I'm Priest, What The Hell Is Acute Gastroenteritis Fulminant Surgery?

51. Chapter 51 The Strongest Professional On The Alien Battlefield!

Chapter 51 The Strongest Professional in the Alien Battlefield!

"Captain Zhao, I have always had a question."

In the jeep, Zheng Cheng asked his question.

"Since the Night Watchers already know that the Black Sun Church is going to act and have gathered a large number of members to guard here, why... don't they just go directly to the Black Sun Church's lair and capture them directly?"

"Do we have to wait until after the Black Sun Church acts before we can take action passively?"

Yao Zhixue's beautiful eyes also turned to Zhao Yunxiao.

Zhao Yunxiao shook his head and said, "I know you all have these questions, and I have asked the chief about this matter."

"The reason for this is actually related to the alien race that the Lord of the Black Sun has reincarnated into."

"The Soul-sucking Succubus?" Zheng Cheng asked in surprise. "This alien race appeared on the alien battlefield over 150 years ago and belongs to the mysterious side of the alien race."

"The human camps of the major alien battlefields have not captured any live specimens, nor have they collected any samples."

"Is it because of their innate abilities?"


Zhao Yunxiao explained, "The Soul-sucking Succubus, with a human head and a ghostly body, is capable of sucking souls."

"In addition, they can also possess professionals or ordinary people, indistinguishable from ordinary people, and cannot be identified by conventional means."

"We have no idea what the current Lord of the Black Sun looks like or who they are possessing."

"Acting arbitrarily is likely to alert the enemy, so the chief had to set a trap..."

"I see..."

The group quickly returned to the military camp.

The entire military camp was loose on the outside but tight on the inside, with the exterior being a normal military camp.

Inside, almost every barracks had several professionals hidden, waiting for the people from the Black Sun Church to arrive.

Yao Zhixue herself was taken directly to the second floor of the underground base.

Protected personally by the Night Watchers' chief, Shen Nanfeng.

Zheng Cheng was also arranged to a barracks at the rear of the military camp.

It was secluded and safe at the rear of the military camp.

Zheng Cheng looked around the barracks, which was less than 100 square meters.

Neatly equipped, the floor was clean, truly befitting a soldier's dormitory.

He found a chair and sat down, then began to meditate with closed eyes.

Halfway through, someone brought him lunch.

Feeling bored, Zheng Cheng chatted with the new soldier for a long time.

"Brother soldier, this is the gun recently developed by the military, right?"

The soldier had a gun on his waist that looked very similar to a rifle.

It was entirely black, but the body of the gun was engraved with an overall dark golden pattern.

Like small snakes, coiling around the gun body, it looked extremely mysterious.


The soldier nodded and said, "This is the thirteenth generation of alchemical guns. The range is now almost the same as the conventional weapons before the Great Cataclysm."

"Now it has been equipped throughout the human world, and even the soldiers on the alien battlefield have been equipped."

"So powerful~"

Over 300 years ago, many worlds merged with the Blue Star, and the rules affected each other, causing the hot weapons that the people of the Blue Star were most proud of to fail.

Of course, it was not a complete failure.

Some low-power explosives, pistols, and other weapons could still be used.

For over 300 years, humans had studied for a long time but still could not develop new hot weapons.

Then, over 250 years ago, an alchemist named Yang Yining had a sudden idea.

He began to study firearms with alchemy and received strong support from the country.

That year, the country gathered over a hundred alchemists, formation masters, blacksmiths, and other professionals to establish the first equipment factory.

After three years of research, they finally developed the first new era firearm of the Spiritual Revival Era, with alchemy as the main focus and formation as the auxiliary!

Its power far exceeded that of the pre-Great Cataclysm period, but its range was very short.

Even so, it received strong support from the country.

Now, firearms manufactured by alchemy and formation had been equipped throughout the entire army.

From ordinary firearms to hand grenades, landmines, mortars, rocket launchers, and other weapons, all had been successfully redeveloped.

It was even rumored that even the nuclear weapons, which humans were most proud of, could be reactivated by alchemical means.

The human defense lines in over a dozen alien battlefields were all hiding a large number of nuclear weapons.

Once the defense lines collapsed, in order to stop the aliens from entering the Blue Star, they would activate alchemical nuclear weapons and perish together with the enemy!

The young soldier, named Wang Dong, was very talkative and boasted to Zheng Cheng for a long time.

"In my opinion, since alchemical nuclear bombs can be used, we can completely use transport planes to drop alchemical nuclear bombs on those damn aliens' heads. It would be great to blow up those bastards like little boys and fat guys..."

"If I go to the alien battlefield, I will definitely..."

Wang Dong was spitting while talking, and finally found a young man who was younger than himself and knew nothing in the military camp, so he naturally wanted to show off.

Zheng Cheng subconsciously leaned his chair back and had been laughing along with Wang Dong, who was very excited.

"By the way, Brother Wang, who do you think is the strongest professional on the alien battlefield?"

Wang Dong said excitedly, "I say, Brother Zheng Cheng, I'm not sure who the number one professional in our Xia country is. But if you want to know who the strongest professional on the alien battlefield is, I have to discuss it with you!"

"Two Realms Mountain!"

"The strongest professional, without a doubt, is Lord Tang from Tang City!"

"Do you know what his profession is? I'll scare you when I say it!"

"He's a Gunsmith!"

"He can freely operate all hot weapons, and one shot from a cannon can kill hundreds of aliens."

"And now he's already a Legendary Level peak professional at LV99. It's rumored that his strongest skill is called the Heavenly Base Laser Cannon!"

"I heard it from our old squad leader. With one shot from the Heavenly Base Cannon, he directly killed a Legendary Level alien!"

"Underground Cavern!"

"The strongest professional is Lord Zheng Mingsen, hey, he has the same surname as you."

"His profession is a Necromancer! His best skill is the Corpse Sea Tactic!"

"When fighting against the Underground Cavern aliens, Lord Zheng Mingsen can control tens of thousands of skeletons and zombies to stand in front of the aliens."

It is rumored that Lord Zheng also has over a dozen bone dragons under his command.

With Lord Zheng there, the human side of the Underground Cavern world is as solid as a rock!

Wang Dong took a big sip of water and said, "And then there's the Demon Realm, where the human defense line was jointly established by several Western countries."

"I'm not too sure about the specific situation, but I heard that the strongest professional there seems to be a woman!"

"Her name is... Maledi?"

"Her profession is called an Angel! Yes, it's really called an Angel!"

"A profession awakened just three years ago, and in a short three years, she became the strongest professional on the Demon Realm battlefield."

"I heard that her novice skill was resurrection! Isn't that infuriating..."

"An Angel? Resurrection?"

Zheng Cheng's expression also became somewhat strange. Angels are not mythical creatures, and they can become a profession?

And resurrection...

Is the initial profession resurrection?

Then what about other support professions?


Wang Dong shrugged and said, "But I heard her resurrection seems a bit strange."

"Strange... What's strange about it?"

"I heard it from someone else..." Wang Dong smirked, "The people she resurrects seem to become... neither male nor female?"

I recommend a book by a master:

Title: Longevity White Ape, Listening to the Dao at the Daoist Temple for Thirty Years. Synopsis: Ye Cheng is reborn as a little white ape adopted by the Pure Yang Temple and unexpectedly gains a sign-in system.

Sign in once a day.

Can obtain a day's worth of lifespan 100% of the time, and occasionally other rewards.

Ye Cheng is extremely shocked. As long as he signs in every day, can't he live forever?

One day, he accidentally overhears the Pure Yang Temple's Perfected Being talking about a Dao Fruit of the demon martial arts. As long as he listens to the Dao continuously for thirty years, he can activate the Dao Fruit and embark on the path of demon martial arts.

(End of this chapter)

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