Chapter 42 Black Sun Church Mass!

Early the next morning, the group had breakfast and then went their separate ways.

They agreed to meet at the instance at ten o'clock.

Zheng Cheng left the hotel alone and headed to the branch of the professional guild in Weihe Town.

"What? All the sword weapons are sold out!"

Upon hearing the explanation from the receptionist at the branch's weapon department, Zheng Cheng immediately widened his eyes.

The receptionist apologized, "Yes, sir, a group of people bought all the weapons at the Weihe Town branch yesterday. Would you like to try elsewhere?"

"Who bought them?"

"Well..." The receptionist hesitated, "I'm sorry, sir, we have to keep our customers' information confidential..."

Zheng Cheng handed over a hundred yuan, and the receptionist immediately whispered, "It seems to be a group of students, all quite young. But none of them are professionals..."

"Not professionals? Just ordinary people?"

"Yes, sir."

The receptionist nodded, "Sir, you..."

"Never mind, I'll go look elsewhere..."

After leaving the professional guild, Zheng Cheng turned to the adjacent auction house.

Similarly, the auction house had nothing to offer.

Even the fastest delivery would take three days.

"Three days?"

Zheng Cheng was surprised, "Why would it take so long?"

"The Weihe Bridge collapsed."

The auction house owner shrugged, "There was a sudden rainstorm upstream of the Weihe River yesterday afternoon, causing the water level to rise and wash away the bridge."

"A group of fish monsters appeared in the river, and the professional guild and the military have offered rewards for professionals to clean them up."

"It will take at least three days to clean up the fish monsters. Plus half a day to repair the bridge..."

"I see..."

Furrowing his brow, Zheng Cheng wondered how the bridge could have collapsed when it was fine when they arrived yesterday morning.

And there were fish monsters in the river?

The so-called fish monsters were creatures that roamed in rivers, lakes, and seas.

Most of them were based on fish, shrimp, turtles, frogs, and other aquatic creatures.

Among them, fish were the most common.

Inland fish monsters ranged from level 5 to level 30.

The larger the lake or river, the higher the level of the fish monsters.

It was said that by the sea, people had even seen Legendary Level fish monsters above level 90!

Just one Legendary Level fish monster, once it landed in a coastal city, could cause a terrifying disaster resulting in tens of thousands of deaths!

The fish monster could cause a tsunami, bringing along a large number of other fish monsters, making it even more terrifying!

It was more formidable than the beast tide in inland cities.

"No weapons in town. Does that mean I have to go to the military, or find the night watchmen..."

Zheng Cheng headed back towards the hotel following the crowd.

Along the way, he heard many people discussing the news of the Weihe River being blocked and the shortage of supplies.

But not many people seemed panicked.

After all, Weihe Town was not far from Eternal Peace City, just over an hour's drive.


Suddenly, Zheng Cheng was taken aback as he saw several figures in the distance coming out of the pharmacy, carrying large and small packages.

One of them happened to be someone he knew.

Song Chaoyu!

Was she really in Weihe Town?

And who was she with?

It didn't seem like students from No. 12 Middle School.

After a moment's thought, he called out, "Song Chaoyu!"

"Song Chaoyu!"

Song Chaoyu also heard Zheng Cheng's voice, turned around to greet him, but was pulled back by the person in black next to her.

"Zheng Cheng..."

"Something's wrong? Is she being kidnapped?"

Furrowing his brow, Zheng Cheng quickly caught up.

"Stop! Who are you people!"

As a professional, Zheng Cheng soon caught up with the four ordinary people.

Including Song Chaoyu, there were four of them in total.

Two men and two women, all quite young.

Two young men had backpacks on their backs, bulging with stuff.

Song Chaoyu and another middle-aged woman were also carrying large and small packages, all filled with various medicines.

"Zheng Cheng..."

Song Chaoyu's face looked urgent, but before she could speak, the middle-aged woman next to her pulled her back and said with a forced smile, "Why are you stopping me, young man?"

"Who are you people? Why are you taking her away?"

"I am Song Chaoyu's aunt, here for a visit. What's the matter?"


Zheng Cheng looked suspicious, scrutinizing the four of them, his brow slightly furrowed.

All four of them were ordinary people, not professionals, and they were all dressed differently.

But his eyes lit up as he noticed that all four of them, including Song Chaoyu, were wearing a black, spherical badge with special patterns engraved on the surface.

Zheng Cheng didn't bother to waste time with these three people. He raised his hand, and the Acute Gastroenteritis Instant Burst hit the three of them.

"If there's nothing else, young man..."


The middle-aged woman's face suddenly changed, and she instinctively covered her stomach.

The other two young men turned red and ran away.

"You watch her, I... Gulp!"

Amidst the bustling street, the three of them immediately collapsed.

As they ran, they vomited.

The middle-aged woman, with some experience, hid behind a corner near a trash can.

The other two young men were in a sorry state, trying to find a public restroom.

They didn't get far before they collapsed, clutching their heads with their backpacks and screaming in pain.

"You, Zheng Cheng, this..."

Song Chaoyu was also at a loss for words.

She had seen Zheng Cheng's abilities.

On the day she awakened as a professional, Liang Feifan from the second class came to pick a fight, but he was knocked down by Zheng Cheng's Acute Gastroenteritis Instant Burst.

It had become a joke throughout the entire school!

Privately, who knew how many people were discussing it.

Zheng Cheng pulled Song Chaoyu up with one hand. "Let's go to the hotel. The school teachers are all there. If there's any trouble..."

Song Chaoyu blushed but still struggled to stop.

"Zheng Cheng, I... I can't go with you!"

"What's going on? Who are those people?"

Zheng Cheng was puzzled. "Did you buy up all the weapons in Weihe Town? And all these medicines today..."

Song Chaoyu turned pale and explained, "Zheng Cheng! Can I ask you for a favor?"

"What is it? After all, we are classmates..."

Song Chaoyu gritted her teeth. "It's like this. I failed to awaken as a professional before, and my mother was in a desperate situation, so our neighbor took her to participate in an organization called the 'Black Sun Church.'"

"That organization claimed that they have the ability to turn ordinary people into professionals!"

Soon, Zheng Cheng understood the whole story.

"You mean, your mother also brought you into the Black Sun Church."

"You've been attending mass at the Black Sun Church in Weihe Town these past two days."

"Since yesterday, they've been buying weapons and potions, saying they're going to hold a grand 'sacrifice'?"

"Or rather, a welcoming ceremony for a god?"

"They are going to hold a welcoming sacrifice in Weihe Town! And the offering?"

"Welcoming... what god? Where?"

Zheng Cheng's mind raced, and he quickly figured it out. "The fish monsters in the Weihe River, is it the doing of this Black Sun Church? And the collapse of the Weihe Bridge..."

"As for the offering... the entire population of Weihe Town?"

"How is that possible!"

(End of this chapter)

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