I'm Priest, What The Hell Is Acute Gastroenteritis Fulminant Surgery?

Chapter 26 Yao Zhixue’S Joining, Liang Feifan’S Bet!

Chapter 26: Yao Zhixue's Joining, Liang Feifan's Bet!

"Alright, students! Get ready to enter the instance dungeon!"

Gao Yang called all the students over and instructed, "The Fire Rat's Nest instance dungeon has difficulty levels of normal, hard, nightmare, and hell."

"Those below six stars can only choose normal difficulty in their teams, don't be overconfident!"

"In a team with two professionals above six stars, you can choose hard difficulty."

"Three professionals above six stars can attempt nightmare difficulty."

"No one should choose hell difficulty, understood?"

Gao Yang's tone became extremely serious: "Since the birth of the Fire Rat's Nest instance dungeon, no new professionals below LV5 have ever cleared it."

"Even teams of new professionals from major cities like the Imperial Capital and Coastal City have never cleared it."

"You! Absolutely must not choose hell difficulty!"



Gao Yang's instructions were ostensibly directed at all the students, but his gaze was fixed on Yao Zhixue.

Because among the over one hundred new professionals in their school, only Yao Zhixue was qualified to challenge hell difficulty!

"Hurry, let's form teams and go in."

"Our team doesn't even have one six-star professional, forget it, let's stick to normal difficulty."

"We have Haoge with us, we can try hard difficulty."

"Forget it, I don't want to die in there."

"What's there to be afraid of? If it doesn't work out, we can quickly retreat from the battle and choose a safe place to exit the instance."

"Well... let's give it a try, the soul power given in hard difficulty is more than ten times that of normal difficulty!"

Several groups quickly reached a consensus, and Chen Xiao, Cai Kun, and Zhang Ping'an also huddled together.

"What should we do? We only have four people, can only enter normal difficulty, right?"

"I actually want to try hard difficulty."

"What about Brother Cheng, ask him what he thinks."

"Hehe, if Yao Zhixue could join our team, that would be great, I'd rather try hell difficulty!"

"Are you crazy? Didn't the teacher say that no one has cleared the Fire Rat's Nest instance dungeon on hell difficulty to this day?"

"Even a nine-star professional wouldn't make it!"

As Chen Xiao was speaking, his eyes suddenly lit up: "Brother Cheng is back! And... Yao Zhixue?"

The group quickly went to greet them.

"Brother Cheng, what were you guys talking about? It took so long?"

"Brother Cheng, which difficulty should we choose? Normal or hard?"

Zheng Cheng walked over, looking somewhat strange: "Yao Zhixue wants to join our team."


The voices of several people suddenly rose by a few decibels, drawing the attention of the surrounding new professionals.

"What's going on? What happened?"

"I heard it, Yao Zhixue wants to join Zheng Cheng's team!"

"Are you kidding me? Zheng Cheng is only a one-star Priest, and Chen Xiao is only a three to five-star Earth Knight, why...?"

"Damn it! How shallow is Yao Zhixue to be attracted by the appearance of lower-level professionals?"

Not far away, Liang Feifan also heard the discussion and was immediately infuriated.

Just as he was about to argue, he suddenly saw Zhao Yunxiao behind the group.

"Captain Zhao... could it be that this is a Night Watchman's mission?"

"Or is Captain Zhao trying to win over this Zheng Cheng!"

"Damn it...!"

Liang Feifan gritted his teeth and glared fiercely at Zheng Cheng and the others.

"Feifan, didn't you say Yao Zhixue wanted to challenge the instance alone? Why is she teaming up with Zheng Cheng and the others?"

Yang Lie asked in confusion.

The other team members, especially the newly joined Liu Siyu, also asked in surprise, "Yao Zhixue is a nine-star professional, how could she...?"

Liang Feifan snorted and said, "So what if she's a nine-star professional? She's attracted to a little white face like Zheng Cheng, how strong can she be?"

"Have you forgotten the historical records?"

"The rank of a professional does not necessarily represent the strength of the professional, but their mindset!"

"A strong person must have a mindset that is brave enough to climb, take risks, and challenge!"

"Yao Zhixue may be a nine-star professional, but her mindset is still that of an ordinary woman, actually being swayed by the appearance of lower-level professionals and willingly being driven by them."

Liang Feifan's tone changed again: "Looking back at history, there have been quite a few people who have reached the nine-star level, but how many have become the pillars of the country, or stepped into the legendary realm of strength?"

"Female professionals at the legendary level are even rarer!"

"So, what does being a nine-star professional matter?"

"As long as we work together and dare to challenge, we may not be weaker than her!"

This speech by Liang Feifan made Yang Lie and the others look at him with new respect.

Lin Jianyue even chuckled, "I didn't expect you, Liang Feifan, to have such thoughts."

Liang Feifan's eyes held some bitterness, and he thought of his father's teachings during these days, gritting his teeth: "As long as we level up as quickly as possible and become strong, what woman can't we get?"

"Even a nine-star professional, I still have a chance to surpass her..."

That's what he said, but Liang Feifan was still very angry.

His eyes quickly turned, and he soon came up with an idea.

On the other side, Zheng Cheng was also helpless about Yao Zhixue's joining.

He was indeed tempted by the Night Watchman's recruitment.

Leaving aside the benefits and treatment for now.

His most important goal was to explore the secrets of his own skills.

Was it only he who had mutant skills, or did other professionals also have them?

And the Night Watchman, as an organization that gathered most of the elite professionals in Xia Country, was undoubtedly the best choice!

Perhaps seeing his hesitation, Zhao Yunxiao strongly recommended Yao Zhixue to join this trial instance dungeon.

And Yao Zhixue readily agreed.

Zheng Cheng wanted to refuse, but when he thought of Yao Zhixue's formidable strength and the sacrifices made by his good brothers Chen Xiao, Cai Kun, and Zhang Ping'an because of him, he reluctantly agreed to it.

Soon, all the teams were ready and arrived at the entrance of the trial instance dungeon.

With the captain's choice, beams of light flashed out from the vortex, sucking the professionals in one by one.

"Brother Cheng, which difficulty should we choose?"

Because of Yao Zhixue's appearance, Chen Xiao tactfully yielded the captain's position.

Cai Kun exclaimed, "Brother Cheng, we have Yao Zhixue, should we try nightmare difficulty?"

"Nightmare difficulty..."

Zhang Ping'an's eyes were also very excited.

With Yao Zhixue joining, if they could challenge nightmare difficulty, the soul power they would gain would be enough to raise them to LV3!

"Hey! Zheng Cheng!"

Suddenly, Liang Feifan walked over with his teammates and said coldly, "Do you want to have a competition?"

"A competition? What for?"

Zheng Cheng was puzzled.

"Just to compare who can clear the instance faster!"

Liang Feifan gritted his teeth, "The difficulty of the instance, the time to clear it, whoever loses, in the future, when we meet, we'll keep our distance..."

Zheng Cheng shook his head, "How about adding a stake?"

Liang Feifan smiled, "Do you really think that having a nine-star professional makes you superior?"

"Fine! I'll compete..."

"What are you doing?"

Gao Yang walked over with a frown, "This is a time of great competition, where humans, monsters, and other races are all vying for survival. In your mouths, it has turned into a mere gambling game?"

Liang Feifan hurriedly said, "I'm sorry, Teacher Gao, I just wanted to..."

"Teacher Gao, as you said, this is a time of great competition. Liang Feifan and I are just competing!"

Zheng Cheng said, "Competing for resources, for life, for survival, and also for who can live on!"

With his four-dimensional attributes far surpassing all the new professionals, what fear did he have of a LV5 hell difficulty instance?

Gao Yang suddenly smiled, "Zheng Cheng, you're right."

"In that case, I'll be the notary for your gambling game, how about that?"


Liang Feifan felt resentful, gritted his teeth, and took out an item from his inventory, saying, "This item is called the Town Portal Scroll, it can set a town portal in the professional guild."

"As long as you are within the map marked by the Town Portal Scroll, you can instantly return to the professional guild after using it!"

"This scroll is worth 1000 gold coins!"

"This is my bet!"

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(End of this chapter)

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