I'm Priest, What The Hell Is Acute Gastroenteritis Fulminant Surgery?

Chapter 35 Yao Zhixue’S Profession, Equipment Drops

Chapter 35 Yao Zhixue's profession, dropped equipment

"The BOSS is dead already?"

Zheng Cheng murmured, subconsciously glancing at his own level.

LV4 (658/1000)!

Killing this BOSS, he gained a full 450 soul power, a significant increase.

He was only a little over 300 soul power away from reaching LV5.

"The Fire Rat's Nest is a LV5 trial dungeon. Once the level exceeds LV5, it can't be entered again..."



Suddenly, a distant explosion was heard, and when he turned around, he saw Yao Zhixue being chased by several Flame Rats.

She retreated while shooting out ice blades and ice walls to block the Flame Rats from getting closer.

In the air in front of her, the little snowman also blushed and waved a miniature ice and snow wand, shooting ice needles at the Flame Rats.

When Zheng Cheng broke free from the Flame Rats chasing the Fire Rat BOSS, they all rushed towards Yao Zhixue!

Yao Zhixue was tough too, being besieged by so many Flame Rats, yet not a sound was heard from her.

"Hold on, I'm coming!"

Zheng Cheng casually slashed at the Fire Rat BOSS.

Random Dissection!

A thick Flame Rat tail appeared in his hand.

As thick as a thumb, about ten centimeters long.

"Damn! So long?"

Zheng Cheng exclaimed, immediately discerning the attributes of this Flame Rat tail.

[Skill successfully executed!]

[You have obtained ingredient: Flame Rat King Tail.]

[Item: Flame Rat King Tail]

[Quality: Two stars]

[Effect: Consuming it permanently increases agility by 2 points, limited to 20 uses.]

[Explanation: Flame Rat King Tail, cooked! Slightly tastier than ordinary Flame Rats!]

"A two-star ingredient? Adds two points to agility?"

Zheng Cheng's eyes lit up, and he immediately stuffed the roasted Flame Rat King Tail into his mouth.

Agility +2!

He then abandoned the Fire Rat BOSS's body and rushed towards Yao Zhixue.

He kicked a Flame Rat to the ground with one foot.

Now his agility attribute had reached 22 points, enough to crush this group of ordinary Flame Rats.

He slashed down, but only severed their claws, not killing them.

Yao Zhixue quickly noticed something was amiss, "Zheng Cheng, what are you doing..."

"I'm about to level up, and I won't be able to enter once I exceed LV5," Zheng Cheng explained, "I want to go in again."

"I see..."

Yao Zhixue's eyes lit up, and she immediately gathered a large amount of ice and snow into a sharp ice blade.

She fiercely stabbed a Flame Rat in the neck.

With the two of them working together, the entire cave was cleared of Flame Rats in less than ten minutes!


They both breathed a sigh of relief and smiled at each other.

Zheng Cheng suddenly asked, "Yao Zhixue, what exactly is that thing above your head?"

"An innate weapon?"

"Chirp chirp chirp...!"

Hearing Zheng Cheng's question, Yao Zhixue hadn't answered yet, and the ice and snow little person above her head glared at him angrily.

Opening its small mouth, it spoke rapidly.

"Huh? This little thing can understand me?"

Zheng Cheng became even more interested and reached out to pull it down.

Yao Zhixue quickly stopped him, explaining, "Snowy is not a thing..."

"Not... Snowy is not an innate weapon, she is my companion spirit."

"Companion spirit? What's that?"

Said Zheng Cheng, also stopping.

Yao Zhixue looked helpless and explained, "My profession is... you have to help me keep it a secret."

Zheng Cheng shrugged, "We're keeping more and more secrets between us, of course I'll keep it for you."

"My profession is called Ice and Snow Elemental Spirit Master," Yao Zhixue explained, "I am the first awakened nine-star professional, and the school's principal and teachers have issued a ban on revealing my true professional attributes."

"No one is allowed to reveal my true professional attributes."

"Ice and Snow Elemental Spirit Master?" Zheng Cheng asked in surprise, "What kind of profession is that? What does it do?"

"As far as I know, nine-star professionals with ice and snow attributes include the Frost Storm Master, Ice Dragon Descendant, and the Ice and Snow Dragon Knight... What makes your Ice and Snow Elemental Spirit Master different?"

Yao Zhixue pointed to the ice and snow little person and said, "She is the only difference."

"My Ice and Snow Elemental Spirit Master naturally has a companion spirit, the purest single element."

"Not only can she assist me in using any ice and snow skills, but she can also advance by absorbing the same element."

"When I awakened this profession, I heard information from the heavens. If the Elemental Spirit Master advances to the end, they can master all the same natural elements in the world..."

"Their power is enough to rival the gods who control the power of the rules!"

"The gods..."

Zheng Cheng was also surprised, "Just based on this little... guy?"

Seeing the ice and snow elemental spirit glaring at him again, Zheng Cheng tactfully changed his wording.

Yao Zhixue also shrugged, "I'm not sure, I'm also the first Elemental Spirit Master, so I'm still exploring..."

"Brother Cheng!"


"Yao Zhixue!"

"Where are you guys..."

Outside the cave, Chen Xiao and the others' voices were heard.

Zheng Cheng shouted, "We're in here, in a cave."

Yao Zhixue's thoughts moved, and Snowy flew back into her body and disappeared.

Soon, Chen Xiao and the others ran in.

"Damn, Brother Cheng! You really killed the BOSS, awesome!"


Cai Shen also flapped his wings and landed in the midst of the Flame Rat corpses.

"Awesome! We've leveled up to LV3! So awesome!"

"Is this the BOSS? It's really ugly!"

"Did it drop any equipment?"

"I found it!"

Cai Shen picked something up with his mouth and ran over.

"Look, look! The BOSS dropped equipment!"

Whether in the wild or in dungeons, it is impossible to drop equipment by killing monsters or beast-type BOSSes.

Only humanoid BOSSes or humanoid creatures have the possibility of "dropping" equipment after death.

The so-called dropped equipment is actually snatching the weapons and armor they carry after killing them, as spoils of war.

For example...

Cai Shen was now holding a slightly red Bone Staff in his mouth!

[Name: Bloodthirsty Staff (Black Iron Level)]

[Durability: 98/100]

[Category: Weapon/Magic Staff]

[Equipment Requirements: LV5, 0 Strength, 8 Constitution, 15 Spirit, limited to use by Magicians, Wizards, Arcanists, Shamans, Priests, and other similar professions]

[Effect: +3 Spirit]

[Additional Skill: Bloodthirst (Active), consumes own spirit, can increase the target's strength by 10% and agility by 10%, while reducing constitution, lasting 60 seconds.]

[Explanation: A staff passed down through generations of the Flame Rat clan, only the smartest members of the Flame Rat clan are qualified to wield it.]

[Note: This equipment is unique, and can only be dropped after the first completion of the 'Hell-level' dungeon, Flame Rat's Nest.]

"Damn!" Cai Shen exclaimed, "Black Iron Level equipment!"

(End of chapter)

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