I'm Priest, What The Hell Is Acute Gastroenteritis Fulminant Surgery?

Chapter 34 Boss: Family Members, Who Understands!

Chapter 34 BOSS: Family, who understands~!

Ice needles fell from the sky, immediately enveloping these flame rats.

Under the attack of Yao Zhixue and the mysterious creatures she summoned, it was easy to penetrate the fur of these flame rats, splattering blood and flesh.

As the chill set in, the movement speed of these flame rats plummeted.

"Well done!" Zheng Cheng praised, then lunged forward.

Relying solely on agility and strength, he was able to crush these flame rats.

Watching Zheng Cheng, who was displaying his might in the midst of the rat swarm, Yao Zhixue could hardly believe her eyes.

What's going on?

A Priest... wielding a big cleaver and charging in and out of the monster group?

Is this really a Priest?!

More like a butcher!


Suddenly, the fire rat man in the distance moved.

It seemed as if he knew that after his lackeys were killed, he would have to face Zheng Cheng and Yao Zhixue alone.

While his lackeys were still around, he actually drew out a... bone staff from his waist!

A fiery red bone staff!

"Squeak squeak squeak~!"

A strange cry came from the fire rat man's mouth.

The fiery red bone staff in his hand also emitted a red halo.

In an instant, the three flame rats that were originally attacking Zheng Cheng went crazy.

Their fur exploded, their pupils turned red, and blood gushed around their sharp teeth.

Facing Zheng Cheng's attack, they actually charged forward without dodging.

Zheng Cheng chopped down, killing the first crazed flame rat.

But the other two pounced at this opportunity.

"Darn it! The BOSS is a mage!" Zheng Cheng cursed inwardly. What's going on with these flame rats? Why did their speed suddenly skyrocket?

Bloodthirsty technique?

Berserk technique?

Among all the BOSSes, the long-range spellcaster type is the most difficult to deal with.

They use their subordinates and lackeys to trap professionals, then unleash their own attacks from behind.

Easily crushing the professionals.

Even the entire professional team.

No wonder the Flame Rat's Nest, a hell-level difficulty dungeon, is so hard to pass.

A long-range spellcaster BOSS is enough to take out half of the team!


As he retreated, Yao Zhixue raised her hand again, and a wall of ice suddenly rose from the ground.

The two charging flame rats crashed into it immediately.

"Squeak squeak~!"

Not far away, the fire rat man raised his staff again.

Three flame rats let out a cry, their bodies enlarged, their speed restored, and they charged towards Zheng Cheng like three electric cars.


Almost simultaneously, they started burning a pale blue flame, making their figures look ghostly.

One flame rat was the fastest, its sharp claws aiming for Zheng Cheng's chest.

Zheng Cheng took a deep breath, grabbed the ice wall with one hand, and leaped onto it.

With a backhand swing, he plunged his blade straight into the flame rat's head!


The flame rat let out a cry and died on the spot.

But Zheng Cheng's hand trembled, and his head felt like it was being pricked by needles, almost causing him to stumble and fall.

"Zheng Cheng!"

Yao Zhixue exclaimed, and the snowman beside her waved her hand, conjuring a blizzard that immediately knocked down the two flame rats that had taken the opportunity to pounce.

"I'm fine!" Zheng Cheng shouted, "Don't come over, there's something fishy about this pale blue flame!"

In the blizzard, Zheng Cheng dismembered the flame rats with a backhand swing, and once again obtained a roasted flame rat tail.

Agility +1!

By now, he had already consumed 16 roasted flame rat tails.

His agility attribute had reached 20 points!

After all, this was a crystal mine, and the blizzard only lasted for a few moments before dissipating.

But Zheng Cheng's eyes were fixed on the fire rat man not far away.

Beside him were two larger flame rat guards.

"Shoot the horse first, capture the king!"

He muttered to himself, taking advantage of the height of the ice wall and charging towards the fire rat man.

With 20 points in agility, his speed far surpassed that of these flame rats.

He almost turned into a phantom and dashed more than ten meters in an instant.


The fire rat man also noticed Zheng Cheng's actions and immediately let out a cry. The two guards who were protecting him rushed towards him without regard for their lives.

But he quickly retreated.

Leveraging the innate agility of the fire rat clan, his speed was actually quite fast.

As he retreated, he raised his hand.

The two charging flame rats grew in size, and once again, their bodies were engulfed in a pale blue flame.

"Darn it!"

Seeing this scene, Zheng Cheng cursed inwardly, "Are they kiting me?"

His figure suddenly stopped, and as the two flame rats pounced, he immediately raised his hand!

Acute Gastroenteritis Instant Burst!


"Puff puff!!"

"Squeak squeak~!!!"

Almost instantly, the flame rats that were charging towards him, with fur exploding and still burning with a pale blue flame, spewed out a large amount of black-red liquid from their hindquarters.

The crimson blood gushed out like a fountain, covering the ground.

The two flame rats immediately collapsed, convulsing violently.

Their lower bodies were a mess, a gruesome sight.


Zheng Cheng looked puzzled, "Why are the reactions of these two flame rats so intense?"

"I see... the fire rat man BOSS's skill should be something like Bloodthirsty Technique, which accelerates the blood flow in the lackeys' bodies to increase their speed and attack power."

"But with the accelerated blood flow, it's just the catalyst my Acute Gastroenteritis Instant Burst needs..."

"Torn anus..."


As the thought occurred to him, the fire rat man who had been running frantically in the distance also let out a miserable cry.

His lower body also spewed out black-red liquid, and his thin legs trembled violently.

With every step, a pool of blood flowed out, and he hunched over, looking like an old man.

He propped himself against the wall with one hand and glared fiercely at Zheng Cheng.

From Zheng Cheng's perspective, he could even see tears in the fire rat man's eyes.

Family, who understands, I was just eating hotpot and singing, and suddenly the bandits raided our lair!

So unfair!

Seeing that damned human chasing after him again, he hurriedly turned to escape.

But as soon as he took a step, the tearing pain in his lower body made him stumble and fall to the ground.


"Squeak squeak~!"

With the continuous gush of viscous liquid, the tearing pain in his lower body surged like a tide, wave after wave.

His whole body began to tremble violently, and he couldn't even move his fingers.


He cried out again, but found that the damned human had already run up to him.

A big knife swung straight towards his head!


As the intense pain struck, the fire rat man twitched again.

"Kiting me! You're kiting me!"

Zheng Cheng swung his blade at the fire rat man's head again and again, until he finally killed the BOSS for real.

A large mass of pitch-black soul power surged out of his body and rushed into Zheng Cheng's body!

[You have killed the Fire Rat Man Preparatory Sacrifice and gained 450 soul power!]

[Your team has killed the final BOSS of the Flame Rat's Nest and completed Main Quest 1!]

[Your team has killed the final BOSS of the Flame Rat's Nest and will be teleported out of the dungeon in 30 minutes!]

Just to clarify, some readers in the comments mentioned plagiarism. This book is also mine, and it only uses the same skill setting. The rest of the plot and content are completely different.

Can't my mage use Fireball if yours can?

For those who accuse me of plagiarism, could you please read a few more chapters?

(End of chapter)

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