I'm Priest, What The Hell Is Acute Gastroenteritis Fulminant Surgery?

Chapter 37 Transaction? Believe It Or Not, I Will Blow You Up!

Chapter 37: Trade? Believe it or not, I'll explode you!

"Skill books, can we take a look?" Zheng Cheng spoke first.

Among the few people, he was the team leader and had gained the recognition of everyone.

At this moment, even Yao Zhixue tacitly agreed when he spoke.

Doug Gold Coin smirked, touched the space ring, and with a flash of light, three different items quickly appeared on the ground.

"Respected human professionals, these three items are the most precious goods of my trip."

"To thank you for saving our lives, all three of these items can be sold to you at cost price!"

"The first item!"

Doug Gold Coin handed over a palm-sized, slate-like item.

"Underground Assassin Class Transfer Certificate!"

"This is a transfer certificate I purchased from the underground sandworm clan. Low-level assassin class professionals only need to drip their own blood on this certificate to activate the underground assassin transfer mission!"

"After completing the mission, you can transfer to the underground assassin profession!"

"Professional star rating: six stars!"

"After a successful transfer, you can obtain skills such as underground movement and sand manipulation."

"For low-level assassins, this is the most precious item!"

Listening to Doug Gold Coin, Chen Xiao and the others' eyes lit up.

"Damn! A six-star profession!"

"Assassin class? What a pity..."

"I wonder if Cai Shen can use it?"

"I'm a druid, what use do I have for becoming an assassin?"

Doug Gold Coin said in a very tempting tone, "What do you think, my friends? This underground assassin transfer certificate only costs... ten thousand gold coins!"

"Damn! So expensive?"

"I've heard that goblin merchants are the most shrewd in business, and it's true..."

"Ten thousand gold coins, I couldn't even sell myself for that much..."

The group exclaimed, and Zheng Cheng frowned, starting to scrutinize Doug Gold Coin.

If we were to take him down at this moment, wouldn't all three of these items be ours?

And that space ring.

Is there a requirement for use?

It doesn't matter, we can sell it to the professional guild or auction house. There are always alchemists and artifact refining professionals who can unlock this thing...

Feeling the cold breath around his neck and below, Doug Gold Coin immediately tensed up.

In a fluster, he took back the assassin transfer certificate and forced a smile, "My saviors, I was just joking with you."

"How could I sell you items you don't need... Dang dang dang dang... These two items are the ones prepared for you!"

"The first item, the Yalong Beast Egg!"

Doug Gold Coin patted the egg-like object at his side and excitedly introduced, "This is a treasure I obtained from the lizard people of the Pale Canyon!"

"The mount of the lizard people, the Flame Serpent Lizard Beast Egg, possesses a trace of dragon bloodline, naturally has scales, and can master several low to mid-level magic!"

"Once this Flame Serpent Lizard hatches, it will be a very useful helper for beast tamers, summoners, knights, and hunters!"

As Doug Gold Coin spoke, he emphasized the words "knights" in particular.

Among the group, Chen Xiao's profession was none other than a knight!

Chen Xiao's eyes lit up at first, then he cautiously asked, "How much?"

"One thousand gold coins!"

"So cheap?"

The group was stunned.

This was the Yalong Beast Egg.

Once hatched, it would be like having a Yalong magical pet.

Its overall strength would definitely surpass that of a six-star underground assassin!

Zheng Cheng sneered, "Of course it's cheap. This egg can't hatch at all."


The group quickly looked at the egg.

[Name: Beast Egg]

[Race: Flame Serpent Lizard]

[Attribute: Fire]

[Current Status: Incubation period, weak]

[Description: ?????]

The item description displayed a series of question marks, clearly indicating that Doug was up to something.

Chen Xiao was also furious and grabbed the kid by the neck.

"You little rat, how dare you deceive me! Believe it or not, I'll kill you now and take your stuff..."

"Hey hey hey..."

Doug hurriedly shouted, his small body flailing in the air.

"One thousand gold coins! One thousand gold coins!"

"You can buy it and take a gamble!"

"If it really hatches, you'll get a Flame Serpent Lizard!"

"A normal Flame Serpent Lizard Beast Egg is worth at least seven to eight thousand gold coins..."


Chen Xiao slapped Doug to the ground, "What use is this thing? Fried eggs?"

"Why are you scolding me, Xiao Ge?" Cai Shen's large mechanical head leaned over.


Zheng Cheng frowned, glanced at the time, and said directly:

"The last item, what is it?"

"A skill book!"

Doug quickly pulled out a skill scroll similar to parchment and said, "This skill is also very suitable for you!"


The group looked and were stunned once again.

They all subconsciously looked at Chen Xiao.

What's going on today? Two out of the three items are related to Chen Xiao.

[Skill Book: Taunt]

[Effect: Consumes mental power, can be cast on a target, forcing the target to attack oneself.]

[Usage restriction: Limited to knights, shield warriors, monks, and beast druids, etc.]

"Damn! Taunt! A standard skill for knights!"

Cai Shen exclaimed, "I thought Xiao Ge wouldn't have a chance without awakening Taunt as a beginner skill, but I didn't expect..."

Zhang Ping'an said, "Yes, with Taunt, Xiao Ge can hold aggro, and we can be safer too."

Zheng Cheng asked, "How much?"

"Brother Cheng!"

Zheng Cheng said, "We're brothers, why say so much? If you don't mind my low professional star rating and take me to the dungeon, if I come across a skill you can use, I'll definitely buy it for you!"

Doug's eyes lit up and immediately said, "Two thousand gold coins!"

"Get lost!"

Chen Xiao immediately cursed, "At our auction house, a Taunt book costs at most 500 to 200 gold coins. How can you sell it at cost price?"

Doug shrank back and said with a mournful face, "Then, then how about two hundred gold coins?"


Doug scurried away, crying out hoarsely, "I've traveled so far and been caught by the fire rat, I have to make some profit."

"I'm a businessman, I have to pay taxes too, sob sob sob..."

Zheng Cheng stopped Chen Xiao, but Chen Xiao was still fuming, "Brother Cheng, where do we get so much gold coins? This kid is definitely..."

"I can lend it to you first."

Yao Zhixue suddenly spoke up.

Chen Xiao and the others' eyes all lit up.

That's right, they were all penniless, but Yao Zhixue was different.

As a nine-star professional who had also joined the Night Watch, he definitely had money.

Zheng Cheng asked in surprise, "Where did you get so much money?"

Yao Zhixue blinked and said, "I'm a nine-star professional. Eternal Peace City's Lord's Mansion rewarded me with ten thousand gold coins, and I also have the Night Watch's allowance..."


The group cursed in envy.

Even Zheng Cheng was somewhat tempted.

Not to mention the ten thousand gold coins from the Lord's Mansion, there were also the benefits from the Night Watch.


Regular people can't compare to civil servants.

"Your money... forget it."

Zheng Cheng said, "You're a nine-star professional, and your expenses are also high."

"Besides, I'm the one buying things for my brother, not you..."

As he spoke, he took out an item from his inventory and showed it to Doug.

"How much is this item worth?"

Doug glanced at it casually, and his eyes suddenly lit up, and he subconsciously said:

"Permanent attribute increase? Bloodline item?"

"No... why isn't there a rank restriction?!"

(End of this chapter)

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