I'm Priest, What The Hell Is Acute Gastroenteritis Fulminant Surgery?

Chapter 31 Selling Roasted Fire Rats! One For Three Yuan, Three For Ten Yuan!

Chapter 31: Selling Roasted Fire Rats! Three yuan each, ten yuan for three!

Fire rat's nest.

Nightmare difficulty.

"Wind Blade Slash!"


Liang Feifan's long sword shot out a wind blade over half a meter long, immediately cutting a wound on a severely injured fire rat.

"Squeak squeak squeak~~!!"

The fire rat let out an angry cry and counterattacked, pouncing on Liang Feifan.

Its sharp fangs viciously bit into his arm.

"Ah... damn it!"

"Quick, finish it off!"

Liang Feifan screamed in agony as Zhao Ye Ping slashed his sword, finally beheading the fire rat.

"Damn it!"

Liang Feifan sat on the ground, cursing.

He was covered in blood, especially the wound on his arm, looking extremely miserable.

Beside them were the bodies of three other fire rats.

"Fan, do we continue?" Yang Lie also walked over, looking somewhat grim.

After the four of them entered the nightmare-level difficulty, they only managed to kill one fire rat.

After that, five fire rats suddenly rushed out.

The entire team immediately fell apart.

Lin Jianyue couldn't hold on and directly left the team, escaping from the instance.

The remaining four struggled to resist and finally killed these fire rats.

"Of course, we continue!"

Liang Feifan cursed under his breath, "We've come this far, there's simply no possibility of retreat!"

"Unfortunately, the monsters here are all fire attribute, so my skills are not very effective..."

Yang Lie shook his head, "Otherwise, I would have roasted them into rat kebabs long ago!"

Liang Feifan took a deep breath, enduring the intense pain in his arm, and gritted his teeth, "Brothers, don't worry."

"Killing one fire rat gives each of us 5-8 soul points. If we kill at least a dozen more, we can level up!"

"As long as we level up, our attributes will increase by several points! We'll fight to improve!"

"We will eventually conquer this instance!"


After exchanging glances, the others nodded, "Alright, let's give it another try!"

"Be careful this time, only lure two fire rats at most each time, otherwise we'll have to retreat."

"Wait until we level up!"



[Skill successfully cast!]

[You obtained ingredient: Fire Rat Tail.]

[Item: Fire Rat Tail]

[Quality: One star]

[Effect: Eating it permanently increases agility by 1 point, limited to 30 tails. Flame resistance permanently increases by 1%.]

[Description: Fire Rat Tail, cooked! Roast yourself! Three yuan each, ten yuan for three!]

Looking at the suddenly appearing fire rat tail in his hand, about four to five centimeters long and emitting a roasted meat fragrance, Zheng Cheng's mouth twitched involuntarily.

Roasted fire rat tail?

And it's cooked?

Permanently increases agility by 1 point?

"Rat meat..."

In his previous life, he had been to Guangdong Province and had tried rat meat on a friend's recommendation.

To be honest, as long as he overcame the psychological discomfort.

Rat meat, still... not tasty!

However, looking at the special properties of the fire rat tail, he still frowned and took a bite!


"Tastes good, a bit like spicy strips~"

A surge of heat rose, and his agility attribute quickly increased by 1 point, reaching 5 points!

Taking advantage of this opportunity, he dissected the bodies of the other fire rats.

Unfortunately, he didn't find a single fire rat tail.

After all, fire rats were LV3 monsters, and the probability of obtaining special ingredients was obviously lower than that of ordinary poultry and livestock.

Yao Zhixue turned around strangely and asked, "Zheng Cheng, what are you eating?"


Zheng Cheng wiped his mouth and caught up.

The matter of dissecting special ingredients with Random Dissection was his biggest secret, and of course, he couldn't tell anyone.

Not even Chen Xiao or Cai Shen.


When he becomes a true powerhouse, at least at the epic or Legendary Level, can he reveal it!

The innocent are innocent, but those with a treasure are guilty!

The group gradually approached the entrance of the fire rat's nest, and Zheng Cheng took the lead in the team.

His physique was as high as 64 points, like wearing three sets of Rogue Armor.

No matter how these fire rats scratched and clawed, they couldn't hurt him at all!

Chen Xiao asked in surprise, "Brother Cheng, we've been walking for so long, why haven't we seen any fire rats?"

Cai Shen, who was beside him, interrupted, "You jinx, don't say anything, I..."

"Squeak squeak squeak~~~"

"Damn it!"

From the distant cave, there immediately came a series of rat cries.

Just from the sound, there were at least ten of them.


"Quick, lure them out..."

Chen Xiao and the others were immediately anxious, but Zheng Cheng said in a low voice, "Don't panic!"

He looked around and suddenly brightened, "Go there!"

Zheng Cheng pointed in a direction, which turned out to be a large pit in the cave.

It was concave in the middle, like an upright large pit, with walls on both sides.

The entrance could only accommodate one person, somewhat like a mine entrance blown up by a bomb.

"Get in!"

"Hurry in!"

The group's eyes lit up and they quickly ran in.

"I'll block the entrance! You guys kill the monsters behind me..."

Chen Xiao had just shouted when Zheng Cheng kicked him in.

"Stop talking nonsense, I'll block the entrance!"

"Give me your shield!"

Chen Xiao handed the shield to Zheng Cheng, worried, "Brother Cheng, don't show off. I'm the knight with 9 points of physique..."

Zheng Cheng decisively said, "I'll give it back to you later!"

"Squeak squeak squeak~~!!"

At this moment, the dozen or so fire rats had already rushed over.

Zheng Cheng inserted the shield into the ground and immediately threw an Acute Gastroenteritis Instant Burst.

"Squeak squeak squeak~!"

The fastest three fire rats were immediately hit, screaming and falling to the ground.


Zheng Cheng's eyes lit up.

All three fire rats, with ruptured anuses?

Taking advantage of this opportunity, he wielded his long knife and directly killed the first fire rat.


"Swoosh swoosh!"

Three ice blades shot out, piercing into the group of rats and freezing a large number of fire rats.

Even so, these fire rats still charged madly at Zheng Cheng and the others.

Especially with the stimulation of blood, flesh, and corpses, these fire rats became even more frenzied.


Zheng Cheng stood at the entrance like a rock, not retreating no matter how the waves crashed.

With each strike, he could kill a fire rat.

And these fire rats couldn't break through his defense at all.

After about ten seconds, another Acute Gastroenteritis Instant Burst fell into the group of rats.

Another three fire rats screamed and fell to the ground, their viscous fluid spraying all over.

Three ice blades followed, freezing the restless group of fire rats in place.

During the melee, he took the opportunity to wound one fire rat, letting it slip into the entrance for Chen Xiao and the others to kill.

"Haha! This is so satisfying!"

"Brother Cheng, you're amazing! So many fire rats can't break your defense!"

"Another one came in, quickly kill it!"


"Click click..."

The group's expressions suddenly changed as they looked at the shield in Zheng Cheng's hand.

With the fire rats' attacks, the whiteboard shield finally couldn't hold up, its durability exhausted and about to be damaged!

Without the shield to block, Zheng Cheng alone couldn't stop so many fire rats.

"Squeak squeak squeak~~!!!"

At this moment, another wave of fire rats emerged from the distant cave.

This batch of fire rats was even larger, with eyes like red gemstones, obviously elite monsters!

"Squeak squeak squeak~~!!!"

(End of this chapter)

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