I'm Priest, What The Hell Is Acute Gastroenteritis Fulminant Surgery?

Chapter 4 Poultry Druid? Please Call Me Brother Chicken!

Chapter 4: Poultry Druid? Call me Brother Chicken!

"What's wrong, Cheng Ge?"


Zheng Cheng casually replied, but his gaze fell on his skill panel.

Acute Gastroenteritis Instant Burst?

Random Dissection?

What kind of skills are these?

And there are two of them?

Zheng Cheng was completely puzzled.

After years of studying, he had some understanding of most of the basic professions in this world.

According to the "Encyclopedia of Professions," Priest is the most common among all basic professions, with a one-star rating.

It is one of the most basic professions.

If there is a chance in the future to find a job change book or other methods, he can undergo a second job change at level 10.

There are possibilities to change into a healing-focused Holy Light Priest, a Light Priest, or a protection and control-focused True Word Priest.

There is even a possibility to change into a Dark Priest or Shadow Priest, which focuses on weakening enemies.

Of course, in order to change into these higher-rated professions, one must possess a job change book.

Alternatively, by following some powerful high-rated professionals and being personally taught and guided by them for a long time, one can also initiate a job change quest.

Just like a university professor guiding graduate students, masters, and doctors.

But as one of the basic professions, Priest's novice skills or basic skills mostly revolve around healing spells, weak healing, Holy Light spells, and healing spells.

But what are these Acute Gastroenteritis Instant Burst and Random Dissection? What on earth are they?

Zheng Cheng's face looked strange. "Acute Gastroenteritis Instant Burst? It can't be what I'm thinking, right?"

[Acute Gastroenteritis Instant Burst (Internal/LV1): Mutated skill. Infects the target with malignant infections such as bacteria, viruses, and parasites, causing acute gastroenteritis and making all symptoms erupt instantly in a very short period of time.]

[Random Dissection (External/LV1): Mutated skill. Can be used on any corpse or target that is unconscious, paralyzed, or semi-paralyzed. If successful, it can dissect the target's body or a specific organ.]

"Mutated skills?"

"What on earth are these?"

Zheng Cheng was completely puzzled.

Whether it was the guidance of school teachers or the information he found online, there was no mention of mutated skills at all.

"This Acute Gastroenteritis Instant Burst, according to the skill description, seems to give people gastroenteritis in a short period of time... Isn't this just diarrhea?"

"And Random Dissection? Is this really a Priest skill and not a butcher's skill?"

"And it's divided into internal and external, two different skills?"

"One for internal use and one for external use?"

Zheng Cheng's face became even stranger.

Above these two special mutated skills, there were also two lists that looked like branches of a tree.

These were the skill trees of professionals, which every professional had.

Depending on the rating, the skill tree displayed different skill grades and power.

As long as the corresponding level was reached, the corresponding skills could be unlocked.

"Could it be... this is the Goldfinger I transmigrated with?!"

As a transmigrator, he naturally knew what a Goldfinger was.

A year ago, when he just transmigrated, he had been searching for his Goldfinger and even became a little obsessed with it.

Unfortunately, he didn't find anything, and he was depressed for a while because of it.

Unexpectedly, a year later, during the job awakening ceremony, a seemingly Goldfinger-like ability appeared!

Skill mutation!

"Hey, Cheng Ge, what's wrong with you? Why aren't you saying anything?"

Chen Xiao next to him was puzzled. "What's your novice skill? Do you have any healing skills?"

"Only with healing skills can we try to grind monsters in the wilderness..."

Zheng Cheng's face looked strange, but he still said, "My novice skill is... Acute Gastroenteritis Instant Burst."

"What the hell is that?"

Chen Xiao was stunned. What kind of skill is this?

Why had he never heard of it before?

Zheng Cheng thought for a moment and showed the first professional skill to Chen Xiao.

As a professional, one can choose to display or hide their professional panel.

As someone who had lived two lives, Zheng Cheng deliberately only showed the first Acute Gastroenteritis Instant Burst.

As for Random Dissection, he hid it.

"What the f***?!"

After witnessing Zheng Cheng's novice skill, Chen Xiao immediately cursed, attracting the attention of several people around.

"What's going on?"

"Chen Xiao, what happened? Both you and Cheng Ge are professionals, I'm so f***ing jealous."

"Strive for wealth and honor, don't forget where you came from!"

Chen Xiao's expression also became strange. He glanced at the teacher on the podium and whispered, "Cheng Ge's novice skill is amazing, it actually gives people diarrhea!"

"What the hell?"

"A skill that gives people diarrhea? Why have I never heard of it?"

"Is it poison?"

"A poison specifically designed to give people diarrhea?"

"What the f***! It sounds so awesome!"

A few buddies were excited, as if they had discovered a new continent.

At this moment, Gao Yang on the podium also noticed the commotion and tapped the table to silence the room. "Keep it down, back there!"

"Cai Kun, you may begin."

"Yes, teacher."

Next to the podium stood another student with a fair complexion.

Cai Kun placed his hand on the professional crystal, and after a few seconds, the crystal suddenly emitted a dazzling colorful light.

"Oh my god! The professional crystal is reacting!"

"Awakening! Cai Kun is also awakening his profession!"

"I wonder what star level his profession is?"

Gao Yang's expression became happy again, nodding in satisfaction. "Cai Kun, awakening successful!"

"Profession: Avian Druid! Profession grade... three stars!"

"Oh my god! A three-star profession!"

"Avian Druid? How come I've never heard of this profession?"

"I only remember Fierce Bird Druid and Beast Druid, both are six-star professionals. How did we end up with an Avian Druid?"

"Avian? Could it be that he can transform into a chicken, duck, or goose..."

"Haha... transform into a chicken? Does that mean we'll have to call him Brother Kun as Brother Chicken from now on?"

The surrounding students were discussing animatedly, and Cai Kun's face turned pale and then red. But he still bravely said, "You guys don't understand!"

"No matter the star level, I am still a professional."

"And what about you guys, hehehe..."

Although he didn't say anything, it felt like he had said everything.

Everyone present fell silent.

Gao Yang knocked on the table and said, "Classmates, don't underestimate yourselves."

"If you can't become professionals, there are other paths."

"Alright, the profession awakening is over. You can study freely for now. I have something to attend to outside."

After saying that, he didn't care about the students' reactions and walked out of the classroom.

He was going to report the awakening situation of Class Four to the principal.

Out of the forty-five students in Class Four, only four awakened as professionals.

This ratio could be considered acceptable.

Fortunately, there was a five-star Earth Knight.

As an MT, the importance of professionals was self-evident.

As soon as Gao Yang left, the entire classroom went crazy, everyone started making noise.

Many people gathered around Chen Xiao and Zheng Cheng, excitedly talking about something.

Among all the students in Class Four, Chen Xiao had the highest star level for his awakened profession.

If they didn't flatter him now, then when?


Just then, the classroom door was suddenly pushed open.

A short, arrogant-looking teenager, surrounded by seven or eight figures, walked in.

All the students in Class Four instinctively looked over.

"Huh? Liang Feifan from Class Two!"

"What is he doing here?"

"Liang Feifan... isn't he the professional who awakened as a seven-star Magic Swordsman in Class Two?"

(End of this chapter)

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