I'm Priest, What The Hell Is Acute Gastroenteritis Fulminant Surgery?

52. Chapter 52 Appear! Zhao Yunxiao’S Career!

Chapter 52: Appearance! Zhao Yunxiao's Profession!

The sky was getting dark.

Wang Dong had already left, his excited expression showing that he was not quite satisfied.

Meanwhile, Zheng Cheng was looking outside through the window.

Under the cover of the dark and windy night, chaos and violence were about to unfold!

Suddenly, he faintly heard a commotion in the distance, accompanied by flickering flames.

The military camp had been relatively calm, but as one phone after another was answered, the people in the camp couldn't sit still.

Under the movement of military vehicles, groups of soldiers headed towards the distance.

"It's starting?"

Zheng Cheng frowned. So soon?

*Beep beep beep~!*

The phone suddenly rang, and upon checking, it was a group chat from Chen Xiao, Cai Shen, and a few others.

Chen Xiao: "@ Brother Cheng, where did you go? It seems like there's a fire outside, damn it, several streets have been burned."

Cai Shen: "We have it here too, but because we are not far from the Professional Union, we are still very safe."

Chen Xiao: "What the hell is going on? I think I saw soldiers?"

Chen Xiao: "Could it be the Fallen One...?"

Watching the discussions in the group, Zheng Cheng typed, "You all stay put in the hotel and don't go out..."


As soon as the message was sent, a violent explosion suddenly came from the distance.

The flames soared into the sky, almost covering half of the sky.

At that moment, the entire military camp was in an uproar.

Many people ran out, shocked as they gazed at the flames in the distance.

"That direction... seems to be the magic crystal mine!"

"Damn! It's the magic crystal mine! There's been an explosion there!"

*Beep beep beep... Everyone, assemble quickly and go support the magic crystal mine!*

"Assemble! Hurry, assemble!"

Soon, most of the people in the military camp had gathered.

Military vehicles also started coming out of the garage.

Several commanders made consecutive phone calls and soon drove out in their cars.

In the darkness, several figures also appeared next to Zheng Cheng.

It was Zhao Yunxiao, Xu Chicheng, Pu Jia, and others.

Behind them, there were also a dozen elite members of the Eternal Peace City night watchmen.


"The Fallen One actually dared to attack the magic crystal mine. Do they have a death wish?"

"They really are bold... Although the magic crystal mine in Weihetown is just a branch, it is connected to the main vein of the Qinling Mountains."

"Once the branch mine is blown up, it will also affect the main vein..."

Magic crystal.

It is a type of vein born after the fusion of the alien world and the Blue Planet.

It contains pure energy, also known as spiritual energy, magic power, and so on.

Different countries and professionals have different names for it.

Whether it's professionals constructing formations, researching magic crystal cannons, or casting spells, they all require the support of magic crystals.

Its status is equivalent to the oil before the great catastrophe.

"I'll go take a look."

Meng Fusheng suddenly said, then floated lightly onto the military vehicle.

"I'll leave it to you here."

"The Fallen One dared to attack the vein, so they will definitely send out professional-level personnel."

"If we don't send people now, it's very likely to affect the main vein..."

"Be careful."

Zhao Yunxiao could only speak up.


Meng Fusheng agreed and then left with the military vehicle.

Soon, the entire military camp quieted down.

Xu Chicheng boredly picked at his nails and said, "I really hate these Fallen Ones. If they're coming, they should come quickly. We've been waiting for so long~"

"Little Red Riding Hood, shut up!"

Zhao Yunxiao said coldly, "Our strength has already been weakened quite a bit. If we lose more people..."

"Wait! There's movement!"

The most steady Pu Jia suddenly interrupted the argument.

In the darkness, a thick fog suddenly surged out, covering the entire military camp like a giant net.

*Step, step, step...*

Footsteps emerged from the black fog.

Upon closer inspection, it turned out to be figures with solemn expressions and fanatical eyes!

In front of these figures were several Fallen Ones draped in black robes.

The leader was the envoy with the Black Sun medal, Mu Yao!

"Hehehe... The night watchmen have indeed set a trap here. Our Lord is truly prescient!"

"So what?"

Another burly envoy stepped forward, "With just a few Profound Rank captains, how can they stop us?"


The water spirit chuckled, "Earth Golem, be careful. After all, they are captains~"


Another person spoke, his voice grating like steel rubbing against steel, very unpleasant.

"It seems like my breakthrough task is to kill a night watchman Profound Rank captain. I can complete the breakthrough task today!"

He reached out, and a steel claw suddenly appeared in his hand.

His body suddenly swelled, and sharp spikes emerged from within him.

In an instant, he turned into a steel machine.


He shouted, and Mu Yao, the water spirit, and the earth golem all rushed forward.

Behind them, a large number of Fallen Ones also charged forward.

On the other hand, the bewitched Black Sun Church followers were sitting cross-legged, with solemn expressions, muttering something under their breath.

Pu Jia's eyes flashed, and he quickly ordered, "I'll take care of the Metal Beast and Earth Golem. You all quickly deal with the Water Spirit and Mu Yao, then come help me!"

"Got it!"

Zhao Yunxiao and Xu Chicheng also agreed one after another.

Among them, Pu Jia was the main tank, with the strongest defense.

If it weren't for Meng Fusheng being reassigned, their chances in one-on-one combat wouldn't be small.


Zhao Yunxiao took a deep breath and asked in a low voice, "Zheng Cheng, is your skill that can cause acute gastroenteritis a single-target skill or an area-of-effect skill?"

Zheng Cheng's eyes lit up, but he still said in a low voice, "It's an area-of-effect skill, it can affect up to three people at once."

"Good!" Zhao Yunxiao quickly said, "Follow me, and control whoever I charge towards."



Zhao Yunxiao also shouted, and her figure quickly rushed forward, her hand reaching out, and golden light shimmering.

A silver spear appeared in her delicate hand!

Almost simultaneously, the phantom of a young general holding a long spear and wearing silver armor emerged from Zhao Yunxiao, like a deity!

"The dragon battles in the wild, its blood is mysterious and yellow!"

Almost at the same time, a cold and domineering voice resounded in the minds of everyone present.

Zheng Cheng's eyes narrowed. It was only now that he realized that Zhao Yunxiao's profession was actually a Seven-Star Soul Summoner!

The Seven-Star Soul Summoner can summon historical figures long gone in the river of history to attach to themselves.

This allows them to transform into ancient generals and dominate the world!

The most powerful aspect of this profession lies in the fact that these historical generals have been deified over thousands of years by countless people's worship and transmission.

For example, Guan Yu!

He was revered as the "Martial Saint" in history.

Confucianists called him "Emperor Wen Heng".

Buddhists revered him as the Guardian God, the Ancient Buddha of the Sky.

Taoists revered him as the Great Emperor of the Xiehan, the Flying Han God, and so on.

Once someone awakens as a Seven-Star Soul Summoner and can summon the soul of Guan Yu, they will instantly gain all the abilities of the mythical Guan Yu!

And the historical soul summoned by Zhao Yunxiao was... Zhao Yun!

Zhao Zilong!

(End of this chapter)

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