I'm Priest, What The Hell Is Acute Gastroenteritis Fulminant Surgery?

54. Chapter 54 Acute Gastroenteritis Instant Burst!

Chapter 54 Bloodthirsty Technique + Acute Gastroenteritis Instant Burst!

The tongue attacked, and Zheng Cheng's figure just slightly dodged the tongue's assault.


The tongue hit the ground, immediately smashing a large hole in the ground.


Shuilin was also somewhat surprised. How could this kid be so fast?

But she didn't care.

She was a strong LV Level 69.

Her four-dimensional attributes of strength and spirit were the strongest, and although her agility was the lowest, it was enough to crush a mere LV6 novice professional.


Her huge body suddenly rolled and rolled towards Zheng Cheng.

At the same time, she encountered two night watchmen on the way, allowing their weapons to slash her.

A large amount of viscous liquid rolled and turned into several large hands, tightly grabbing the two night watchmen.


"Monster! Let go of me!"

The two night watchmen screamed and struggled hard.

Unfortunately, Shuilin's bloated face was full of anger at this moment, roaring, "I'll swallow you! Swallow you!"

"Roar... puff!"

A large mouth split from Shuilin's body, swallowing the two people in one gulp!


On the other side, Zhao Yunxiao's Qingyan Sword suddenly flashed, cutting off several vines of the wooden demon.

"Don't get close to that monster! Use long-range spells to bombard her!"


Shuilin roared again, and her bloated body surged and grew larger again.

The viscous water continued to surge, engulfing the blood and two bodies on the ground, and her body expanded again.

"I'll kill you! You damn woman!"

"I'll tear off all your skin and cover myself with it...!"

Amidst Shuilin's roar, a night watchman magician began to chant softly, forming a large flame in his hands.

Slashing out a blaze, it fiercely smashed onto her body!


The flames scattered and enveloped most of her body.

As sparks flickered, three arrows suddenly shot out from a nearby high-rise building, firmly hitting Shuilin's head!

"Ah... my eyes!"

Shuilin screamed again, and her bloated figure began to tremble violently.

A dark figure leaped from the high-rise building, holding a longbow, and landed next to Zheng Cheng.

"Newcomer? Go to the back."

"We'll take care of this monster!"


Zheng Cheng agreed and ran towards the distance without hesitation.


"Puff puff!!"

Accompanied by a series of breaking sounds, Shuilin's bloated body began to swell and suddenly grew several thick and sturdy tentacles.

Like an octopus, they crazily smashed down towards the crowd.

"Bang! Bang bang!"

Meanwhile, Zheng Cheng's figure had already arrived at another battlefield.

Three night watchmen were fighting three Fallen Ones.

Although these Fallen Ones were not as strong as the night watchmen, their exposed bodies were covered with black patterns like spider webs.

Under the effect of these eerie patterns, they were all fearless and launched suicidal attacks against the three night watchmen.

Seeing this, Zheng Cheng raised a reddish wand in his hand.

Bloodthirsty Technique!


A strange fluctuation suddenly fell on the Fallen Ones.

The already fearless Fallen Ones became even more ferocious after being affected by the Bloodthirsty Technique.

Their canine teeth grew out and fiercely bit towards one of the night watchmen.

"Damn it!"

The night watchman, who looked like a bare-knuckle boxer, was startled and quickly dodged, cursing angrily, "Who the hell used the Bloodthirsty Technique, you..."

Seizing this opportunity, Zheng Cheng raised his hand again.

Acute Gastroenteritis Instant Burst!

"Gurgle... puff!"

In an instant, the Fallen One who wanted to bite with its teeth felt a sharp pain in its stomach.

A large amount of feces burst out directly.


Even the Fallen One, who had been strengthened by the Lord of Darkness through special means, couldn't withstand the double effect of the Bloodthirsty Technique and Acute Gastroenteritis Instant Burst, and let out a piercing scream.

Its whole body collapsed to the ground, curling up like a cooked lobster, trembling violently.

In the viscous manure, there were very conspicuous traces of bright red blood constantly oozing out.

With each gush, its body convulsed violently.


The other two Fallen Ones didn't fare any better.

Squatting instinctively, they were immediately killed by the other two night watchmen when the manure gushed out.

"Damn it...!"

The bare-knuckle boxer night watchman stood still.

What the hell?

How did a perfectly fine person...


The night wind blew, and a foul stench rushed over, almost knocking him to the ground.

"Damn it!"

The boxer cursed, but seeing the pitiful Fallen One lying motionless, he decisively turned and left.

Meanwhile, Zheng Cheng's figure had already moved to another location.

In this way, Zheng Cheng ran around the military camp.

Using the incredible effect of Acute Gastroenteritis Instant Burst, he knocked down one Fallen One after another.

Or they were killed on the spot by the night watchmen.

Especially the combination of Bloodthirsty Technique and Acute Gastroenteritis Instant Burst, which guaranteed a 100% occurrence of anal fissures in Fallen Ones.

The entire military camp was filled with a foul stench.

At least seven or eight Fallen Ones lay on the ground, constantly screaming.

Even the golden beast entangled with Pu Jia was hit by Acute Gastroenteritis Instant Burst.

In the time it took to be stunned, it was hit by a punch from Pu Jia and slammed hard against the wall behind it.


The burly figure of the golden beast burst through the wall, roaring, "Kill that kid!"

"Damn it! Kill that kid quickly!"

"Ah ah ah...!!!"

At this moment, Shuilin also roared, her entire body now turned into a large mass of black sludge.

Dozens of tentacles completely made of viscous liquid were wildly dancing, and the archer night watchman had already been entangled by them.

A large amount of viscous liquid was crazily drilling into the archer's mouth, nose, and ears.

"You brat! Come out!"

"I'll kill you!!!"

"Kill me?"

In the darkness, Zheng Cheng shrugged, "Catch me first, then we'll talk. I don't even know what job this silly woman has reincarnated into with such a big target."

His figure disappeared into the darkness again, heading towards the central battlefield.

In that direction, a large number of ordinary people were still kneeling and praying.

The candlelight in their hands flickered, and the group looked like ghosts.

Zheng Cheng didn't know what these people were up to, but he definitely couldn't let them succeed!


At this moment, the ground under his feet suddenly burst open.

A wooden spike shot out and suddenly pierced towards his head!

Wood demon!

(End of this chapter)

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