I'm Priest, What The Hell Is Acute Gastroenteritis Fulminant Surgery?

246. Chapter 245 The Terrifying Power Of Three Corpses And Nine Insects! Skill Book!

Chapter 245 The terrifying power of three corpses and nine insects! Skill Book!

As the giant fly roared one after another, tentacle-like blood-sucking worms, flagellates and other parasites all crawled out of the giant fly's body.

Soon its body was riddled with bites, and blood and viscous liquid kept gushing out.

It roared in panic and terror, and its huge figure kept bumping and shaking, trying to get rid of the parasites on its body.

Unfortunately, these parasites have come to life and are constantly swimming and biting inside its body.

At this time, Baker and others also beat the drowned dog and began to attack continuously around the giant fly.

The giant fly still wanted to resist, but the constantly weakening strength and the violent parasites in her body made it impossible for her to exert much strength.

Finally, during an attack, its huge body hit the ground hard and lost its breath.

On the corpse, the parasite was still crawling and biting away its shell.

Baker and Shadel quickly used fire magic to burn these parasites away, revealing the burnt black bodies of the giant flies.

The giant flies around also became extremely panicked as their hero died in battle.

Some giant flies attacked and bit like crazy, while others turned around and ran away, quickly disappearing into the black mist.

In this war, the human camp still won.

It's a pity... there were heavy casualties!

Zheng Cheng could already see that there were less than a hundred Earth Dragon Knights still standing on the ground.

And there are even fewer gryphon knights who can still fly in the air!

"Zhang San! Lead people to clean up the battlefield!"

"Yes! Lord!"

"Baker! Let the logistics giant eagle knight lead the reconnaissance guard to continue the investigation forward!"

"Yes! Lord!"

Under Zheng Cheng's order, everyone began to take action again.

Niu Jindao and Yang Houer came to Zheng Cheng again and said respectfully: "I have met my lord!"

"Let's get two!"

Zheng Cheng said: "You did a good job this time."

"Thank you, Lord, for your cultivation!"

"Yang Hou'er, since the hero you transferred has the ability to fly, you will be the leader of the Griffin Knights from now on."

Yang Houer's eyes were filled with joy and he quickly said: "Thank you, Lord!"

"You go first and take the gryphon knights who can still move forward to investigate."

"Yes! Lord!"

"Niu Jindao, you and Zhang San will lead a team of dragon knights."

"Thank you, my lord!"

After the two left, Zheng Cheng's eyes flashed and he checked the specific attributes of the two after they changed jobs.

[Name: Niu Jindao]


[Race: Human race]

[Star rating: six stars]

[Occupation: Magic Swordsman]

[Level: LV15 (upper limit: LV60)]

[Recruiter: Zheng Cheng]

[Physique: 164]

[Strength: 68]

[Agility: 211]


[Morale: 100]

[Loyalty: 100]

[Hunger level: 10]

[Skill 1: Basic Knife TechniqueLV6. After years of fighting on the battlefield, he can master any knife weapon skillfully and master it completely in a very short period of time. ]

[Skill 2: Magic Aura LV1. The buff halo, centered on itself, covers a five-meter radius. You and your comrades-in-arms are within the range of the magic halo, which can enhance everyone's spirit to a certain extent and increase their mental recovery speed. ]

[Skill 3: Comrade Aura LV1. The buff halo, centered on itself, covers a five-meter radius. You and your comrades are within the range of the comrade-in-arms halo. For each additional comrade-in-arms enjoying the comrade-in-arms halo, your own basic strength increases by 1%. The current maximum increase is 5%. ]

[Skill 4: Basic wind magic LV1. You have mastered basic wind magic and can use it with sword skills to enhance the power of your skills. ]

Zheng Cheng had never expected that Niu Jindao could change his profession to Magic Swordsman. He thought that Niu Jindao would be like Zhang San and change his profession to a warrior or something like that.

did not expect……

A man as rough as Niu Jindao still has such a magical place in his heart.

As for Yang Houer, he gave himself a surprise.

[Name: Yang Houer]


[Race: Human race]

[Star rating: six stars]

[Occupation: Double-Headed Flying Dragon Knight]

[Level: LV17 (upper limit: LV60)]

[Recruiter: Zheng Cheng]

[Physique: 144]

[Strength: 56]

[Agility: 265]


[Morale: 100]

[Loyalty: 100]

[Hunger level: 0]

[Skill 1: Basic Archery LV6. Years of fighting on the battlefield have made you master extremely skilled archery, and you can easily pierce an enemy with a hundred steps. ]

[Skill 2: Spray acid LV1. Your mount, the two-headed flying dragon, can spit out a highly corrosive liquid that can easily corrode steel. ]

[Skill 3: Combat Gunnery. The art of killing and shooting, which was born out of the battlefield, requires regular practice to fully master it. ]

[Skill 4: Dragon Power (Bad). The low-quality version of Dragon Power dissipates on its own with the help of the momentum of the two-headed flying dragon, which can deter some low-star or ordinary creatures. (Note: This skill is a natural skill and cannot be upgraded. It can only be improved by increasing the biological star level)]

Looking at Yang Houer's specific attributes, Zheng Cheng was also very satisfied.

Especially the last Long Wei, although it is an inferior version, it still has a very strong effect.

An inferior version of Bawang color domineering?

It is indeed a sub-dragon creature with Dragon Race bloodline!

"Lord, do we want to move the body of this giant fly back?"

Shadel asked softly on the side, her brows filled with disgust.

The corpse of this giant fly looked so...disgusting.

"Wait a mininute."

Zheng Cheng took a step forward and slashed with his sword.

Random Dissection!

Sure enough, a warning sound came out that Zheng Cheng had been mentally prepared for.

[Skill casting failed! ]

Shaking his head, it seemed that this hero of the fly family could only become the nourishment of his homeland.

"Have people move it back and throw it directly next to the Home Crystal."

"Yes! Lord..."

"Wait a moment!"

Zheng Cheng's eyes suddenly lit up and he stopped the soldiers who were about to move the corpse of the giant fly.

In the brain of the giant fly, there is a faint black light flashing.

"This is……"

He took a step forward and picked up the weak black light.

"Skill Book?"

What appeared in his hand was a skill book shining with black light!

This skill book looks like a sheepskin scroll, with layers of complicated patterns painted on it, vaguely forming a line of weird flowers.

[Skill Book: Spreading Plague]

[Effect: Use the flesh and blood of living things to cultivate a specific plague. After spreading, it will infect the target at an extremely fast speed. According to the different attributes of the plague, the target will cause cholera, dysentery, typhoid and other diseases, and it is extremely contagious. ]

[Usage restrictions: LV60; Constitution 110, Spirit 220; limited to priests, priests, witch doctors, Gu masters and other professions. ]


Zheng Cheng's eyes flashed, and he just had the last blank skill bar left.

"Spread the plague? Can you learn it only at LV60? I just don't know. I don't know what effect this skill will have after it mutates?!"

(End of chapter)

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