I'm Priest, What The Hell Is Acute Gastroenteritis Fulminant Surgery?

50. Chapter 50 Brother Ji: Can This Roasted Mouse Be Eaten?

Chapter 50 Brother Ji: Can We Eat This Roasted Rat?

Several people looked at each other.

Among all the beast bosses, the vast majority of them would hold back a few big moves when pushed to the limit by professionals.

Large-scale indiscriminate AOE attacks, fleeing, splitting, summoning minions, and so on.

Among them, the most common and also the most frequent is berserk.

Losing rationality, physical strength, power, and speed greatly enhanced, it would go on a rampage against the professionals.

Its combat power directly increased several times over.


This fire rat boss was just like that.

After being insulted consecutively by Chen Xiao, Cai Shen, and others, it finally fell into a berserk state.

The whole person directly turned into a huge rat over two meters long, struggling desperately.

"Crack!" The ice stick binding it directly shattered, and the huge rat smashed straight into the underground rat group.

Several fire rats swarmed up and immediately bit through the ropes.

"Damn, we're done!"

The group was shocked, while the big rat let out a strange cry and leaped up, stepping on the bodies of its kind.

Opening its big mouth, it bit towards the nearest Chen Xiao.


Chen Xiao's expression changed, but he still gritted his teeth and stood in front of the group.

Earth Guardian...

Just as he was about to activate the skill, he found that the skill rune representing Earth Guardian in his mind had no response at all, and his face changed drastically.

He was standing on the ice platform!

Not on the ground.

"This is bad!"

As his heart sank, a figure suddenly stepped forward and pulled him back.

Zheng Cheng!

He grabbed an ice stick and, as the big rat pounced, thrust it out like a javelin.


The momentum of the big rat's charge and Zheng Cheng's thrust combined, piercing straight into the body of the big rat.


It let out a miserable cry, and a large amount of blood spurted out.

Zheng Cheng then kicked it, sending the big rat directly into the underground rat group.

"Squeak squeak squeak~!!!"

This time, the big rat finally fell into a state of extreme madness.

It tore and bit at its nearby kind, forcing them to pounce on Zheng Cheng and the others on the ice platform.

"Brother Cheng, thanks!"

On the high platform, Chen Xiao sincerely spoke.

Zheng Cheng waved his hand and said, "No need to be polite, we're all brothers."

"Damn Brother Cheng! That big rat has gone mad!"

Beside them, Cai Shen exclaimed.

They saw the blood-covered big rat pouncing again, accompanied by a dozen or so flame rats.

Yao Zhixue quickly cast a large number of ice blades, sliding the flame rats climbing the ice platform down.

A large amount of cold mist gathered, and sharp ice blades slowly took shape in the mist, about to fall.

At this moment, Zheng Cheng raised the Bloodthirsty Staff.

A strange fluctuation spread from the staff and landed on the body of the big rat on the ground.


A silent roar suddenly sounded, and an invisible flame suddenly ignited from the body of the big rat.


The big rat, in extreme anger, didn't even react, and immediately fell to the ground, letting out a piercing cry.

Its claws fiercely scratched at its body, trying to extinguish the flames, but to no avail, leaving only a piercing cry.

Its fur was torn, blood and flesh continuously pouring out, looking extremely terrifying.

"What, what happened to this big rat?"

The group on the ice platform also looked at each other.

The big rat that was just attacking wildly, how did it become like this?

Gone mad?

Among the group, only Zheng Cheng knew what was going on.

Virtual Fire Incineration!

Using one's own emotions and spirit as fuel, it triggers intense emotional fluctuations, and then burns.

The stronger the spirit and the greater the emotional fluctuations, the stronger the produced flames and the longer the duration!

In Zheng Cheng's eyes, this big rat was burning like a torch!


Another muffled sound, and the fur all over the big rat's body was suddenly burned to nothing, revealing a bloody body.

"What... what's going on?"

"What happened?"

"How did this rat turn into a roasted rat?"

Chen Xiao and the others looked at each other, subconsciously looking at Zheng Cheng.

Is this Brother Cheng's new skill?

Without explaining, Zheng Cheng said, "Let's deal with the other flame rats first."


The group agreed and took action one after another.

A large number of ice blades swept down, enveloping the dozen or so flame rats.

Zheng Cheng then leaped down and casually grabbed an ice blade, stabbing it towards the flame rats.

After about ten seconds, the big rat finally stopped moving.

The virtual fire on its body slowly receded.

The whole body of the big rat was completely bald, and its fur was burned clean.

Even the body had turned into a fragrant roasted rat.


Cai Shen flapped his wings and flew to the front of the big rat, looking extremely shocked.

"This, this, this, this... turned into a roasted rat?"

"Can we eat it?"

"Damn! Brother Ji, if you want to eat, you eat it, we won't."

"I was just kidding..."

Cai Shen said with a hint of grievance, for some reason, his throat moved.

His mouth felt a little itchy, wanting to peck a few times.

Yao Zhixue suddenly asked, "We've cleared the level again, what level are you guys now?"

"I'm level 6."

"I'm also level 6."

Zheng Cheng nodded, "Me too, what about you?"

"I'm level 5."

Yao Zhixue breathed a sigh of relief, "My leveling speed will slow down in the future, and I still have to supply Snow's soul power... Let's go, we have other tasks."

Zheng Cheng nodded, knowing she was referring to the matter of the Black Sun Church.

"Just wait a moment, I'll check the effect of the new skill first..."

He came to the front of the big rat and carefully examined it.

The whole body of the big rat was burnt to a crisp, cooked to perfection.

Even its teeth were white and translucent, like gems.

Grabbing the nearby ice blade, he slashed down at the big rat.

Random Dissection!

Zheng Cheng shook his head, this time the dissection did not give him what he wanted.

But he was not discouraged.

On this trip to the hell-level instance, he had already collected 14 roasted rat tails.

In other words, he had reached the maximum value for this special ingredient, roasted rat tail.

Agility attribute increased by another 14 points!

This time, the rewards for clearing the instance were not very good, as it was not a pioneering run.

But it was better than nothing.

Only Cai Shen obtained a Bloodrage Potion, which, when consumed, would send the user into a state of frenzy.

It was restricted to users currently in the form of a rat, tiger, cat, or similar creatures. It was unknown whether it would work if he transformed into a chicken.

Frenzied chicken?

Just as they left the instance, Zhao Yunxiao suddenly approached and gestured with his eyes.

After bidding farewell, Zheng Cheng and Yao Zhixue were pulled onto a jeep by Zhao Yunxiao.

"Captain, what's the matter? Why the rush?"

Zhao Yunxiao said, "Something's happened. The scouts monitoring the Black Sun Church haven't reported in for two hours."

"The chief speculates that they are likely to launch their plan ahead of schedule!"

"Ahead of schedule... why?"

Zhao Yunxiao shook his head, "Not sure, perhaps something has stimulated them."

"But it doesn't matter, we are fully prepared."

"Even if they don't make a move, we will."

"The entire Weihetown has already set up a dragnet, just waiting for the Black Sun Church to fall into it!"

"Tonight, you guys will stay at the Night Watcher Base, nowhere else."

"This... okay."

Recommended book by a master:

Title: Longevity White Ape, Listening to the Dao at the Daoist Temple for Thirty Years. Synopsis: Ye Cheng is reborn as a little white ape adopted by the Pure Yang Temple and unexpectedly gains a check-in system.

Check in once a day.

Can obtain a day's worth of lifespan 100% of the time, and occasionally other rewards.

Ye Cheng is extremely shocked. As long as he checks in every day, doesn't that mean he can live forever?

One day, he accidentally overhears the Pure Yang Temple's Perfected Being talking about a Demon Martial Dao Fruit. As long as he listens to the Dao continuously for thirty years, he can activate the Demon Martial Dao Fruit and embark on the path of the Demon Martial Dao.

(End of this chapter)

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