I'm Priest, What The Hell Is Acute Gastroenteritis Fulminant Surgery?

Chapter 25 Invitation From The Night Watchman? The Secret Of Mutant Skills?

Chapter 25 An Invitation from the Night Watchers? The Secret of Mutant Skills?

Liang Feifan also noticed Zheng Cheng's figure at this time, and his expression immediately changed.

"Darn! This kid is here too. Let me..."

Before he could finish his sentence, a figure flashed by his side and headed towards Zheng Cheng.

"Yao Zhixue?"

He was stunned.

Yao Zhixue, why is she walking forward so quickly?

Where is she going?

To Zheng Cheng?

"This kid finally arrived!"

Suddenly, Zhao Yunxiao in front of him also smiled and said, walking towards Zheng Cheng as well.

"What's going on?"

Liang Feifan was stunned.

Not only Yao Zhixue, but even Zhao Yunxiao...

His father was also a member of the Night Watchers, but only as an ordinary member.

It took a lot of effort to make himself a reserve member of the Night Watchers.

As for Yao Zhixue, on the first day of awakening as a nine-star professional, she was absorbed into the Night Watchers.

He hurried to catch up, "Captain Zhao, do you... do you know him?"

Zhao Yunxiao glanced back at him, recalling the information he had investigated before, and smiled somewhat strangely.

"Well, you could say that I know him."

"That kid is also someone I have my eye on, but unfortunately, he refused my invitation..."


Liang Feifan was surprised, recalling his father's words.

"Xiaofan, it's a great opportunity for you to follow Captain Zhao. You must do well..."

His father had sent many gifts and favors to make him a reserve member of the Night Watchers.

But Zheng Cheng was directly invited by a captain-level person!

The captains of the Night Watchers can only be held by High Level professionals above LV30.

Each person has a direct recommendation quota every year.

They can become official members of the Night Watchers without being a reserve member.

The benefits of joining the Night Watchers are numerous!

And today, the person Zhao Yunxiao recommended is Yao Zhixue!

The position he had worked so hard for, Zheng Cheng actually refused it!

When he saw Yao Zhixue walking towards Zheng Cheng, his eyes were filled with even more anger.

"Yao Zhixue? She's here!"

"Look, she's coming towards me."

"Nonsense, she's clearly coming towards me!"

"Why doesn't she have a team?"

"Tch, she doesn't want to join our team..."

"Wow, she's so beautiful... She used to be the school flower, how did she become even more beautiful after becoming a professional?"

"Where is she going?"

In front of the instance entrance, many new professionals were discussing eagerly, all staring at Yao Zhixue.

At this time, Cai Kun also became excited, "Damn! Xiaoye, look, Yao Zhixue is coming towards us."

"Is she here to find me..."

"Get lost!"

Chen Xiao said smugly, "She must be here to find me!"

"I'm the only five-star MT in the whole school, who else would she find?"

"Hehehe, if Yao Zhixue invites me to join, should I agree or not..."

"Darn! Xiaoye, don't let your desires cloud your judgment..."

Several excited individuals were discussing, while Zheng Cheng was feeling wary.

Sure enough.

Yao Zhixue walked up to him and stopped.

"Zheng Cheng, we meet again."

"Hello, is there something you need?"

Zheng Cheng said with a forced smile.

"Damn... Brother Cheng, do you know her?"

"Why is Yao Zhixue looking for you?"

"Brother Cheng... no, Cheng Ye!"

Yao Zhixue glanced at Chen Xiao and the others, "Can we go somewhere else to talk?"


Chen Xiao and the others were even more excited.

"Quick! Cheng Ye! Let's go quickly!"

"Damn, Brother Cheng, you're really something. You've already won over Yao Zhixue so quickly!"

"Awesome! From now on, you're my Cheng Ye!"

Amidst the excitement of the group, Zheng Cheng reluctantly followed Yao Zhixue to an empty space.

And behind them, other classmates were also discussing fervently.

"Who is that?"

"Zheng Cheng from Class Four! I know him, he awakened as a one-star Priest."

"Zheng Cheng... has the skill that gives people diarrhea, right? Damn!"


Hearing the discussions behind him, Zheng Cheng also felt a headache.

He did indeed like beautiful women, but he disliked trouble even more.

And beautiful women often meant trouble.

Especially someone like Yao Zhixue, who was even more trouble!

He said helplessly, "Yao Zhixue, I promised to keep your secret. There's no need to put me on the spot."

Yao Zhixue blushed, but gritted her teeth, "I didn't come to talk about that!"

"Then what is it?"

"It was Zhi Xue who brought you here." Zhao Yunxiao walked up at this moment, grinning, "Zheng Cheng, I have high hopes for you."

"Today, I officially invite you to join our Night Watchers. What do you say?"

Zheng Cheng frowned, "Join the Night Watchers... What are the benefits?"

"As long as you join the Night Watchers, you will immediately receive the title of official professional, and the Night Watchers will cover all your expenses for the next four years of university. You will also become a civil servant of Xia Country, with the authority to investigate any criminal activities within Xia Country."

"And you will also be provided with a separate residence. Even the lowest-level member of the Night Watchers will receive a fixed monthly salary of one hundred gold coins."

"After completing missions, you will also receive bonuses from the bureau..."

Zhao Yunxiao talked at length, listing all the benefits of joining the Night Watchers.

"So many benefits?" Zheng Cheng asked.

Zhao Yunxiao nodded eagerly, "Of course, Zheng Cheng, in our Xia Country, the benefits of the Night Watchers are the best!"

Zheng Cheng smiled, "Can I refuse for now?"

"You... what? You refuse?" Zhao Yunxiao was surprised, "Why?"

"I haven't made up my mind yet. I'll let you know when I do..."

What the heck?

What does "haven't made up my mind yet" mean?

Zhao Yunxiao immediately interrupted Zheng Cheng, "Don't rush to refuse. If you join the Night Watchers and earn enough merits, the benefits you will receive will far exceed your imagination."

"Far exceed my imagination..."

Suddenly, Zheng Cheng thought of something and asked, "I want to know... Are there people in the Night Watchers with skills similar to mine?"

"A skill that gives people diarrhea?" Zhao Yunxiao's expression was somewhat strange.

"No no no..." Zheng Cheng shook his head, "It's some very special skills, ordinary professions but with very special skills. Or rather, unique..."

"Oh, that..." Zhao Yunxiao's eyes lit up, "Of course there are!"

"Every year, when we recruit members for the Night Watchers, we not only look at the star level of the profession, but also the rarity of the profession."

"For example, hidden professions and unique professions, even the lowest-level one-star professionals will be recruited."

"Professionals with special skills are also included in this category."

"Within the Night Watchers, there is also a dedicated department to study the uniqueness of these professionals and seek their secrets."

"Unfortunately, from the establishment of the Night Watchers until now, over a hundred years have passed, and nothing has been researched."

"I see..."

Zheng Cheng murmured.

He wanted to know the secret of his skill.

Is his skill unique to him alone, a mutant skill?

Or do other professionals also have this kind of mutant ability?

Seeing Zheng Cheng's silence, Zhao Yunxiao added with weight, "Joining the Night Watchers also has another benefit."

"What benefit?"

"No compulsory military service. As long as you don't want to, you won't be forced to go to the battlefield against other races."

"Of course, until now, no one in the Night Watchers has used this privilege."

"After all, for over three hundred years, the battlefield against other races has been a matter of life and death for all Blue Star people."

"As a professional, whether it's an ordinary professional or a member of the Night Watchers or the military, they should go to the battlefield against other races and contribute to the life and death of humanity."

"I'll consider it."

(End of this chapter)

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