I'm Priest, What The Hell Is Acute Gastroenteritis Fulminant Surgery?

45. Chapter 45 You Guys, Use Yao Zhixue As Bait!

Chapter 45 Use Yao Zhixue as Bait!

"You are using Yao Zhixue as bait!!!"

As soon as the words fell, the jeep fell silent.

Zhao Yunxiao did not refute or argue.

Inside the entire car, only the sound of the engine could be faintly heard.

Zheng Cheng frowned, why didn't Zhao Yunxiao explain?


The Lord of the Dark Sun is actually a reincarnator!

The so-called reincarnator is someone who obtains reincarnation props through various means, and after using them, transforms their own bloodline and physique into a different half-alien race!

Completing the reincarnation task is extremely difficult.

Once reincarnated, the professional will revert to a baby state, half-human and half-alien.

The mystery of the fetus, the unsteady steps, the young and fragile.

At that time, even an ordinary person could kill them!

But once the reincarnator grows up, they don't need to reach adulthood, they only need to awaken the innate abilities of the reincarnated race at the age of five or six.

Coupled with the enhancement of professional skills, their combat power grows rapidly, enough to crush ordinary professionals.

For a reincarnator, the most important ability is to obtain the corresponding race's innate talent.

And the breakthrough task...

Zheng Cheng frowned, wondering how difficult his breakthrough task would be?

After all, as a Priest whose skills have mutated, this was the first time he had heard of it!


Just as Zheng Cheng was still thinking, the jeep suddenly stopped in front of the military camp.

"We're here! Get off!"

Zhao Yunxiao opened the car door and walked out first.

And Zheng Cheng followed closely behind.

In front of the military camp stood a girl.

Yao Zhixue.

"Sister Yunxiao!"

Seeing Zhao Yunxiao, Yao Zhixue ran over happily.

Then, she pretended to have just noticed Zheng Cheng: "Huh? Zheng Cheng, why are you here too?"

Zheng Cheng shrugged: "In the future, we might be colleagues."

Yao Zhixue's eyes lit up: "Did you agree to join the Night Watchman?"


Zheng Cheng nodded: "For some special reasons, I want to find answers from the Night Watchman."

"Let's go!"

Zhao Yunxiao took the lead: "I'll take you to meet a few people."

Under Zhao Yunxiao's lead, the three of them walked towards a building inside the military camp.

"I will report your joining the Night Watchman to the chief."

"After returning from Weihetown, I will take you to the bureau to handle other procedures."

"No problem."

Soon, the three entered a building.

Following the stairs, they unexpectedly arrived at the basement.

A spacious underground space appeared before Zheng Cheng's eyes.

There were all kinds of fitness equipment and entertainment facilities.

On the side of the underground training ground, there was even a large arena.

The spacious underground training ground was only occupied by three people.

"This is our Night Watchman's secret base."

Zhao Yunxiao explained: "Only members of the Night Watchman at the rank of captain or above are qualified to enter!"

With Zhao Yunxiao's voice, the three of them also noticed the others.

Two of them immediately walked towards them.

And the last unkempt man was still sitting in front of a game console, playing the popular arcade game "King of Fighters" from over three hundred years ago!

There was no reaction to the arrival of the few people.

"Yunxiao, you're finally back!"

A man with long fiery red hair saw Zhao Yunxiao and opened his arms, rushing towards her.

Zhao Yunxiao took a step back and grabbed him, directly throwing the man with fiery red hair to the ground.

His handsome face slammed hard on the ground.


"Yunxiao, you're still so heartless~"

The man with fiery red hair struggled to get up and said, "Just a little bit more, I could have touched your little hand~"

"Get lost!"

Zhao Yunxiao said unceremoniously: "Little Red Riding Hood, if you dare to talk nonsense again, I'll castrate you!"

"Yunxiao, you're still so heartless~ and don't call me Little Red Riding Hood, that nickname is really unpleasant."

"Okay, Little Red Riding Hood."

"Hate it~"

The man with fiery red hair stood up coquettishly, looked Zheng Cheng up and down, and said strangely, "Who's this handsome young man?"

"Zheng Cheng," Zhao Yunxiao explained, "He's a new recruit."

"A new recruit?" The man with fiery red hair said strangely, "Aren't your recommendation spots for this year already filled? How..."

"Zheng Cheng was specially recruited by the chief."

"Specially recruited..." The man with fiery red hair's expression suddenly changed, "When I returned to the bureau this time, I heard that not only did Ninth High produce a nine-star professional genius, but also a genius with a skill that can give people diarrhea..."

"Could it be him?"

Zheng Cheng's expression was strange.

What does it mean by giving people diarrhea?

Zhao Yunxiao nodded silently: "Yes, it's him."

"Oh my~!"

The man with fiery red hair exclaimed, marveling, "Young man, you're quite something. We need someone like you in the Night Watchman."

"I've seen many strange skills, but yours is the first time I've seen something so strange..."

Zhao Yunxiao interrupted him: "This kid is Xu Chicheng, you can call him Little Red Riding Hood. Don't be fooled by his second-rate appearance, he's a seven-star professional Flame Walker!"

"LV69! Just like me, we are both captains of the Chang'an branch of the Night Watchman!"


Zheng Cheng's eyes flashed, he didn't expect the strength of the young man in front of him to be so strong!

Every professional activates a breakthrough task every time they level up.

LV9, LV19, LV29... and even LV69, LV79, etc., all have their corresponding breakthrough tasks.

And each professional's breakthrough task at the same level is different.

Even for the same professional, the breakthrough tasks are different!

The higher the level, the more difficult the breakthrough task.

Especially after LV69, the difficulty increases exponentially.

Countless professionals have been unable to break through the breakthrough task and have remained at the current level.

Especially at the level of LV69, there are even more!

"Captain Xu."

Zheng Cheng greeted him, and Xu Chicheng became even more interested: "Interesting, I'd like to try your skill when I have the chance..."


Several people looked a bit strange.

Try what skill?

Acute Gastroenteritis Instant Burst?

Is there such a strange hobby?

"Alright." Zhao Yunxiao interrupted Xu Chicheng and said, "And this is Captain Pu (character provided by a reader), you can call him Captain Pu."

"He's the most 'reliable' shield of our Chang'an branch of the Night Watchman, and as for his profession, you'll find out later."

When Zhao Yunxiao said "reliable," she deliberately emphasized the tone.

It's unclear what she meant.

Pu Jia is a burly, muscular middle-aged man. He smiled and said, "Young man, just call me Old Jia. I have high hopes for you."

"To be valued by the chief, it means you have great potential."

Zheng Cheng's mouth twitched.

What potential?

"Captain Pu, hello, please take care of me in the future..."

"Of course!" Captain Pu came over, pinched Zheng Cheng's arm, and shook his head, "Young man, your body is too weak. Follow me for training in the future!"

"Don't worry, Old Jia guarantees that you'll become a muscle man in three months! When those little girls see you, they'll drool all over, hehehe..."

The last two sentences were spoken in a low voice, only the two of them could hear.

Zheng Cheng's mouth twitched, looking at Captain Pu's muscular body, he could only nod awkwardly: "Alright, alright..."

In his heart, he made up his mind to go to school immediately after leaving here.

There's no way he's going to train with Captain Pu.


I'm a Priest!

I can't just go and fight monsters with a staff!

"Alright, the introductions are done. Let me take you to see the chief."

"Introductions are done?"

Zheng Cheng subconsciously looked at the young man not far away who was playing games. Isn't he... human?

And... the chief?

"The chief of the Night Watchman... why is he here?"

(End of this chapter)

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