I'm Priest, What The Hell Is Acute Gastroenteritis Fulminant Surgery?

Chapter 27 Scroll To Return To The City? Enter The Copy!

Chapter 27: Scroll of Return to City? Entering the Instance!

Scroll of Return to City.

It is a special item created by the collaboration of auxiliary profession Array Master and Alchemist.

It is marked with the return location, covering the city, map, and so on.

As long as it is used within the map marked on the scroll, it can instantly return to the marked city.

The Scroll of Return to City in Liang Feifan's hand is produced by the Eternal Peace City professional guild.

In other words, as long as the user is within the map around Eternal Peace City, they can instantly return to Eternal Peace City!

For wilderness professionals, it is undoubtedly a very precious item.

Speed is secondary, the most important thing is to save one's life!

"We're betting!"

The one speaking is not Zheng Cheng, but Yao Zhixue!

Everyone looked at him in surprise, only to see Yao Zhixue also taking out a bead emitting a strong icy aura.

"This is the magic core of the Silver-tier Monster, the Frost Serpent. This is our bet."

"Silver-tier Monster!"

"A Monster's magic core? It's worth at least a thousand gold coins!!"

"Wow, that's a big bet. Where did she get the Silver-tier Monster's magic core?"

"Maybe it's a school or official reward."

"That's right, she's a Nine-star professional..."

Cai Kun, Yang Lie, and others widened their eyes, especially Yang Lie, who quickly shouted, "Fei, quickly agree!"

"With this magic core, we can make a fortune..."

While the others were excitedly discussing, Liang Feifan's face was extremely ugly.

He made the bet with Zheng Cheng, not Yao Zhixue.

He did not expect Yao Zhixue to step forward.

For him, this was undoubtedly a blatant slap in the face.

He looked angrily at Zheng Cheng and gritted his teeth, "Zheng Cheng, is this your era of great contention, and a woman is taking the lead?"


Zheng Cheng chuckled, "You can find a woman too~~~"

He raised his eyebrows, causing Liang Feifan and the others to explode in anger.

Although he didn't say it explicitly, everyone present knew what he meant.

Is it because only women have the final say?

"Alright, alright..."

Liang Feifan was extremely angry but forced a smile, gritting his teeth, "I agree!"

"Teacher Gao Yang!"

Gao Yang said, "In this era of great contention, whether it's the country or the school, it encourages competition between students."

"Just like sardines, only through competition can the best individuals be born."

"But, under no circumstances should there be loss of life, understand?"

"I will keep both of these items, and I will be the judge of who wins and who loses!"


Both sides agreed, and Liang Feifan, along with Yang Lie, Zhao Yeping, and others, headed towards the entrance of the instance.

In a flash of light, the five figures immediately disappeared.

"Brother Cheng, let's go too."


Zheng Cheng and the others also headed towards the entrance of the instance.

Cai Kun frowned and said, "What should we do? Liang Feifan and the others will definitely choose Nightmare difficulty. Do we really have to challenge Nightmare difficulty?"

Chen Xiao furrowed his brow, "What's there to be afraid of? It's just Nightmare difficulty. We have Yao Zhixue... um..."

Cai Kun shrugged, "With just Yao Zhixue, are we four just tagging along?"

"Damn it..."

Behind them, Zheng Cheng also said, "Thank you for this."

Yao Zhixue didn't mind, "It's okay, I also want to take this opportunity to get rid of Liang Feifan."

"After all, we are colleagues, and I don't want to embarrass the captain and the others."

"Night's Watch, right?"

Zheng Cheng asked, "Why did you join the Night's Watch?"

Yao Zhixue's eyes flashed, "It's a secret."

Soon, the group arrived at the entrance of the instance.

"Brother Cheng, let's choose Nightmare difficulty. We are ready!"

Chen Xiao and the others gritted their teeth, with a look of determination on their faces.

"Brother Cheng! After we enter, if you and Zhang Ping'an feel that something is wrong, quickly leave the instance."

"I can also help Xiao Ge and Yao Zhixue scout..."

Zheng Cheng was speechless, reached out to touch the instance vortex, and soon received a message in his mind.

[Instance: Fire Rat's Nest]

[Level: LV5 (limited to those below LV5)]

[Number of participants: 5]

[Please select difficulty: Normal, Hard, Nightmare, Hell]

Looking at the four difficulties, Zheng Cheng decisively pressed... Hell difficulty!


[Difficulty selection completed!]

[Current instance: Fire Rat's Nest, limited to those below LV5, limited to a 5-person team.]

[Instance difficulty: Hell level.]


Mechanical prompts sounded in the minds of Zheng Cheng and the others.

The light flashed, enveloping all of them.

Chen Xiao, Cai Kun, and Zhang Ping'an looked extremely excited.

Surprised, incredulous, and somewhat dazed.


"Brother Cheng! Hell difficulty!"


Just as the scream rang out, the five figures disappeared.

Outside the instance, Gao Yang's face also changed suddenly, and he quickly ran over.

[Reminder: Your level is higher than LV5, you cannot enter the instance of Fire Rat's Nest.]

"Damn it!"

Gao Yang cursed, "Hell difficulty! Who let him choose Hell difficulty!"

"Come out! Quickly, before encountering enemies, come out...!"

"It's over..."


This is a sparsely vegetated wilderness with hundreds of undulating hills.

The soil and rubble on the ground are a dark red color, emitting a sulfur-like smell.

The surrounding air is also filled with a wave of heat.

Below the hills, there are numerous cave openings.

Some of these openings are only one or two meters high, while others are more than ten meters high, resembling huge mouths.

Inside the caves, there are hundreds of winding passages, forming a huge maze.

At the cave entrance, five rays of light flickered in succession, revealing the figures of Zheng Cheng and the others.


Cai Kun was still screaming when Chen Xiao slapped him on the head.

"Stop shouting!"

"We're in!"

Cai Kun stopped and looked around at the surroundings and the prompts in his mind, immediately saying with a mournful face, "It's over! Brother Cheng! This is Hell-level difficulty... why did you choose this difficulty?"

"Was it a slip of the hand?"

Chen Xiao also asked in surprise, "Brother Cheng, this is Hell difficulty. Can we rely solely on Yao Zhixue?"

Zheng Cheng shook his head, "Don't worry, since I chose Hell difficulty, I am confident."

"It's not just because of Yao Zhixue."


"If it really doesn't work, you can choose to leave the instance at this time."

"What are you saying, Brother Cheng." Chen Xiao immediately said, "We are brothers, of course we will accompany you."

"It's just the Hell difficulty of the Fire Rat's Nest, what's there to be afraid of!"

"If Brother Cheng's control skills can be effective against the instance monsters, we can steadily advance and maybe even succeed!"

As he spoke, he patted Cai Kun.

Cai Kun also gritted his teeth and said, "That's right! I'm not afraid..."

While speaking, he looked around nervously.

Zhang Ping'an also looked grim, took a deep breath, and said, "Let's first see the monsters."

"I'll create some plant essence for you. If we encounter danger, we can leave the instance..."

The last sentence revealed his fear.

Yao Zhixue took a deep breath, "Don't worry, if we really encounter danger, I will fight for time for you to leave the instance."

"Let's first lure out a monster to test its strength..."

(End of this chapter)

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