Chapter 49: Hang the BOSS up for me to whip!

As the levels of several people increased, especially with Zheng Cheng's presence, their traveling speed became extremely fast.

Along the way, they encountered fire rats, and basically felt no pressure.

Chen Xiao, at level 4, allocated all 20 free attribute points he gained from leveling up to his constitution, directly raising it to 29 points!

Cai Shen allocated his 12 free attribute points evenly between strength and agility.

He had already decided to pursue an agility-based attack route.

After all, the speed of the Great Public Base was not slow, and with sharp teeth and claws, the higher his strength, the stronger his attack power!

As for Zhang Ping'an, his 12 free attribute points were evenly split between constitution and spirit.

As a life occupation, the most important thing for him was skill proficiency, and level was not the most important factor.

Sooner or later, he would have to leave the team and study the ways of herbs on his own.

From this, one could see the differences between high-star occupations and low-star occupations.

As they traveled, Zheng Cheng also experimented with Virtual Fire Incineration several times.

For ordinary fire rats, Virtual Fire Incineration burned for about three seconds.

It could render the fire rats powerless in just three seconds, but it couldn't kill them.

However, the fire rats taunted by Chen Xiao could burn for five seconds.

After five seconds, they were completely destroyed!

Seeing this, Zheng Cheng also took note.

"The emotional impact of the taunted fire rats has actually been stirred up, viewing Chen Xiao as an enemy who killed their father and took their mate."

"The greater the emotion, the faster the virtual fire burns, and the greater the damage it causes."

"Unfortunately, the fire rats have too little constitution, so the virtual fire only burned for five seconds before it burned them to death."

"Let's try it on the BOSS later!"

The five of them quickly arrived at the location of the BOSS's lair.

"Later, I want to test out my new skill. Chen Xiao and Brother Ji, go down first to lure the monsters away, while Yao Zhixue and I will go control the BOSS!"

"Control the BOSS?"

Chen Xiao asked in confusion, "Brother Cheng, what are you planning to do?"

Zheng Cheng grinned and said, "I'm going to give it the ten most brutal tortures!"

"Haha, Brother Cheng is awesome."

"Ping'an, don't come in later, just stay outside."

Zhang Ping'an smiled bitterly, "I can only do that. After all, I'm just a life occupation..."



Cai Shen charged in first, immediately causing chaos.

He flapped his wings vigorously, flying in the air at a height of three to four meters, attracting a large group of fire rats.

Chen Xiao also charged in, shouting, "You thieves~!"

Four or five fire rats then pounced towards him.

Taking this opportunity, Zheng Cheng dashed into the nest.

His goal was clear: the fire rat shaman deep in the nest!

In just a few seconds, Zheng Cheng reached the fire rat shaman.

"Squeak squeak squeak!" The fire rat shaman immediately let out a strange cry, and the two fire rat guards beside it immediately became agitated and charged towards him.

"Yao Zhixue!"



A burst of cold mist descended from the sky, immediately enveloping the two fire rat guards.

The two fire rat guards were instantly frozen in place.

Stepping forward, Zheng Cheng appeared in front of the fire rat shaman.

Just as it raised its staff, before it could cast Bloodthirst, Zheng Cheng kicked it in the face.



The fire rat shaman let out a cry and was knocked to the ground, blood gushing from its nose.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Zheng Cheng approached the fire rat shaman and fiercely punched it in the face with his sandbag-sized fist!




"Bang bang!!"

"Squeak squeak squeak~!"

The fire rat shaman screamed in agony, its face covered in blood, even its front teeth knocked out.

Hearing the fire rat shaman's screams, the fire rats that were previously flying all over the sky stopped and panicked, running towards the direction of the fire rat shaman.

Seeing this, Yao Zhixue extended her hands, and Snow drifted out slowly.

With a swift swing of her miniature staff, a blizzard surged forth, immediately knocking down the fire rats.

At the same time, under Yao Zhixue's control, a large amount of frost gathered towards the center. In just a few seconds, it condensed into a tall ice platform!

From his inventory, Zheng Cheng took out a bundle of rope that had been prepared long ago, and in no time, he tied up the fire rat BOSS and jumped onto the ice platform.

"Come over here!"

Zheng Cheng shouted, and Cai Shen and Chen Xiao quickly ran towards the ice platform.

Unfortunately, there were too many fire rats. Cai Shen was fine, as he could fly into the air.

Chen Xiao, on the other hand, was in a dire situation, surrounded by seven or eight fire rats, facing imminent danger.

"Haha, I'm coming too!"

Cai Shen let out a strange cry and forcefully pushed two fire rats away with a flap of his wings.

At the same time, he grabbed Chen Xiao by the back of his neck with both claws.

With another flap of his wings, both man and chicken 'flew' into the air.

"Damn it! Brother Ji, you're amazing!"

"Don't move around so much, why are you so heavy!"

"Brother Ji, fly higher, my butt is getting burned... Ah~!"

"Don't move around... Ah~!"

"Brother Ji, I want to ask you something."

"What is it?"

"Next time, I want to ride on you. I've already thought of our combination, it'll be called the Earth Chicken Knight..."

"You son of a b...!"

With Cai Shen's efforts, the man and the chicken finally climbed onto the ice platform.

By this time, the ice platform had risen to a height of three meters.

Moreover, on the side of the ice platform, a large ice stick had also spread out.

The fire rat BOSS, tied up like a hog, was hanging in the air.

"Brother Cheng, what are you planning to do?" Chen Xiao was puzzled and asked strangely.

Yao Zhixue extended her hands, and a cold mist surged, instantly condensing into three small, arm-thick sticks over a meter long.

Zheng Cheng handed these sticks to Chen Xiao and Cai Shen, instructing, "Hit! Hit the BOSS with these sticks!"

"Kakaka?!" Cai Shen let out a strange cry, "Brother Cheng, I have wings, I can't hit~"


Before he finished speaking, Chen Xiao had already struck the fire rat shaman with the ice stick.


The fire rat immediately let out a cry.

"Haha, that feels good!"

Chen Xiao shouted, "I'll make you pay for burning me, burning my butt!"


"Bang bang!"


Immediately, the cries of the fire rat shaman rang out.

The fire rats below the ice platform also became frantic.

One after another, their cries filled the air, and they even began to claw and bite at the ice platform.

Several fire rats even tried to ram the ice platform, attempting to knock it down.



Chen Xiao's ice stick nearly broke the bones of the fire rat shaman.

It let out another cry, and the fire rats below the ice platform became even more frenzied.

One after another, their cries rang out, and they piled up under the ice platform, trying to rush up.

"That's enough!"

Zheng Cheng ordered, and Chen Xiao immediately stopped his actions.

By this time, the fire rats below the ice platform had all gone crazy.

Their fur stood on end, and their claws and fangs were all bared as they clawed and bit at the ice platform.

Some fire rats even stepped on their companions' bodies, trying to rush up.

"Squeak squeak squeak~!"

At the same time, the fire rat shaman, tied up with a rope, also had its fur standing on end, its muscles swelling.

Its originally frail body suddenly began to bulge, and in an instant, it transformed into a huge, fiery red rat.

"This is... berserk?"

(End of this chapter)

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