I'm Priest, What The Hell Is Acute Gastroenteritis Fulminant Surgery?

Chapter 5 Letting You Be My Girlfriend Is To Give You Face!

Chapter 5: Making You My Girlfriend is Giving You Face!

Liang Feifan confidently walked up to the podium and looked down at the students of Class Four.

"My name is Liang Feifan, I'm sure everyone in Class Four knows me!"

"This time, my awakened profession is a seven-star Magic Swordsman!"

"What is he going to do?"

"Introduce himself?"

"Indeed, it's him, the seven-star Magic Swordsman! If he grows stronger, he'll definitely become a big shot!"

"I'm so envious..."

Looking at the flattering and jealous gazes from the audience, Liang Feifan's expression became even more arrogant.

"I have two things to do here in your class."

"The first thing is, I heard that someone in your class has awakened as a five-star profession, the Earth Knight. Who is it?"

All the students in Class Four instinctively looked towards Chen Xiao.

Chen Xiao stood up and frowned, "It's me, what do you want?"

Liang Feifan said, "Five stars is a bit low, but after all, it's a tank, and it's still very useful."

"I came here this time to invite you to join my team, what do you think?"

The students around them immediately started discussing excitedly.

"A seven-star professional personally inviting Chen Xiao, he's really giving him face!"

"In every team, the tank is the most important! As long as the tank can hold the monsters, other DPS professions can freely attack."

"Yes, there are so many awakened DPS professions every year, but there are only a few tanks..."

"A seven-star profession! If this was in the past, he would definitely be the top scorer..."

Chen Xiao hesitated and asked, "Why did you choose me?"

"It's simple, in our Twelfth High School, you're the only tank."

Liang Feifan said, "A month later, our Eternal Peace City will hold the High School Professional Assessment Conference."

"At that time, the higher the score and ranking of the professionals, the more prestigious universities they will be admitted to."

"The top ten will be noticed by the professionals' university in the Imperial Capital and will be able to further their studies there."

"My goal is to reach level 10 within a month and enter the Imperial Capital Professionals' University!"

The surrounding classmates started discussing again.

"Level 10!"

"So envious, a month later's Professional Joint Entrance Examination, us ordinary people can only participate in the regular college entrance examination..."

"It's so difficult to reach level 10 in a month!"

"Yes! After more than 300 years, most of the monsters in the wilderness have been killed, and only some small spatial cracks remain in the deep mountains and old forests."

"Could Liang Feifan and the others be going to instances?"

"That's not possible either, instances are controlled by some major forces. Ordinary professionals who want to enter instances have to pay tribute to those major forces!"

"Unless they find new spatial cracks or new instances..."

Liang Feifan proudly said, "So, how about joining my team?"

"In the early stages, each team can only have five members. Besides me, there's also Yang Lie, a six-star Flame Mage from Class Three!"

"There's also Zhao Ye Ping, a five-star Dual Blade Swordsman, and Lin Jianyue, a four-star Crimson Ritualist!"

"They are all elites from our school, and now we only need one more person, which is you."

Chen Xiao instinctively asked, "What about the nine-star professional from Class One?"


Liang Feifan's face changed slightly, but before he could speak, Lin Jianyue next to him spoke up, "Zhi Xue was taken away by the principal, we can't contact her at all."

Zhi Xue?

Yao Zhixue!

The faces of the students present all changed slightly.

If the class flower of Class Four is Song Chaoyu, then the school flower of Twelfth High School is this Yao Zhixue!

She excels in academics and is exceptionally beautiful, almost every male student in Twelfth High School's dream girl.

Unexpectedly, she has awakened as a professional now.

And, she is even a nine-star professional, the highest rank!

Chen Xiao hesitated for a moment and said, "I can join the team, but I have one condition."

Liang Feifan asked, "What condition?"

"Bring my brother along, his awakened profession is a Priest!"

"Chen Xiao."

Zheng Cheng looked at him in surprise.

He didn't expect this kid to still remember him.


Liang Feifan was also surprised and said, "Class Four has a Priest? What star level?"

"Brother Fan! The Priest in Class Four is only one star."

"Hahaha, the most basic Priest profession."

"Only one attribute point for leveling up, so weak!"

"Brother Fan, you must not bring him along..."

Liang Feifan's expression changed slightly, immediately shaking his head and saying, "Chen Xiao, this is impossible."

"A five-person team, I cannot bring a Priest who is only one star."

"Well, even if..."

"Chen Xiao!"

Zheng Cheng suddenly spoke up, "Don't act impulsively. Following them is the best choice for you."

"What about you, Cheng Ge?"


Zheng Cheng suddenly remembered his second mutated skill and said, "I have my own way."

Liang Feifan added, "Chen Xiao, think it over and come find me when you've made a decision."

Then, he turned and walked off the podium.

Under the gaze of dozens of eyes, he actually walked directly in front of Song Chaoyu.

"Song Chaoyu..."

His tone was somewhat regretful, yet also somewhat gloating.

"I never expected that you wouldn't awaken a profession, such a pity."

Song Chaoyu's face looked unpleasant, but she still gritted her teeth and asked, "What... what do you want?"

"What do I want?"

Liang Feifan chuckled and said, "When I confessed to you before, not only did you reject me, but you also insulted me, calling me a toad wanting to eat swan meat."

"And now, this toad has become a professional. And you, this swan, have become a soaked chicken!"


With Liang Feifan's laughter, all the students in Class Four became angry.

"Liang Feifan, what do you want to do?"

"Song Chaoyu is just an ordinary person, you're already a professional, don't think about bullying her!"

"This is a school, Liang Feifan, watch your words!"

Song Chaoyu stood up and angrily said, "Liang Feifan, what exactly do you want to do?"

Liang Feifan took a step forward, looking down at Song Chaoyu and said, "What do I want to do? It's simple, I'm giving you a chance."

"Be my girlfriend!"

"I am a seven-star professional! Destined to become a strong existence!"


This time, not only Song Chaoyu, but the entire class was surprised.

"What is Liang Feifan saying?"

"He wants Song Chaoyu to be his girlfriend?"

"What a joke, he's so ugly, and he's not even one meter sixty tall."

"You're stupid, he's a seven-star professional..."

"So what if he's a seven-star professional? It's dangerous outside the city, and even seven-star professionals have fallen, haven't they?"


Listening to the discussions around him, Liang Feifan proudly said, "How about it, Song Chaoyu? I like you, it's giving you face!"

"When I graduate from university, I'll marry you as my concubine, hehehe..."

Song Chaoyu's face turned pale. She was just an ordinary girl and had also fantasized about her prince charming.

But definitely not this guy in front of her, who was ugly and not tall.

Even if he was a professional, it was not acceptable!

"Give up on that idea, I will never be your girlfriend!"


Liang Feifan immediately became angry, and a wave of noisy discussions reached his ears.

"Hehehe, he didn't even take a look at what he looks like, and he's confessing to Song Chaoyu?"

"Not even one meter sixty, definitely a third-rate cripple!"

"Full of pockmarks, I'm afraid I'll have nightmares if I'm with him..."

"Shut up, all of you!"

Liang Feifan's face turned from green to white in anger. Frustrated and emboldened, he suddenly slapped Song Chaoyu's face.

"You don't accept my toast..."

(End of this chapter)

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