retched.

Some people even fell directly to the ground, vomiting and diarrhea, which was extremely terrifying.


The giant fly roared angrily, and its huge body, instigated by its six pairs of wings, rushed over crazily.

Its bulky body makes it impossible to fly even if it has six pairs of wings!


The giant fly charged forward, and all the earth-moving dragon knights, giant flies, and even maggots that stood in front of it were knocked over by it.

At this time, it has already disowned its relatives!


The giant flies were running rampant, and even Zheng Cheng had to avoid the edge for a while.

At this moment, a figure descended from the sky and pounced viciously on the giant fly.

The weapon in his hand flashed with a cold light, and the authorities left a huge gash on the giant fly's back.

The figure flew past diagonally, and it turned out to be a huge two-headed flying dragon!

On the back of the two-headed flying dragon, there was a tall figure sitting.

The spear in his hand was flashing with dazzling golden light, and it struck the giant fly again!

Black-red blood spurted out immediately!

"Lord! Fortunately, my subordinate has lived up to his command!"

Yang Hou'er!

The person who rushed to the battlefield at this time was Yang Houer, who was ordered by Zheng Cheng to return home to accept the transfer of the Hero Altar!

The profession he changed to...Double-Headed Flying Dragon Knight!

"Lord! I'm here too!"

Another loud shout came, but Niu Jindao's figure was also seen coming from a distance at great speed.

The originally heavy iron armor of the warriors had disappeared, replaced by lighter leather armor.

The originally heavy two-handed sword was replaced by a thin long sword, but this long sword exuded strange fluctuations.

Magic Swordsman!

Niu Jin Dao actually changed his job to Magic Swordsman!

With a flash of sword light in his hand, more than ten large wind blades about one meter long gathered around him.

Under the control of Niu Jin Dao, he immediately killed the giant fly.

The sharp wind blade swept over, and the giant fly's skin was immediately torn open, and sticky blood gushes out again.

And Niu Jindao discovered something. He actually turned behind the giant fly and launched an attack on the huge and bloated abdomen of the giant fly.

Zheng Cheng looked at the two of them and nodded slightly.

Whether it is the Double-Headed Flying Dragon Knight or the Magic Swordsman, it is undoubtedly a shot in the arm for the army at this moment!

As soon as he raised his hand, two penicillin bacteriophage protective shields immediately fell on the two people, protecting them.

He grabbed it again with his backhand, and the Flower Scepter appeared in his hand again, moving a little further in the direction of the giant fly!

Three corpses and nine insects!


"Buzz buzz~!"

The giant flies kept roaring, but they were unable to do anything to Yang Houer and Niu Jindao.

Yang Hou'er has a two-headed flying dragon that flies in mid-air and cannot be attacked.

Niu Jin Dao is the Magic Swordsman. He is extremely fast and his target is small. Giant flies cannot hit him.

The angry giant fly suddenly stopped attacking, pressed its huge abdomen to the ground, and suddenly opened its mouth.

Bursts of harsh buzzing sounds came from his mouth again, and streaks of black mist visible to the naked eye and smaller flies continued to pour out.


Densely packed tiny flies flew out from the mouth of the giant fly like black clouds. After circling in the air, they immediately turned into more than ten smaller black clouds and pounced on everyone present.

Many soldiers were entangled in black clouds, and tiny flies kept biting them, and screams could not be heard.

However, the heroes under Zheng Cheng easily defeated the group of black clouds and launched another attack on the giant fly.

But at this moment, where no one was paying attention, the giant fly's body suddenly began to break.

Small milky-white insects like tentacles twisted their tiny bodies and emerged from the giant fly's body.

It can clearly feel that the power in its body is constantly passing by.

Uncontrollable itching sensations appeared on the skin, villi, mouthparts, and even in the compound eyes.

The three corpses and nine insects caused the parasites in its body!

"Buzz buzz..."

"D-Damn it! My, my power...ah...!"

(End of chapter)

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