I'm Priest, What The Hell Is Acute Gastroenteritis Fulminant Surgery?

Chapter 30 Brother Cheng, Since When Did You Hold It In Your Mouth Like This?

Chapter 30 Brother Cheng, when did you become so awesome?

"Brother Cheng, when did you become so awesome?"

"Did I one-shot the Fire Rat?"

Zheng Cheng swung his knife and said, "Impossible! You guys had already weakened it, that's why I was able to one-shot it."


Chen Xiao was somewhat skeptical but didn't take it to heart.

"Wow, Brother Cheng is amazing! One-shotting the Fire Rat!"

Cai Shen also descended from the sky, his large frame leaning in.

"I just checked, I got 5 soul points, how about you guys?"

"I got 6."

Zhang Ping'an said with a bitter face, "I only got 1."

Yao Zhixue also walked over and said, "I got 5 too."

Zheng Cheng glanced at his personal panel and said, "You guys are about the same, maybe because I made the final blow, I got 11 points."

"So, if we team up to kill about twenty more Fire Rats, we can level up?"


"Wait, after the Fire Rat dies, let's check its basic attributes first."


Chen Xiao ran up and squatted in front of the Fire Rat's corpse, checking its attributes.

All monsters in the wild and in dungeons can be checked by professionals for their attributes, including name, species, level, four-dimensional attributes, skills, and so on. Of course, the greater the level difference, the less information can be obtained. There are also some auxiliary skills that can provide specific information about the target. After the monster dies, all professionals can check their information.

Soon, Chen Xiao stood up and said, "I've sent the specific information of the Fire Rat to the team channel, take a look."

[Name: Fire Rat]

[Species: Fire Rat]

[Level: LV3]

[Constitution: 8]

[Strength: 11]

[Agility: 15]

[Spirit: 4]


Cai Shen exclaimed, "Both strength and agility have exceeded 10 points, high attack and high defense, this is so powerful!"

Chen Xiao also shook his head and said, "It's only LV3, but its four-dimensional attributes far exceed ours. It truly lives up to its hell-level difficulty..."

Zhang Ping'an whispered, "Should we... retreat first? If even the small monsters are this powerful, what about the boss?"

Looking at the Fire Rat's attributes, Zheng Cheng had no reaction.

Is that all?

No wonder he was able to one-shot the Fire Rat.

The total sum of his four-dimensional attributes was enough to rival a nine-star professional at LV10.

For him, the Fire Rat's Nest dungeon, whether on normal or hell difficulty, posed no challenge at all!

"Be careful!"

Yao Zhixue suddenly spoke, looking towards a distance.

The others also subconsciously looked over.

They saw seven or eight large heads of Fire Rats poking out of the entrance of the Fire Rat's Nest. Their noses were carefully sniffing the air, as if discerning the scent in the air.

The scent of blood!

The group subconsciously looked at the corpses in front of them.

"Squeak squeak...!"

"Squeak squeak~"

The chaotic rat cries rang out, and the seven or eight Fire Rats immediately charged towards them.

"Darn! There are so many!"

"Brother Cheng! Retreat from the dungeon quickly!"

"No! We're still in combat..."

Seeing the others starting to retreat, Zheng Cheng stepped forward and stood in front of them.

"Brother Cheng?"

Facing the seven or eight Fire Rats, Zheng Cheng showed no fear and reached out towards them with a sudden grab!

Acute Gastroenteritis Instant Burst!

Three strange mental fluctuations immediately hit the three fastest Fire Rats!

"Squeak squeak~~~"

Almost instantly, the three fastest Fire Rats began to cry out strangely. Their bellies suddenly swelled, and a viscous liquid sprayed out, directly drenching the Fire Rats behind them.

The feces of rodent creatures are usually in granular form. However, under the effect of Zheng Cheng's Acute Gastroenteritis Instant Burst, it turned into diarrhea!

One of the Fire Rats screamed in agony, leaping up with viscous liquid mixed with dark red blood. Its originally galloping body immediately collapsed to the ground, shaking violently all over, as it was fiercely hit by the other Fire Rats.

Anal fissure!

Bleeding state!

Intense pain!

This immediately rendered the Fire Rat unable to fight, and the other two Fire Rats also had greatly reduced combat power.

"Darn! Brother Cheng is amazing!"

"Brother Cheng's skills even work on Fire Rats!"

"Powerful AOE control! We have a chance~"

The group became excited again. Zheng Cheng's Acute Gastroenteritis Instant Burst had immediately disabled half of the Fire Rats!


"Swoosh swoosh!"

At this moment, Yao Zhixue shot out three ice blades from behind, injuring the other three Fire Rats and freezing them at the same time.


Zheng Cheng shouted and charged towards the remaining Fire Rats.

With a single blow, he once again killed one of the Fire Rats!

"Darn! When did Brother Cheng become so awesome?"

"Another one-shot? Is this Fire Rat so weak?"

The group excitedly discussed.

Under Zheng Cheng's stimulation, they also transformed into war gods and rushed towards the remaining Fire Rats, slashing with their knives and scratching with their claws.

At this moment, it was also thanks to Zheng Cheng's presence that he blocked the Fire Rats' counterattacks, allowing Chen Xiao and the others to fight freely. Behind them, Yao Zhixue also shot out ice blades, easily tearing the Fire Rats' skin, inflicting severe injuries while freezing their movements.

Under Yao Zhixue's ice blades, the flames spewed by these Fire Rats posed no threat at all.

In just a few minutes, they had killed all the remaining Fire Rats.

"Haha! We did it! We're still very powerful!"

"Haha~ Of course! With me, Brother Ji, here, these little rats... darn, I mean, with me, God Ji!"

"I have 21 soul points, I'm about to level up!"

Zhang Ping'an excitedly shouted, and the others quickly checked their soul points.

"I have 32 points!"

"I have 35!"

"We're about to level up! Haha..."

"By the way, Brother Cheng, how many points do you have?"

Zheng Cheng glanced at his personal panel and said, "I have about the same as you guys, 28 points!"

During the recent battle, he had been taking care of Chen Xiao and the others, so he didn't receive many soul points.

"And you, Yao Zhixue?"

Yao Zhixue's beautiful eyes flashed as she said, "59 points."

"Darn! So fast!"

"If we encounter a few more Fire Rats, Yao Zhixue will level up!"

"This is what a nine-star professional looks like, so powerful!"

"High risk, high return. The soul points given by the hell-level difficulty dungeon are really a lot!"

"It's a pity we didn't get any equipment..."

"These are not humanoid monsters, at most they drop materials, where would the equipment come from?"

"That's true..."

The group excitedly discussed.

At this moment, they had completely lost their fear of the hell-level dungeon and were instead eager to try it out.

The Fire Rat's Nest at hell difficulty wasn't that difficult after all!

They couldn't understand what those professionals before them were afraid of!

Cai Shen raised his long head and said, "Haha~ are we going in again?"

"I think I can take on a Fire Rat by myself!"

Chen Xiao exclaimed, "Let's go in! With Brother Cheng and Yao Zhixue, we can definitely clear this hell-level Fire Rat's Nest!"

"Then let's go~!"

Zhang Ping'an distributed a Grass Essence to each of them, "Come on, have some red first, let's take it slow~"

While the others walked towards the Fire Rat's Nest, Zheng Cheng stayed behind.

With a flash of his long knife, he chopped at the Fire Rat's corpse on the ground.

Random Dissection!

(End of chapter)

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