I'm Priest, What The Hell Is Acute Gastroenteritis Fulminant Surgery?

53. Chapter 53 Ignore The Fallen One Of Acute Gastroenteritis Instant Burst!

Chapter 53 Ignoring the Acute Gastroenteritis Instant Burst Fallen One!

A Fallen One with the fastest speed rushed forward, crossing his hands, and two sharp short swords appeared in his hands.

A strong chill surged, and several icy poison needles appeared on the short swords!

Just as he was about to stab Zhao Yunxiao with these poison needles, he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his stomach, as if something was about to burst out.

Instinctively, he clenched his buttocks, trying to hold back the urge.

But it was too late!

The key to a master's decisive battle lies in an instant!

In the moment he clenched, Zhao Yunxiao had already rushed to him, and with a stab of her long spear, she directly slashed his throat!


His throat immediately burst, and thick blood sprayed out, along with several pieces of shattered bones.

"Uh, uh..."

The Fallen One instinctively covered his neck, trying to stop the blood, but it was futile.

What burst out even more was, after losing control of his nerves, his lower body immediately sprayed out a large mass of feces and collapsed to the ground.

In an instant, Zhao Yunxiao had killed a Fallen One.

Almost simultaneously, another Fallen One also rushed to Zhao Yunxiao's side.

The second Fallen One wielded a long knife, and as Zhao Yunxiao charged towards him, a crimson bloodthirsty light suddenly emanated from his eyes.

"Hehehe, Night Guardian Zhao Yunxiao, I know you!"

"As long as I kill you, my lord..."

Before he could finish speaking, another sharp pain struck his abdomen, and another urge to defecate came over him.

Instinctively, he tried to clench his legs, but immediately realized it was too late.

"Oh no!"

Allowing the viscous feces in his stomach to spew out, he desperately tilted his head to avoid Zhao Yunxiao's attack.

But it was still too late!

In that brief moment, Zhao Yunxiao had already found his weakness.

With another flash of her long spear, it directly pierced through the chest of this Fallen One!

Her figure flickered and appeared behind him.

Her silver dragon spear was stained with blood, and with a light shake, the mist of blood on the spear immediately dispersed.

The entire silver dragon spear was once again clean and bright!

With a "thud," the Fallen One assassin's body fell to the ground, and behind the drum-like skin, there was still a continuous gush of black and yellow feces.

In just a few seconds, Zhao Yunxiao alone had killed two Fallen Ones!

And the originally empty space filled with black mist immediately became permeated with a strong foul odor.


"Spirit, quickly stop that kid!"

The third wood demon who rushed forward roared, quickly clenching his sphincter and retreating.

At the same time, he stomped hard on the ground with one foot, and a large number of vines pierced through the earth, surging out violently.

They transformed into large hands, completely enveloping Zhao Yunxiao's figure.

At the same time, he relaxed his sphincter, and a large mass of feces spewed out.

This kind of control skill was simply terrifying when facing a strong enemy!

"You damn kid, I'm going to kill you...!"

Feeling the coolness in his lower body, the wood demon was burning with anger.

On the other side, the water spirit giggled and wanted to go find Zheng Cheng.


Suddenly, a burst of intense flames surged in the darkness.

The raging flames transformed into a figure and suddenly stood in front of the water spirit.

"What a disgusting Fallen One, actually transforming into that kind of disgusting alien..."

Xu Chicheng!

The water spirit seemed to have touched a nerve, and with a wave of her hand, a large amount of deep blue waves surged over.

"Do you understand... the race chosen by my lord for my reincarnation is the most perfect race, as long as..."

"Water spirit! Quickly get rid of that kid!"

On the other side, the wood demon let out another miserable cry.

In the moment he indulged in releasing his power, Zhao Yunxiao broke through the layers of vines and once again killed him.

Several Night Guardians with strange expressions on their faces.

Why are the Fallen Ones today so... weak?


The earth suddenly burst open, and several completely earth-made spikes violently pierced through Xu Chicheng's body.

The flames exploded, and Xu Chicheng's figure slowly dissipated, turning into flames once again.

The earth elemental's face appeared at the tip of the spike, and he said in a deep voice, "I'll stop him, you go kill that kid!"

"Otherwise, all of us will die here!"

"Earth elemental?"

Xu Chicheng frowned and subconsciously looked in the direction of Pujia.

Didn't Pujia say he could stop two Black Sun Church envoys? How come...

In that direction, the golden beast had turned into a steel giant, engaging in a fierce battle with Pujia.

Pujia, relying on his shield for defense, kept retreating, without any resistance.

With the earth elemental's obstruction, the water spirit immediately bypassed Xu Chicheng and killed towards Zheng Cheng.

"Zheng Cheng, be careful!"


His figure was once again pierced by spikes, and as sparks flew, he could only muster his strength to deal with the earth elemental.


The water spirit giggled, maliciously saying, "I will personally drill into that kid's mouth, and drill out of all the holes in his body, hahaha~"



Suddenly, a long spear carrying endless malevolence shot over from a distance, instantly piercing through the water spirit's body.

The long spear firmly plunged into the ground, pinning the water spirit's entire body to it.

A large amount of viscous liquid gushed out from the water spirit's wound.

Zhao Yunxiao!

When the water spirit wanted to cause trouble for Zheng Cheng, she directly shot the long spear in her hand!

The wood demon was furious, "Zhao Yunxiao! How dare you Spirit Partitioning, I'm going to tear you apart!"


A large number of vines rushed out, killing towards Zhao Yunxiao, who was already defenseless.

But Zhao Yunxiao reached out and a flashing green sword appeared in her hand.

With a casual swing, a bright light flashed, shattering all the vines.

"Zheng Cheng! Run!"

Zhao Yunxiao shouted angrily, and the water spirit, who had been pierced through by her spear from a distance, was now slowly standing up.

Her body surged, and she directly "pulled" herself out from the tip of the long spear.

Seeing this, Zheng Cheng threw out another Acute Gastroenteritis Instant Burst and turned to run!

"You want to run?"

At this moment, the water spirit had completely changed.

Her originally sky-blue body had turned dark green, and a large amount of viscous liquid gushed out from her body.

Her body began to swell, and pustules the size of tadpoles appeared all over her.

Like a plump baby fish, she quickly ran towards Zheng Cheng.

"Go to hell!"

Zheng Cheng, while running, threw an Acute Gastroenteritis Instant Burst at her.


A light sound, and a large amount of viscous feces sprayed out from behind the water spirit's body.

But she ignored it and continued to charge towards Zheng Cheng.


Zheng Cheng was puzzled, "Not affected by Acute Gastroenteritis Instant Burst? How is that possible?"

"No! She was already prepared, or her body structure is special, allowing her to ignore the effects of Acute Gastroenteritis Instant Burst!"

"Go to hell!"

Seeing that she had been unable to catch up to Zheng Cheng, the water spirit, who was behind him, was puzzled by how a Priest could run so fast, but she didn't care.

Instead, she opened her mouth, and a long, thin, and viscous tongue suddenly shot towards Zheng Cheng!

(End of this chapter)

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