I'm Priest, What The Hell Is Acute Gastroenteritis Fulminant Surgery?

47. Chapter 47 Night Watchman’S Night Market? Resurrection!

Chapter 47 The Night Market of the Night Watchers? Resurrection Technique!

Zhao Yunxiao led Zheng Cheng out of Shen Nanfeng's office and into the reception room.

"Zheng Cheng, as a Priest, what kind of skills are you interested in?"

"What do you mean?"

Zhao Yunxiao turned on the computer, and the projector followed suit.

A large amount of data immediately appeared on the screen.

After selecting Priest, a series of images appeared.

"The so-called Priest relies on their own skills to heal teammates, enhance buffs, and cast shields as a support profession."

"Among all support professions, it is considered a top-tier profession. Almost every well-established team has its own Priest."

"Your skills may be peculiar, but your profession is a legitimate Priest, leaning towards dark Priests, shadow Priests, and other debuff-type Priests."

"As you know, in addition to the eleven professional skills, all professionals can also learn four additional skills. This requires the use of skill books."

Upon hearing this, Zheng Cheng nodded.

But secretly, he thought, you ordinary people only have eleven professional skills.

I have twenty-two!

Eleven internal and eleven external, making a total of twenty-two.

Plus four more, that's a total of twenty-six!

Zhao Yunxiao then clicked a few times.

Soon, several skill books appeared on the big screen.

"After three hundred years of research, our official organization has developed a set of additional skills tailored to different professions."

"For example, the healing system for Priests!"

Looking at these materials, Zheng Cheng's eyes lit up again.

This is the benefit of joining the official organization.

There is no shortage of resources and information, as long as you are willing to pay a certain price.

Unlike lone rangers, who can only explore on their own.

It would take at least a dozen years to gather so much information.

Zhao Yunxiao then opened a PPT, and several skills appeared on the screen in the shape of a pyramid.

"The first skill for healing Priests often includes skills such as Light Healing, Healing, and Photosynthesis."

"As for additional skills, we would recommend similar or complementary skills to their professional skills!"

"For example, the Magic Spring can increase the Priest's mental recovery speed."

"Blood Condensation can accelerate the coagulation of the target's blood, aiding in rapid recovery from external injuries."

"Detoxification can eliminate toxins and bacteria from the healing target."

"Subsequent skills include Major Recovery, Fortification, and Limb Regeneration, and so on..."

"These ordinary skill books don't require too many merits for exchange. Under normal circumstances, 100 merits can be exchanged."

Zhao Yunxiao smiled, "Of course, if you want to learn the Resurrection Technique, it's not impossible."

"What are the conditions?"

Zheng Cheng asked subconsciously.

The Resurrection Technique is a powerful skill that only epic-level experts can learn.

It can resurrect a target that has died within ten minutes!

Of course, the target's lifespan must not have expired, otherwise it would be useless.

For Priests, it is undoubtedly the most powerful divine skill!

He wondered, after learning the Resurrection Technique, what kind of skill would it mutate into?

"Heavenly Rank members require one hundred thousand merit points," Zhao Yunxiao said.

Zheng Cheng's mouth twitched, "Forget it..."

He didn't know how to become a Heavenly Rank member, but one hundred thousand merit points must not be easy to obtain.

Zhao Yunxiao chuckled, "Kid, the Resurrection Technique is eagerly awaited by countless Priests in the capital's headquarters and throughout the country."

"If you want it, you'll have to work hard for it."

Zheng Cheng shrugged, "Maybe I can discover it on my own."

"Then you'll have to work hard for it!" Zhao Yunxiao said helplessly. She had seen many arrogant new professionals, and Zheng Cheng was no different.

"Next, let's focus on the strengthening side of the Priest, which enhances teammates."

"Their skills include Bright Shield, Focused Aura, and Light of Healing..."

"And there are also Dark Priests who focus on weakening and controlling enemies."

"Their skills include Control, Cripple, and Dullness..."

With Zhao Yunxiao's explanation, Zheng Cheng gained a deeper understanding of the Priest profession.

There are healing Priests focused on healing teammates, strengthening Priests focused on enhancing teammates, and dark Priests focused on weakening and controlling enemies.

His skills lean more towards the dark side.

In other words, a dark Priest.

There are not many Priests in this category, but they do exist.

In addition to dark Priests, there are also shadow Priests, abyss Priests, and so on.

After considering for a while, Zheng Cheng asked, "Captain Zhao, do you have any recommendations?"

Zhao Yunxiao was already prepared and tapped the computer. Soon, three parchment scroll skill books appeared on the big screen.

"Hehehe, I've already prepared these specifically to win you over."

"These three skill books are all tailored for you, focusing on controlling debuffs!"

"And they are all available for exchange at our Eternal Peace City Night Watchers base, just waiting for you to exchange them!"

"The first one, Agonizing Deepening Technique! Exchangeable for 300 merit points!"

The big screen flickered, and the specific explanation of the Agonizing Deepening Technique quickly appeared.

[Agonizing Deepening Technique: Common skill, learnable at LV20, limited to Priests, Shamans, and other professions. Instantly doubles the pain suffered by the target and intensifies their external injuries.]

"Agonizing Deepening Technique?" Zheng Cheng's eyes lit up as he considered it.

"The second one, Vampire's Touch! Exchangeable for 1000 merit points!"

[Vampire's Touch: Common skill, learnable at LV30, limited to Priests, Shamans, Clerics, Warlocks, and other professions. Can manipulate the target's blood, causing massive damage to the target. At the same time, it can also integrate the blood into oneself, restoring a certain amount of mental power.]

"Vampire's Touch!" After seeing the description of this skill, Zheng Cheng became even more interested.

If Vampire's Touch were to mutate, it would surely be powerful.

"The third one, Mind Intimidation! Exchangeable for 2500 merit points!"

[Mind Intimidation: Learnable at LV30, limited to Priests, Shamans, Clerics, Warlocks, and other professions. Can release a mental attack on the target. The greater the difference in mental power, the stronger the power and the longer the duration. It can cause the target to fall into a state of fear and intimidation, unable to attack or defend for a short period of time.]

Zhao Yunxiao stood up and said, "These three skills are very suitable for you, and they are all exchangeable for your current Night Watcher rank."

"The only thing lacking is merit points."

"Merit points..." Zheng Cheng pondered for a moment and asked, "How do I earn merit points?"

"It's simple," Zhao Yunxiao said. "Complete the tasks assigned by the Night Watchers, or make significant contributions to the bureau, and you can also contribute special items to the bureau. All of these can be exchanged for merit points."

"Or, you can go to the Night Market held by the Night Watchers once a month to exchange for the supplies and skill books you need."

"Night Market?"

"Yes," Zhao Yunxiao said, "The Night Market is a place organized by the Night Watchers for free exchange of goods, held once a month."

"At the Night Market, anything is possible."

"Sometimes, even Night Watchers from surrounding cities such as Fengming City and Xianyang City will come to participate."

"If you have any good items that you don't need, you can exchange them with others at the Night Market."

"I see..."

(End of this chapter)

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