I'm Priest, What The Hell Is Acute Gastroenteritis Fulminant Surgery?

44. Chapter 44 The Reincarnator! Level-Breaking Mission!

Chapter 44: Reincarnator! Breaking through the Mission!

Under the escort of three people, Song Chaoyu returned to the secret base of the Black Sun Church in Weihetown.

An abandoned chemical plant.

Inside the base, members of the Black Sun Church, draped in black robes and wearing the Black Sun Medal around their necks, were coming and going.

Each person's expression was fanatical, and they were muttering something under their breath.

In the center of the square, there were black-clothed individuals sitting cross-legged, with eerie formations sketched on the ground.

They had their eyes closed tightly, their hands curved and merged to form the shape of a black sun.

In the center of the formation, there was a small altar.

On the altar, there was a statue.

The statue depicted a voluptuous woman, with a seductive figure, flirtatious eyes, and a large number of black patterns adorning her skin.

Her hands were raised as if holding up the sky, with a burning fireball resting in her hands.

Around the altar, several thick sticks of bewitching incense were burning, shrouding the entire square.

Whispers echoed across the square.

"Oh, Lord of the Black Sun, please bestow upon us your oracle..."

"Lord of the Black Sun, bless me to awaken my profession..."

"Lord, I am your faithful follower, I am willing to offer everything to you..."

Watching the mysterious and terrifying square, Song Chaoyu twitched her nose.

The cotton stuffed inside her allowed her to temporarily resist the influence of the bewitching incense.

After handing over the purchased supplies to the clergy, Song Chaoyu quietly walked to the edge of the square and sat down.


Beside her was a beautiful woman draped in a black robe.

The woman's eyes were unfocused, and she kept murmuring under her breath.

Upon hearing her daughter's words, she mechanically raised her head.

"Yuer, hurry and pray, the Lord of the Black Sun will bless you to awaken your profession..."


Suppressing her tears, Song Chaoyu's father had gone to the foreign battlefield over a decade ago.

For such a long time, there had been no news.

No letters, no notice of death, not even a record of disappearance.

It was obvious that her father was deliberately avoiding them.

Relying on each other, Song Chaoyu's wish was to awaken her profession, become a professional, and then go to the foreign battlefield to find that unfaithful man for her mother.

To question why he had been indifferent to the two of them all this time!

Unfortunately, she failed!

It seemed like she might never go to the foreign battlefield in her lifetime!

While comforting her mother, the middle-aged woman went to the deepest part of the base.

"Divine Envoy... I'm back!"

A tall figure in black emerged from the darkness.

Unlike the ordinary believers, the black sun medal on this divine envoy's chest was adorned with golden patterns on the surface, resembling flickering flames.

"Was there any mishap during this trip?"

"The believer who followed us encountered her classmate on the way..." the middle-aged woman said, "We intended to take her away, but then I suddenly... had diarrhea, and couldn't stop."

"Did Song Chaoyu and her classmate say anything while I was indisposed, I'm not sure..."


The divine envoy's tone was strange, "All three of you had diarrhea together?"

"Yes, yes...!"

"Hehehe..." the middle-aged man chuckled softly, "Interesting, it seems like they are special professionals..."

"You may go."

"Yes, Divine Envoy!"

The tall man turned and walked deeper into the base, soon arriving at a room.

Inside, four other people were sitting cross-legged.

The black sun medals on their chests were entwined with golden patterns.

"Wood Demon, what's the situation?"

"Our believer encountered a very interesting professional in Weihetown," the tall man called Wood Demon spoke, "He can give people diarrhea..."

"Give people diarrhea..."

An elderly voice among the divine envoys said, "I remember, when Qingteng and Black Wolf were captured, there was a professional who could give people diarrhea."

"So it's him, no wonder..."

"To be able to give people diarrhea... this skill is truly bizarre. I think no one can endure it."

"Darn it! Why does such a skill exist?"


A soft laughter suddenly rang out, and one of the petite black-clothed individuals took off her hood, revealing a woman with sky-blue skin and a figure like rippling water.

"What's the big deal about giving people diarrhea? His skill seems to have no effect on me..."

The woman smiled, "If our plan encounters him, just hand him over to me~"

Wood Demon's eyes lit up, "I almost forgot about you, Shuilin. With the help of our Lord, you have already become a reincarnator, I'm truly envious..."

Shuilin smiled, "What's there to envy?"

"After this mission is over, once our Lord successfully obtains a body... all of you will also become reincarnators!"

"Thank you, our Lord!"

Black mist suddenly surged from the five individuals.

Their expressions changed, and they all got up and knelt on the ground.

"We respectfully welcome our Lord!"

The black mist condensed, and a slender figure appeared faintly.

At the same time, a sharp and hoarse voice also sounded.

"My body is about to give out."

"Go! Find me another sacrifice using the reincarnation secret technique!"

"Remember... it must be a virgin... do you understand?"

"Yes, our Lord!"


Inside the jeep, Zhao Yunxiao was still explaining.

"The Lord of the Black Sun rose to fame over a hundred years ago, just after the end of the great catastrophe, when the country was in a state of disrepair."

"At that time, she awakened as a seven-star professional and was highly regarded by countless people."

"Later, she lived up to the expectations and grew all the way, eventually entering the Demon Realm to resist the foreign races."

"She stayed in the Demon Realm for over fifty years, almost becoming the overall commander of the human defense line in the Demon Realm."

"Unfortunately, an accident caused her to be stranded in the Demon Realm and disappeared."

At that time, the country thought she had sacrificed herself and held a grand funeral for her.

Who knew...

Zhao Yunxiao's voice turned furious, "Thirty-six years ago, she returned!"

"Not only did she become a reincarnator, but she also joined the Daybreak Organization, constantly engaging in activities to manipulate professionals and disrupt the peace of the human world."

"Our Night Watch has been pursuing her for over thirty years, and there were several times when we could have killed her, but she managed to escape every time!"

"This time, we caught up with her only with the help of insider information!"

"Now, she is over a hundred and thirty years old."

"She has not completed the epic-level breakthrough mission, and her level has been stuck at LV79 without progress."

"Even though she is a reincarnator, her life is coming to an end."

"For this reason, she can only use the secret reincarnation technique to find a suitable body for reincarnation and live a second life!"

"And Yao Zhixue is the perfect reincarnation body targeted by the Lord of the Black Sun."

These revelations stirred up a storm in Zheng Cheng's heart.


Epic-level breakthrough mission!

Zheng Cheng's eyes flashed, "You already knew the Lord of the Black Sun's purpose... you are using Yao Zhixue as bait!!!"

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