I'm Priest, What The Hell Is Acute Gastroenteritis Fulminant Surgery?

43. Chapter 43 Join! Information About Black Sun Church!

Chapter 43 Join! Intelligence from the Black Sun Church!

"It's true!"

Song Chaoyu, with tears in her eyes, said, "I noticed something was wrong yesterday, but my mom was completely convinced and even wanted to take me to apologize to the divine messenger. It took a lot of effort to persuade her!"

"The divine messenger assigned us a task yesterday..."

"What task?"

"To set fire in Weihetown, causing chaos and attracting military personnel."

"Military personnel..."

Zheng Cheng's expression turned strange. "What are they attracting military personnel for?"

"I don't know..." Song Chaoyu said with a desolate look. "My mom is still inside the Black Sun Church. They have many professionals and a lot of believers."

"Our task as ordinary believers is to cause chaos in Weihetown, and those professionals..."

Zheng Cheng's expression finally became serious.

"By the way, when are they planning to act?"

"I don't know the specific time, but based on the food and medicine they prepared, I deduced that it should be the day after tomorrow!"

"The day after tomorrow? Why the day after tomorrow?"

"I, I don't know, it seems like the divine messenger said something about waiting for the Divine Child to upgrade or something..."

"Divine Child?"

Zheng Cheng became even more puzzled. "They've sealed off Weihetown for three days, starting yesterday afternoon, and the day after tomorrow will be exactly three days..."

"Why do I feel like the Black Sun Church's goal is to target the students from our school who came here for training?"

"Yao Zhixue?"

Song Chaoyu added, "Zheng Cheng, after my investigation, I think they want to use us to cause chaos in Weihetown, attract the attention of the military, and then go find that so-called Divine Child."

"The time is too short, and I can only deduce so much."

"I see."

Zheng Cheng already had some guesses in his mind, and the next thing to do was to prove this.

"Come with me, let's inform the teacher first and then think of other ways..."

Song Chaoyu shook her head. "I can't leave. If I leave, my mom will definitely be in trouble."

"Our phones have been taken away, I can't even report to the police, and there's no way to contact the outside world. Fortunately, I ran into you..."

Zheng Cheng frowned. "How about your safety?"

Song Chaoyu shook her head. "They still want to use us to attract the attention of the military. There won't be any danger in the short term."

"Take this opportunity to report to the police or inform the authorities about this..."

"I understand."

Zheng Cheng looked deeply at Song Chaoyu.

He didn't expect this girl to mature so much after experiencing so much.

After waiting for a few more minutes, the three people who had been in shock finally calmed down.

The middle-aged woman had been cursing through gritted teeth and came to Song Chaoyu, asking fiercely, "Where's that kid?"

"He's gone."

"Gone? That damn brat~" Song Chaoyu said, "A professional, Aunt Chen, what do you want to do?"

"Professional..." Aunt Chen's face showed a hint of fear, but she gritted her teeth and said, "Let him show off for one more night, the day after tomorrow..."

Then she pulled Song Chaoyu and said, "Let's go! Hurry back!"

In a corner, Zheng Cheng took out his phone and pulled out a business card from his pocket.

It was Zhao Yunxiao's business card.

A few seconds later, the phone was answered.


After a few seconds of silence, Zheng Cheng spoke, "This is Zheng Cheng."

"Zheng Cheng, have you come to your senses?"

"I want to ask about the Black Sun Church."

"The Black Sun Church?" Zhao Yunxiao seemed surprised. "Where are you? I'll send someone to pick you up!"

Such a big reaction?

It seems that the Night Watchman must know about the Black Sun Church!

"I'm in an alley outside the auction house in Weihetown."

"Wait there, I'll send someone right away!"

Ten minutes later, a military jeep stopped in front of Zheng Cheng, and the driver gestured for him to get in.

When he opened the door, Zhao Yunxiao was sitting inside!

As soon as they met, Zhao Yunxiao asked without hesitation, "How did you find out about the Black Sun Church?"

"I just met a classmate who happens to be in the Black Sun Church."

"A failed Awakener?"

"How did you know?"

"Hmph, these Fallen Ones..." Zhao Yunxiao sneered. "The Fallen One organization is best at manipulating people's hearts. And the method of turning ordinary people into professionals is their usual trick!"

"Especially for high school students who have just failed to awaken, it's an irresistible bait!"

"Unfortunately, they've all been deceived!"

Zheng Cheng asked, "Captain Zhao, so the Black Sun Church is part of the Fallen One organization?"

"More precisely, you've also seen people from the Black Sun Church."

"I have?"

Looking at Zhao Yunxiao's eyes, Zheng Cheng suddenly realized, "The three people who were arrested at the hotel?"

"Aren't they from Breaking Dawn?"

"Exactly!" Zhao Yunxiao nodded. "The Black Sun Church is actually one of the Nine Days of Breaking Dawn, under the command of the Lord of the Black Sun."

"They use various means to manipulate people's hearts, recruit ordinary people and professionals into the Black Sun Church, and then engage in manipulation, deception, and bribery."

"They deceive ordinary people for money and relationships."

"As for professionals, they deceive them to use them for their own purposes, causing great harm!"

"The attack on you and Yao Zhixue the other day was the work of the Lord of the Black Sun!"

"We also know the people from the Black Sun Church in Weihetown!"

"So, everything the Black Sun Church does is within your control?"

"Correct." Zhao Yunxiao nodded. "Their goal this time is very clear, it's still..."

"Yao Zhixue!"

"Why?" Zheng Cheng was puzzled. "Breaking Dawn... or the Lord of the Black Sun, why are they so fixated on Yao Zhixue?"

"Failing once is one thing, but to attempt a second time?"

Zhao Yunxiao looked Zheng Cheng up and down and said, "This is a secret of our Night Watchman. If you want to know..."

"Join the Night Watchman?"


Zhao Yunxiao nodded. "I don't know why you're so resistant to joining the Night Watchman. Professionals who are recruited into the organization by the Night Watchman will have their backgrounds thoroughly investigated."

"You're an orphan, with a clean background, and the Night Watchman is a semi-official organization. Why wouldn't you join?"

"The Night Watchman is actually very free. You're a student, you don't have to come to work, just come together to complete tasks when the Night Watchman needs you."

"And the benefits and treatment of the Night Watchman are also very good, enough to cover your expenses for a lifetime~"

"Most importantly..."

Zhao Yunxiao played his trump card, "In the Night Watchman organization, you can have many like-minded companions to grow with."

"And, as long as your merits are enough, you can access any information, receive guidance from seniors, and never lack equipment and tools..."

Zheng Cheng's eyes lit up. "Are there skill books?"

"Of course."

Zhao Yunxiao was puzzled. "The Night Watchman is an official organization, what skill books can't you buy?"

"You're a Priest, right? I remember the Night Watchman headquarters has a skill book for resurrection."

"What? Resurrection?!"

Zheng Cheng's eyes widened.

There's something like that?

I wonder what the resurrection skill will mutate into?

"How about it? What do you think?"

Zheng Cheng took a deep breath. "Well, it seems I have no reason to refuse."

"A young person can be taught~"

"Now can you tell me why the Lord of the Black Sun has been keeping an eye on Yao Zhixue?"

"Of course." Zhao Yunxiao said in a deep voice, "Because... the Lord of the Black Sun is about to die."


(End of this chapter)

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