I'm Priest, What The Hell Is Acute Gastroenteritis Fulminant Surgery?

46. ​​Chapter 46 Captain Of The Night Watch! Priest Skills!

Chapter 46 The Captain of the Night Watch! Priest Skills!

Upon hearing Zheng Cheng's question, Zhao Yunxiao remained silent for a few seconds before speaking, "This is the answer to the question you just asked me in the car."

"Yao Zhixue is not a bait to lure out the Lord of the Black Sun."

"We have made the most comprehensive plans to ensure Zhi Xue's safety."

"For this, even our chief has appeared."

"And then there's them..."

Zhao Yunxiao looked at Xu Chicheng, Pu Jia, and the three who were still playing games and said, "They are the most elite captains of our Eternal Peace City Night Watch branch, all of them are Profound Rank members among the Night Watch."

"Several other captains are currently monitoring the Black Sun Church from the periphery."

"In addition, we have mobilized more than fifty ordinary members hidden in Weihetown."

"All for this operation, to wipe out the Black Sun Church in one fell swoop!"

"I see..." Zheng Cheng suddenly realized, "I misunderstood you."

"But... isn't Yao Zhixue still a bait?"


Zhao Yunxiao was frustrated. Why is this kid not following the script?

"By the way, what does 'Profound Rank member' mean?"

Zhao Yunxiao said, "In the Night Watch, members are divided into five ranks based on their strength and merits."

"The higher the rank, the higher the monthly benefits and the higher the status within the Night Watch."

"Some higher-level skills books, equipment, and items within the Night Watch, in addition to requiring merits, also require corresponding ranks."

"New members like you and Yao Zhixue belong to the lowest rank."

Yao Zhixue suddenly said, "Zheng Cheng, I also know about this plan. You don't need to blame Sister Yunxiao and the others."

Zheng Cheng said, "You know too? But the Lord of the Black Sun is a level 79 powerhouse, just one step away from entering the epic level..."

Yao Zhixue smiled faintly, "Thieves may last a thousand days, but there's no defense against thieves for a thousand days."

"Even if I hide deeply, the Lord of the Black Sun will still come after me."

"Why not take this opportunity to wipe them out!"

"I trust Sister Yunxiao and the others!"

"Right, Zheng Cheng, have you played games?"

Suddenly, a faint voice sounded in Zheng Cheng's ear, and he subconsciously turned around.

He saw a humanoid clown puppet lying on a pillar, looking down at him from a high vantage point.

The puppet was predominantly red and green, with a large head and a small body, and a pale face with deep red eye sockets, looking extremely strange and terrifying.

"What kind of game are you talking about?" Zheng Cheng asked cautiously.

The clown puppet said, "Any game will do."

At this moment, the young man who had been playing games in the distance walked over.

The young man had a pale complexion, looked somewhat handsome, but still exuded a strong smell of alcohol.

The clown puppet climbed down from the pillar and leaped onto the young man's shoulder.

"The so-called game is nothing more than deploying troops and formations."

The young man said, "We already know the intelligence about the Black Sun Church, but the Black Sun Church knows nothing about us."

"The Black Sun Church is just a small Fallen One organization."

"Even the Lord of the Black Sun is just an aging old woman."

"The other members of the Breaking Dawn Nine won't come to help either."

"How could we lose when we have absolute strength against the Black Sun Church!"

Zheng Cheng remained silent for a few seconds and then suddenly said, "It seems that I have been overly cautious. Who are you..."

Zhao Yunxiao said, "You can call him Dream Floating Life (a character provided by a reader), also one of the captains of the Night Watch in Eternal Peace City, and his profession is a puppeteer."

Then he whispered, "Stay away from him usually. Although this kid's mind works fast, he likes to go crazy with alcohol. Once he goes crazy, even I can't control him."

Zheng Cheng's mouth twitched, and he nodded, "I see."

What kind of people are in this Night Watch?

A female violent maniac, a seemingly gay Little Red Riding Hood, and a creepy muscular man.

And now, there's also a drunken puppeteer.

"Alright, you guys carry on." Zhao Yunxiao shouted, "I'll take him to see the chief."

The others stayed behind, and Zhao Yunxiao took Zheng Cheng to a room on the second floor underground.


"Come in!"

Upon opening the door, a huge desk came into view.

The wall behind the desk had been transformed into a bookshelf, filled with all kinds of books.

Sitting behind the desk was a middle-aged man with an imposing presence.

This man was the chief of the Eternal Peace City branch of the Night Watch, Shen Nanfeng!

"Chief, Zheng Cheng has agreed to join our Night Watch. And... he also knows about the Black Sun Church."

"Hmm?" Shen Nanfeng looked puzzled, "How did you know?"

"I met my classmate in town, and she was bewitched into joining the Black Sun Church."

"I see..."

Shen Nanfeng smiled, "So, Zheng Cheng, since you have agreed to join the Night Watch, we are now a family."

"You can also join this mission."

Zheng Cheng was puzzled, "Chief, I'm just a low-level LV4 novice professional. It's not my turn to eradicate the Black Sun Church, is it?"

"Don't worry."

Shen Nanfeng shook his head, "We won't let you engage in fighting. You just need to play your current role well and continue to accompany Yao Zhixue to level up in the dungeon."

"Everything remains the same, to deceive the people of the Black Sun Church."

"It's best to have Yao Zhixue reach level 5 within two days!"

"Why level 5?" Zheng Cheng asked, puzzled.

Shen Nanfeng tapped the table and, after a few moments of contemplation, said, "The Lord of the Black Sun's reincarnation race is the Soul-Sucking Succubus, which has the innate ability to manipulate the souls of the living and communicate with them."

"The secret technique of this race can extract its own soul and merge it into the Spirit Body of another living being."

It can also be seen as a form of possession!"

"If the Lord of the Black Sun wants to possess someone, then Yao Zhixue's level and strength cannot be too weak or too strong."

"If it's too weak, Yao Zhixue's soul won't be able to support it and will die directly."

"And if it's too strong, the resistance will be greater, and the Lord of the Black Sun will need to expend more soul power."

"So, level 5 is the best choice! The highest should not exceed level 10!"

"No wonder..." Zheng Cheng suddenly realized, "No wonder Song Chaoyu said that the people of the Black Sun Church are preparing to act the day after tomorrow..."

"The day after tomorrow?!" Shen Nanfeng asked seriously, "Is that the specific time of their operation?"

"My classmate told me. Her mother was deceived into the Black Sun Church, and she was also pulled in."

"I see..."

Shen Nanfeng said, "Regardless of when they act, we must be prepared."

"In the next two days, you will accompany Yao Zhixue to the dungeon. Our people will protect her in secret."

"Once the people of the Black Sun Church act, it will be our chance!"

"I understand," Zheng Cheng nodded.

Shen Nanfeng smiled again, "Normally, new members of the Night Watch start with some simple tasks. But this time, it's an unexpected situation that led to your participation in this operation."

"For this, we will also make additional contributions for you."

"If you have any requests, as long as we can do it, you can ask for it now!"

"Really?" Zheng Cheng's eyes flashed, "I need the Priest skill."

"And I want to know about the records and information regarding special skills within the Night Watch..."


(End of this chapter)

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