Chapter 33: Yao Zhixue's Abilities!


Inside the fire rat's nest, Zheng Cheng and Yao Zhixue encountered another group of elite fire rats.

These elite fire rats were hiding in the darkness and suddenly pounced on them as they passed by.

Fortunately, Zheng Cheng reacted quickly and kicked the elite fire rat that pounced from above, sending it flying.

"Squeak squeak squeak~"

At the same time, another group of elite fire rats rushed towards them in the dim nest.

"I'll hold them off! You attack when you get a chance!" Zheng Cheng ordered, wielding his long knife and charging forward.

With a physique of up to 64 points, these elite fire rats couldn't even break through his defense.

Like a tiger among sheep, he often killed an elite fire rat with a single blow.

Meanwhile, Yao Zhixue, with her beautiful eyes, shot out ice blades in succession.

Working together, they easily slaughtered this wave of elite fire rats in less than ten minutes.

"Let's keep going!" Zheng Cheng said, "The temperature around us is getting higher. We're getting close to the BOSS!"

Suddenly, Cai Shen behind them exclaimed, "Wow! My soul power has increased!"

"Mine too, one point of soul power at a time..."

"It's Brother Cheng and Yao Zhixue! They're killing fire rats..."

"We're still in a team, so we'll get a share of the soul power from the monsters Brother Cheng and Yao Zhixue kill."

"Sob sob, this is what brotherhood is all about..."


In front of a large cave entrance, there were seven or eight fire rats, each about half the height of a person.

Their tails emitted a halo of flames.

Upon spotting Zheng Cheng and Yao Zhixue, they immediately lunged towards them, and halfway there, a barrage of fire arrows rained down on them.

"Shoo...!" Yao Zhixue quickly raised her hand, and a surge of cold air formed a huge ice wall in front of them, blocking the fiery arrow rain.

Zheng Cheng asked curiously, "Yao Zhixue, what exactly is your novice skill?"

"Ice blades? Ice wall? And that little snowman from before..."

Yao Zhixue hesitated for a moment before speaking, "My basic skill is ice element manipulation, which allows me to form any form of attack using ice elements."

"Those ice blades and ice walls are not skills, but forms of attack..."

"I see..." Zheng Cheng nodded. No wonder Yao Zhixue had so many different ways of attacking. He had thought Yao Zhixue, like him, had two novice skills.

Taking advantage of the burning fire arrows, Zheng Cheng stepped forward and charged at the fire rats.

In the fire rat's nest, he had already eaten 12 roasted fire rat tails.

His agility attribute had reached 16 points!

This attribute already exceeded the agility points of the fire rats!

With a flicker, Zheng Cheng's figure appeared in front of the lead fire rat.

Before it could react, his long knife had already stabbed into its mouth and pierced through the back of its head!


The fire rat let out a cry, trembled all over, blood sprayed out, and it stopped moving.

In a flash, the attributes of this dead rat appeared before them.

[Name: Flame Rat]

[Species: Fire Rat]

[Level: LV5]

[Physique: 12]

[Strength: 14]

[Agility: 15]

[Spirit: 8]

"Hmm? The flame rat's physique and strength have been enhanced... and its spirit too!"

"Has the power of the flame skill also been enhanced?"

"Unfortunately... my flame resistance is also at 12%!"

Twisting his waist, he dodged the attack of the second flame rat.

At that moment, Yao Zhixue's ice blade shot out and firmly pierced the back of this flame rat.


The flame rat let out a miserable cry.

They were fire attribute creatures, and Yao Zhixue's ice blade was undoubtedly their natural enemy!

With a backhand strike, he beheaded the flame rat.

Another roasted fire rat tail.

He quickly consumed it, and his agility attribute increased by 1 point again!

With Yao Zhixue's assistance, the agility attribute of the flame rats was greatly reduced.

Meanwhile, Zheng Cheng moved among the flame rats like a dragon in the sea, continuously slaying them!

Three roasted fire rat tails consumed, agility attribute +3!

After killing these flame rats, his level immediately rose to LV4!

Even Yao Zhixue also rose to LV3!

The entrance to a cave, taller than a person, appeared before them.

Zheng Cheng took the lead and stepped in.

Yao Zhixue followed closely behind.


Before them was a spacious square.

The walls around the square were smooth, characteristic of the crystal mine.

In the center of the square, a creature with a rat head and human body was crouching, devouring a human corpse!

Rat-headed human body?

A humanoid species?!

Their eyes changed, and they immediately captured some information about this BOSS.

[Name: ?????]

[Species: Fire Ratman]

[Level: LV10]

[Physique: ?]

[Strength: ?]

[Agility: ?]

[Spirit: 15]

A series of question marks appeared before them.

Except for the 15 points in spirit, all other attributes were marked with question marks!

This meant that the level of this ratman BOSS was at least Level 10, beyond what they could currently view!


The ratman also sensed the presence of intruders and suddenly lifted its rat head.

Its thick beard was mixed with a lot of blood and flesh.

With its scream, the surrounding fire rats, which were feasting on the human corpse, immediately lunged towards them.

"Yao Zhixue!"

"Here I come!"

Before entering the cave, the two had already discussed their tactics.

Yao Zhixue's hands suddenly emitted a bright light from her snow-colored pupils.

At the same time, a small snowman with wings flew out from Yao Zhixue's body.

With a giggling sound, a large amount of snowflakes and cold air surged out, instantly enveloping the entire cave.

"It's somewhat like a natural armor... yet not quite. This is freaking alive!" Zheng Cheng's tone was somewhat strange, but he took the opportunity to attack the fire rats!

The fire rat clan all detested or feared ice energy by nature.

At this moment, under the cover of the large amount of ice mist, their speed and fire magic abilities were weakened several times over!

Zheng Cheng's figure flashed, and he immediately charged into the group of fire rats.


The lead fire rat let out a fierce roar and bit towards Zheng Cheng!

However, due to the surrounding cold mist, the speed of this fire rat had been reduced by at least three levels!


With a roar, Zheng Cheng's hands exerted force, and his blade went straight into the mouth of the fire rat.

The entire back of the fire rat's head was sliced off!

"Snow, let's work together and not underestimate that guy!"

"Chirp chirp chirp?"

The snowman named Snow tilted its head and then waved the miniature staff in its hand.

A large amount of ice mist gathered again, turning into a series of long needles entirely made of ice.



"Swoosh swoosh...!"

In an instant, at least hundreds of ice needles shot towards the group of fire rats in the distance.


During the new book period, it's very important to catch up on reading data. I hope all my dear readers can catch up to the latest chapter!

(End of this chapter)

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