I'm Priest, What The Hell Is Acute Gastroenteritis Fulminant Surgery?

Chapter 38 A Werewolf Heart With No Rank Restrictions!

Chapter 38: The Werewolf Heart without Rank Restrictions!

Zheng Cheng's heart stirred.

It seems that this werewolf heart prop still holds secrets unknown to him.

Rank restrictions... What does that mean?

The item in his hand was none other than the special ingredient dissected from the Fallen One Daybreak Organization member, Black Wolf, during the dissection.

Werewolf heart!

[Item: Werewolf Heart]

[Quality: Five Stars]

[Effect: Permanently increases strength and agility by 5 points when consumed, limited to ten uses. There is a very small chance of transforming one's own bloodline into a werewolf bloodline after consumption.]

[Description: A common werewolf heart containing the secret of werewolf power.]

(Due to a reader pointing out an issue with the werewolf heart, a slight modification is made here. The previous modification does not affect the reading.)

In the instant the goblin merchant pounced over, he immediately retracted the heart.

"Human professional! I want this heart!"

"I'll trade it for a taunt skill book. It's just a common werewolf heart. I'm already being generous..."

Zheng Cheng was indifferent, "Not enough."

"What do you mean, not enough?"

"Just a skill book is not enough."

"I'll add this Flame Serpent Lizard Egg!" Doug gritted his teeth, "This is already my maximum. It's just a common werewolf heart. I can buy a bunch of them anytime!"

"Not enough!"

Zheng Cheng said calmly, but he was getting a bit anxious in the last half minute.

But it was Doug who was getting anxious now!

Doug's eyes rolled, and he gritted his teeth, "I'll add... the Assassin's Transfer Certificate!"

"We don't have an assassin, so the transfer certificate is useless. No deal!"


Zheng Cheng continued, "We only have twenty seconds left before leaving the instance. If you can't come up with something..."

"I have!"

Doug gritted his teeth, "I'll add something else, absolutely suitable for that female professional!"

"Female professional?"

The group's expressions turned strange as they finally realized what the goblin meant.

Female professional... Yao Zhixue!

Yao Zhixue immediately became furious, and a cold blizzard formed in front of her!

However, Doug did not notice Yao Zhixue's change and, with a touch of his spatial ring, another item appeared in front of them.

"Ice Giant Fruit!"


The group all cursed instinctively.

Because what appeared before them was a huge fruit standing as tall as a person!

It looked like a pear, but it was more like a large transparent ice block.

It emitted a faint mist, and there were subtle, inexplicable patterns on its surface.

Doug quickly said, "This is the Ice Giant Fruit that only grows in the territory of the Ice Giant clan. It has great benefits for professionals with ice and snow elements and attributes!"

"It's more than enough to exchange for your werewolf heart!"

Yao Zhixue's eyes flashed, and her killing intent immediately disappeared as she carefully examined the Ice Giant Fruit.

[Name: Ice Giant Fruit]

[Property: Special Ingredient]

[Effect: After consuming it, it can permanently enhance the power of one's ice and snow elements and attributes, the strength of which is determined by the individual's professional star level.]

[Description: A rare fruit in the territory of the Ice Giant clan, and also a precious item for other races.]

After reading it, Yao Zhixue stared at Zheng Cheng without blinking.

The implication was clear to everyone.

Although the Ice Giant Fruit was indeed quite large, she was confident that she could consume it.

Even if it took her a week!

Zheng Cheng twitched his mouth. It was thanks to Yao Zhixue's wide-range AOE ice and snow damage and control that they were able to conquer this hell-level instance.

Without her, it would have been much more difficult for him to conquer it, and Chen Xiao, Cai Shen, and Zhang Ping'an would not have been as safe.

"I'll make the exchange... but I have a condition!"

As soon as Zheng Cheng finished speaking, Doug hurriedly shouted, "What condition? Time is running out."

"What is rank restriction?"

"Rank restriction?" Doug quickly explained, "Some low-level ingredients and props have no effect when consumed by high-level professionals!"

"Your werewolf heart item, which increases a total of 10 attributes, surprisingly has no rank restrictions. It will still be effective when consumed by high-level professionals..."


Zheng Cheng interrupted Doug and they immediately completed the transaction.

Doug, as a special professional merchant, had his goods protected by the power of the rules during the transaction.

If other professionals wanted to snatch them, they had to kill him completely.

Otherwise, even if they snatched it, they wouldn't be able to use it due to the protection of the rule power.

The two quickly completed the transaction.

In Zheng Cheng's inventory, there appeared the taunt skill book, the Flame Serpent Lizard Egg, and a... huge Ice Giant Fruit!

After the trade was completed, the figures of Zheng Cheng, Yao Zhixue, Chen Xiao, Cai Shen, and Zhang Ping'an slowly disappeared.

But Doug was holding the werewolf heart, his eyes filled with both heartache and excitement.

"My Ice Giant Fruit... damn it, it was originally meant to be sold to the Snow Demon clan."

"But it doesn't matter. This werewolf heart not only permanently increases strength and agility by 5 points, but also has the bloodline of a werewolf..."

"Should I go to the Moonlight Werewolf territory? Or to the Wolf clan of the Orc Empire?"

"Sigh, I've really lost out this time. Maybe I should visit a few more places..."

With a flash of light, Zheng Cheng appeared in a dark place.

A mechanical voice also sounded in his ears.

[Professional Zheng Cheng, you have completed the Hell-level challenge of the Fire Rat Nest, with a dungeon rating of SSS.]

[Your personal challenge rating: SSS.]

[Please choose one of the following three chests as the reward for this Hell-level challenge.]

Three almost identical chests appeared before him.

After completing the dungeon challenge, each professional would receive rewards based on their output, healing, and so on.

The higher the rating, the higher the grade of the reward.

Zheng Cheng casually pointed to the first chest, "I'll take that one."

With a flash of gold, a scroll made of sheepskin, somewhat similar to the taunt skill book, appeared before him.

"Huh? A skill book!"

Zheng Cheng's eyes lit up slightly, "I wonder if learning the skill will cause any mutations?"


At the entrance of the dungeon.

A military Priest and two doctors were treating several newcomers.

Every year, there were a few professionals who, ignorant of their own limitations, chose to challenge difficulties beyond their abilities in the trial dungeons.

Losing an arm or a leg was considered lucky.

If someone didn't exit in time, they might even lose their lives inside the dungeon.

At this moment, the dungeon flashed, and four disheveled figures emerged.

"Look! It's Liang Feifan and the others!"

"They challenged the Nightmare dungeon. I wonder if they succeeded?"

"They should have, considering that Lin Jianyue came out earlier. All five of them made it out safely..."

The surrounding discussions reached Liang Feifan, who looked resentful.

"Damn it! We failed to conquer the Nightmare dungeon this time because we didn't have a main tank. Otherwise, we would have made it!"

Yang Lie added, "Yeah, it was so close. If only that boss hadn't gone berserk at the end..."

"But compared to other classmates, we're not doing too bad!"

At this moment, Gao Yang and several other teachers also noticed them.

"Liang Feifan, are you all okay?"

"Liang Feifan, did you clear the dungeon?"

Liang Feifan changed his expression and calmly said, "We didn't disgrace ourselves!"

"Although we didn't kill the final boss, the Fire Rat Warrior, on Nightmare difficulty, we did manage to kill two Fire Rat Guards!"

"Our completion rate for the Nightmare difficulty Fire Rat Nest has reached 86%!"

"Tomorrow! After some preparations, we will definitely clear this Nightmare difficulty dungeon!"

"And our levels have all been raised to LV3!"

"Oh, by the way..."

Liang Feifan glanced around, "What about Zheng Cheng and the others who made a bet with us?"

"None of them have come out. Could it be that they all died inside..."


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(End of chapter)

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